you're the apple of my eye { tags




    ↳ named for her ginger fur and not so appetizing personality
    — female ; lesbian
    — warrior of riverclan
    — created 11/27/2022 at 13 moons / ages every 100 posts
    ↳ penned by canine; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
  • calico / TOYHOUSE / OTHER REF
    she is a large calico feline whose fur texture is reminiscent of a fig. her body, which should be pure muscle and something to marvel, is sluggish and lackluster in comparison to her more active clanmates. she keeps herself well groomed as it is her only active pastime aside from the occasional dip in a stream. her claws are well maintained as she spends an absurdly great amount of time making sure they are perfect in every regard. she stands taller than most due to her breed.
  • Intelligence ●●●●
    Confidence ●●●●●
    Charisma ●●
    Creativity ●
    Empathy ●●●●
    Humor ●●●

    — mannerisms: she stands with the pride of a million leaders, despite having no relation to any in history. despite the air of confidence that surrounds her, the she-cat is lazy to a fault- opting to laze about in camp as opposed to conducting her clanly duties. she is obsessed with all things beautiful and is therefore very conscious of her own appearance. should someone foul or dirty meet her gaze she is not afraid to speak her mind and berate the fool for daring to look her way. she yearns for the life of a pampered kittypet, having only heard stories of their luxurious nests and bountiful feasts. oh to never have to work a day again, that is her dream.
  • NPC xx NPC sibling to many npc brothers | mentoring no one, mentored by an npc
    Mate to none | Parent to none
    ──── Close friends with a ghost
    ──── Friends with a ghost
    ──── Likes a ghost
    ──── Dislikes a ghost
    ──── Loathes a ghost
  • strength ●●
    stamina ●
    agility ●
    hunting ●●
    swimming ●●●●
    climbing ●●
    grace ●●●●●
    single ; lesbian / / interested in a ghost
    earn her trust by doing tasks for her, earn her disdain by calling her lazy
    — physical health: [ 100% ] | mental health: [ 100% ]
    — will (not) start fights / will (not) flee / will show mercy
    excels at sleeping, grooming
    poor at fighting, hunting
    — sounds like: voice description / voice claim if u have one— smells of pine
    — speech is #bc2533
  • ► SONG NAME - artis
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

  • BEFORE IC applestem was destined for greatness. or so her parents often told her. her beloved mother and father wanted desperately to produce a female child, but found themselves at a loss with five sons in their first litter. it was a miracle from starclan that their second litter would conceive dear sweet applestem amongst another three more boys. yes, applestem was the only girl amongst eight brothers. stereotypically, one would assume that with so much male influence that she might have adopted some of their mannerisms. this was not to be the case. applestem was pampered beyond all measure. her parents spoiled the kitten rotten and ordered her brothers to do the same. if this produced some bitterness amongst them, she had not noticed nor did she dare to care for she was on a level all her own. she never had to lift a paw for all her needs were catered to. eventually as she and her siblings would grow, she would find that slowly her horde of manservants would shrink. her brothers went off on their own journeys either within the clan or outside, never giving their dear sister a glance. And her parents would unfortunately have had another litter and found themselves blessed with another girl that they would turn all their attention to. this left applestem all on her lonesome, but it did nothing to shrink her massive ego.

    IMPORTANT THREADS / ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development☆ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
    ★ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
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