pafp you're the best around — climbing competition


๋࣭ ⭑☽︎⋆。˚
Nov 12, 2023
While he passed his warrior assessment with flying colors, that did not mean Moonfang was going to take things easy now. His apprenticeship with Foxwhisker is over, but what Foxwhisker taught him remains in his mind. It's important that he takes time every so often to practice what he's learned, so his skills don't have the opportunity to get rusty. So, the bluish-gray tom found himself at Tall Pine. The tree towers above every other tree in the forest, only the bravest SkyClanners dare to reach the top.

He heads over to the massive tree, and with a flick of his tail, unsheathes his claws. He glances over at his clanmates who are also at Tall Pine, who were also practicing their climbing skills. "You know, I nearly made it to the top of Tall Pine when I was an apprentice," Moonfang brags as he looks up towards the massive tree. They're like ants compared to Tall Pine. "Foxwhisker was really impressed with my climbing skills back then," Moonfang meows with a smirk, "I bet I can reach the top now."

The bluish-gray tom was nearly ready to pounce onto the bark of Tall Pine, but then his ears prick in the direction of paw steps. He looks over his shoulder, watching as @CHRYSALISWING makes their way over to the crowd of cats.

  • please wait for chrys to post before replying! <3
  • 73373704_GvVtFDtFrH4zYDv.png

  • Moonfang
    experience: trained
    backstory: mistaken identity
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: bluish-gray
    fur length: short
    parents: persephone and hades (kittypet npcs)
    12 moons

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Nothing irritated the wildfire-blazed tom more than undue arrogance, and nothing satisfied him more than knocking a prideful cat from their haughty perch. No creature was deserving of pride, as though it were a smoldering coal dancing between flighty hands, too hot to hold and too hasty to hinder. Not even he deserved it, he mused, though that never stopped the bitterness from revolting within him like a meal of crowfood. It was almost akin to swallowing fire, the very essence of the molten sun-down, and tasting nothing but pungent metal. It was that same terribly wet taste that he could feel forming on his tongue now. That flavor of distaste, of unadulterated acrimony, was something he would always spit out at a moment's notice.

The feathery-plumed tom stood a little over the newly-appointed warrior Moonfang, with a wispy coat serving to magnify Chrysaliswing's stature, as though the sky of sunsets and smog pulled outwards to the blue. An intense, mismatched gaze trailed along Moonfang's countenance - it was a look he gave even to strangers, that conflagration devouring all light. Perhaps he had been like the grey feline, with shoes too big to fill and mind too inundated with wanderlust to not traipse forth like a kit imitating a geriatric wobble.

Well, no cat ever counted on him to analyze his life.

"I doubt a warrior who still has kitten fluff on his face can climb to the top of the tree. Go ahead and try - I'd love to see you break your back when you fall." Chrys sneered, whiskers twitching with energy rife and riled in an excited sort of hatred, as though it were the kind that a sworn nemesis harbored when their adversary bowed their head to them. He motioned to the bark with his head, like he was trying to signal that he could do much better than a cat whose warrior name was still ripe on their tongue. And he was.

Competitions were quite common between denmates, enough that Applefrost didn't find this particular sequence such a surprise. Even before the rise of SkyClan, when she and her siblings were still toddling about in the Pines and learning how to survive they often played to practice balancing onto the footholds from the bark. Many injuries were made only mere moments after a 'watch this!' or 'I can do it better!'. Many well rewarded bruises from the harsh impact against the forest floor had also trained them to do just as they dared- to win. To succeed and best their competition.

"Do you have much experience in climbing, @BEAR ?" Wide pale eyes flickered over to the larger tom, assessing a tangled cinnamon coat quickly before coming up with her own answer. She would assume he did not get a chance at what SkyClan prided themselves on very often. Especially considering he entered their ranks so gaunt and unwell when leaf-fall made for fat birds and squirrels.

Whatever his answer may be, if he bothered to give her one, would be nodded to as she turned back to the pair in front of them. "What happens when Moonfang does? Are you going to join him up there?" Applefrost purred in a teasing manner.
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Chrysaliswing hadn't left his unpleasantness in his youth, it seemed. Once upon a time he'd been a little softer with certain cats- Honeysplash came to mind for a moment, who brought with her a flare of envy, which... made no sense anymore. Old feelings. A new feeling that surged in his gut was one of discomforted abandonment, a great sympathy for Quillstrike, and an ever-there sense of great uncertainty about her actions.

A dare lay in Chrysaliswing's tone, though the idea that anyone would love to see a broken back was absolutely unfathomable and completely horrifying to Twitchbolt. It had to be a horrible sight, one he was lucky for never having seen, and the thought of him made him look to Chrysaliswing with wide-eyed disdain.

Applefrost took a little bit more of a teasing tone, though- the sort that soothed him somewhat, and his prickling fur took it upon itself to lay a little bit flat once more. "Maybe he'll- he'll squash you on the way down." It was something of a joke from his own maw, but given shakily, in a manner that rather betrayed he didn't really want anyone to break anything.
penned by pin ✧

The climbing phenomena like all things about clan life, is mystifying, climbing has never appealed to him, been more of a necessity for travelling around twolegplace. Tall trees that populated the area a common sight in SkyClan, Bear has come to discover. As usual he's a few steps behind, paying close attention to their surroundings.

Fences. That's it." He grunts, swinging his head towards Applefrost, eyes temporarily parting ways with the high reaching pine trees. Only high up sights of stone walls and high brown fences are a picture he's long accustomed to, from his experience prey has always been fleeting, mostly on the grimy grounds of alleyways. Watching the display with a vaguely horrified amusement, he's not altogether fond of heights, though they seem bearable. Moonfang's boast and the confident reply invokes the ghost of a smile across his maw, a rare and fleeting sight, he's unsure of the level of hostility he's supposed to be seeing, resigning himself to solitude impacting him more than he's ever willing to admit. His lips twitch at Twitchbolt's suggestion. "Who's better?" he muses, mostly to himself.