❪ TAGS ❫ — The embarrassment and shame of the failed hunting patrol on ThunderClan territory had finally begun to subside... Roosterstrut didn't like to think about it all too much, negative feelings still surrounded it and could resurface at any moment. However, life had to continue. Just as he had done before, he got to his paws and carried on, even if doing so felt sickening.

His goal today was to sharpen up his combat skills. Roosterstrut was a skilled fighter at his core, but empathy and passiveness had stood in his way of turning the tide with his confrontation with the ThunderClanners. The orange tabby knew that he needed to change that, to not be so wrapped up in emotion in the heat of battle.

The warrior's opponent today was none other than ShadowClan's deputy, Chilledgaze. Roosterstrut is certain that he's sparred with them in the past, but not for a long while. Olive hues meeting icy blue, stance wide and combat-ready, he says, "Alright, your go." Whatever move Chilledgaze decides to throw at him first, he's determined to use his wits in order to appropriately react.

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they prided themself on being a fairly good fighter. it wasn't an uncommon sight to have seen them sparred, and it's safe to say that they sparred well. but in their own humble opinion, they could always be better. they could always fight harder. with the recent events leaving them running from thunderclan's territory with their tails between their legs, the deputy made a point to not let that happen again. they weren't there– they couldn't be– but they needed their warriors to be stronger. most every clan hated their guts, and even their allies were a bit on thin ice when it came to the hatred. they needed to be able to fend for themselves.

when roosterstrut had asked them to spar, they were eager to say yes. they'd heard of how roosterstrut's own morals had him hesitant. those were all good and well, but not when his own life was at stake. or the life of his clanmates. chilledgaze didn't scold, however. they knew that he didn't mean any harm, and it wasn't as if he was actively trying to help the thunderclanners. still, they needed him to be a bit more tough. seems he wanted the same for himself as well. they give their tail a final lash, as if to say they understood. they had no intentions of fighting fair, as other clans would say, but this wasn't other clans. this was shadowclan. and they have every right to be a sneaky and fight as dirty as the marshes they lived in.

with a twitch of their ear, they flexed their claws for a moment before dashing forward. their first move was a simple one, as they aimed to slam their paw down on top of roosterstrut's head, in an attempt to daze him. they didn't try another move, only because they wished to see how he would react to the first one. they liked to watch first, and then act once more. most cats could be pretty predictable in battle– would rooster be the same?

Fighting was something that Ferndance liked perhaps a little too much. She had no qualms about taking lives or doing things that were morally questionable, how was one supposed to apply values and morality when they'd spent the first two years of their life being completely unaware of their existence? Thrills and whims were the only things the ticked tabby had been taught to follow, and it was such an impulse that day that drove her to move closer when a young warrior called a spar with Chilledgaze. Her gaze flickered between Chilledgaze and Roosterstrut, her teeth quietly chattering together as she tried to make a decision on who to support. She liked them both in her own way, the one she'd seen grow up and she'd supported him where she could, the other she didn't find to be bad company even when compared to some of her more favoured ShadowClanners. Before she could decide, Chilledgaze had lunged towards the orange tabby, her eyes blinking into a widened state in anticipation of the blows that would follow. She reclined on her haunches, the she-cat even more eager to see them dance than usual after her defeat on the second hunting patrol.

She didn't know if it was because it would be good experience to watch or if she just wanted to see someone else lose for a change. Either way, her large ears perked forwards, and a definitive mew pierced the air. "Go Rooster! Go Chilled! Go ShadowClan!" Ferndance wouldn't fence sit for long.
❪ TAGS ❫Smack, Chilledgaze's paw comes slamming down upon his noggin. Ow, that kinda hurt. Roosterstrut would hardly call it an injury, for it didn't even draw blood, but he wouldn't lie and say that it probably wouldn't cause a minor bruise.

He winced, if only for a moment. What good would a spar be if it wasn't even semi-realistic, though? Scuffs and bruises were the standard... for an effective training session, anyway. His ears pricked, hearing Ferndance cheering them on from the sidelines, though his gaze doesn't tear from the deputy.

Only a split-second of recoil he allowed for, because Roosterstrut had to think quickly. He knew that a successful fight included a fair balance of strategizing and simply trusting your gut and making your move. Throwing yourself at your opponent blindly wasn't always the smartest choice to make, but standing there and overthinking things only made him into a sitting duck.

Perhaps the first choice here was to spring off of his hind legs and barrel right into Chilledgaze's chest, but he was a ShadowClanner. They were trained to not always go for the obvious. Roosterstrut skirted to the right side of Chilledgaze before darting a step to the left and aiming to barrel into their flank. He was not exactly the swiftest hare in the land, not like a WindClanner was, so a cat more agile than him probably had a good shot at deflecting his attack.
Dogfur did not like battle. He preferred a quick and easy end to any confrontation he was presented with. "Stupid" as he was, he at least recognized that most battles and wars between the Clans would not be a quick assassination or two. A shame, Dogfur thought, as his eyes followed the flash of orange and flash of black. Many more lives would be saved if only one cat at the head of the group had to die.

"Hey, Ferndance," He smiled at his friend, taking a seat next to her on scrawny haunches. "Would you like to take a bet on who wins? Winner gets first fresh kill pick—just between us two." A twitch of his crooked whiskers and a shudder of his pelt later, he continued. "I'm thinking it'll be Chilled." He commented, not at all interested in cheering for any of them.