Love is a complicated thing in Ribbitleap’s eyes. He’s seen what it can do, seen what it can tear down, what it can rebuild. He’s seen how unhappy Geckoscreech once was in the wake of his brother’s death and he’s seen how happy she was with Chilledstar. However, he’s also seen how happy Starlingheart once was with Granitepelt, seen what the repercussions of such a love is.

Most everyone who Ribbitleap has ever loved is gone now. His mother is missing, the rest of his family is dead. Would his future mate’s fate be the same? His future children? Loved, only to be torn away from him?

It’s the topic of conversation these days — the warm seasons always bring out gossip, the safety of a full kill-pile and a lack of most sicknesses sending wistful eyes toward the nursery. Who’s in love, who’s not, who would make a good pairing. He counts himself lucky to never hear his name in moments of accidental eavesdropping.

Though today, he’s faced with some bored warriors asking him questions. Who does he love, who does he not. Ribbitleap doesn’t answer either, of course. There’s no need to, and even if there was, he had no answer. The brown tabby continues to repair a weak patch in the bramble wall, ears twitching at persistent questions.

But don’t you want kits? “ One asks, as if it might be the end of the world if he doesn’t. Would it be? He doubts it. There’s plenty of apprentices waiting to be warriors, plenty of kits waiting to be apprentices. ShadowClan would still thrive.

Maybe… “ he absentmindedly answers, a flick of the tail following. “ Maybe next new-leaf. Not this one.

So, there is someone! “ Ribbitleap shakes his head, before carefully pulling at a bramble with his teeth. A gasp follows, the persistent warrior’s eyes brightening. “ We should set you up! “ The brown tabby stops, turning to look at his company.

No thanks? “ he offers them. He’s fine on his own, isn’t he? He can find someone himself, right?

Oh, come on! “ the bored warrior turns, looking for the nearest cat. “ Hey — Who do you think Ribbitleap would look good with? Oh, come on! There must be someone who’d want to be with him! “ His pelt suddenly feels hot as he turns toward the bramble wall once more, hoping this conversation ends soon.
  • // PROMPT: Whispers in the wind are saying that love tends to bloom in this season. Write on your character's perception of love. Is love important in their eyes? What does love look like to them? Do they have any past experiences with love that are significant to their character?
  • 75352496_gFsg6B3oNHI0fCV.png
    ── Warrior of ShadowClan

    ── Geckoscreech x Toad's Prowl
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A brown tabby tom with green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Rustleap
    ── "Speech"; Attack

Oh the topic of love!. Basilpaw knew he shouldn't be thinking about that because it was all gross and all!. At least that is what Pipitclaw had told him!. But!. He couldn't really help it. There might even be someone who had caught his eye recently!, even if Basilpaw was far too dumb to have realized that just yet. But he was sure there was something wrong with his stomach! maybe worms was living in there eating him up from the inside whenever he saw that molly!. That was actually terrifying...was he going to die?!. He was actully trying to keep himself away from her just in case. Basilpaw could have got himself a panic attack right there and then if not he was focused all on Ribbitleap and the question that his clanmates had so kindly asked out for all of them to hear!. Basilpaw who was always willing to give his advice to anyone who didn't ask about it were quick to run up to the warrior in desperate need of his help!.

" Don't worry Ribbitleap i Basillovematcher will help you out!. How about Lilacfur?. Isn't she very pretty! and she has kits too so you won't even need to have to wait for next newleaf!. Isn't that just perfect?." his eyes sparked, beaming under the sunlight thinking Ribbitleap and Lilacfur would be a good match!. He was sure they would like each other but what if Ribbitleap not liked mollies?. Don't worry! Basilpaw had a reserve plan for that too!. " Or! or! or! I think Scorchfrost could be a match for you!. He is not the most talkactive and i think he is actually a bit lonely at times so you could become his...uhm, sunshine?. Yeah!! you can become his ray of sunshine who always makes him wake up with a smile!." Look how good he was at this!. Basilpaw for sure would get praised for this, right?. He was being so very helpful right now! making sure Ribbitleap not would die alone anymore!.

// i just had to i've been dying for someone to make this prompt xD this is retro to his injury and sorry if the ages are to wild! remember that Basil is a silly dumb lil guy <33


The idea of Scorchfrost going for a young warrior was, at best, laughable. He wasn't one for nursery-snatching, much less romance. He was old, he worked a lot, he wasn't really that nice, and he just didn't care for it. He tried it out when he was younger, it failed, and he didn't try again. He might think about it sometimes, how nice it would be to have someone to confide in, spend time with, be able to do cheesy, stupid things with, but it wasn't fated to be and he'd accepted it.. mostly.

Basilpaw's suggestion was incredibly funny though. Scorchfrost was glad that he was close enough to choke, pause, and burst out laughing. He'd been having a bite to eat before a patrol, a decision that resulted in him nearly hacking up a lung while he cackled." I... I- HA!" It took a moment for his breathing to even itself out, occasionally wheezing as he tried to speak. " I might be- ha! I might be pretty, but I could be his father three-times over. " Some folks may be into things like that but not Scorchfrost. " He'd be lucky to score me. "

Scorchfrost didn't have a lot of time to waste today, he'd been waiting for the patrol after all, so, with another chuckle and a bemused shake of his head, he headed off to go hunt. He could be heard laughing to himself as he left the camp.
  • Haha
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Unbeknownst to Mirepurr, Ribbitleap shares quite a bit of their thoughts regarding the topic of love. It's just not something that came up often... if ever. Small, fleeting crushes during apprenticehood was nothing big, born more out of admiration and a desire to copy the talented ones than out of anything romantic. Then, warriorhood had been so busy- and Mirepurr doubts it will ever get any easier. There is always something to keep in mind, to work towards, simply to do. While the idea of getting to cuddle up to someone during the night and share whatever is on their heart is a cute enough idea, they just haven't felt the pull of butterflies in their stomach yet like some couples have described.

What Mirepurr knows for sure when it comes to Ribbitleap is that they do not wish to be in his place right now. Uncomfortable questions keep coming his way, and it seems there is no way out.

Even Basilpaw - no, Basillovematcher, of course - comes to his unfortunate aid. Despite feeling pity for the warrior, the idea of him becoming all lovey-dovey with Scorchfrost was surprising enough that they almost choke on a feather, their sharp inhale causing it to fly towards their throat. Their food loses its taste now for something more interesting; saving Ribbitleap.

"Oh, hush now." Their voice is soft as ever, carrying no ill-intent as they address Basilpaw. "I think Ribbitleap can decide for himself. But, since we are on topic, should we help you find your perfect match instead?"