wc rebels YOURE UNSUITED FOR THE RAGE OF WAR || Battle Training

"EVERYBODY GATHER ROUND!" Morningsong calls, voice no longer holding the warmth and song it once did. Instead, it is harsh and ragged.

He was put in charge of a battle training session and he was going to make sure everyone in attendance was doing their part. They needed to be ready to kill their former clanmates, and he was going to drive this point home. Blood used to make him uneasy, but now? He wants to see it flow. He wants to see every single one of the cats currently in camp with their throats slit wide open. For that to happen, everyone needed too be in tip top shape. When enough cats gather at his call, he begins to speak.

"This is a battle training session. Pick a partner." He states. "When we meet Sootstar's loyalists in battle, they will not hesitate to rip your throats open. They hate you. They want you dead in the ground. When you look at them, you may see former clanmates. Cats you care about. Friends, family..." He says, jumping right into his lecture.

"But they do not see the same when they look at you! They see you as an enemy to be slain! A stain on the moors, vile turncoats fit for nothing but crowfood! Cowards with no loyalty!" He cries out, repeating insults he has heard himself of him and his family. "They will not hesitate to kill you for the perceived slight of betrayal they saw when you flee with Sunstride to the horseplace. And I am telling you that you must ALSO be ready to kill when the time comes. You will be shown no mercy, and so you must not show any either."

His gaze pierces into the cats present. Dramatics aside, he wants it clear that he is not joking and is in fact deathly serious. He sits hunched like a vulture, no longer bothering to look elegant like he used to. "I want you to spar with each other, help each other improve. Specifically, I want you to practice how to deliver killing blows and how to counter them. We must be ready for battle whenever it strikes. Remember to keep your claws in, we can't afford unnecessary injury right now." He finishes. He looks at everyone expectantly.​
She doesn't have to listen to Morningsong. All she's gotta listen to is Brightshine and Heavy Snow and Sunstride and maybe Scorchstreak sometimes. Pinkpaw stomps over to tell him that just because they're kin doesn't mean she's gotta listen to her and she's gonna do what she wants— but um, partners sounds like a game! And she likes games! Games are her favorite thing, even. Who's gonna be her partner? Finchpaw, obviously. ...But what about Downypaw? " Can we have two partners? " And what about Featherpaw?? " Can we have three? " she presses. This is crucial information! She doesn't want any of her friends to be left out!

She's so busy pondering this that she only hears, like, half of what Morningsong says! And he rambles on and onnn.... Pinkpaw gapes, the slivers of his speech falling upon shocked ears. " Who's killing me? No way! I'll kill them! " she insists, not totally sure who them is. She just knows they're not gonna kill her, cause she's never gonna die. Easy. Her partners aren't the ones she's killing, right? Maybe she should have no partners instead then so all her friends can live...

And then she realizes— euuugh, sparring! All she does is spar, and she's tired of it! She's gonna spar Morningsong in his face, instead! Silently, Pinkpaw slips into her warrior's crouch. Her rump wiggles in the air as she prepares her devastating killing blow...

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    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with sunburst eyes ringed blue around her pupils (central heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​

Featherpaw found himself quite unimpressed with Morningsong's theatrics. She'd always known him as a happy-go-lucky sort of face. Too loud, like the rest of his kin. And he was loud now, blowing up Featherpaw's headache and furrowing his brow intensely. He did not need some faux-tough warrior putting on a face to explain to him the dangers of what they were about to face. Featherpaw had watched Sootstar and her loyalists try to rip apart her father limb from limb- the savagery of all of it was very obvious to her.

Some, though, did need it shoving down their throats. Pinkpaw was one of such cats, but Featherpaw would wager that he more than anyone knew that she was impenetrable. No amount of lecturing would make her understand, and he hated how it made him feel, watching her adamantly throw herself toward Morningsong, who wore the mask of a dog who would bite her in half. "It's not exciting, puh... P-Pinkpaw," Featherpaw snapped, but it was too late- she was already flying foward, a blaze of ashy patches.

Featherpaw's face collapsed into defeat. Scorching eyes of winter sun harshly searched the surroundings for his own partner, sure not to let his guard down for a second. A killing blow, even if it was feigned, would not touch him today.
✦ penned by pin
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Rattleheart couldn't remember a time when he had heard Morningsong's voice so stern, echoing out around their temporary home like a battle cry before the actual fight had begun. Gone was the usual humor or sarcasm, replaced by something far more dour and serious. Not that the tunneler could blame him, considering all that they could - and likely would - be dealing with in the coming days. Still, he found himself wishing not for the first time that they could all just have a chance to relax. A chance to catch their collective breath and not feel like the world was falling apart or like they were under constant pressure, the unfortunate default state that they had all ended up in for more than a moon now. He kept telling himself they'd have time for that once they were back home, but... how long would it be before a straw ended up breaking the camel's back?

It was hard to shake off those thoughts as he grew closer, a soft sigh leaving him when he heard Pinkpaw's response. Rattleheart didn't even really have it in him to be annoyed with the apprentice herself - she was still just a child, forced into impossible circumstances. It was almost a positive that she didn't seem worn down to dust by everything, even if he did want to see her be able to defend herself. The contrast between her and Featherpaw was almost as harsh as the black and white of his own pelt, though he wouldn't place either of them above the other. Featherpaw's dedication was admirable, but hadn't he deserved a chance to just be a child too? To not see her father's pelt torn to shreds by loyalists that spewed poison from their muzzles?

Just thinking about it drove Rattleheart in Featherpaw's direction, figuring that Morningsong could deal with the enthusiasm that Pinkpaw was showing already. "Featherpaw. Would you like to spar with me? I know it might not seem very fair, but I doubt Sootstar's loyalists will fight very fair either... plus I'm pretty tiny myself." A soft chuckle left him at his own comment, though it was more just regarding their physical matchup. He knew quite well - having watched his sister in battle and sparred her before - just how vicious a smaller opponent could be, and how such a size difference could be used to their advantage.
It is strange to hear another's command. That the two she-cats ordered these at all is a point of....strangeness to his soul. As if something had been taken against his will — as good as it may be to let it go, it is still gone. Morningsong is a young cat. He had been the same once. A bold warrior despite his youth, making demands of those beyond him by right of skill. And birthright, though that the other cannot claim. The worst of WindClan's worst, so Sootstar had once thought. He wonders if his own bloodline would claim such a title now. Or was it Badgermoon's? Her own? Morningsong's family may have seen it first, but no longer were they alone. Each cat here had made their decision. They would survive it all together.

That Morningsong asks them to practice their killing blows is a grim reminder of this risk. The terrible thought that they would not survive this together. That some of them may join the stars as they are today. Not as they will be, when their bones have grown weary with age and their hearts full with a life lived. Death in battle is an honorable thing, yet fatherhood had made him weak. His own were among those that might die. (There was so much more for them to do.) A gentle scowl on his face, the burnished warrior remains where he is, leaning against the comfort of the cool barn wall. He will not join in of his own volition, but should any ask, they will find a willing teacher in Sunstride.

  • OOC.
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    ——– HE – HIM – HIS ╱╱ 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.