you've. been. chosen. ⸸ RETURN

Part of him doesn't really want to go back to how things once were. He had enjoyed the journey, had enjoyed the freedom, had liked being relied on and respected in a way he did not get in ShadowClan but he also would not simply abandon Starlingheart. Magpiepaw had missed her, a lot more than he realized, for his pace quickened as swiftly as he was able with his hobbling steps as they reached the border to ShadowClan and waited to cross the thunderpath safely and together. The black and white apprentice was thankful for the two ThunderClanners on either side of him, keeping him moving in a straight line and helping him not tumble or trip across the hot tarmac.
The scent of the marshland was nostalgic, welcoming, he would not miss the terribly claustrophobic trees and the cold cliffs of the mountain pass but he would never forget it either. Magpiepaw felt older somehow, even though only a moon had passed he felt as if he knew more about the world, as if his skills had been put to the test and he had succeeded rather than failed. Stormpaw may not be able to use her legs, but she'd lived. Perwinklebreeze nearly lost his eye, but he'd saved it. Lightstrike would always have a scar on his face, Iciclefang would wear hers on her shoulder, Slate made it out of the narrow cave passageway. They had lost Little Wolf, but his skill would not have been able to save her no matter how advanced it was, a fatal wound was a fatal wound but he had gotten to send her off at least...
Magpiepaw came home changed, hopefully for the better.
"They usually patrol around this time..." He explained to the two bigger forest cats, "I wonder if the others made it home alright." The journey cats who had gone on ahead, his clanmates, it would be an absurd tragedy if one of them didn't make it from such a short trek home without a healer. There would be judgement.
"Thank you again, by the way..." The apprentice commented, glancing to them both and then turning to focus on Hailstorm with an intense stare, "...for everything."

  • ThunderClan Escorts: @WOLFWIND & @HAILSTORM. (But not PAFP)

  • 71106748_sHwOMVBEMYvXzVS.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.


Days have passed since the journey cats had returned, but her apprentice had not been among them. Not the first wave of them, at least. Stayed behind Smogmaw had said. The only ShadowClanner who had. (Other than a desserter but Starlingheart tries not to think of him, nor does she want to think about the daughter he has left behind. It seems someone is always being left behind). She can do little else but wait, though each day that passes without his presence makes it feel more and more like some vital piece of her is missing, like she has become crippled in some way.

Even more days pass and she finds that she is growing restless, finds herself leaving camp more and more. Especially now that many of her bed ridden patients are beginning to come back to the waking world. She has so much more free time on her paws and the idleness would kill her she thinks. Her thoughts would overrun her and she would be left spiraling. So on most days, she grabs a warrior escort and she makes her way into the forest. "To-to look for herbs" she says, though that is only half of the truth.

Going to the outskirts of their territory was a long trek, and she hopes that whoever had decided to accompany her today did not mind. She would not apologize either way. For all they knew, the plant she searched for only grew here. When their jaunt to the border closes to highstones proves fruitless she tries not to let the disappointment on her face show, but it is clear by the way her round green eyes search the distant horizon that her sole purpose is not just to look for herbs. With a sigh she turns away. "Let's walk home along Th-Thunderclan's border" she suggests to her companion.

Long ago, the thunder-path was a dark symbol to her, something that she strived to stay away from at any cost. It reminded her of death, of depression and screaming, of a family ripped apart by a single moment. Moons have passed since then, the stain that marked the spot where her mother had met her end had been washed away by countless moons of rain, and Starlingheart finds that when she tries to conjure an image of the spiky-furred she-cat in her mind, it is distorted and fuzzy. Grief lessened by the passage of time.

Still, she finds that when they near the spot she slows. "Ju-just a quick stop" she murmurs softly. She steps out of the undergrowth, scrawny body parting the ferns barely clinging to life on the verge of green and black. And that's when it happens. Of all the places she had imagined her reunion with her apprentice this had not been one of them and yet his voice is hitting her ears and then suddenly he is here flanked by ThunderClanners no less. She blinks hard. One, twice, three times, desperately trying to figure out if this was a cruel dream of if she was indeed one with the waking world. "Magpiepaw?" she says, her voice faltering towards the end as if she is afraid that at any moment the illusion would shatter and he would disappear again. Her eyes fill with tears and she does not bother to wipe them away but instead she lets them flow freely, lets them stain her cheeks as her paws beg her to propel her closer to him.

She stops at the border though, paws touching a hard black surface and gaze desperately urging him to come home


Stumpyspots pads dutifully alongside Starlingheart, allowing the black and white medicine cat to lead the way through the marshland. The calico is in no rush and her paws are use to conversing the territory all over the place, border patrols more than once a day, the walking about does not bother her. The yellowcough outbreak had been more than enough to teach Stumpyspots how important it was for medicine cats to be stocked up on their herbs, if she had to escort Starlingheart all day to do that so be it.

They find themselves along the thunderpath, behind Starlingheart the calico steps out from the undergrowth to fixate her gaze upon a ThunderClan patrol. Though he has aged, it’s impossible not to recognize the mysterious and big-eyed Magpiepaw. He stands with two ThunderClan warriors flanking him, Hailstorm and Wolfwind if memory serves her correct.

”Oh thats him alright, the boy is home!” Stumpyspots bears an ugly grin and thunderous purrs rumble in her chest. She steps forward to continue to stand beside Starlingheart, ”We’ve been waitin’ on you! Was startin’ to get worried.” She would be pleased to have the oddball back around, and good StarClan they certainly appear older…
  • » Half Maw . Stumpyspots
    » ShadowClan Warrior
    » She/her ․ Twice Widowed
    » Calico she-cat with rounded features.
    » ”speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy hitting foe capable of standing her ground
    » Excels in slow, but powerful blows and kicks.
    » Fights to defend and protect
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
I SEE A SONG OF PAST ROMANCE — Hailstorm had been walking but picked up the pace when he realized just how much Magpiepaw was eager to return home and the snowy warrior cannot help but smile a little until they reach the Thunderpath remembering how they needed to cross one at the beginning of the journey. He thinks about all the cats he had seen and met yet Magpiepaw had always been a welcomed prescene since their time together in the caves, simple interactions where the other would lean against him for support, healing the injured, and putting together a vigil for Little Wolf. The sepia tom had thanked Magpiepaw for everything for all that he did and now as his rough paws touch the familiar asphalt of the Thunderpath that monsters that ran across it. He speaks with a slow nod "I'm sure they did. Smogmaw likely kept em in order," He offers and Magpiepaw begins to thank them before focusing intensely at Hailstorm, this earns a taken back blink of his eyes before a sad smile tugs at the corners of his mouth.

The same words he had uttered during the vigil, he gives another nod of his head before his gaze focuses on the voices on the other side of the Thunderpath and perked his ears forward. Even if Shadowclan hadn't gone to pick up Magpiepaw at Highstones, at least, he would be guided home safely by his own clanmates to camp. "Looks like you have a welcoming party," He mumbles gently only to briefly turn to Wolfwind waiting for her direction though offers a polite dip of his head to the Shadowclanners across the road.

  • Untitled243_20231014160843.png
    ✦ longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    ✦ amab he/him ; other pronouns used towards him will confuse him
    ✦ 49 moons old
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength, his large size, and wits
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed

It is on another patrol, one separate to Starlingheart's piddling excursion, that sees the ShadowClan deputy drifting along the territorial line. His broad frame jostles through reeds and bulrushes, ashen colours eclipsed by the wispy underbrush's visual shield. Discretion serves as his preferred means to conduct these patrols. In turn, patrols foster fertile grounds for ruminating, pondering, clawing at his mind over whatever pressing matters the clan, or he, must attend to. The two go paw-in-paw, really, and pressing matters have certainly come at them from all angles as of late.

That said, the tom finds no qualms in departing the shadows when his patrol intercepts another group. Five cats altogether linger at the thunderpath's cusp. Two who'd crept out of camp, two who heralded ThunderClan as their home—and one, at long last, reuniting with his homeland.

"There you are," remarks the deputy, edging near the patrol's head. Listless pawsteps propel him towards the meagre gathering, and he flicks a nod or two in the neighbouring visitors' direction. "Happy to have you with us once more. Reckon Stormpaw's home safe, then?" Any interest he'd once invested in the topic has long since waned, and his monotonous drawl underscores the fact. He asks it as a formality more than all else, anyhow.

Magpiepaw's reappearance gives rise to dual responses in his gut. The wiggly little apprentice worked as the lone healer for the travelling party, and had he not mended so many cuts and scrapes along the way, the loss of life may have been more pronounced throughout it all. Smogmaw supposes a fraction of himself is thankful. Yet, the larger, far more embittered half cannot reconcile how he'd opted to tarry with the delayed group. Not when his own ailing clan was already short on a healer.

Blinking slowly, his focus pivots to Hailstorm. The secondmost recent widow in the midst. His stoney-faced facade falters by the slightest degree. Smogmaw recalls the lens of utmost indifference through which he'd viewed Little Wolf's remains. He recalls how, at the time, he thought the grief-stricken tom to be just another victim of this world's indiscriminate and unseen forces. In the jarring, unforgiving wake of learning his own mate's sudden death, though, he looks at Hailstorm anew. "Couldn't keep 'em all in order, unfortunately," he grumbles, a forced, false chuckle in tow. "Honeyjaw chose to walk his own path. Gives us all the more comfort to see Magpiepaw home."


maggotpaw & 12 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan apprentice

She is only here because starlingheart is - well, and it means another opportunity to worm her way into smogmaws good graces. Each time theyleave camp, she wonders absently if they'll stumble acrosshalfkit and her sibling - wonders if she'll ever see the furball again, or if she's become food for the bugs and the birds after all. But it's not two-tones hues and pale cream and blue tabby fur that meets her today - instead it is an all too familiar ink black tom. Blue-furred figure can only stare, vivid eyes blinking slowly.

"You're back," compared to the others on patrol, maggotpaws words come out sounding lackluster - unenthusiastic really. The reality is, she simply doesn't know how to react - far too much has happened in his absence, leaving the girl floundering for a moment. Halfshades death and her begrudging fondness for the child she'd brought into the world, the invasion of the rogues upon the other clans territories, her reunion with sunflowermask and the painful feelings she's now faced with, her tiny... friends disappearance. It's all a bit too much to put into words. She's- well, she doesn't even know what she's feeling. "I'm... glad," there - that was enough right? He'd understand.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a massive tabby she-cat with striking turquoise eyes, there has always been something not-right about her. cold and apathetic, and more than a bit unhinged, the monster that is maggotpaw is a volitile presence within shadowclan. she seems strangely taken by magpiepaw, putting herself in role of both tormentor and protector.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mediumpurple]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

Magpiepaw was an odd one. But when it comes to the inner workings of ShadowClan, Wolfwind doesn't see why he should be anything but. Strange on its own ain't all that bad... Where Wolfwind gets fed - up, is when strange pairs with unfriendly and fun - hating.

Magpiepaw was neither of those things though. He proved as much, having tagged along with ThunderClan just to be sure of the state of one injured Stormpaw. It's a kindness she almost thinks no other ShadowClanner would've offered. Or maybe it was the journey that had changed 'em. Even the WindClanner amongst those few had looked meek. But hell, maybe he wasn't WindClan at all, with how faint the scent of heather had been on that one.

Wolfwind knew ShadowClan well. Moreso than she would've ever wanted to, given the... somewhat recent extended stay they'd been granted. She'd be happy never setting eyes on the ugly place again, but their medicine cat apprentice needed to be home. Wolfwind owed him as much, for all he's done. Hailstorm accompanies them both, a trusted warrior and someone who was sure to have bonded with Magpiepaw over the course of the last moon or so... A pale ear flickers in acknowledgement. She spares a glance across the Thunderpath. Magpiepaw and Hailstorm exchange somethin' between their gazes. That's fine.

Starlingheart is the first ShadowClanner they spot. Good, they wouldn't have to stand around for long. The wave of her tail to ShadowClan is formality. The smile she gives Magpiepaw is not. " Us? " Wolfwind repeats. A glance is spared to Hailstorm, and then yellow eyes come back to the raven - toned tom. " You were the lone medicine cat for a moon and then some. I should be thanking you, " she purrs, whiskers twitching.

And to ShadowClan, namely the grey tom she knows as deputy. He looks just as dreary as their leader, even if he was more talkative. " Stormpaw— Stormfeather is well. " A warrior name well deserved, said with a pleased flick of her tail. At the deputy's response to Hailstorm's words, her eyes round in concern. Own path? Like... up n' left? Her tongue clicks. " Well, we won't hold him any longer, then. "

It clogs her senses, to huff out words along the thunderpath. dragging her gaze across the patrol one last time, at last, she looks to Magpiepaw. " You have my blessing to take the tunnel, " she says, as if she can give " blessings " to do a damn thing. She's sure Howlingstar wouldn't mind. A blink to him, kind. " Take care, weirdo. "


A gentle headbutt is given into Hailstorm's shoulder one last time before he breaks from the ThunderClanners, a polite nod to Wolfwind as well.
"Thank you again." He's turned, the offer of the tunnel a welcome one to get him across the divide without risk of a monster roaring towards him, he is hobbling and dashing forward with his enthusiasm smothered in a need for decorum, he didn't want to look too childish but its hard not to burst into tears the moment he gets to Starlingheart and he covers it by shoving his face right into her shoulder upon reaching that side of the territory. Magpiepaw masterfully pulls himself together then, takes the brief reprieve to push his face back into something less distraught and prone to breaking down and raises his head to smile at his mentor and then one offered to Stumpyspots as well.
"I'm home, I missed all of you." Don't cry, don't cry right here. He would be fine until they got to the privacy of the medicine cat den and then he could talk to Starlingheart in the sanctuary of the herb stores.

Smogmaw speaks of Honeyjaw's abandonment and he feels his expression tighten with discomfort at that. What of Clearheart and Dragonflypaw then? Why would he not come home? He wants to ask move, but there is something in the blue tom's voice that keeps him from pestering. Had something happened? He was sure he'd be updated once they were back at camp. Instead he focuses on his friend approaching as well.
"Maggotpaw, I'm glad you're well." He worried, he worried that the clan would be rampant with sickness the entire time they were gone but it seemed they had cats still to patrol and it eased his concerns. Surely if they had enough force to send the deputy and medicine cat out along the border then it was not so dire back in camp itself.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 71106748_sHwOMVBEMYvXzVS.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.