- Nov 26, 2024
- 60
- 3
- 8
Status: Stuck, Panicking
Trekking through the undergrowth with the patrol behind her, this time she weaves through the undergrowth. Scarpaw needs to learn this skill sooner than later and what better time then now? She expertly moves through the new leaves and vines, through the bushes and over branches and twigs. She is in her element so much so that she is actually surprised when her tail gets tangled in some brambles. A yelp leaves her lips as she falls forward flat. "Oof." She wiggles in place, twisting to reach at her tail, trying to free at herself. Unfortunately, the brambles were wrapped all around her tail and it seems she can't free herself without help. "Help. Stuck. Help. Please." Panic slowly colored her voice as she wiggled and couldn't escape. Dayfern glanced around for the rest of the patrol, hoping to catch someone's eye, see someone coming to help her. She wasn't sure what she'd do if they left her here.
Open to anyone. -
Dayfern - lilac ticked torbie/chocolate classic tabby chimera w/ low white ☼ She/Her ☼ Warrior of Thunderclan ☼ Penned by Snowy ☼ 27 moons
☼ Contact TimelordSnowy on Discord for plotting
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