pafp YOU'VE BEEN TALKIN LIKE I KNOW [ ✦ ] journey questions

She does not want to hear about the journey. Not even the tiniest bit does she want to sit and listen to Mosspaw and Fernpaw go on and on and on about how much fun they had making new friends that weren't her, that weren't RiverClan. (Oh but isn't she a hypocrite for that?) She does not want to hear about their epic adventures, their tales of grandeur, does not want to see the shine in their eyes as they talk about the mountains and how they travelled to impossible heights. But they are her friends. And she will listen because she thinks that is what friends do. They listen even if they don't really care, if they don't really want to hear it, because it makes their friends happy to speak about it.

She pushes her jealousy aside, swallows it like bile, and she grabs a fish, plunking it down in front of Mosspaw and while she does she tries to push images of her speaking to strangers at the border as if she has known them her whole life away. "So...." she says, letting her words drag out before her as she collects her thoughts "What was your favorite part of the journey? And did you miss anything about back home?" Did you miss me? She does not look at her friend while she waits for the answer but instead is content to pick scales from the fish in front of her with her claws, a distraction.

// please wait for @Mosspaw

𓆝 . ° ✦ It was a more than welcome sight to see Dipperpaw sitting down next to her, and one that made her glade to be home. She nodded in greeting, perking up as her friend spoke.

Mosspaw tilted her head as she considered the question. "I think it would be finding the lungwort." It was perhaps an expected answer, but it was an honest one. "There was an entire field of it. More than we possibly could have hoped for. Once I saw that, I was certain we would make it home safe. I knew that Starclan must have put it there for us, and if they could do that, then they could easily get us home." She breathed, her voice dripping with awe.

"I missed everything about back home." She admitted. "I missed my family, I missed my friends," A glance toward Dipperpaw. "I missed everyone..." For a moment, she hesitated. She did not mention the night she had lain alone, trapped underground, softly crying at the thought she might not see any of them again. All the while wishing that she had never gone on the journey to begin with. "... and I even missed the river itself. We crossed one at the start of the journey, but most of the time there were none to be found. I can hunt on land, of course, but a month without it made me miss fish." Was what she said instead.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — prior to warrior ceremony
  • challenge-3-moss-png.1191
    Longhair black tabby with deep green eyes. Mosspaw is a very tall molly, standing a head above most cats her age. She has a slim, willowy physique with subtle musculature built up from a lifetime of constant training that lends itself well to swimming and running. Long, thick brown fur falls over her form with tabby patterning across it. Her eyes are a vibrant green, and shine with a bright intelligence and confidence.

Fernpaw was desperately looking to the future, a lesson he thought he'd learned. The possibility of his warrior ceremony was heavy on his mind, and though he knew it was best to just focus on the present, focus on being happy and successful now and not think about what lay beyond the gossamer veil of warriorhood. But he wouldn't shake the impatience, couldn't blink away the urgency in his eye. He had to distract himself.

Dipperpaw and Mosspaw both were friends to him, and as he settled beside them he tilted his head, catching up fairly quickly with the conversation. Stories of the journey, told as if those mountains still dwelled worlds away; a different time. A different ear. It was true, almost- nothing like it would happen again, not as long as he lived, he was sure of it.

Idly he wondered if Dipperpaw regretted not having gone. He would feel similarly, in her paws.

Pushing aside the thought, Fernpaw nodded after Mosspaw spoke. Her severance toward StarClan still held strong after the journey, and Fernpaw couldn't blame her- he was soothed by the thoughts that Little Wolf would be up there, watching them. Surely her attention would fall mostly upon her Clanmates, but once or twice, maybe she'd think of them. "I much prefer fish. And- when we went through that forest, land hunting was a nightmare." Fernpaw didn't hide the relief he felt as being back by the riverside. Why would he bother?
penned by pin

Her friend speaks of a huge field of lungwort, of miles upon miles of it and the wonder in her voice is enough to make her forget the resentment she had felt only moments earlier. Instead, she finds herself leaning forward to listen, finds herself imagining. What would it have been like to be there? Were she in Mosspaw's paws would she have wept out of the pure joy of that moment, would she have cried out to the heavens, a celebration for their salvation. She can only fathom the pure joy the journey cats must have felt when they had laid eyes upon the very thing they had left their families and friends behind to procure. "That moment must have been like magic" she says, her voice breathy. StarClan had saved them, they had led them right to the lungwort and if that was not proof enough of their benevolence, of their existence, then she is not certain what was.

"I missed you guys too" the admittance is uttered quietly, but their absence had felt so strange to her. A sadness she had only used to feel whenever Jaypaw was not by her side. She had no idea she could feel such a way for cats who were not related to her by blood, cats who had no ties to her other than friend and what a strange word that was. Still, she liked that she could say it in regards to Mosspaw and Fernpaw, who had come to join them.

Had she gone she thinks that she too would have missed the river. The soft babbling at night to lull her to sleep, the nourishment it provided day after day without fail, the feeling of waves lapping against her paws, though now it was beginning to bite with cold. Soon, the world would be blanketed with the white she only vaguely remembers from her kit-hood and the river would be too cold to delve into. She would mourn, of course, but it would be there in the spring. The river was reliable in that way. "When we were in SkyClan and ShadowClan, the river was something I missed terribly too. I never want to eat another frog again" with one white paw she pushes the fish she had only been picking at in the direction of her friends, a rare smile lifting the corners of her mouth "Here's to fish, and the hope that we will not have to eat anything else for a while" stars willing.