private YOUVE GOT A LOT OF NERVE — sootstar

Body still shaking with anger, Bluepool stalks immediately from the medicine cats den where she and her young nephew had just been scorned, talked to in such a disrespectful manner that made her want to strike both Vulturemask and Silverpaw down where they stood. How dare they?! How dare they speak to her like that, speak to Harrierkit like that. Weaselclaw had stepped in, thank stars. If anyone could set them straight it was her brother in law. But that is not enough for Bluepool. No. She wants to see them thoroughly punished and so she sets her sites on her sisters nest.

Under the open sky is where she finds the blue smoke. She makes a beeline straight for her, hopefully she was awake and just resting, she does not want to be the one who wakes her sister up no sir! Let sleeping dogs lie is what she always says but this is important, and she knows Sootstar will also want to hear about it. "Hey sis, you got a second?" she asks, her voice calm despite the rage she feels inside, threatening to boil over like the river after a torrential downpour.