yum || eating sand


Jan 20, 2023
silverkit frowns.

she is VERY hungry. in fact she is STAAAAAAARving. but she's been w... weaning off of milk and she's almost done with it! so no milk from mama. and she already ate today and practically EVERYONE already ate today which means slim pickings remain which means there's only birds left on the fresh-kill pile! and birds are gross, gross, gross, yuck. so, what's she gonna do? try new things, that's what!

"maybe this will taste good," silverkit murmurs, kitten-blue eyes narrowing as she inspects the very stuff that makes up their campground. sand. now, silverkit watches lots of people. she watches them all day long. and cause she watches so many people, she has seen that some of those people eat sand sometimes. so she knows it's an option.

she opens her mouth wide and takes one big bite.

swallowing proves painful — sand is scratchy! — and silverkit starts to feel kind of like she's choking, so she hacks and coughs and spits it out just as fast as she can. oh, blech.

"good at first," silverkit announces, for any listening, "then HORRIBLE bad. i give sand a seven out o' ten. it is better than birds."


  • • npc x npc kitten • 1.5 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, observant, opinionated • stuck in her own head a lot of the time • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •

( tags ) Pikesplash is beyond horrified. Just as he had been when Otterkit attempted to eat rocks, but SAND?! He swears that the kits will be the death of him because they eat anything it seems. He audibly gasps when as soon as Silverkit put sand in her mouth. He had been in the middle of eating his own food, so he frankly wasn't paying too much attention. When she starts coughing he rushes over to her, abandoning his half eaten minnow. He has half a mind to call over Beesong, but he knows this is not life threatening. it's a little worrying to see her hack up so much sand, but it would be more alarming is she didn't.

When she does finish hacking up sand, he lets out sigh of relief. "Are you ok-," you know what I'm not even sure how I should anymore? Why is sand a valid option in the first place over birds? I just don't get it. They aren't awful. "It's also a seven out o' ten to make you sick, now we're gonna rinse you're mouth. No more sand Silverkit. I'll give you the rest of my fish, so no more sand. Got it?" He is a maybe a bit... A lot forceful towards Silverkit, but he means well. He doesn't mean to make her upset of guilty of her actions if she perceives his words and actions as such, he is simply concerned over her health. He shudders at the thought of her choking on sand.
"Silverkit!" comes the dismayed cry of Brightkit. "You can't eat sand!"

Silverkit has already eaten the sand, so Brightkit is already wrong in this instance, but that simple truth does nothing to temper her indignation upon witnessing such heresy. "Birds are good once you get past the feathers," she argues, despite the fact that she doesn't really like birds that much either. It has less to do with their taste and more to do with her lack of patience when it comes from plucking enough feathers to get a good bite in. "You must have pebbles for brains." she wrinkles her nose in disdain. How can someone who makes such cool circles also eat the stuff that every cat steps on?? Yuck. ​
Why was it that this wasn't the first occurrence of sand eating that she's seen before? A flash in her memory of earthen hues and snow-capped paws, him devouring sand and ending up within the confines of the medicine den with a belly ache from now. Now, here she was again—watching Silverkit inhale a mouthful of sand and the warrior visibly cringes st the sight. RiverClan was filled with some of the most capable warriors, and now blessed with a future generation no matter how sour the rosetted molly was. They were still crucial for clan life, because after she was dead and gone—RiverClan would still remain here.
Cindershade can not help but to choke down a bout of laughter as Silverkit chokes and spits, already feeling the aftermath of it. She sighs dramatically, snatching up a bit of moss and soaking it into the streams that surrounded then. Clasping the bit of sodden moss in her jaws, she trots over to the gathering bunch and drops it at the blue molly's kitten paws—eyeing her with a dark raised brow. "I hope this is a lesson for you." She begins, rasped voice calm yet firm as ever. "Drink the water here and wash out your mouth. You'll need to see Ravenpaw or Beesong if you start to get an upset stomach." A harsh lesson, but one she'd not forget. She uses a paw to edge it closer to the kit. "Also, birds may not compare to the taste of fish—some are water-dwelling and have a similar taste. Have you ever tried duck before?" Just thinking of the succulent and fatty meat had her own mouth salivating, indicated by a lick of her chops.

( ) "well, someone's following in clayfur's pawsteps," the amused vocals ring from the smoke femme as she pads up, brow furrowed in slight worry. "silverkit, we've all thought about eating sand." she's lying, obviously, although something tells her she probably did the same thing as a kitten. "trust me, it doesn't get better the more you try it. cindershade's right- we should get that sand from your mouth now, okay love?" watching as pikesplash gently wipes the girl's maw and cinder offers a wet scrap of moss, willow purrs. "now whatever gave you the idea to munch on sand? it's been a while since anyone's done that."


Snakeblink slithers in Willowroot’s wake, nodding respectfully at Pikesplash and the severe figure of Cindershade. The kits are up to something again — thankfully, the two on the scene are loud enough that no questions are necessary to understand the situation.

”Clayfur is a good example to follow,” he replies to Willowroot’s own mention of the tom. ”Although perhaps not in the culinary department.”

Feeling the gritty texture under his paws, he cannot fathom how anyone would think to put any of it into their mouth. Still, he admires an enterprising spirit — and could hardly judge, as he’s often spurred to action by his own share of morbid curiosity. ”One should always try new things,” he tells Brightkit, perhaps unwittingly and implicitly encouraging at least one instance of sand-eating for everyone.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 40 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo