Apr 16, 2023

The patrol to the Twolegplace border had been a success, if only because no kits had hunted SkyClanners instead of the colourful eggs scattered about. Momowhisker didn't know the customs of Twolegs as well as he liked, he couldn't ever imagine his own littering the garden with weird little things, but something told him that they'd have sooner forgotten about their ceremony or game as soon as a 'kitty' was around. Luckily, they'd been absolutely awful at searching, not only had the Twolegs not found the patrol, they'd also left behind enough eggs to fill the freshkill pile (they weren't real, but the thought was nice). It hadn't taken much convincing to bring the leftovers back to camp, and so, the blue lynx point strutted a short distance ahead of the patrol, smile creeping past two eggs held in his maw. Momowhisker may not have been carrying a plump pigeon or hare, but he felt proud all the same, there was a great mystery to be solved after all - what was inside the eggs?

Padding into camp, the Daylight Warrior briefly turned towards the rest of the patrol, blue eyes briefly widening at the gap between them. He thought he'd only been a mouselength ahead, but long limbs had carried him at least a good foxlength or so. Clearing his throat, Momowhisker whipped his head back around. "We come bearing gifts!" The theatrical tom mewed, placing a paw proudly upon his cream chest. He didn't know whether it was pride or nerves that fluttered in his heart as he announced the return of the patrol, either way, he tried to ignore it as he dropped some of his eggs onto the earth in front of him, the things beginning a slow roll towards a divet in the camp. Narrow jaws hadn't done the best job of carrying them, but he didn't think the odd crinkle or puncture would prevent the kittens from enjoying their playtime. "I... don't know what sort of egg they are," he admitted to the first cat he saw. "But they look cool, right?" Some were patterned with swirls, others polka dots, some even rainbows. Even if his eyes could not see the same colours that Twolegs could, he could appreciate how diverse the eggs looked - it was just a shame that some were about to get smashed in the name of science.

*+:。.。 Orchidpaw blinks as an egg rolls right into his paws. This was certainly one way to wake from a nap. "Did you have to drool all over it?" he asked with a laugh, making a dramatic show of wiping his paw after he had placed it on the egg. All in good jest, of course, though even if it were soaked in saliva the soon-to-be warrior would still bat it into a patch of sunlight, awed at the colors that covered the surface of this egg. "If this were laid by any of our birds, their hatchlings wouldn't survive a night" he muses aloud, rolling the egg to see if the rest of it was the same color. He's sure, like the other egg-retrieval events, that this had to be the work of twolegs. Even so, he amused himself by imagining what sort of bird would lay eggs like these. Probably something otherworldly, maybe even ridiculously pretty? What he wouldn't give to adorn his pelt with mythical feathers!

Still, despite his enjoyment, he wasn't about to be the one to crack open the first egg. Let that messy business go to someone else, thanks.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    11 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Apprentice
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherrypaw, Eggpaw, Glimmerpaw

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently

"Now I ain't one to turn down a gift but them there eggs look all kinds o'diseased." The chocolate masked tom stood just behind Orchidpaw, regarding the collective of strangely colored, spotted and striped ovals presented before them with a mix between a polite smile and a grimace; leaving his face to look like he'd just scented something terrible. Dandelionwish was no expert on birds, but whatever laid these was either dead or dying, some kind of weird sickness if he ever did see. There was no way he was cracking one of those open to try and he'd be watching his kits to ensure they didn't either. What if it turned them colors? What if it made them grow spots like how Bobbie had them all popping up over her? It didn't seem harmful but he didn't want to deal with the crisis that would come after if Butterflytuft knew he let them nibble on some diseased-looking food.


  • 57913544_fd4KPYbSvxBDtGJ.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Chocolate Chimera w/mismatched green and orange eyes.


SO WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS? — Eggs. Pollenpaw was far from unfamiliar with them, and was well aware that quite a few of her clanmates enjoyed snatching them from the nests of the birds that called Skyclan's territory home. However, she had never really been much of a fan of the whole exercise if she was being honest. She didn't like the thought of messing with anything's babies, not to mention she preferred the taste of fully grown birds to anything that came straight out of their eggs. This particular batch seemed different, though. Not necessarily in a good way, considering the shapes decorating the eggs that Momowhisker and the others had brought back reminded her more of a dying plant than anything else. The tabby let out a noise of agreement shortly after Dandelionwish as she approached, expression twisted into a look both grateful and hesitant.

One cream paw timidly reached out, demeanor changed from her usual excitable determination. It was mostly because she was worried about a creature popping out of one of the eggs placed before them. Not a bird, but a beast far less friendly and far more gross looking. Her claws hooked around one of the rolling prizes, pulling it closer so that she could inspect it with an analytical eye. "I really don't know if we should have these around here. I mean, what if the twolegs did something to them? Or maybe this is just what happens to bird eggs that hang around there for too long..." Pollenpaw was glad that didn't seem to be the case for everything that hung around the Twolegplace, or else her daylight warrior clanmates might look like bright pink polka dot monsters instead of the cats that they did now. That would be even worse for hunting than some of their most brightly colored pelts now.

Curiosity seemed to get the best of her, as she brought her paw down forcefully on the egg in front of her. She expected it to shatter or splatter everywhere, and was completely prepared to deal with the clean-up in that scenario. However, she was startled out of her intense focus when it didn't shatter into pieces beneath her smack, instead just cracking and... sitting there. "What... what are these things? It didn't even break!" Pollenpaw was unable to tell if she was more stunned or fearful, continuing to claw away at the surface of the egg to no avail.

  • shorthaired cream tabby with low white and green eyes flecked with brown
    11 moons old; ages the 25th every month
    lesbian; currently not looking but open to crushes
    daughter of mottledove and beetleback
    littermate to aspenpaw and pipitpaw
    currently being mentored by dewcatcher
    easy to befriend and laidback; quick to childish anger
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
"I'll do it!" Hawkpaw materialises next to Pollenpaw, ears pricked and eyes wide with delight at the promise of some chaos. Not one cat has asked for a strong young apprentice to come and break some shells, but she's here nonetheless and ready to volunteer.

Hawkpaw has outgrown most of her troublemaking tendencies, but she's eager to have some (controlled) fun. Especially when Momowhisker and his patrol return triumphant with jaws full to bursting of the unconventional gifts. Some of them shine in the light, like river pebbles but so much sparkly-er, but Hawkpaw's attention is immediately stolen by a sky-blue egg, mottled slightly. It doesn't smell sickly sweet, but it does look like a normal bird egg. Maybe they'd get lucky and find some yolk!

With a small grunt of effort, Hawkpaw rears up and slams her front paws down atop the shell. To her delight, it caves immediately. To her horror, however, the inside is ... completely hollow? Hawkpaw wails as if struck in a spar, jaw falling open with horror, and turns an anguished gaze towards her Clanmates. "There's nothing in it!"

// local apprentice discovers a hollow chicken egg, more at 10

Birds were a favoured topic to Owlpaw, how eggs worked was a somewhat mystery to her but she liked to think that she knew a bit more than the average Skyclanner. This all being said, anyone should know that what Pollenpaw was doing to the egg should rupture it and send the insides flying, perhaps that is why she's crouched so low to the ground that she was practically lying down as she examined Pollenpaw's perfectly clean weird coloured egg.

“That… shouldn't be happening” she muttered mostly to herself then looking back up at Pollenpaw “try hitting it again? maybe it just needs two attempts she mused as she watched the apprentice continue to claw at the egg. Occasionally lightly tapping it herself in between breaks from her peers' attempts, it felt like an egg? would it taste like one too?

Hawkpaw's volunteering brought a spark of excitement to Owlpaw and ripped her away from the thought of attempting to taste the mystery egg. She sat up and backed away to give her some room for the attempt to break this weird sky blue egg, silently adding to her list of questions if Twolegplace eggs were usually this colourful. The sound of the shell cracking brought excitement but the wail sent her right back to the previous position of crouching low to the ground as she peered over to look at the egg. Her first instinct should have been to make sure Hawkpaw was fine, right now though she was really interested in this egg. Hawkpaw was right, it was empty but that's.. that's not right, all eggs have something in them! Wherever it was dead or alive there was some kind of bird remnant or yolk there, maybe the bird was just really small?

A trembling paw reaches out to separate the shell more, flipping them over and looking under them. “She's right- there's nothing” she meows with a horrified gasp, she sits up on her haunches, a look of frustration evident on her face as her ears twitch.
“Maybe… what's supposed to be inside is stuck on your paw? There should be something in there right?”

Ears perked forward, from where he was settled he paused his grooming as he looked over his shoulder at the sudden commotion near the entrance of camp. Hearing Momowhisker announce the word gifts, he was already hooked on what the warrior brought. The pale patched calico, gets up from his spot with a small ear flick. He walked up towards the group, half-lidded copper eyes trained on the colorful objects near their paws. "Ooo, A new type of eggs?" He stops next to Owlpaw, as he peered down at the colorful eggs brought back from a patrol. From Hawkpaw's volunteering it sparked a rush of excitement through him. Maybe he'll find some yolk! It's been far too long since he had it.

He crouches down, pale stomach touching the cool ground, he reaches out with a paw to tap at a purple egg that stole his attention with a claw. Ooo, this ought to be fun. He curls a relaxed smile across his lips. Interested in the new item. He rolls the purple-yellow egg near his paws, twitching his tail where it sits on the ground.

Hmm, Let's see here.. With a small grunt, he rears up from his crouch to slam his paws down on the egg. It came apart with a small pop! The tom was expecting for a mess of egg yolk on his paws but instead it was.. green silk? Did a spider make this? Huh. He tilts his head the new thing, he saw those house cats? wear it a long time ago buuut- he wracks his brain to figure out what it was called again. Oh whatever! "Huh, That was.... unexpected! Well, that was fun." He smiles wide, as gathers up the silk in his paws. Feeling it with his pawpads, it felt soft. With a firm nod, he's decided that he's keeping it.


  • no ref yet </3

  • ( beware of the silliness!! ) ODDPAW HE / THEY ; fine with gendered terms. bi-pan / single / polyamorous / padding after crowpaw & owlpaw ; TEN MOONS OLD. apprentice of skyclan. ages every 7th on each month. ╱ PENNED BY CALZONE ----------------------------------------
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes. his medium lengthed fur gives him an illusion of a smaller size, thought it's quickly dispersed by his long legs given to him by his windclanner mother. — oddpaw is a strange creature, with a smile always settled on his face showing off his sharp pearly whites. not really showing his darker side to his... skyclanner clanmates. deep in the dark, muddy depths of his heart he holds a great loathing towards this so-called starclan these clanners praise the sun and stars with all their beings... he doesn't get it! who cares for a bunch of dead cats beyond the grave? not him thats for sure. maybe he'll change his mind, but it'll take a while to believe in the cryptic ghosts.
    ʬʬ MIKA xx CREEPER, little brother to an unknown big brother. —— KNOWS OF HIS HERITAGE TO WINDCLAN, BUT DOESN'T WANT TO CAUSE TROUBLE

Quietly, Dogbite had been sitting by their lonesome and working out a small knot in their side. Contorted into a semi-circle so his teeth could nibble away at a burr that managed to hitch a ride from his earlier patrol. The sing-song call intrigued halted their progression as he peered over to camp's entrance. Laying at lynx-points paws were what seemed like grotesquely bright eggs. For a change the tabby was stumped. He had seen the usual brown or white ones cracked or rotting in two-legs trashes before but not ones in such bright arrays. Momowhisker echoed the scarred Lead Warrior's exact thoughts causing a frown to settle on Dogbite's mug. Their blue eye widened curiously and absently his paws began to move in the returning patrol's direction. Inching closer and closer to sniff at the funny looking eggs. Raising a pale paw they bat a lone neon-yellow and sig-zagged blue egg closer.

These eggs certainly seemed outlandish to the smaller more speckled options of the forest and Dandelionwish's meow causes their own nose to crinkle. Sitting upright he intently avoids handling the peculiar specimen any longer. Gaze flickering pointedly at Momowhisker, Pollenpaw, and Dandelionwish. "You have a good point... I've never seen eggs like this not even when I lived at two-leg place." In his brewing rejection, the paw' in question attempted to break it. Their brows furrowed in surprise and his gut twisted. What in the stars? Dogbite had never come across an egg that couldn't break before. The scraggly tom's jaw soon falls slack as Hawkpaw takes the lead and slams their weight into the feeble-looking egg. With bated breath he cranes his neck to peer at the confused apprentice's egg only to see... Nothing! In just a matter of a breath the Skyclanner felt like a complete fool. It's hollow! Save for some weird grass stuff in Oddpaw's.

Visibly Dogbite's tensed shoulders relax as he sighs and their voice rolls into a rough meow. "Well I don't think we have to worry about it being rotten. Seems more like a kittypet toy to me." The only thing he could think to compare it too was a ball. Yet it's oblong shape would make it difficult to roll but it would explain the bright colorations. Still most kittypet toys were filled with soft or hard things not completely void. Dogbite was officially and emphatically weirded out by the nonsense of it all.

  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 33 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 〰 Edenpaw practically hops next to their den-mates as various ones of them take to testing a new hypothesis about these weird eggs- they look familiar... distantly... like something they'd seen a hundred lifetimes ago but when they pop open to nothingness, they can't hide the disappointment in their face. "Well what the heck," they complain, poking at Hawkpaw's cracked one to watch it roll back and forth.

"What's the point of having empty eggs? What kind of bird does that," they ask, peering towards Dogbite as the battered tom suggests it to be a toy. They quirk a brow at him, lip peeling slightly back in uncertainty- they were kinda an expect on kittypet toys and these were definitely not familiar trinkets to swat around.

"I 'unno Dogbite... I've never seen anything like this before," they venture, trying to reject the idea without being too directly inflammatory.​
Commotion draws Milkshakepaw forth, blue eyes wide with wonder as Momowhisker returns bearing... gifts, as he says, but woah! Those things look weird! They remind her of some of the eggs her twoleg had been parading around with some of her twoleg friends, but... but they're so odd looking!

Milkshake doesn't exactly like these eggs. Something about them screams... danger? And normally Milkshakepaw looooves cute things like these! But these cannot be INNOCENT! They make a mockery of cute colors! "This is like, totally not a kittypet toy! Even I don't know what this is. It has to be from like, uh, a bird or something!" she rebukes Dogbite's kittypet toy allegations and then nodding proudly along with her clanmates. Her head turns to Hawkpaw, who had crunched an egg open. Nothing is inside!

"We should open them all!" she chirps. The only thing noticeable about her discomfort, despite her chipper voice and excited eyes, is the fact that her tail lashes behind her every so often.

She will get to the bottom of whats inside each one... Mark her words, she will!

  • 79761587_yTahZffg9s9xXdy.png
    afab ,, she/her,, 7 months
    daylight apprentice of skyclan
    mentored by teacloud
    fluffy, curly-eared cream tabby she-cat w/low white & blue eyes
    "speech, E18AAA" ,, thoughts
    bisexual ,, single
    smells like sweet cream & sprinkles
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff
eggpaw & 12 moons & male & he/him & skyclan apprentice

Eggpaw has never seen so many eggs in one place - and isn't that just a silly thought? he's named after the strange things, though he certainly hopes the one his mother had in mind when he was born was far less.... weird. And blue - honestly, eggpaw likes orange better than blue, or pink, or green too. Blue is not his favorite color - nor is purple though he's sure it's better than brown or yellow (it can be pretty, but staring to long at yellow things makes his eyes squint and his head hurt). And yet, before him lies a whole veritable rainbow of the things. Paw reached out to swat tentatively at one, cracking it and feeling the shiny thing it opened to reveal crinkle. It's clear, like water, but it smelled strange - sticky sweet, like honey or pollen maybe, beneath the awful stench of twoleg. He's never seen a bird that was clear. " Whadaya think this is? Some sorta weird baby bird? Or a- a lizard maybe, " he forgets for a moment, to think it might simple be twoleg rubbish, mind so focused on the whimsical impossibilities.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

( I ' M G O N N A B E T HE O N E Y O U U N W R A P )


Diseased, said Dandelionwish, and the noise that burst from Mallowlark was a loud, explosive laugh- sudden, shrieking, as he tottered over on shadowy paws. And they were horrible looking things! Bright and unnatural, mimicking nature and yet glimmering metallic... silver eyes shot wide at the sight, gleaming with the stars of fascination. A kittypet toy, maybe- and toothless little Sangriakit spoke about opening them. Felt like tempting fate to him, but there was some fun in that, wasn't there?

Pollenpaw and Hawkpaw took to bashing them, discovering there was nothing inside... that fascinated Mallowlark even more. Not even any egg-guts to chuck around? "Definitely something wrong with the-hee-heese..." he giggled, laughter his only expression of curiosity. At an owlish angle, his head tilted- wide grey eyes searched for any tiny-little-trace of movement. "It's nothing with bones," he concluded, very loudly- "N' lizards and birds definitely have bones, I've seen 'em..."
Inquisitive eyes watch as members of Drizzlepelt’s clan examine the oddly colored eggs. He was by his lonesome for only so long, but he swears he can recognize seeing something like this before… it slips his mind before he can think much further, however. His life before joining SkyClan gets fuzzier day by day. Not that he usually minds that much. It wasn’t a pleasant time, after all.

When a few were opened to find…there’s absolutely nothing inside, his head tilts in confusion. It had to be something Twolegs played with, then? There’s no way a bird lay these and for them to be entirely clean. Or maybe they found enjoyment from the colors? Either way, Drizzlepelt gives a small nod at Mallowlark’s statement in agreement. “Probably just a Twoleg toy, like Dogbite said. Why do they gotta have so many, though?” The older ones usually don’t have things like this, from what he’s noticed. ​
The black smoke tom had been beside his partner, unsure of what to make of this situation. He is just as puzzled as Owlpaw when Pollenpaw hits the strange egg and it doesn't break. What kind of eggs are these?! He knows that normal eggs break and something slimy comes out, Is this a stronger egg or something? Disgruntled he is while leaning against Owlpaw. Only for a moment before she gets up and breaks the strange egg. Nothing comes out from it and he's wondering what exactly did Momowhisker bring them. "Nothing came out though," he mumbles mainly to himself when Owlpaw says whatever was encased in the egg would be stuck on a paw.

When Oddpaw saunters by with curiosity he can't help but remark, "Weird eggs." Not like it would do much to dissuade his other partner from interacting with the strange egg. Nor was he going to force Oddpaw not to mess around with these eggs. As for Crowpaw himself, well... I think I'm good with just watching. He fully expects there to be nothing when Oddpaw breaks open another egg, but there is something.

HUH?! THAT'S NOT! Visibly confused the apprentice pays no mind to the others and rushes to Oddpaw and his egg. "This is not an egg. It can't be..." He looks down at the shell of Oddpaw's broken egg and then to the silk on his partners paws. Without thinking he grabs the calico's paws and inspects the silk. A shiver runs through him because it looks like a web. Please don't tell me. Panic begins to build up and hazel eyes dart to the broken egg, searching for his worst nightmare. There was no spiders, right? RIGHT?!
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 11 moons
    — undecided / polyamorous / padding after oddpaw and owlpaw
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes and polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

The sound of Momowhisker entering camp with his patrol, the loud announcement of gifts is what brought Daisykit out from the nursery, his ears pricked and tail held high as he moved towards the gathering group of cats. "Gifts?" A happy squeak could be heard from the young tom before pausing for a moment. Eggs. Momowhisker had brought back eggs and though the blue and white feline wanted to reach forward to grab one something caused him to stop. Maybe it was the colors, the way they popped when others stomped on them, or the way his father seemed to distrust them but instead he'd move towards kin, ears flat as he attempted to brush against Dandelionwish's side.

He watched as more and more of the colorful eggs were popped, head flicking around at each one before with each one that was opened it was announced that they were empty. "Empty? How're they empty they gotta have something in 'em right?" He'd call out, maw agape for a moment before he moved forward once more to sniff at an egg. Carefully, quietly, he dragged it towards him to tuck underneath himself, trying to hide it. He could only hope that he wasn't noticed, since Daisykit wanted to be the last to open up one of the eggs, since his had to have something in it if he went last.

  • 75464780_U8u1TptlfIUl4pp.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    sister to Weedkit and Fluffykit
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
The call of clanmates draws Butterflytuft from the nursery, sunflower eyes round with curiosity. The cats from the most recent patrol have returned, and with them they bring…something. As it goes with anything unfamiliar, she wants nothing to do with it, already retreating back inside the den before one of her brood scampers out towards the things. “Oh,” She chirps in surprise, ears falling back as she skitters after Daisykit. She keeps her head low and doesn’t take her eyes off of the strange objects, coming to a stop next to (and slightly behind) her mate and son. “What are they, Dandelionwish?” She mews softly, worry etched onto her face.

She flinches each time a clanmate tries to break one of them open, pelt fluffing up. If they’re empty, they can’t be natural, so the obvious thing would be that they were twoleg toys. But despite that logic, the unrelenting fear that knots itself in her skittish queen’s stomach doesn’t let her relax. She watches her son paw one of the ‘eggs’ closer to himself and gives a squeak of alarm, swiftly wrapping a forepaw around his chest and pulling him back and hopefully away from the egg. “Let’s just…keep our distance, okay?” She trills nervously, frowning.
// mobile post!

They were not tempted by the offer of gifts, but curiosity did begin to the better of them as cats began to gather around Momowhisker and whatever it was that he had brought back from beyond the camp. Slowly, they begin to approach, mostly keeping their distance, but edging close enough to be able to see what the fuss was about. To their surprise—and mild confusion—their multicolored gaze lands on eggs of all different colors, patterned in extraordinary ways. It was obvious that they were not regular eggs, but only became moreso when they did not break in the way that eggs usually would under pressure, and it was rather puzzling. It did make more sense knowing that these strange eggs were the result of Twolegs—they had to wonder what exactly the purpose of them was, and how they had done such a thing in the first place. A stray egg rolls their way, and only then do they dip their head down to sniff it, nose wrinkling at the lingering Twoleg scent on the shiny material. Lightly pressing it with a paw, they can tell the material is familiar, despite not having a name for it. "It is shaped like an egg, but it must be some kind of toy—something that the Twolegs made," the chimera murmurs in agreement, "it seems many Twoleg items feel like this."
❀‿ Lupinepaw was a forest-born Skyclanner, and though she never stepped a paw out from beneath the sky-scraping cover of the pine forest save for some moonlit trips to Fourtrees and the one-off patrol around the edge of the Twolegplace, she tried to keep an open mind about kittypet stuff. After all, she was born to two kittypets — she would not bury this fact beneath any misguided clan-supremacist shame. However, she doubted she would ever understand the twolegs her Daylight clanmates called kin.

The colorful eggs Momowhisker brought back seemed... well, useless. Another toy, probably, like the others said. Twolegs seemed to have an excess of toys lying around, in that case. (Or was it that Daylight warriors just brought around a lot of twoleg toys?) "Maybe they have fun breaking them open, too..." Lupinepaw quietly offers her theory about the oblong little trinkets, whiskers twitching at Hawkpaw and Oddpaw.

  • OOC:
  • cpj5ve.png
  • lupinekit . lupinepaw
    — trans she/her. 11mo apprentice of skyclan. mentored by dandelionwish, padding after falconpaw
    bobbie x duke. littermate to crowpaw & drowsypaw. older half-sister of hollykit, lionkit, and candorkit
    — a tall, pretty, long-haired black smoke with low white and green eyes
    — smells like sweet lupine flowers and young pine needles
    "speech", thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by pikaihao and funnyguy by pin
    — penned by eezy