ZOOM ZOOM || Stumpybounce

Leafbare was over with,thank the stars. But Frostbite wasn't ready to relax just yet. Food was food, and Shadowclan needed lots of it still. Which is what brought him to the border this afternoon. Sometimes a monster would kill something underfoot and leave it for whoever to take.

He was still recovering from being so starved. It was only recently that he was barely able to patrol, barely able to even get up. Now that he was getting better, he wanted to make up for lost time and bring back extra prey. He knew it wasn't his fault, but he hated feeling useless.

Peering onto the thunderpath, he found his quarry. A squirrel, one not too flattened yet. Cautiously he stepped onto the black stone and hastily made his way to the squirrel.

He hadn't detected any monsters. And yet, one came speeding at him at speeds he had never seen one go before. Snow white fur stood on end and icy eyes widened in terror. Forgetting about the squirrel completely, he bolted out of the way at the last second. He felt the monster graze the tip of his tail as it sped by.

He was off the thunderpath, now. In his haste and panic, he had bolted right onto the Thunderclan border....

His heart was racing and his body trembled. He sat hunched over, breathing hard and quick. He couldn't see straight. He desperately needed a moment to calm his nerves, and it didn't look like anyone was nearby.....

He hoped.

six feet tall and super strong ✧°.☀ ———————————— Going on solo patrols was not really a wise thing to do by any means especially next to borders that had some tension to them. But, Stumpybounce's legs held more tension and needed to have a prance and besides Shadowclan's border held many intriguing thoughts, like did they really eat frogs, and were they always covered in mud, and the last one which Stumpybounce didn't buy, but he knew some kits thought all Shadowclanners were evil. In a truly outstanding thought, Stumpybounce really didn't think any of the clans were evil.

Shocking truly.

But, even so he wasn't going to be played a fool, and as he walked along the brush near the thunderpath he couldn't help but hear a rumble then smell a swamp cat. His first instinct was to think it was a raid. A fierce battle was about to take place. And without truly thinking about it Stumpy stalked over to the smell. Whether his plan was going to be fighting of a whole raid himself or playing scout it is probably good he wasn't forced to make that call. As he peered through a bush he saw a white tom sitting and panting. Definitely wasn't a raid party, and on the off chance it was, it was not good.

The sage eyes peered at the Shadowclan warrior for a couple seconds as he tried to figure out what to do with him. The warrior was dazed that was evident and in theory he could probably be tackled and then frightened off. So much like everything else in Stumpy's life he went with the first option. He attemped to throw his weight into the tom and place a heavy set paw on his chest to pin the warrior.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we'd always get along

He hadn't heard Stumpybounce coming through the roaring in his ears and his lack of focus. It was only until he was upon him did he realize he was in trouble. He couldn't even blame him, he was on Thunderclan territory and the appropriate response was to fight him.

He let out a startled yelp as he was knocked over and pinned. Stumpybounce could probably feel his rapid beating heart through his chest. Frostbite had to do something. He had to push this residual panic down. He was fine, he could fight a cat. A cat couldn't flatten him into the ground.

"Get off." He growled, glaring up at Stumpybounce with unfocused eyes.

"I was just trying not to get hit by that monster." He explained. "It was going too fast.... Didn't have time to think."

He wanted to crawl into a hole and not emerge for the rest of eternity. He hoped he hadn't just caused more problems for Shadowclan by panicking on the thunderpath.
six feet tall and super strong ✧°.☀ ———————————— Stumpy listened, and his paw was lifted off every so slightly, but still the safest spot for this cat was underneath him. Weight was on advantage Stumpybounce had and he wasn't giving it up. "I don't know, It's a good story but I'd imagine a warrior should know better than to go on the thunderpath without looking both ways. I'll have to tell your leader that you guys need to be trained better. He flashed a smile down at the Frostbite. Honestly he could stay here all day just chatting, he found it fun. Especially when he was the one on top, he couldn't picture the other cat having as much fun.

"What's your name? I don't quite know what to do with you yet so I might as well know that." White Shadowclan cat, maybe his name was Whiteshadow, or Moonstalk, something like that, was Stumpybounce's guesses at least.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we'd always get along

He hated being pinned! It sucked! He needed to get out from under this tom. He hated this state of vulnerability. He was screaming inside.

He furrowed his brows. "I did look- did you see how fast that thing went? It was faster than any other monster I've seen here!" He protested.

And he was smiling!! UGH. Frostbite wanted to smack that oddly attractive smile off his face. How dare he!

"My name is Frostbite." He introduced himself. "And who might my oh so kind and benevolent captor be? May as well get to know each other if we're going to stay like this." He continued with a slight smirk.

His pride was suffering but at the end of the day, every day in Shadowclan was suffering, so he was used to it.
six feet tall and super strong ✧°.☀ ———————————— He had heard a car rumble down the road before hand but, to be able to tell the speed of it from audio alone was a shot in the dark. So, he would give the white tom the benefit of the doubt and believe he did look both ways. Now that he felt he had given the tom's pride a good enough beating it was time to actually choose what happens next.

"Stumpybounce, and I don't think the sarcasm is needed considering how tense things have been as of late. If Howlingstar had found you, well... the monster would seem pretty alright I think."

Why was he toying with Frostbite? Stumpybounce realizes he is giving this full warrior the same treatment he would give a apprentice that stumbled into their territory. If he had been blessed with an actual tail it would have been wagging in agitation with himself. "What am I supposed to do with you? he wasn't sure if he was asking himself or Frostbite "Right now you aren't a threat," he couldn't help but really grin when he said that "As soon as I let up on you, that fact changes. So, as much as I like small talk I'm stuck. Not too mention you've got the stench of frogs all over me now. I'm going to have to explain that one to the warriors." He looked the tom in the eyes as he pondered this conundrum. Frostbite didn't have bad eyes, "You have nice eyes." he ventured the compliment even though his stump of a tail was wiggling back and forth in anger.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we'd always get along

Well, what was he supposed to do here? He could fight.... That would make things worse though.... He had to get out of his grasp. But how? He wasn't exactly silver tongued. Well.... Time to see where this goes, he supposed.

"I'd rather face another cat than be crushed by one of those." He said. He didn't expect Thunderclan to understand...

He was trying to be nice... Don't be rude... Don't be rude.... No snark.... But he can't grovel before him!!

"You could let me go.... And we head out separate ways...?" He suggested.

Oh, there they go with the smell again. Thunderclan and their obsession with Shadowclan smell. It's not that....bad... No. It is. He can't lie about it. Some of his clanmates absolutely reek.

"I'm sure it'll wash off in time.... It ain't too bad... Besides, I'm one of the better smelling Shadowclanners. You're lucky." He said.

Frostbite caught his gaze as he looked into his eyes, and he felt a brief... Feeling. It was an awkward feeling that he couldn't place. Stumpybounce caught him off guard with his next comment.

Where... Where did that come from?? His eyes- nice?? A look of surprise crossed his face as he stared up at Stumpybounce. His fur prickled and he felt a slight warmth growing in his face.

He rarely received compliments. He did not know how to handle them, so he often reacted with discomfort. But... He wasn't able to just walk away this time. He was stuck, and forced to face it head on.


That's what you say when someone compliments you, right????

"You.... Have nice eyes too?"

He was unprepared for this. Why can't they trade insults and argue. Why did Stumpybounce have to flirt. Now Frostbite felt smaller than he really was.
six feet tall and super strong ✧°.☀ ———————————— Okay, he had to be a brave warrior. He was going to have to let up on the cat and just hope that he ran instead of turning to fight. Not that he would win against Stumpybounce, maybe this would just prove if he was really stupid or not. Stumpybounce also couldn't help but smile as the warrior fumbled his way with the compliment. He smugly smiled at the unconfident compliment that was returned to him. "Oh, c'mon now. That's just what I said." With the last word he jumped off the white tom.

Bounding off Frostbite and getting ready to be hit, just in case, he waited for the tom's reaction. "This was fun." Good grief, he had to stop. What was he going to ask him to come by again? "I'll come and see you at the gathering." The words left his mouth before he could stop himself, arrogant tom. He was already scolding himself, but a small part of him hoped the warrior would stay for just a little longer.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we'd always get along