
  • GRAVEKIT ; ic thoughts on name
    born to war and leafbare chill, cruelty has leeched its way into the very marrow of their bones. paranoia and hatred color the kit's mind in equal measure, their life a constant battle to correct this. she wants love more than anything, and so this covetous, frail creature dons a mask of kindness and innocence.
    ⤷ a name given in honor of death by a mother who venerates it
    — AFAB gender indifferent, they/them & she/her; prefers neutral terms, does not mind others
    — kit of the windclan rebels
    — created 1.31.2024 at 2 moons, ages realistically on the first
    — penned by saturnid
    Gravekit is little more than a tiny scrap of uneven fur. A cloud of thick, swirling black covers their face, trails down their chest, decorates their ankles and tail-tip. They could seem almost elegant, looking at only this dark, flowing fur. Yet the rest of them has been claimed by the cold, its grasp granting thin and scruffy fur of pure white. The chill always seeps in here, the heat always burns too hot. They are a child of leafbare through and through, and their very fur serves as a reminder. Even more so does the cold lay its claim as this first leaf-bare grows farther; in adulthood, they will grow to be speckled in snowflakes, pale slowly claiming all it can of their pelt.

    Their eyes bear a dull, fleshy shade of pink, staring glassy and doll-like from the hollow of their head. They take from their mother the unsettling stare for which she was named, their own eyes bulging rather than sunken. Their face contorts with each emotion in ways that seem more an unnatural parody than true feeling, overblown and unflattering. Their body, too, is a mockery, limbs skeletal where the draping of shadow cannot hide them. They are frail and sharp, brittle like ice. A tiny, sickly thing, destined for a life hidden away beneath the earth.

    As she grows, Gravekit will begin to decorate their fur with pink poppy flowers and petals, possibly in imitation of their brother Heronkit. Though they hold some insecurity about their unusual appearance, the decoration of beautiful flowers will help assuage their fears.

    ⤷ SH albino / LH black smoke chimera w vitiligo, carrying non-silver & chocolate. breeds as black smoke.
    ( + ) social, amiable, organized, careful, gentle
    ( / ) attention-seeking, prissy, insecure, deferential, overthinker
    ( - ) childish, temperamental, vindictive, misanthropic, possessive
    Gravekit is, to put it plainly, a brat. A snobby child convinced the world revolves around them, always eager to butt in on others' lives. Their words are sickly sweet and faux-kind, never above empty flattery. They try their best to echo the thoughts of whoever is nearest, a social chameleon. But this naive facade is held with a shaky grip; their mask is fragile, and always seems to crack. Complaints and vitriol, a petty temper, all simmer beneath the surface. Worsened, without fail, by the mere idea of someone looking away, leaving her alone - as though the second everyone's eyes are off of them, they will simply disappear.

    Love me, love me, love me, echoes over and over in Gravekit's mind. It drives their every action. She clings to her mother - to even the idea of her loyalist father - with the same fervor as which she resents both of them. A constant demand for attention and a chilling ire for never receiving enough. Gravekit is a child born not of love, but of loneliness, and that loneliness has wormed its way into the very marrow of her bones. The leafbare chill lingers in their blood long past the melting of the snow. Love itself seems foreign, an oddity and a fascination, a covetous thing to be desired, not understood.

    Gravekit hates things she can't understand. They like simple, like predictable, like everything perfect, safe, and comfortable. They are rarely permitted this. Born into turmoil, into a Clan thrown into war, she is beset by the anxiety of constant danger - a danger which such a young cat is not meant to understand. And they can't, so they dread anything unfamiliar, anything that could bear the lurking promise of threat. Though they crave a simple sort of love, they cannot keep themself from analyzing and over-analyzing every action of both themself and others. Searching for something wrong, something to hate, because hate is an easier emotion than fear. She holds grudges like few others, every minor slight turned into a personal atrocity and kept locked inside the hollow of her chest. But they put on a good face, try to make themself likeable, in the hopes that it'll make up for the bitter cold beneath their skin. Make them something lovable, something pure and good, to capture some of that blissful childhood innocence they were never afforded.

    tends to keep her ears slightly flattened, walks in a hesitant manner & tests the ground before stepping, expressive tail that tends to swish back and forth, smiles rarely meet their eyes, often bows their head slightly when speaking.
    does not trust, ever. constantly searching for signs of betrayal.
    speech is #C3A7AE

    GOOSEBERRY xx CYGNETSTARE sibling to heronkit, milkweedkit, & shriek-kit
  • ► SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist
    SONG NAME - artist

  • ○○○○○○○○○○ HUNTING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ CLAN SKILL: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.

    ○○○○○○○○○○ TRACKING: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
    ○○○○○○○○○○ COMBAT: knowledge level. Expand on amnt. of knowledge.
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█ #342c31
█ #644e55
█ #957d7f
█ #C3A7AE
█ #c6c0bf
█ #e1dbd9

pastel goth. pink, white, grey. angels, churches, graveyards. poppies, roses, frosted over gardens. spiders, cobwebs, doll heads. soft & hazy, snow & ice. hearts, love letters, rabbits, fawn. pale & pristine, childish & faux-innocent. bones, teeth, hands, & pastel pink gore. PINTEREST
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