Recent content by BATSHRIEK


    camp IN THIS GLOOM — bats

    "GUESS WHAT, I'M THE DEVIL HERSELF" The bat comes back for another pass below the treetop branches as her silky-furred clanmate purrs a response. Her gaze flicks to the rock that the lead warrior carries, then back up to Deersong’s face as she speaks. "I don’t know," they state, offering a...

    camp IN THIS GLOOM — bats

    "GUESS WHAT, I'M THE DEVIL HERSELF" Names have always been important to Batshriek. The noise—the string of sounds that others use to refer to one cat specifically—means a lot to her, and not just because her name is so beautiful. What’s in a name, they’ve heard asked many times around the...

    | when everybody's caught up in the night / in-camp plot #3

    "GUESS WHAT, I'M THE DEVIL HERSELF" Batshriek is tired; she doesn’t think she’s ever been this tired before. Her exhaustion feels as though it’s seeped into her very bones, to make its home there and never leave. She’s seen dogs before, of course, had to run from them, but she’s never had to...

    IDYLLS OF THE KING — gathering chatter 09.15.22

    "GUESS WHAT, I'M THE DEVIL HERSELF" They’ve never been to a gathering before. From the other SkyClanners’ descriptions of it, it’s a large mass of cats in a rather small space, which Batshriek can’t say sounds particularly appealing. Especially if there will be other clans’ medicine cats there...

    MICROWAVE POPCORN | arachnid friend

    "GUESS WHAT, I'M THE DEVIL HERSELF" Snowkit answers their question without words, throwing himself into his mother’s side. They offer the deputy a smile, eyes crinkling slightly, listening to Snowkit’s description of the shell they’d found. Now she’s curious; she’s imagining some giant...

    MICROWAVE POPCORN | arachnid friend

    "GUESS WHAT, I'M THE DEVIL HERSELF" The child who approaches them first brings a crooked half-grimace to their face at first. They’ve watched too many unsuspecting, harmless bugs get crushed beneath the careless paws of young cats. But Snowkit doesn’t crush the creature, and instead drops into a...

    MICROWAVE POPCORN | arachnid friend

    "GUESS WHAT, I'M THE DEVIL HERSELF" The day has gone by quickly, much too quickly for their taste. They've been busy with patrols and hunting all day long, darting between patches of shade to avoid the harsh glare of the sun above. Her hunting today has been less successful than usual, which is...

    FOUGHT YOUR FIGHT — saying goodbye, vigil

    "GUESS WHAT, I'M THE DEVIL HERSELF" Batshriek is no stranger to the inevitable tragedy that is death. It is a fact of life, just the final step of the routine that is life. Just like the turning of the day, she thinks. The lives of cats rise and set in the same way that the sun does. For life to...

    Electric boogaloo || o. Intro

    There are times where Batshriek would call herself a saint, a cat with patience beyond anything this world has ever seen. And some days, Batshriek finds her right eye twitching, temples aching with the signs of an oncoming headache, because some cats are never taught to shut up as kits...

    RISE ABOVE — intro

    The smallest wisp of a child responds with an unsure question, glancing around as if there’s anyone else she might be speaking to. She quirks a brow at him, frowning. "Yes, you." She sighs. Can’t believe she’s asking a kid for help with this problem of hers. But she wants the collar gone—wants...

    QUEEN OF THE FREAKS — batshriek


    RISE ABOVE — intro

    Today is, decidedly, not a great day for her. The bell that dangles from her collar keeps ruining her hunts, alerting her prey to her presence in the trees. It’s the sole reminder of her start in life, and while she didn’t mind it before, it now does nothing but irritate her. With a sigh, she...

    QUEEN OF THE FREAKS — batshriek

    FUCKIN’ WITH A GODDESS — tags ( ❝ and the bitch bites back ❞ )

    QUEEN OF THE FREAKS — batshriek

    #f8bfc4 #e29eaa #85456b #b97898 #89678b

    QUEEN OF THE FREAKS — batshriek

    shrieking bat; batshriek bat for her oversized ears and dark pelt. shriek for their loud nature and tendency to start screeching for no reason. — warrior of skyclan; former kittypet, stray — female, she/they; amab — 24 moons / ages every 1st ↳ penned by @foxlore black and white cat with...