Recent content by Bonepaw.

  1. Bonepaw.


    *+:。.。 Although his head still pounds something fierce, the man takes his place amongst those gathered nonetheless. He pays little heed to anyone who keeps their distance from him - he's not unfamiliar to keeping cats at a distance. Still, even if one is sued to never making ripples...
  2. Bonepaw.

    sensitive topics All I hear are screams ☠ Return without Mercykit

    *+:。.。 As a man of few words, Bonechill cuts straight to the point - "Mercykit has been the graveyard...couldn't...can' after" he explains, @promisekit still swinging in jaws clenched a little too tight. It'll take a lot of coaxing to get him to loosen his teeth as the...
  3. Bonepaw.

    sensitive topics your grace is wasted in your face

    *+:。.。 No sooner had Bonechill rumbled his command did something suddenly feel terribly wrong. He lifts his head, perks his ears, and sniffs the air. But it's still just cold and quiet, the morning unperturbed by the existence of life hidden all around them. It's just another morning...until he...
  4. Bonepaw.

    sensitive topics TO ASHES AND BLOOD ♱ [ RETURN FROM BATTLE ]

    *+:。.。 Rage burned cold within his soul the moment Ternstar announced the names on her patrol and didn't include his among the roster. It was a grueling time - a punishment fit for no one - to wait for her to return. Before this moment, he hadn't given much thought to Ternstar as the leader but...
  5. Bonepaw.

    sensitive topics your grace is wasted in your face

    *+:。.。 Bonechill was a family man. Being so stringently loyal to his bloodline and his bloodline alone meant he found little interest in those outside his carefully guarded family tree. It would be a cold day in hell before he chose to spend time with someone else's kin when he had his baby...
  6. Bonepaw.

    private Who will pray for me? ☠ Promisekit

    *+:。.。 When it came to his clanmates, Bonechill lacks the reservation to admit: that he doesn't care. Ever since he was young, watching how cats whisper and cast cold glances at his mother, told him all he needed to know about the creatures outside his specific circle. Considering how petty...
  7. Bonepaw.

    private the way you lick your envelopes ☠ Snowlark

    *+:。.。 Snowlark's soft voice pleasantly fills the quiet of a nearly unoccupied den. Bonechill keeps his nose in his friend's fur, finding little strength to respond. Bad dreams, he'd asked...With a shuddering breath and a deeper sigh, he rumbles a response, "No." Any nightly theatrics, even...
  8. Bonepaw.

    private the way you lick your envelopes ☠ Snowlark

    *+:。.。 How much time had passed since Needledrift's death? 1 month, 7 weeks and 50 days... but who's counting? Bonechill spends every one of those minutes thinking about her. That gentle voice, those soft green eyes, paws that always knew exactly when to embrace him...Stars, he'd only just...
  9. Bonepaw.

    This year I lost my dear sister @/snowypaw 😔

    This year I lost my dear sister @/snowypaw 😔
  10. Bonepaw.

    camp WITH HASTE \ "snowypaw" discovery

    *+:。.。 In so many ways, Snowypaw leaving felt like losing her to death's ever-gluttonous maw. No longer sharing a nest in their kitten dog pile, hearing her jokes, listening to her laugh, watching her grow bigger alongside their had felt like death had reached those icy talons...
  11. Bonepaw.

    private The moment to live and the moment to die ☠ Scuffle

    *+:。.。 Claws pull unfamiliar, rotten dirt from padded down earth. Once upon a time, this very trail was one walked solely by Thunderclan, it was Shadowclan's oyster - providing them new opportunities to hunt where they'd once had only been allowed to reside on the ground behind the...
  12. Bonepaw.

    sensitive topics BRIGHT EYES, BURNING LIKE FIRE | vigil

    *+:。.。 Bonechill had always been the emotional sort. Hard to believe, I know, considering how apathetic the man typically holds himself. Boredom is a luxury only afforded to the truly happy, however. A prize won by those lucky enough to have a family to be there when the anger grows too strong...
  13. Bonepaw.

    sensitive topics KISS THE SKY / the journey home

    *+:。.。 Bonechill had been one of the first to leave the fight, carrying an injured @Laurelgrin to receive treatment from Starlingheart as the young man had needed. An odd protectiveness had come over Bonechill then - that, and the futility of running back into the fray when, by this point, it...
  14. Bonepaw.

    backwritten married in red ☠ Snowlark

    *+:。.。 Bonechill couldn't tell you when Snowlark had become more of a prominent figure in his life. The last he checked, his close circle of people was his family, and his family alone. Still, the alabaster's quiet presence was not unfavored as he sat down beside the cinnamon-silver. Together...
  15. Bonepaw.

    private I'm a call away ☠ Morelpaw

    *+:。.。 Morelpaw. Although Bonechill would never say he had favorites within his family, there was a special spot for his blue tabby brother in his heart nonetheless. He was the kitten Bonechill had the honor to name; the only blue within the litter that matched their mother. He was gentle and...