Recent content by CLAYFUR


    the dark forest HELLLLHOOOOLE [starclanner]

    ✦✦ There’s someone there, after all. The shuffling of movement through the darkened, rotting underbrush transforms into the shape of another cat, one who appears ready to fight. He looks… nightmarish, if Clay’s honest—as though he’s coalesced from the shadows themselves, the dark makes it look...

    the dark forest HELLLLHOOOOLE [starclanner]

    ✦✦ He wanders through mist for what feels like ages, stretching on and on until he’s sure that he’s just… lost. Hazel eyes glance back in the direction he’d come from, but there’s nothing there. StarClan is gone, out of his reach for now, and Clay can do nothing but continue trudging onward...

    starclan WHERE THE MIST GATHERS ] starclan discussion

    ✦✦ The big fluffy SkyClanner protests, but Clay doesn’t heed it. Blazestar may have been a leader in life, but he’s nobody’s leader now, and the chocolate tabby’s mind is already made up. If he doesn’t go see what’s on the other side now, he might die a second death just from the crushing weight...

    starclan WHERE THE MIST GATHERS ] starclan discussion

    ✦✦ The mist remains. And the longer it stays, the more Clayfur’s curiosity grows. With how much he talks about it, wondering what could be on the other side, why it could have shown up, it’s a surprise that Clearsight hasn’t gotten totally sick of him yet. But his mate could never—his pretty...

    starclan would i live forever ࿐࿔ nine lives

    ✦✦ Well, Smokestar is dead. It feels like just yesterday the tom was given his nine lives, and just like that, they’re all gone. Clay hadn’t expected him to last as long as Cicadastar, but it was still a surprise that he’d died in such a… sudden way. It’s telling, really, of just how vulnerable...


    ✦✦ The most surprising thing about being killed in a rogue’s ambush, Clayfur thinks, is that he’s glad that it happened. The others on the patrol—Smokestar, Mosspool, Beepaw—they all had more life to live. They all had families and friends who needed them around, a clan to take care of. He’s...

    starclan YOUR ONE WAY TICKET // a change in StarClan

    ✦✦ Stars glimmer in a pelt made anew after death, no longer stained with the blood of his death. It’s funny, because he always expected to, like, hate it when he died. He’d never expected to look forward to it, but then he’d traded river stones with a tom whose eyes shone bright as the...

    SILVERPELT CENSUS ✧ 02.06.2025

    Clayfur [♂] - RiverClan - Warrior - Killed by Deacon @CLAYFUR

    long live the sea [private]

    CW — death :') Clayfur gasps for air, chest heaving, struggling to drag in oxygen through a torn throat. He feels so cold. He feels so… heavy, like he’s swimming through mud. The wounds don’t hurt, not necessarily, but he can feel himself growing weaker with each moment. Blood keeps spilling...

    long live the sea [private]

    CW: blood, major injury The first rogue is blatant in her theft, and the patrol’s attention is quickly drawn to her. Clay’s blood sparks with rage—the audacity, to steal prey from RiverClan and hardly bother to hide it! As Smokestar, Beepaw, and Mosspool race after the mottled rogue, Clayfur...

    long live the sea [private]

    The number of RiverClan exiles has grown again, but this time Clay doesn’t feel horror or shock over it. This time, there is no lump in his throat to swallow around when he thinks of what could have happened to those who are gone. No. Those two had killed Smokestar—and sure, Clay may not always...

    private CHANGING TIDES / prompt

    The awful coughing from the other cat is a relief greater than Clay has ever felt before. The tom sputters and gasps for breath, and he can only watch silently as the other seems to regain awareness of his surroundings. When he finally does, affirming that he isn’t dead, the brown tabby allows a...

    private CHANGING TIDES / prompt

    That Sunningrocks still belongs to ThunderClan is a crime, a wrong that has yet to be righted. Clayfur took a life for the land, and yet it still wasn’t enough. He only hopes that the rock he’d left in memory of Clearsight still lies where he’d left it; if it’s been moved, then he doesn’t know...

    OFFICIAL RIVERCLAN CENSUS — [Updated - 3/04]

    CLAYFUR [♂] - WARRIOR — Tall, lean brown and white tabby with hazel eyes. [ @CLAYFUR ]

    camp through the mud and the storms [RTA]

    Unfortunately for Clayfur, the cat who he’s stumbled across first isn’t as forgiving as some of his other clanmates. His eyes go wide as Dipperpaw lashes her tail, annoyance easy to read in every line of her tense expression, her lashing tail. He tries to look apologetic, but it doesn’t seem to...