starclan WHERE THE MIST GATHERS ] starclan discussion

The misty barrier that hangs through the starry sky still unnerves Blazestar to his core. He and the rest of StarClan's warriors are convinced something sinister lies beyond, but they are no closer to figuring out just what that is. It had been built after the mad queen Sootstar's final death, but by whose paws, and to what means, the golden warrior still does not know. He gathers his fellow StarClanners with the flick of a bottle brush tail, his dark blue gaze troubled as silhouettes emerge from silver-crusted grasses.

"We are no closer to figuring out what we should do about the mist," he begins, quietly facing each warrior as they join him from the forest. "The Clans need to know what lurks beyond... and so do we." His whiskers quiver as his jaws tightens. "But we know just from looking at the mist that it brings danger."

Blazestar lifts his chin; starlight glimmers in his gaze. "What does StarClan say we should do about this?" He gives a patient nod, willing his Clanmates to speak.

[ ooc — the StarClanners who have been chosen have been dm'd. :) ]

The solution to the mist had felt obvious to Loampelt from the start. There isn't anything true to be learned from being a passive observer, sitting at a safe distance and cleaning one's paws the moment they become soiled. Loampelt's plume-like tail twitches behind him as he sizes up Blazestar—authority has a lot of faces, and only some of them are kind—and then at once Loampelt is standing on three paws.

"I-eee-uh seem to-to remember having an idea from th-thuh-the start," How was one supposed to know the taste of a rat without eating it and how was one supposed to know what was underneath a rock without flipping it? "As much fu-fuh-fun as sitting and waiting foh-oo-or something tuh-to happen has beh-been, maybe it's ti-teh-time tuh-to... ju-just walk through it?"

He gestures stiffly with his curled paw, insistent, "Eh-eee-if something was going tuh-to happen, it wuh-would've happened by now. M-mmmm-might as well see wh-whuh-what's on the other side oh-of it." The grimace that takes his face every time he speaks eases as he pauses to think. Idly, his teeth work into his tongue and his eyes narrow in thought, "It's as simple uh-uh-as walking a straight line. It'll eh-eh-end eventually, and then we'll kn-know what's beyond it. Could even beh-be-be something good that yuh-you've been whinging about thuh-the whole teh-time."
tags ∘ starclan warrior ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 15 moons

✦✦ The mist remains. And the longer it stays, the more Clayfur's curiosity grows. With how much he talks about it, wondering what could be on the other side, why it could have shown up, it's a surprise that Clearsight hasn't gotten totally sick of him yet. But his mate could never—his pretty yellow eyes only ever reflect adoration when he looks at Clay. Truly, dying was the best thing that happened to him after Clearsight was gone.

Blazestar's assertion that they need to figure out what to do about the mist draws his attention, and the chocolate tabby reluctantly lifts his head from his mate's starry coat. The cream-pointed tom declares that the mist means danger, which is definitely not not something that Clay knew. He remembers how it had felt when he touched it—cold, but not explicitly painful. (If he stepped all the way through it, would it be fully cold? Would he freeze, like the river's water in wintertime? Does water freeze in StarClan? He should check, sometime.) But Loampelt suggests that they'd know by now if something bad was going to happen because of the mist, and Clay kind of agrees with him. The mist hasn't done anything harmful yet, so what would be the harm in just… checking it out?

"Yeah, I think we should just… go. See what's on the other side. Never know 'til we try, y'know? I dunno if it'll be anything good, but I wanna check it out." As he speaks, he rises from Clearsight's whirlpooled flank, offering the other tom a flicker of his tail before ambling over to stand nearby the ShadowClanner. Leaving his mate behind to cross into the mist would be hard, but he wouldn't be away for very long. He'd spent nearly a year without his love; he can handle a shorter separation, knowing that he'll be back soon.
Blazestar blinks as a former ShadowClan warrior lifts his head, his coppery eyes gleaming as he pulls himself to his paws. Loampelt, the golden tom thinks, his blue eyes narrowing somewhat. Loampelt reiterates his original suggestion, one that the majority of StarClanners had balked at initially. "Maybe it's time to just walk through it," the black-furred cat mews, and Blazestar's pelt bristles with unease at the very mention of setting paw beyond that veil.

"No," he says at once, shaking his head. "We can't —"

But another voice comes from the warriors gathered. A former RiverClanner, strong and sleek as he'd been in life, lifts his head from his mate's pelt and lends his voice in agreement. "I don't know if it'll be anything good, but I wanna check it out," Clayfur says, and Blazestar looks at him helplessly.

"You're both brave," he murmurs, mostly to himself. He straightens, flicking the tip of his burnished tail. Perhaps they're right. How can we warn the Clans of trouble if we don't know exactly what we're facing? He hadn't wanted to admit it, but Loampelt and Clayfur had a point — whatever lay beyond that misty veil, they'd stand no chance of facing it if they didn't know exactly what lay beyond.

"Does anyone object to Clayfur and Loampelt going past the veil?" He studies the ranks of star-studded cats for a moment. When no one lifts their voice in protest, he turns back to the two StarClan warriors in question and dips his head. "We honor your courage. Find out what you can, and... don't linger, if you don't have to." He blinks, troubled. "We'll wait here for you. May StarClan go with you both, my friends."

Blazestar inclines his head. I only pray you can return to tell us about what lays beyond.

✦✦ The big fluffy SkyClanner protests, but Clay doesn't heed it. Blazestar may have been a leader in life, but he's nobody's leader now, and the chocolate tabby's mind is already made up. If he doesn't go see what's on the other side now, he might die a second death just from the crushing weight of his own curiosity. But it seems the other tom just needed some persuading from the most smooth-talking cats ever (Loampelt and Clayfur, of course) and soon enough he's seeing their side of things. He commends them for being brave, something that Clay's heard once or twice in his life. Or… not-life, now, he supposes. Nobody else objects to them going, of course, 'cause they're probably all just as curious about the other side of the weird mist, and then Blazestar is sending them off. Their courage is honored, don't stay gone too long, yeah yeah yeah. Clay gets the gist; his paws are tapping at the ground already, impatient and jittery at the idea of adventure in the afterlife. "Lickety-split," he affirms to the other StarClanner.

Of course Clearsight isn't going to like this, but Clay had missed him for months, and everything turned out fine when they were reunited after all. This time, it can be Clearsight's turn to be left behind. To miss him. It's not like he'll be gone for a whole year, like Clearsight was, anyway. With a crooked smile, the tom presses his nose into his mate's soft cheek fur, turning his head to murmur into the other RiverClanner's fur. "I'll see you on the other side—or, well, on this side, 'cause I'll definitely be coming back to you. I love you, and I'll be back before you know I'm even gone. Okay?" Hazel eyes shine with determination, not a hint of a lie behind them. He holds that sunshine-yellow gaze for a few heartbeats, and then breaks eye contact with a nod. And then, eagerly, he turns away to head for the mist. Whatever he finds in the other side, he's ready.