Recent content by Frog's Croak

  1. Frog's Croak


    He can only frown at what she says. I'm not Salamander, it's a foolish notion, that a name is something to earn and maintain, that it's something you can return like a token or a prize that's lost... And it's a lot at once, everything she tells him. He can barely make sense of it. All the names...
  2. Frog's Croak


    He doesn't expect to see her. No, it's the very last thing he expects, Salamander found on the edge of their territory. Salamander, who had left all those moons ago after renouncing her old name (and this—he cannot accept. The notion, ridiculous then, was just as ridiculous now.) Salamander...
  3. Frog's Croak


    His lungs ache somethin' fierce, a burn that seemed ever-so-slightly worse with each passing day, despite how long he's had to get used to it now. No breaks, never respite— it's thick since the fire, only worse by the day. It's a miracle that he could even drag himself here, on the cusp of the...
  4. Frog's Croak

    DOWN BY MORNING ; shadowclan patrol

    [ retro to the fire ! patrol members @FROGGY @GECKOSCREECH @Lavenderpaw ] He didn't quite get the point in things like this, patrolling borders that surely, none were keen on crossing without friendly intensions. What was worthwhile here within the marsh - worth the assault on the senses that...
  5. Frog's Croak

    pafp SOMETHING ENTIRELY NEW (two kits joining)

    "What if, indeed," the tom rumbles, amused as he steps from between clumps of reeds. Small form and dark form leaves it easy for him to hide. He's stumbled across wandering youngsters more than he'd ever expect to lately. Borders or no, they came in droves, childish bickering echoing through the...
  6. Frog's Croak


    He can only observe the actions that follow with a crease in his brow and lips pulled taut in a frown. He fails to see why anyone would make such a fuss of bringing such vile slime back to camp. Marsh cats have adapted to plenty, the strange skin of toads ripped open by pointed teeth is...
  7. Frog's Croak

    You'll Be A Legacy // Birthing!

    It's not the first kitting he's been around for, and it certainly won't be the last. With the way Sandra's been looking for some time now, it isn't a surprise to suddenly hear the queen call out for Twilight, the other molly taking no time to rush to her side. Queens helping queens, the sort of...
  8. Frog's Croak

    so goodbye yellow brick road || frog's croak

    [ A month later and i finally have the muse... so sorry about the wait, if you still want to continue this I'll make it timely from here on ] "You're leavin'?" That first bit of news is slow to hit him, something that doesn't quite register in his old mind. Season after season, he's had his...
  9. Frog's Croak

    sacrificial burdens // open

    The warrings of that day had left them all in a strange state, stuck somewhere in between past and present. They were urged to suddenly to come to terms with these things, to accept this new way of living, whatever else was to come along with Briarstar and this supposed healer. There was more to...
  10. Frog's Croak


    A strange soul, this one, nosing about in the wilderness. The purpose of such a thing? Well, he couldn't even begin to guess. Her gaze doesn't seem to track movement across the muddy ground, nor the prey that skitter amongst the few sparse treetops dotted within the swamp. No, instead he seems...
  11. Frog's Croak


    The war was over and done with. Blood had already been spilt atop the muddied ground, brutality witnessed by both those present, and the four grand oaks that crowned the scene, towering high beyond snarling faces and outstretched claws. The earth had lostened to the wailing cries, was generous...
  12. Frog's Croak


    A crescendo. Discordant noises, bright and bold in their own ways, clashed beneath the shade of the oak forest. Whether their heads were full of malice or mere misunderstanding, it was bound to get worse. Only became such each and every day. Another argument, more tension, a skirmish, patrols...
  13. Frog's Croak

    papa, can you hear me? || croak

    His gaze lingers. Perhaps for longer than it should. The answer is both comforting and wholly unsatisfying. She seeks to change their minds... but with how far things have come, would that truly be possible? To rid them of their fury, keep them from springing at their neighbors with the...
  14. Frog's Croak

    dim morning ; haunting

    "Mmm-hm" Leaping Toad's claim is met with a half-lidded gaze and tight-lipped smile. Excuses, excuses, though maybe he wasn't too far off. "Maybe I should set up another test just for your brother, then." He fails to restrain his amusement at the sound of cloud's warbling voice, high pitched...
  15. Frog's Croak

    dim morning ; haunting

    And look at that, he's hooked himself a few suckers, if only for a moment. A grin spreads wide across his maw. Through the fronds, he can see the hunched shape of a younger cat, his grandson, he realizes, though he isn't sure he's ever heard him in such disarray before now. Dark tabby fur wasn't...