She expects the tearing of claws through tender flesh; the sinking of fangs into exposed throat. But the pain does not come. Instead it manifests in the dropping of her gut as familiar smoky pelt streaks into the line of fire. “WILLOWROOT!” Robinheart cries as rogue and warrior collide. Crimson...
//this is canonically set around february 7th/8th
She carefully and affectionately arranges them side by side, meticulously groomed flank against flank, with tails entwined. Lovers in life as well as lovers in death. The tortoiseshell thinks Willowroot and Poppysplash would have liked to be...
Repetitive motion is all the tortoiseshell molly is capable of in the hours that had passed since Algaepaw’s body was brought back to camp. She grooms her child throughly, meticulously. Each stroke of her tongue through silken pelt brings about a new memory. From Algaepaw’s first tempestuous...
There is a disturbance upon the breeze as Robinheart limps along the riverbank, citrine eyes scanning for swaths of moss to bring back to the medicine den. Coughing beckons her attention, the sputtering of lungs clearing away water, and voices following suit. She picks her way towards the...
Robinheart displays a look of congratulations towards Fawnpaw as he accepts his position as SkyClan’s medicine cat apprentice. She hopes he learns all he can from Fireflyglow and that the gentle giant is as fine a mentor as Moonbeam is to her.
Speaking of, Moonbeam requests their attention once...
There is amusement twinkling in her citrine gaze at Snakeblink’s wry grimace. The promotion had been a surprise, but all in all an earned position. Snakeblink had been on the council for as long as the tortoiseshell could remember. “I do think there was thundering on the night of your promotion...
A soft hum of understanding escapes the tortoiseshell’s maw. She has felt the changing weight of the air before; the silent beckoning of grief and sorrow to be obeyed. It must be a universally known yet unspoken phenomenon. “Perhaps then it was time for both of us to visit,” Robinheart murmurs...
Robinheart extends a proud expression towards Mosquitopaw as she is the first to volunteer. The tortoiseshell medicine cat apprentice sees herself in the younger molly - quiet and reserved, scared to make a mistake. When the apprentice asks if she is doing alright, Moonbeam steps in to continue...
With the sun at its peak and leafbare beginning to give away to the subtle warmth, Robinheart indulges in a walk along the river. A brief reprieve from her duties. She can hear the soft birdsong and distant rushing of waters freed from their icy encasement. The music of her clan; the lifeblood...
Robinheart’s awkward gait slows her ever so as she trudges through the snow and slush, ears perked at the excited chatter of the apprentices in her care. Their voices meld with the babbling of icy river waters, parts of the river thawed already either by the sun or constant wear of rushing...
Rarely does she visit the graveyard. Perhaps it is the connection to Starclan that keeps her from the sacred ground or perhaps it is the overwhelming sorrow that comes with acknowledging the dead’s presence many lengths beneath her paws? Robinheart does not think too deeply about such a subject...
Robinheart is engrossed in her duties when reeds bend and break to a quick moving force. Her heart, fragile and easily startled, lurches at the memory of thundering paws and bowed reeds. Hungry jowls and hunting howl that split the air before splitting bone and flesh. Oh how such a frightful...
She feels like a beacon of light; of joy and hope in the wake of her time spent with Brookstorm. Waking from that beautiful dream had been difficult, but to still feel the lingering touch of starbound lover kissed upon her skin gave the tortoiseshell strength to continue. It is that renewed...
She is merely passing the apprentice den when she hears the voices rise from within. So long it has been since she has nested among the apprentices… which is funny considering she is an apprentice once more. Though of a different caliber.
Curiosity gets the better of the medicine cat...
Robinheart steals a moment of relaxation in a wayward patch of sunlight, her eyes half lidded and plush tail draping over her crooked hind leg as if to protect it against the chill in the air. Leafbare is an enemy to joints and bones — she remembers hearing the elders warn her time and time...
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