camp 666 WITH A PRINCESS STREAK ༺♡༻ RTA & moving nest


siren song
Aug 24, 2024

༺♡༻ Onyxpaw felt like a firecracker. Her pelt burned even in the cold of leafbare, every inch of her alight. Everything was wrong. Her dad never returned, and it cracked her mother open like shattered ice. Her litter were apprenticed, and it wasn't nearly as joyous as it should have been. Otterbite was supposed to mentor her, he wasn't supposed to die. She grits her teeth, trapping those firesparks from the world. She won't shut down. She won't let herself be held back by this or anything.

Onyxpaw drags her new nest away from her siblings, shunted to the back like all new apprentices are. She won't stand for it. She's going to make herself known, stand strong as she knows her bloodline must. She will steal that shattered frost Claythorn's eyes, snatch the dying embers of Otterbite's fire. She will keep moving forwards, no matter what it takes. A broad shoulder bumps into an unassuming denmate. "Can you, like, scooch a bit? I'm trying to put my nest here." By the entrance, front and center. Best spot in the den. It should be hers, because she has the fire to claim it. "And no, I'm not going to the back. Don't even try to argue, okay? I need sunlight for my beauty naps - or I'm going to start biting ears off. Got that?" Words spill from her maw before the other apprentice can even protest, eyes steely and voice dismissive. She will make herself known, whether her denmates like it or not.

  • ONYXPAW ༺♡༻ she / her, apprentice of riverclan, six moons.
    an elegant blue and black molly with a thick mane around her neck.
    headstrong and vain, always hungry for attention.
    claythorn xx otterbite, sister to dark-kit, sparrowkit, eelkit, & dropletkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
〕Bubbleburst has just finished a nest refresh of her own in the warriors' den. She tries to keep her nest as comfortable and warm as possible in these cold leafbare months, but sometimes overstocks herself with reeds and moss. This is one such refresh; Bubbleburst has somehow ended up with two entire extra wads of moss. Instead of letting it go to waste, the warrior thinks to offer it politely to some of the apprentices or perhaps the queens in the nursery. Maybe she can offer to spruce up their nests too with some scales or shells from her collection while she's at it!

"Hi!" she chirps cheerily to no one in particular as she pokes her head into the apprentices' den "I just wanted to come in and offer you guys some extra moss-" But Bubbleburst's offering is cut short by Onyxpaw's shove and declaration. She blinks in her surprise. It isn't incredibly mean, but Onyxpaw's demands and empty threats are enough to at least make the young warrior frown.

Maybe she should have just gone to the nursery instead. Bubbleburst isn't the best mediator. "Onyxpaw," Bubbleburst begins an uncomfortable scold with a frown "That's no way to talk to your fellow apprentice. I'm sure they'd be willing to give up the space if you asked nicely."

  • ooc.
  • BUBBLEBURST —— warrior of riverclan , mentoring twinklepaw . mudjaw x breezeflower . littermate to swanpaw ✦ penned by carat
    she/her / 16 moons & ages every 13th
    single / bisexual / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— not a strong fighter, often prefers diplomacy and strategy over strength and battle skills

    "speech", 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 73218862_HIq0jsq1uXx9fZd.png

    a mediumhaired silver marbled tabby with moderate white and blue eyes

With all that he's put up with and pushed through, with all the hard work he's done in his near-finished apprenticeship, Amberpaw deserves this spot.

This spot, so far from the back of the den he'd once settled his nest in, is perhaps one of the better places in the whole apprentice den — right up front, right where he can feel the sunlight on his back after a hard morning's work. He's worked hard for this, he promises himself, as he puts the finishing touches on his refreshed bedding. Once content, he moves to lay within it, but hardly gets to that point, before a grating voice reaches his ears.

" Can you, like, scooch a bit? "

Pale eyes flicker toward his denmate, expecting one of the usual faces — one of those who would do something like this, who would go out of their way to tip his mood in the opposite direction — only to blink at who he finds.

" You're new, " he reasons, mostly to himself. Maybe Onyxpaw doesn't know? " You're supposed to — " The tom's words are cut off in defiance and Amberpaw finds himself baffled by the audacity of the younger apprentice. Don't even try to argue? Or she'll start chewing ears off? Bubbleburst's words reach his ears in between the kit's — if this were any apprentice older than him, if it were any his age, maybe he'd give up his spot. But Onyxpaw is new to the den. And Onyxpaw is... annoying.

" It's fine, " he tells Bubbleburst with a dip of his head, his pelt hot at the confrontation. His attention returns to Onyxpaw, white paws shifting — as if to prepare to move his nest — only to flop down with in it and look towards the younger cat with his own defiant gaze. " I have plenty of ears to go around. " And StarClan knows he'd be better off with less.

" You can have this spot when you do something to deserve it, " he says. Or, really — more likely — when he becomes a warrior. He won't care beyond that where the kit puts her nest.


An otherwise handsome tom bathed in frosted gold, Amberpaw is cursed with a second set of ears, and a lineage that leaves him in constant need of proving himself to his clan. Born of Ripple and Red Water blood, he faces the world without his parents to guide him.


He / Him ⋅ Single
Apprentice of RiverClan
Swiftfire x Hush
Brother to Roepaw, Dreampaw
Mentoring no one⋅ Mentored by NPC
Penned by Abri ⋅ Message _abri_ on discord for plots!
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She is merely passing the apprentice den when she hears the voices rise from within. So long it has been since she has nested among the apprentices… which is funny considering she is an apprentice once more. Though of a different caliber.

Curiosity gets the better of the medicine cat apprentice, who pokes her head in alongside Bubbleburst to witness the back and forth between fiery Onyxpaw and unmoving Amberpaw. Two children of rogues, each with something to prove. Robinheart can understand the fire in their bellies and the strong will fortifying their bones to the marrow. They'll make formidable warriors when the time comes…

So long as they don't destroy each other before that day comes.

"There's a bit of a hierarchy in the apprentice den… you'll be fortunate to find someone willing to give up a coveted spot," Robinheart coos, a soft smile on her maw. She remembers both apprentices when they were newly born, fully dependent on mothers whom she regards (or regarded in Swiftfire's case) as friends. "But I must agree with Bubbleburst. You'll make more headway by being polite over being menacing."
[ penned by kerms ]