Recent content by Shimmerkit

  1. Shimmerkit

    camp WORRIES AND WOES (( ☽ )) getting diagnosed?

    Shimmerkit peeked his head into the medicine den at the sound of Pumpkinkit's whimper. He'd been lingering outside after catching wind of Roseblaze's fretful tone. It was one he'd heard before from his own mother, one that had quickly morphed from concern to outright disgust once she'd realized...
  2. Shimmerkit

    once i was seven years old - playing games with the kits

    Shimmerkit turned from where he had been settled nearby, shaping some of the fresh fallen snow with small gray forepaws. Losing interest upon hearing Howlfire gloat, he abandoned his project and went bounding in her direction. "I'll play!" he chirped, shoving his way past his less interested...
  3. Shimmerkit

    HEAD AND HEART [ camp ]

    Shimmerkit turned his head as he heard fallen leaves crinkling under an older cat's paws. The older tom was unfamiliar to him, but then again, most everybody in SkyClan still was. He trotted up to the other tom, tipping his head back to look up at him. He looked exhausted, and his voice sounded...
  4. Shimmerkit

    pafp boys with pretty eyes // naming

    Another cat appeared, older than Shimmerkit but still not fully grown. She reached out a paw to ruffle his fur, reaffirming Mottledove’s compliment before the queen could do it herself. He let out a purr as another cat congratulated him, and then looked up at the apprentice who had spoken first...
  5. Shimmerkit

    pafp boys with pretty eyes // naming

    The boy had scuttled after Blazestar, nervousness gripping him immediately after the leader had said a queen would be able to look after him. What was to stop this unknown stranger from reacting just the way his mother had? He didn’t need looking after. He could look after himself and stay out...
  6. Shimmerkit


    The boy frowned. He wouldn't mind being stolen. What difference would it make? And was it really stealing if you were taking something that was never wanted in the first place? He gave a small nod as Lux seemed to pick up on his reasons for wishing to stay. "No," he said in a small voice. "She...
  7. Shimmerkit


    First one cat, then another. The nameless kitten stared up at the two toms before him. He was excited at first, and was about to blurt out an enthusiastic hello, but they quickly asked the question he'd hoped they would not. Sliver tail drooping, the boy shuffled his paws nervously. "Oh!" he...
  8. Shimmerkit


    A small, pale furred kitten crept cautiously through the forest. He paused, and wondered for a moment if anyone would notice his absence. Perhaps his housefolk might, but he knew his mother wouldn't. She hardly seemed to notice him even when he was there. She had never given him milk, or...
  9. Shimmerkit

    CHOOSE KIND // yukio

    “White is fine!” the kit said excitedly. He looked down at himself, sticking out one small paw to examine his fur. “White goes with everything!” He leaned forward, peering at the plants as Yukio wove their stems into a tight chain. He played the movements over and over in his mind, intent on...
  10. Shimmerkit

    CHOOSE KIND // yukio

    The kit fidgeted nervously, embarrassed at his confession of namelessness, but he almost forgot his embarrassment entirely when Yukio offered to make him a flower crown. Tail swishing excitedly, the tom beamed up at the older cat. A flower crown would've been enough, but the offer to help find...
  11. Shimmerkit

    CHOOSE KIND // yukio

    The kit looked up at the older tom, his worry suddenly evaporating at the sight of the stranger's flower crown. Beaming, he gave a small hop of excitement as he spoke. "Hi! he chirped. "I like your flowers!" The older cat offered his name then, and the kit's face suddenly fell. He knew what...
  12. Shimmerkit

    CHOOSE KIND // yukio

    Round blue eyes stared out at the camp before him. There were a lot more cats here than he'd expected, and the nameless kit didn't know what to think. Sitting back on his haunches, the boy took in the surrounding scene for a few moments before scooting out into the sun. He'd yet to make himself...
  13. Shimmerkit


    [ NAME ] Shimmerkit/Shimmerpaw/Shimmersong [ GENDER ] Intersex trans male, he was assigned female by a confused mother, and he does have female reproductive organs, despite his sex appearing ambiguous [ AGE ] 2 moons, created 10/22/23, ages realistically [ ALLIEGANCE ] SkyClan [SEXUALITY]...
  14. Shimmerkit

    pafp I'll send an arrow through your heart for to bring such news to me // grief, rage

    Bonejaw shoved Sagepaw away, and Ribbitpaw leapt in front of her. Sagepaw stood, pelt fully bushed out as she hissed at the ebony she-cat. "You could have done something!" Sagepaw yowled. "You could've at least tried! Given her something to relieve a bit of her pain, gone with her to find help...
  15. Shimmerkit

    private tomorrow will be kinder. // spark

    Pale paws pummeled the ground as Sagepaw ran through ShadowClan territory. She didn't want to be here anymore. She needed somewhere else. Someplace better. Kinder. Anywhere. ShadowClan might've been the ones to take her in after she'd left her father, but their callousness had long unsettled...