
Flower Child
Jun 10, 2022
A small, pale furred kitten crept cautiously through the forest. He paused, and wondered for a moment if anyone would notice his absence. Perhaps his housefolk might, but he knew his mother wouldn't. She hardly seemed to notice him even when he was there.

She had never given him milk, or allowed him to snuggle into her belly. His housefolk had taken the job of feeding him. It worked, but was nothing like being beside his mother where he belonged.

She'd rejected him immediately after her kitting. The young she-cat hadn't been able to tell if the smallest of her litter was a she-cat or a tom. There was something terribly wrong with him. At least, that was what he had heard her saying to the other cats, high up on the fence where she thought he couldn't hear her. Or, maybe she knew he could. Maybe she wanted him to hear, to know what a disappointment he was, compared to his perfect brother and sisters.

The kit paused to examine himself in a puddle. His fur was short and silver, nearly white. His tail was long and fluffy, pale gray with darker stripes. His legs were colored the same, and his pointed face bore a pale gray mask. His soft pelt was shiny and clean. What about him was so awful? He blinked his blue eyes in confusion. He had never noticed anything strange, never understood what caused his mother to shove him aside without even giving him a name.

He knew he would never belong with her, no matter how he struggled to please her. He had heard tales of wild forest cats from some of his neighbors. An old tabby called Dennis had the best stories. Everyone said Dennis had a mind full of fluff, but the young kit could sit and listen to him for hours.

That was why he was here now. Desperately hoping that perhaps he could find a new home among the trees and flowers, away from his mother's constant scorn.

His stomach grumbled, and he turned to glance around. His housefolk had recently started feeding him some chunks of meat from a bowl, which he liked, but something told him that there wasn't any of that to be found in the forest. What did wild cats eat? Dennis had told him about something called a mouse, but the boy had never seen one before. He took a few more steps into the brush, sniffing curiously

(I've tried to play him here once before and dropped off the edge of the earth but I've decided to try rebooting him again so if you saw him the first time no you didn't lol)
just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
Like clockwork, Lux jumped at the chance of another hunting patrol. The more the better right? He was still getting used to the terrain, and he hadn't even humored the thought of climbing—glancing wearily at the hulking trees with mixed emotions. It was one skill he still hadn't gotten the grasp of despite clambering up wooden fences and building roofs to get away from swinging brooms and vocal dogs that thought he was an easy snack.

Odd eyes flickered, noting the quiver of a bush and really he had thought it was a mouse, slipping into a hunting crouch with ease when he caught a whiff of kitten. They even—Lux blinked. "Hey there, bub! Where's your parents?" He questioned, helm tilted. Oh, shoot. Great going, Lux. He probably looked like some monster out of a story.

Turning to the other warriors within the patrol, Lux called out, tail waving in a 'come here' gesture. "There's a kit." He shouldn't be this surprised, not since his own parents abandoned him at the mere sight of him. He winced. The little guy might not even have parents. Stupid. Stupid. "I'm Lux!" He greeted, odd-eyes crinkled.
thought speech

XXXXXAnother kit, abandoned and left to their own devices in the forest. Blazestar follows Lux to where the pale scrap of fur crouches, shuffling through pine needles as though in search of something. Food, most likely—a kit this young shouldn't be without its dam, he thinks sadly. He wonders if this is another case of abandonment, or if something dreadful had happened to the kit's mother. He pauses beside Lux before crouching—to the best of his ability—to the kits' height. "Hello, little one. Where's your mother?" He thinks of the queens in the nursery, worrying neither's milk will have come in yet. He wonders if Mottledove would be open to nursing a lost kit, if the dam could not be found.

First one cat, then another. The nameless kitten stared up at the two toms before him. He was excited at first, and was about to blurt out an enthusiastic hello, but they quickly asked the question he'd hoped they would not. Sliver tail drooping, the boy shuffled his paws nervously. "Oh!" he started. "Well, um...I don't really have a dad." This was true. He didn't know who his father was. His mother never talked about her former mate, and the boy and his siblings were left to wonder.

He was unable to skirt around the second tom's question, asking specifically about his mother. "She's...she's back that way," he mumbled, pointing with a paw back towards the throng of houses he had come from. "I don't think she'll mind I'm not there." He dropped his gaze to his small gray feet, suddenly realizing how silly his hopes of living amongst the wild cats had been. "I was thinking maybe...maybe I could stay here instead?" The words were mumbled, the kit suddenly embarrassed.

XXXXXThe kit crouches, evasive, as Blazestar and Lux approach him. The Ragdoll does his best to look less imposing, but the kit's words trouble him somewhat. "She's back that way. I don't think she'll mind I'm not there." Blazestar shakes his head gently. SkyClan can't very well take a kit in whose mother would go looking for him, after all. "Why would that be? Taking you without your mother's knowledge would be like stealing you from her, and we can't do that." He implores the kit to open up, even just a little more, with his intense dark blue gaze. "Why would you want to stay here, and not with her?"

just because i carry it so well doesn't mean it's not heavy .
He winced, offering an apologetic grin at the heavy statement. "Pretty personal stuff, huh? Sorry about that, bub!" When the kit asked to join, Lux tossed a curious glance to Blazestar, helm tilted. He hummed, maw opening before closing seconds later, shuffling idly on three paws. Right. Right. He shouldn't be revealing that when Blazestar was trying to see why. "She isn't very nice, was she?" He said, helm tilted. "My mother wasn't either!" He grinned, hoping that'd help the other open up and not be as scary.
thought speech
The boy frowned. He wouldn't mind being stolen. What difference would it make? And was it really stealing if you were taking something that was never wanted in the first place? He gave a small nod as Lux seemed to pick up on his reasons for wishing to stay. "No," he said in a small voice. "She says there's something wrong with me. She thought maybe I was a girl, but she wasn't sure. My housefolk took care of me instead. She'll probably be glad if I'm gone." One less stain on his mother's otherwise perfect life.
Blazestar flicks an ear at Lux's assumption and then the kit's confirmation. A cruel mother, to turn a kit away for such a harmless reason, but the forest inexplicably seems full of hard-hearted queens who shun their kits and leave them for dead. The Ragdoll gestures toward Lux, sighing deeply as though vexed. Every time they find a child to fend for themselves, it's like opening scabs on his heart. "We have a queen in the nursery who can take him," he tells the warrior-in-training. "Mottledove can assist since Howlfire and Butterflytuft have not kitted yet."

To the kit, Blazestar blinks, smiling tremulously. "We're going to be taking you back to our camp. There's a kind she-cat named Mottledove who will watch over you. You're the only kit in our camp right now, but there will be others to play with soon." He gestures for Lux to lift the kitten in his jaws—the walk to camp would be far too long for him to walk on stubby little legs.

[ he is officially accepted! feel free to post around the board :3 ]

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