Recent content by Starlingheart

  1. Starlingheart

    starclan THE BAFFLED KING COMPOSING HALLELUJAH \ starlingheart

    “Oh, Marbleleaf.” Starlingheart’s voice is barely a breath, thick with sorrow as she takes a step forward, her green eye shimmering like morning dew. The grief pouring from Marbleleaf is palpable, wrapping around them like a storm cloud—but Starlingheart does not let it take hold. Without...
  2. Starlingheart

    starclan CUT DOWN THE ALTAR \ dream

    “Oh, Marbleleaf.” Starlingheart’s voice is as soft as the wind stirring the leaves, carrying the weight of a love for her niece that has never faded. She steps forward without hesitation, pressing her nose gently to her former apprentice’s forehead. The warmth of the touch lingers like a memory...
  3. Starlingheart

    sensitive topics I'LL KEEP WISHING THIS ISN'T THE END \ death

    tw: death and canon-typical gore If anyone knows a thing or two about foolish mistakes, it's her. She had told Marblepaw not to go out during the blizzard, had advised her that the risks of such a thing far outweighed the reward, but her apprentice hadn't listened and had decided to brave the...
  4. Starlingheart

    private now I'm here to stay // starlingheart

    She has been here too many times now, she thinks. Sat with her legs tucked underneath her, single eye glowing in the soft moonlight as she holds silent vigil over the soon-to-be leaders body while they dream of StarClan, while they recieve their nine lives. Which of her many friends and family...
  5. Starlingheart

    private SHALLOW GRAVE \ herb (event) patrol

    How many leaf-bares has she seen now? This would be her third, she supposes. Its early this year, the cold tugs at her fur and she does her best to not shiver too much lest she worry the rest of her patrol. She could handle more than a little discomfort. And besides, this was only the beginning...
  6. Starlingheart

    private whisper in the wind // starlingheart

    To say Starlingheart was partial to kits would not be a lie - and this rang especially true when it came to those of her own flesh and blood. In particular, her grandkits. To her, they are a blessing from StarClan themselves. They certainly haven't missed it - her love, her adoration. Already...
  7. Starlingheart

    camp BOTH ARMS CRADLE YOU NOW ⛧ birth

    Starlingheart's whiskers twitch with pride as she watches her apprentice offer ragwort to their patient. Thier patient, who just so happened to be giving birth to her grandkits. Grandkit. It strikes her then, with no small amount of amusement, how old this new milestone makes her feel. It also...
  8. Starlingheart


    Starlingheart feels like she has made this trek more than any other medicine cat in the entire forest. Her limbs still heavy from the last time she was here, she makes her way first to fourtrees to meet with ThunderClans healer then onto the moonstone, pleasant chatter floating between her and...
  9. Starlingheart

    from the bite ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ who's to blame?

    Starlingheart is not so naive as to believe her clan wouldn't point the paw in her direction for this. It's never a surprise, not anymore, the lack of trust, the ready accusations weighed heavily upon their tongue. It used to bother her, used to keep her up at night when her claws would curl...
  10. Starlingheart

    private LESSONS I HATE TO LEARN [starlingheart]

    Life as a medicine cat meant long hours. It meant checking and rechecking herbs to make certain they had enough of this or that nothing important had gone bad in the night. It was combing the territory carefully looking for useful herbs, it was knowing when to take and how to leave enough behind...
  11. Starlingheart

    storage FOREST, MEET WILDFIRE [ ᨒ↟ˎˊ˗ ] STORAGE

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi lobortis laoreet arcu ut fermentum. Curabitur venenatis justo quis ante blandit dictum. Mauris condimentum nunc tempus est pretium condimentum. Duis tincidunt porttitor dapibus. Cras aliquam placerat urna, quis consectetur nulla...
  12. Starlingheart


    Starlingheart cannot always say she understands the whims of StarClan. She can do her best to interpret their messages, to decipher their codes, the meaning behind the things that they show her rather than just outright saying. They had sent her a sign as clear as day spelling out what they...
  13. Starlingheart


    For when we hunt at carrionplace, right? Her smile flaters only for a moment at the words, but still she nods, her lips pressing into a thin line "St-stars willing, there will come a time where we don't have to but-but yes" Only when they were at their most desperate did they venture into the...
  14. Starlingheart


    "No" she agrees with a breath "Y-your right about that…No one will ever be able t-to replace him." Smogstar’s presence in this clan would never be so easily forgotten, not when his bloodline still carried on. Everytime she looked at his brood, pain shot through her heart as she thought about...
  15. Starlingheart


    Starlingheart has seen this den go through too many faces now. She remembers cold nights curled into her mothers side in this den, remembers her claws scraping against the rock as she begged her brother to get better, “please don’t leave me” uttered in the voice of a child as she sobbed into...