private SHALLOW GRAVE \ herb (event) patrol

"You think the frost has started killing the herbs yet?" Her breath is a cloud before her muzzle. Marblepaw tries to move quickly through the icy marsh, lest her limbs lock up on her. It's cold here, that's for sure, but somehow the Twolegplace in her memories is far less forgiving. Here, at least, she has the warmth of Starlingheart's den, of a nest woven tight with moss and bracken, of fresh-kill at the end of a long day. There would be no scavenging in Twoleg waste bins for her, not anymore.

To her warrior companions, she turns. "Even if you don't think something's helpful, don't be afraid to point it out to us, okay? We'll let you know for sure." She blinks, friendly. "If it looks like a weed, though, it probably is!"

Marblepaw wanders just a foxlength from her group, her eyes scanning the greenery. She spots a tall plant with thick, lacy foliage, speckled with golden blossoms. "Lovage!" She lowers her face toward the herb and grips it in her jaws, turning to grin excitedly at Starlingheart. "'ook!"

  • ooc: patrol tag: @Starlingheart @Wormwatcher @Snowlark. || she rolled a 16, so that's 3 points for rare herbs treating respiratory infections :3
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit . Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — "speech", thoughts, attack
    — 10 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.


[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowlark followed the two medicine cats with a calm look in his yellow gaze, stubby tail twitching while ears perked forward to listen to what Starlingheart and Marblepaw had to say or to instruct him and Wormwatcher. When Marblepaw expresses to bring whatever even if they're not sure what it is the boy nods before his gaze begins to flicker around the surroundings before spotting a bustling amount of leaves, a strong smell coming off of it making his nose wrinkle slightly before craning his neck down to grab it.

Once plucked his head turned towards Marblepaw and Starlingheart, placing the herbs in front of their paws with a slight hum. "Hopefully this will be of use to you guys" the young warrior expressed, ears flicking slightly before glancing to Wormwatcher with a cool look in his yellow eyes, wondering if the other tom would find anything as well. Hopefully, this herb patrol will go well for them, especially when it would be needed for the rest of leaf-bare...
  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark He/Him, Lead warrior of Shadowclan, 15 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Rolled a 20 !! +3 Points :3 )

Wormwatcher's sharp face is contorted into a scowl as the small patrol traipses through the soggy territory. It's not that he dislikes the company- in fact he quite likes all three of them- but his mind is clouded with concern for impending Leafbare and the general climate of politics. He takes up the rear of the patrol and when the medics pause to instruct him and Snowlark he trots forward, brows softening as he listens to Marblepaw. "Very well," he hums as he twists on a heel and lopes away.

He is sure to be within earshot of Starlingheart and Marblepaw as he searches. His nose twitches as he attempts to smell out the herbs, searching the crevices of his memory for phantom-scents of herbs in the medicine den. A half-smile lightens Wormwatcher's harsh expression when he catches a whiff of a familiar smell and begins to delicately uproot it. Well, he can't be sure what it is... but he's smelt it before and seen it stashed in the den as a 'paw.

"Don't know what it is, but it must be important." He sets the herb down close by Marblepaw and Starlingheart with a quick nod. "I'll go back to searching..."

  • rolled a 19! +3 pts <3
  • FsFW5HN.png
    WORMWATCHER —— black/blue chimera with low white
    —— shadowclan warrior
    —— he/him ⋆ homosexual (closeted)
    —— 31 moons ⋆ ages every 10th

How many leaf-bares has she seen now? This would be her third, she supposes. Its early this year, the cold tugs at her fur and she does her best to not shiver too much lest she worry the rest of her patrol. She could handle more than a little discomfort. And besides, this was only the beginning of what would be a long and difficult season. "Im not-not certain" she admits to her apprentice, the worry evident in the way her single eye scans the marshes, the way her teeth bite softly at her bottom lip.

She lets Marblepaw take the lead on this patrol, watching with pride as her apprentice instructs the warriors. She's becoming a fine young cat she thinks, a barely suppressed purr rumbling in her chest. Her whiskers twitch in amusement at her comments about weeds, too many times to count on one paw could the seasoned medicine cat recall warriors with good intentions dropping soggy piles of leaves at her paws. Always did she politely tell them they were of no use to her, but the gesture would always be appreciated the same. "Good eye Marblepaw" she says as she comes to give the lovage a delicate sniff "And could you- could you tell me what it is we use lovage for?"

They are not alone long when other members of their patrol come back from their searching, herbs clutched between her jaws. It would seem, she thinks with no small amount of warmth building in her chest, that her and Marblepaw had nothing to worry about after all. "Yes. Very. Thank you both" she says, dipping her head as she pulls the groups findings closer to her so she may inspect them.

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  • 80989743_Y4EI15MsrzJWZG0.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
    Easy to befriend but doesn't trust easily
    Mentoring Marblepaw