- Jan 26, 2024
- 289
- 115
- 43
"You think the frost has started killing the herbs yet?" Her breath is a cloud before her muzzle. Marblepaw tries to move quickly through the icy marsh, lest her limbs lock up on her. It's cold here, that's for sure, but somehow the Twolegplace in her memories is far less forgiving. Here, at least, she has the warmth of Starlingheart's den, of a nest woven tight with moss and bracken, of fresh-kill at the end of a long day. There would be no scavenging in Twoleg waste bins for her, not anymore.
To her warrior companions, she turns. "Even if you don't think something's helpful, don't be afraid to point it out to us, okay? We'll let you know for sure." She blinks, friendly. "If it looks like a weed, though, it probably is!"
Marblepaw wanders just a foxlength from her group, her eyes scanning the greenery. She spots a tall plant with thick, lacy foliage, speckled with golden blossoms. "Lovage!" She lowers her face toward the herb and grips it in her jaws, turning to grin excitedly at Starlingheart. "'ook!"
To her warrior companions, she turns. "Even if you don't think something's helpful, don't be afraid to point it out to us, okay? We'll let you know for sure." She blinks, friendly. "If it looks like a weed, though, it probably is!"
Marblepaw wanders just a foxlength from her group, her eyes scanning the greenery. She spots a tall plant with thick, lacy foliage, speckled with golden blossoms. "Lovage!" She lowers her face toward the herb and grips it in her jaws, turning to grin excitedly at Starlingheart. "'ook!"
- ooc: patrol tag: @Starlingheart @Wormwatcher @Snowlark. || she rolled a 16, so that's 3 points for rare herbs treating respiratory infections :3
Marblekit. Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
— "speech", thoughts, attack
— 10 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
— mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
— shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue.siltcloudx lilacfur, gen 3.
— currently mated to n/a.
— penned by Marquette.
sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.