Recent content by STONESTRIKE


    i'm going slightly mad - sick

    Stonestrike woke to his whole body feeling tense, like he'd been in fight or flight in his sleep. His joints ached as he pushed himself out of his nest. He was set to leave on yet another hunting patrol that morning. They had to act quickly to feed the kits, queens, and elders. Shake it off...

    private my heart is still healing // stonestrike

    The hunger only persisted in ShadowClan. Marbleleaf's return with an omen had sent shivers down his spine. But also set a determination in him. The lilac tom prowled silently through the undergrowth that littered ThunderClan's side of the border. Further than he'd probably intended to go, but he...

    TEMPLES GET FORGOTTEN [✨] February Gathering Chatter

    Tonight was cold. Not necessarily more than the other nights, he figured, but usually he was at least in a den for it. But tonight he'd prove himself as a valuable member of ShadowClan. He'd give a strong appearance, despite his obvious hunger. As much a victim of his own mind as anyone else...

    private A Breath of Fresh Air - Marbleleaf

    Finally, a day with a lull. A mere moment without the pressing weight of just about everything that'd been happening lately. The new warrior found he had nothing to do, for once. What better to do with some free time than to fulfill a commitment. This time, not duty related. His recent promotion...


    Today was the day. Everything he'd trained mercilessly for. He'd passed his assessment with flying colors. Of course he did. He basically breathed battle training. He listened as his denmates received their names, Giggleflower, Branchroar, and Morelbeam. He didn't talk to them much. Mostly...

    camp SWEAR TO GOD YOU'RE LIVING ✦ moving dens

    The day had finally come. He'd become everything he'd worked for. And yet, it wasn't as sweet as he was hoping from the beginning. Sure, he'd worked his way through a mentor that didn't care, his brother shunning him, and... the badger incident. But this occasion was mostly another day. Mildly...

    border * ˚ ✦ Mister In-between | SC Border Patrol *+:。

    He padded beside Morelbeam, thoughts nearly echoing his peer. The lithe tom had nothing but the stories of his clanmates and the bitter, haughty notion that if he'd been there it might've been different. Despite that, he settled on a steely gaze and kept his mouth shut. He was nothing if not a...


    Stonestrike woke to the movement of others. The stale scent of rot lingered heavy in the air. Nose wrinkled, he rose to join the others. The sight was grotesque, nearly making him gag. What in StarClan's name... Those around shared their own similar thoughts of disgust. Particularly Briarthorn's...

    private trying my best - lavenderpaw

    Stonepaw cracked a small smile at Lavenderpaw's equally awkward delivery. Well at least it's not just me, he thought. Maybe they weren't doomed. Lavenderpaw's trailed off question clicked enough for him to understand, though it did puzzle him slightly to notice being stared at in such a way. He...

    pafp rumination - left behind

    It was nearly torture, being sequestered back at camp while the patrol went to face off against ThunderClan. His heartbeat marked every moment, loud in his ears. He paced near camp entrance. I should be there, I can help, I can... his thoughts were on a runaway loop. Maybe he should talk to...

    private trying my best - lavenderpaw

    He didn't exactly have any friends. While he'd bonded with Marbleleaf recently, he wouldn't necessarily call her a friend yet. They had... some kind of relationship. A mutual understanding, maybe. Either way, Agatepaw's sudden distaste for him had left him with just about no one to talk to. He...

    pafp and that's what you missed - tense energy

    Stonepaw grit his teeth upon hearing that he was meant to go on patrol alongside his brother. They still weren't on speaking terms, and he still didn't even really know why. One moment they were fine, the next Agatepaw was telling him that he'd probably be better off without him. In Stonepaw's...

    private heaven angel - marblepaw

    The mutual guilt they shared hung thick between them. He broke eye contact. "You... were just doing your job," he croaked. Instead of her, his gaze trained rather sharply on a dry leaf. The pile promptly forgotten upon his arrival. Stonepaw's jaw set as he thought for a moment. She was...

    border absolutely riddled | gone

    Stonepaw hardly felt much except for contempt at the mention of Thrasherthroat's self-imposed exile. "Coward," he muttered under his breath. He was bitter. They were all struggling. What kind of cat abandoned those they love? Their friends? Unwilling to face their emotions and unwilling to...

    private heaven angel - marblepaw

    He hadn't been the same since watching Starlingheart be brutally killed. A warrior was one thing, at least to him. They were... morbidly... supposed to die in battle. But a medicine cat? He shouldn't have even let her get that close. He should've been faster, stronger. The guilt wasn't gnawing...