- Sep 22, 2024
- 137
- 42
- 28
For once, he did not find himself ravaged by nerves as he lead the patrol down towards the border that marked the separation between Thunderclan's world and their own. Instead, it was replaced with something akin to a wary resolve, his jaw fixed in a tense position with a brow slightly furrowed. The time for pleasantries was long past, and although he wished it could have been different- not only recently, but from the moment the tension had begun- it was not their reality. Amberhaze had to face what was before him even if he lamented the idea of it, even if he would have rather done anything else. As the thick pine forest began to thin out, so did Amberhaze's patience- he no longer wanted to attempt cordiality with their neighbors- it ended in disaster every time. They would not hear a single word out of his twitching maw this time around, and he silently willed his companions to do the same.
A rat-like tail would lift upwards to signal a halt just before the tree line, ochre orbs flittering between those rallied behind or beside him. "D-Do not speak to them. At all. I d-don't care if they th-throw insults or m-make jabs...There w-wont be a word in return f-from any of you. Um-" His voice softened now, that uncharacteristic anger replaced with that familiar timid glint. "P-Please. I just...I-I don't want us to f-fight anymore than we already h-have. It's...It's just n-not worth it. Mark the b-border and l-let's get moving." He allowed his clanmates to go about their business, silently begging for them to do as he said for once. He never did carry an air of authority, what he deemed to be stern more like a hardened plea to everyone else. His clan thought very little of him, and what more they did think was anything but positive- he knew it would be even worse from strangers- from Thunderclan.
Amberhaze allowed his tail to brush softly against his new apprentice's flank, his gaze and voice softening slightly as he addressed her. "S-Stay close to me." He did not want her first real patrol to end in disaster, or even worse, have it be a risk to her safety all because of a quarrel that she was too young to be involved in. Thinking briefly of Talonpaw, he had vowed to do better with her.
A rat-like tail would lift upwards to signal a halt just before the tree line, ochre orbs flittering between those rallied behind or beside him. "D-Do not speak to them. At all. I d-don't care if they th-throw insults or m-make jabs...There w-wont be a word in return f-from any of you. Um-" His voice softened now, that uncharacteristic anger replaced with that familiar timid glint. "P-Please. I just...I-I don't want us to f-fight anymore than we already h-have. It's...It's just n-not worth it. Mark the b-border and l-let's get moving." He allowed his clanmates to go about their business, silently begging for them to do as he said for once. He never did carry an air of authority, what he deemed to be stern more like a hardened plea to everyone else. His clan thought very little of him, and what more they did think was anything but positive- he knew it would be even worse from strangers- from Thunderclan.
Amberhaze allowed his tail to brush softly against his new apprentice's flank, his gaze and voice softening slightly as he addressed her. "S-Stay close to me." He did not want her first real patrol to end in disaster, or even worse, have it be a risk to her safety all because of a quarrel that she was too young to be involved in. Thinking briefly of Talonpaw, he had vowed to do better with her.
npc x npc / sibling to wormwatcher / other kin unknown
mentored by wormwatcher / mentoring lostpaw
20 moons old as of 02/21/2025penned by sloane