Recent content by TANTOMILE


    I WON’T TAKE THE EASY ROAD [ decorating ]

    Tantomile cared not for the neatness of where she napped. Weathered claws (even in their youth) dug and tore up the moss she claimed as her nest into odd shapes, comfortable for only the specific sleeping position that the red tabby adopted. So, when out of periphery she took note of the...

    things are shaping up to be pretty odd | intro

    Tantomile's hunting was beginning to improve- but it was certainly not this good! Deep blue eyes befell the bark-hued tom as he walked, nonchalant as if the gaping punctures on his foreleg were merely a flea tangled in his fur. Wrinkling her nose, the bright tabby closed in- though, she was...

    sensitive topics Fox's willowed breath || o. "abandoned kit"

    Tantomile's self-imposed quest, for now, was to learn every nook and cranny of the land she called home. Often she could be found, a fiery figure, weaving through the undergrowth and spending minutes on end snuffling about. Always having been a good tracker, she learned everything better by...

    MADE UP MY MIND [irritable]

    Only after Cloudy spoke a name that Tantomile did not recognise did the ginger molly's attention flicker toward a kit, who walked away dejected. A puzzled look twisted her features, but only for a moment- because soon approached another, someone she hadn't met yet and someone who spoke a vague...

    TAKE ME DANCING IN THE WILD \ attempting to climb

    Having fun- oh, it was an easy answer to give! "Yup, yup," the girl giggled, still flat on her back, neck twinging as she swivelled it to catch the sight of Bone out of the corner of her eye. And stood beside her there was another, whose magma-glow eyes glittered with the fires of humour, a...

    TAKE ME DANCING IN THE WILD \ attempting to climb

    Still in the process of learning her way around the territory, Tantomile found herself sidetracked whenever she left ShadowClan's camp. Sights even slightly out of the ordinary tugged away her attention from whatever task she had been trying to complete before, blue eyes fastened like glue upon...

    MADE UP MY MIND [irritable]

    Tantomile had not expected such a pretty she cat, with fur that looked as soft as cloud cotton, to snap with such vehemence. Seeing the other feline stalk away, clearly taken aback- well, that was impressive, wasn't it? She had thought all cats to be pushovers compared to dogs before she had...


    Tantomile was not old enough to know the depth of love, nor what losing it could leave you with. Sure, she had loved Bingo- he was the boss, the gentle giant who cared for her when she had writhed her way into the kennel. And she had lost Bingo- she'd been with him when he gave his last breath...

    wispy fog | fatigue + dreams

    Tantomile had always been a restless sleeper- the beat of paws heavy against dried marsh ground ruffled her awake soon enough, and deep blue eyes settled upon one of the mollies that had greeted her when she had joined- though she could not recall her name. Through shade she followed the low...

    GUMDROP ANGEL \ joining

    Tall, stark-white and scar-strewn before her stood a tom, pale eyes of strange blue-pink studying her. She felt as if her very bones were being regarded; perhaps they were, poking peaky through her poppy-hued fur. His words, though- that was what she hung onto, attention gripping like grasping...

    GUMDROP ANGEL \ joining

    Of course her theory was correct! How could she have doubted it- how could she have worried? Before her stood two cats, one shrunken a little, interrupting herself, and the other looking down her nose. The thickness of the atmosphere went largely unnoticed- Tantomile simply greeted them both...

    GUMDROP ANGEL \ joining

    "Stupid, stupid, stupid..." A harsh murmur moved as quickly as the young tabby marched, synced with the slosh of her paws against the bog's surface. It was dark here- very dark, too dark. It reminded her of nights in the kennel, but there were no warm bodies to cuddle up against, not the steady...

    CANNIBAL QUEEN \ tantomile

    TANTOMILE APPRENTICE OF SHADOWCLAN — TANTOMILE, a name given by twolegs — seven moons, ages on the 24th of every month — cisgender female, she/her pronouns — homoromantic homosexual ; isn't too concerned with romance — bold, low, raspy voice- sometimes doubles up words in excited baying...