Time continues to press on even after the great battle. The cats having broken off like the creeper vine, their interpretation of what the dead cats had told them. She still remembers it as if it had happened yesterday, the pain in her chest when she had watched Cicada climb onto the rock to declare what he was taking from them. His eyes as they stared forward with no want to lock with her own. She's been attempting to sleep, well, been attempting for a while to at least get some sleep in since those days. Yet it seems to always elude her with the same dream over and over again. Every nap, every fitful stretch of her limbs in her nest. Startled awake by the sudden brightness of a large stone, sharp and splintering the light of the moon into starlight. Always this rock appears at the end of her dream, blazing and shocking her awake with how brightly it shines. She's kept it to herself, she hasn't said anything about it because at the end of the day she just thinks it is just a dream, nothing more but something fabricated up by her own mind. The end of the dream doesn't concern her, it's what happens before that that does. The way the fog swirls around her paws, moving out of her way as she walks along the territory that she has lived in for so long now.
It calls to her gently, soft wind tugging at her paws. She feels light as she walks along the marshes and there is nothing else. Looking in any direction that she steps the places is just the marshes. Pure and inviting, everything vibrant with ferns and algae in pools of standing water. The sounds of bird calls and rustling animals beneath. Yet it is concerning to her that even as long as she walks in either direction there is nothing else. Nothing but marsh. No moorlands, no oak forest, no riverbanks, no pine trees. She's racing through her dream trying her best to find them, find one other place but as she goes with her heart hammering in her chest she somehow finds this stone. Finds this large brilliance that almost blinds her, shocking her awake and she scrambles from her nest every time, every night.
Even now under the moon she breathes out harshly and looks up at the sky. Her tired eyes are almost pleading as she looks up at the stars, the only idea she has to put these strange dreams to rest is to try and ask them. Everyone else seems to think they are the best option for their problems. Spread like creeper vine they had told them but she hated the conclusion. "What is this dream? It has to mean something if I keep having the damn thing every night. I haven't slept a wink since the battle happened, since all of you dead cats decided to spring forth with stars in your pelts. Ruining my home...." She grits her jaw then before shaking her head and looking away from the dark sky, dotted with points of light.