border * ˚ ✦ Mister In-between | SC Border Patrol *+:。


For once, he did not find himself ravaged by nerves as he lead the patrol down towards the border that marked the separation between Thunderclan's world and their own. Instead, it was replaced with something akin to a wary resolve, his jaw fixed in a tense position with a brow slightly furrowed. The time for pleasantries was long past, and although he wished it could have been different- not only recently, but from the moment the tension had begun- it was not their reality. Amberhaze had to face what was before him even if he lamented the idea of it, even if he would have rather done anything else. As the thick pine forest began to thin out, so did Amberhaze's patience- he no longer wanted to attempt cordiality with their neighbors- it ended in disaster every time. They would not hear a single word out of his twitching maw this time around, and he silently willed his companions to do the same.

A rat-like tail would lift upwards to signal a halt just before the tree line, ochre orbs flittering between those rallied behind or beside him. "D-Do not speak to them. At all. I d-don't care if they th-throw insults or m-make jabs...There w-wont be a word in return f-from any of you. Um-" His voice softened now, that uncharacteristic anger replaced with that familiar timid glint. "P-Please. I just...I-I don't want us to f-fight anymore than we already h-have. It's...It's just n-not worth it. Mark the b-border and l-let's get moving." He allowed his clanmates to go about their business, silently begging for them to do as he said for once. He never did carry an air of authority, what he deemed to be stern more like a hardened plea to everyone else. His clan thought very little of him, and what more they did think was anything but positive- he knew it would be even worse from strangers- from Thunderclan.

Amberhaze allowed his tail to brush softly against his new apprentice's flank, his gaze and voice softening slightly as he addressed her. "S-Stay close to me." He did not want her first real patrol to end in disaster, or even worse, have it be a risk to her safety all because of a quarrel that she was too young to be involved in. Thinking briefly of Talonpaw, he had vowed to do better with her.

Apprentice tag: @lostpaw
Accompanied by @STONESTRIKE, @shriketalon, @MORELBEAM, and @BUZZARDPAW.
Amberhaze is a black oriental shorthair crossed with a cornish rex. He has a sickly looking build with a rat-like tail and unnaturally wide ocher eyes.

npc x npc / sibling to wormwatcher / other kin unknown
mentored by wormwatcher / mentoring lostpaw
20 moons old as of 02/21/2025
penned by sloane


ShadowClan stinks. Scarletdust wrinkles her nose as she follows the patrol to the border, tail flicking irritably. The rotting scent of the marsh clings to the air, thick and cloying, like the taste of old carrion. She's never liked it. She spots them before they even stop, the ShadowClanners creeping up like the ghosts they pretend to be. Split eyes narrowing, she watches their lead warrior carefully. He's tense, stiff, and clearly not looking for a fight.

Scarletdust's ears flick up in amusement. She exchanges a glance with her patrolmates, a slow smirk creeping across her face. ShadowClan, silent? She almost doesn't believe how quiet they're being, so used to their snark. She watches them start to mark the border, moving efficiently, heads low. No taunts, no glares, just duty. Maybe they finally learned their lesson.

Claws kneading the ground, her heart thuds with restless energy. She doesn't try to push it, but her sense of superiority is soaring as she still rides the high of winning back their territory, on top of her brand new warrior status. So against her better judgment, she takes a step forward, voice carrying easily across the leaf-litter-covered thunderpath, "What's wrong? Did your new leader finally teach you all how to bite your tongues?" Her tail flicks, mock-curious. "Or did you just run out of excuses for why you keep losing?" Her gaze finds Amberhaze and she watches him with interest. He's the one leading this patrol, but he barely looks the part. His twitching tail and tight shoulders speak to how nervous the tom is. A different kind of smirk touches her lips - not cruel, not mocking, just knowing. You're scared. That's fine. He should be.
lostpaw had been too young to participate in the fight, of course. she had been sequestered away with the other kits, but without a mother to make her stay put, she had wriggled out to the main camp regardless. the mood had been somber between the remaining shadowclanners that had stayed behind when she crept out, eager to help however she could, and it had darkened even further when their warriors had finally returned.

young and idealistic, barely more than a kit still, the apprentice was...quite averse to violence. sure, she was excited to learn how to defend herself and her clanmates, but...why did they have to fight? wouldn't it be better to just, well, talk reasonably about it?

she wasn't stupid enough to say anything of the like, of course, and especially not as she approached the thunderclan border on her first patrol. despite her nerves, she was excited to see and smell what the other clans were like -- though the stench of the thunderpath masked it to some extent, the distinctive earthy scent that wafted over was easy enough to pick up.

she nods at her mentor's commands, falling in step just a pace behind him as they come up to the border. and his words don't come a moment too soon, because it feels like almost the second they approach, a thunderclanner has stepped out to mock them.

"What's wrong? Did your new leader finally teach you all how to bite your tongues? Or did you just run out of excuses for why you keep losing?"

lostpaw's good at ignoring taunts -- her own clanmates dole out much worse than this. if she were going to make half-assed attempts at goading them, shouldn't they at least be good?

"don't they have anything better to do?" she asks quietly up to amberhaze, eyes sliding away from scarletdust as she familiarizes herself with the border.

  • ooc.
  • LOSTPAW (she/her) is a six moon old shadowclan apprentice with shorthair cream tabby fur with low white and blue-green eyes. she is the gen1 daughter of two rogue npc's and currently mentored by amberhaze.

    TAGS. penned by riyue. dm me on discord (xriyue) for plots.


It's his first patrol as a warrior and Morelbeam is determined to not mess this up. The blue-furred tom feels like the patrol is missing someone but he knows this is something he'll have to get used to; Briarthorn is no longer his mentor, after all — a warrior can't spend his days under his mentor's constant watch.

Of all the border's to go to on his first solo patrol, though, he'd rather it not be this one. The site of his — and, well, ShadowClan's — recent failure and his mother's death prior is enough of a cause for his nerves to rise without the chance of running into a patrol of oak-dwellers.

Morelbeam pauses at Amberhaze's movement, a pale gaze set upon the lead warrior as he gives them orders. The tom doesn't dare question it, and even if he did, he'd rather not face a fight today either. Instead, a nod of his head acknowledges the lead's word, before they press onward.

And of course, they wait for them. Morelbeam shouldn't be surprised — ThunderClan seems like the gloating type, after all. The young warrior blinks at the russet-shaded molly across the way and merely shrugs at her words — her many questions; is this what he sounds like to his clanmates? — before carrying on with his task.


Morelbeam is a mirror of his fallen mother in plush, gray and white fur. A hunger for knowledge guides Morelbeam's path and he finds himself unafraid to ask others questions about anything that comes to his mind. He is protective of his family — especially now, in the wake of his mother's death.


He / Him ⋅ Single
Warrior of ShadowClan
Needledrift † x Chittertongue †; Adopted by Ferndance
Brother to Bloodwing, Shadewhisker, Splashdance, Bonechill, Giggleflower, Branchroar
Mentoring no one ⋅ Mentored by Briarthorn
Penned by Abri ⋅ Message _abri_ on discord for plots!
He padded beside Morelbeam, thoughts nearly echoing his peer. The lithe tom had nothing but the stories of his clanmates and the bitter, haughty notion that if he'd been there it might've been different. Despite that, he settled on a steely gaze and kept his mouth shut. He was nothing if not a soldier. A body to follow orders. Scarletdust's taunt made him grit his teeth. What did she know about ShadowClan? Filthy lies, probably.

ThunderClan was a contentious topic lately. Left bitter on tongues throughout camp. Stonestrike didn't talk much about it himself. (Not that he talked a lot, ever). He marked their side of the border dutifully, even if begrudgingly.
  • ooc: text "speech"
  • ✶ stonepaw. apprentice of shadowclan ִֶָ𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ་༘࿐⋆。𖦹°⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
    ╰┈➤ㅤamab tom, he/him | heterosexual, single
    ╰┈➤ㅤ12 moons old | ages every 3rd
    ╰┈➤ㅤwarrior, skilled in battle | mentoring none
    ╰┈➤ㅤSH lilac with low white
    ╰┈➤ㅤclose with Agaterain, Plumwhisker, Marbleleaf
    ╰┈➤ㅤwritten by Twitchtail/iliawonders, ic opinions | n/a
The climate beyond the lost fight has been nothing short of tense, Shriketalon can understand the frustration but he doesn't feel that strong retrubution that the more patriotic clanmates did. Fortunately no family had been in that fight, they have no score to settle beyond the standard bruised ego that the entire clan feels. They can live with that though, a bruised ego is better than fretting over another attack. "Of course, they won't even know we're here, we'll be that good at ignoring them" he bows his head in a nod of respect. Their own gaze looking down to his apprentice, they tilt their head at @BUZZARDPAW. "right, Buzzardpaw?" Maybe a verbal prompt may make the apprentice inclined to agree. While they're normally a little hard to read there's concerned that such a spirited apprentice like the messy tabby wouldn't be shy of letting her feelings be known.

Granted, Shriketalon himself is a rather spirited warrior. Never afraid to back down from a fight, maybe in their earlier moons he would be so inclined to snap back at the Thunderclanners retorts. A tattered ear flicks in irritation at Scarletdusks words, funnily enough he doesn't recall them being so loud mouthed when they lost the territory to begin with. Still always so righteous though, with a scowl he keeps these thoughts as just that. They weren't going to lead by a poor example to Buzzardpaw, already growing concerned over it's habits of rule breaking by leaving the camp alone.

"Maybe you could find a nice bone on the way back" he offers quietly to the apprentice in hopes to keep their mind off of the taunting. Lightly brushing the snow over the ground as he ducks his head to brush against a stray fern. With a twitch of an ebony tail he watches Buzzardpaw expectantly to follow their lead and mark the border with no retort.

"what? w...hy not?"

buzzardpaw seems upset at the prospect. she wants to talk to the other clan. it's not like she'd say anything that she wouldn't say to shadowclanners all the same, because no one can escape the bluntness from her tongue. her brows furrow and she looked over at her mentor with a twitch of her nose.


he is upset, though he doesn't exactly sound that way, as he turns to follow after shrike with a sway of his crooked tail. his ears perk at the idea of finding a bone on the way back and he huffs quietly. it would be nice, he supposes, but it really was annoying that he couldn't just do whatever he wanted. he lowers his head down to stare at a nearby stick, picking it up between his teeth, and stuffing it into his pelt before he follows afterwards shriketalon to do what he does to mark the border. this was the most boring patrol ever.