- Feb 20, 2023
- 333
- 90
- 28
Each meeting that goes by, Snakehiss begins to feel older and older. Each moon he grows further removed from his apprenticehood, the days of bounding across the moors with bright eyes and a burning desire for success. The days of striving with every fibre of his being to make Badgermoon and Sootstar proud of him.
Oh, how things have changed.
Speaking of change, the time has come for Milkpaw to finally receive his warrior name. Snakehiss nearly snorts as he sits among the crowd, watching the warrior-to-be through his emerald stare — and here he thought that harebrain would never graduate! In fact, he always thought that Sootstar would demote him to the rank of kit forever. It would be strange ( and headache-inducing ) to share a den with the younger tom again.
Milkthorn is named, and then onto the onrush of kits eagerly awaiting to be apprenticed ( and, great StarClan, there are a lot ). First up, Snakehiss himself is assigned to train Rivepaw, one of Wolfsong and Sunstride's children. A sneer curls onto his maw as he finds the chocolate tabby in the cluster of cats, though his features unravel into neutrality once the she-cat begins to approach him. Just as Rivepaw's father had pestered him throughout his youth, the medicine cat's child would now pester him for the next several moons.
Snakehiss had hardly considered the possibility of becoming a mentor between the onset of Yellowcough and the entire rogue situation. It had been the last thing on his mind, truthfully, but now that it has become a reality... He finds himself slightly taken off-guard. Snakehiss detested young cats — they were loud, sticky, boisterous, and unruly. Would Rivepaw even listen to him? For her own sake, she must learn to...
The new pairing touch noses, albeit Snakehiss quickly pulls away and wrinkles his slightly. She is eager, that much is apparent. Hm. What could he mold her into? What skills lay underneath the surface, awaiting their chance to be unearthed? A glimmer of hope breaks through the clouds in his mind — maybe Snakehiss could make her great. "We should not waste any time, then." The moor runner meows calmly, a vague curiosity gleaming in his viridian hues, before turning back toward the rest of the meeting.
Oh, how things have changed.
Speaking of change, the time has come for Milkpaw to finally receive his warrior name. Snakehiss nearly snorts as he sits among the crowd, watching the warrior-to-be through his emerald stare — and here he thought that harebrain would never graduate! In fact, he always thought that Sootstar would demote him to the rank of kit forever. It would be strange ( and headache-inducing ) to share a den with the younger tom again.
Milkthorn is named, and then onto the onrush of kits eagerly awaiting to be apprenticed ( and, great StarClan, there are a lot ). First up, Snakehiss himself is assigned to train Rivepaw, one of Wolfsong and Sunstride's children. A sneer curls onto his maw as he finds the chocolate tabby in the cluster of cats, though his features unravel into neutrality once the she-cat begins to approach him. Just as Rivepaw's father had pestered him throughout his youth, the medicine cat's child would now pester him for the next several moons.
Snakehiss had hardly considered the possibility of becoming a mentor between the onset of Yellowcough and the entire rogue situation. It had been the last thing on his mind, truthfully, but now that it has become a reality... He finds himself slightly taken off-guard. Snakehiss detested young cats — they were loud, sticky, boisterous, and unruly. Would Rivepaw even listen to him? For her own sake, she must learn to...
The new pairing touch noses, albeit Snakehiss quickly pulls away and wrinkles his slightly. She is eager, that much is apparent. Hm. What could he mold her into? What skills lay underneath the surface, awaiting their chance to be unearthed? A glimmer of hope breaks through the clouds in his mind — maybe Snakehiss could make her great. "We should not waste any time, then." The moor runner meows calmly, a vague curiosity gleaming in his viridian hues, before turning back toward the rest of the meeting.
—— he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
—— bisexual; single; not looking
—— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
—— "speech", thoughts, attack
—— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
—— penned by beatles