Each meeting that goes by, Snakehiss begins to feel older and older. Each moon he grows further removed from his apprenticehood, the days of bounding across the moors with bright eyes and a burning desire for success. The days of striving with every fibre of his being to make Badgermoon and Sootstar proud of him.

Oh, how things have changed.

Speaking of change, the time has come for Milkpaw to finally receive his warrior name. Snakehiss nearly snorts as he sits among the crowd, watching the warrior-to-be through his emerald stare — and here he thought that harebrain would never graduate! In fact, he always thought that Sootstar would demote him to the rank of kit forever. It would be strange ( and headache-inducing ) to share a den with the younger tom again.

Milkthorn is named, and then onto the onrush of kits eagerly awaiting to be apprenticed ( and, great StarClan, there are a lot ). First up, Snakehiss himself is assigned to train Rivepaw, one of Wolfsong and Sunstride's children. A sneer curls onto his maw as he finds the chocolate tabby in the cluster of cats, though his features unravel into neutrality once the she-cat begins to approach him. Just as Rivepaw's father had pestered him throughout his youth, the medicine cat's child would now pester him for the next several moons.

Snakehiss had hardly considered the possibility of becoming a mentor between the onset of Yellowcough and the entire rogue situation. It had been the last thing on his mind, truthfully, but now that it has become a reality... He finds himself slightly taken off-guard. Snakehiss detested young cats — they were loud, sticky, boisterous, and unruly. Would Rivepaw even listen to him? For her own sake, she must learn to...

The new pairing touch noses, albeit Snakehiss quickly pulls away and wrinkles his slightly. She is eager, that much is apparent. Hm. What could he mold her into? What skills lay underneath the surface, awaiting their chance to be unearthed? A glimmer of hope breaks through the clouds in his mind — maybe Snakehiss could make her great. "We should not waste any time, then." The moor runner meows calmly, a vague curiosity gleaming in his viridian hues, before turning back toward the rest of the meeting.

  • gJTx1fs.png
    —— he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
The presence of Hollowcreek always left his fur fluffing with intrigue. Lashing his tail intently he gave the other a silent nod before tuning back into Sootstar. For a moment the ebony feline felt a relaxed sensation befall him.

That is until the second half of the meeting began and Pinkpaw's incessant whining rang out. Thank the heavens that kit was not forced onto me. Rolling his eyes he ignored the cats placating the child and listened on. Not even the usual distraction of his leader's voice could soothe him.

For a moment the Tunneler's head spun as the influx of names droned out from the Moor Queen. Once the spiel came to a close he blinked absently and regained his train of thought. Hm, good to see so many good cats leading our future minus a few bad apples. A small smile played on Harbingermoon's maw at Hollowcreek's remark.

Holding in a wicked chuckle he leaned over and murmured back. "I already know we'll be picking up the slack." Glancing out the corner of his eye Harbingermoon's earlier smile contorted into a toothy-grin. Staring at the aforementioned warrior with a burning gaze.

Alas, the two paws' in need of good mentors are mentioned. Curious his earlier play is ignored as he sits back upright. Nodding idly as each cat is assigned. Harbingermoon hadn't much to say or really think about either cats mentioned. Instead he gave a small 'whoop' of approval keeping up the usual appearances. Despite the gnawing boredom running circles in the tomcats head.
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  • keep scrollin 👀

  • Sunlitkit

    Is scared of the future​

    experience: untrained
    backstory: royalty
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to punk for the clangen code :3
    nonbinary [they / she]
    eyes: green
    pelt: chocolate torbie
    fur length: long
    parents: wolfsong and sunstride
    3 moons

Being back home was... a small comfort, for Sunlitkit. So much had happened and changed around her in a flurry of events, her mind still young and learning the world around her, that she struggled to get a full grip on what had transpired over the last moon. TIme had flown in the worst of ways, a maelstrom of anxiety and worries that made her vision white out when they were chased again from ThunderClan to ShadowClan. She worried endlessly for her family, cried and cried in the ThunderClan nursery when Sunstride had been forbidden from seeing them. She had cried even more when she was finally able to tangle up around his legs yet again, breathe in his familiar scent slowly warping by the multitude of sceneries they had been forced to trudge through. The happenings had made her even more of a secondary tail for Wolfsong, an ever-present figure hiding in his shadow and behind his paws as he moved. Sunlitkit had been a rare sight, at her wits end to not collapse into a fit of crying even after WindClan had successfully taken it's home back from the rogues.

Somehow, finding herself back in the medicine den with her fathers and siblings had become a petrifying experience for her. The cure had been delivered, their den was back to being a quiet escape from the bustle of camp, but Sunlitkit had become acutely aware that it wasn't meant to last. The kits had been forced to grow up by the events around them, and their bodies were quick to follow behind. Three moons old. The medicine den was all Sunlitkit had known, surrounded by her family and pressing into their space whenever possible, and yet now she was being evicted out by expectations for her to grow into a bold and fearless warrior of WindClan. Sunlitkit had learned some valuable lessons, watching the warriors she was supposed to grow into during their fights against the rogues:

It would hurt.

She would bleed for a scary Leader she didn't like very much. She would kill to protect her family... And what if she couldn't? What if she was scared of bleeding, what if she was too afraid of taking a life? Would she be a disgrace to WindClan? Would she be a disgrace to her fathers? Sunlitkit's paws trembled at the thought. It was a worry that nagged at her every moonrise, whenever she would tuck herself into her nest and watch the moon slowly grow fuller in size above their camp. She knew it was a matter of time before she and her siblings were made apprentices, and Sunlitkit would have to sink or swim. Run or fall.

The day had come far too fast for her. Sootstar called for a meeting and Sunlitkit's heartbeat was a roar in her ears, following behind the rest of her family as she had long since fallen into the habit of. Soon, she wouldn't be able to place her own little pawprints behind her ðir's larger ones. Sun-speckled ears sat flat against her head as the ashen molly above them spoke, hardly able to hear the news over the rush of blood in her ears. She caught one name, a cat she barely knew of - Milkpaw, one of the cats that had gone for the journey. It made sense Sunlitkit knew nothing of him. She opens her mouth to imitate her Clanmates around her and call his name, but no sound comes out as her throat is too tight. Right on the heels of the news of the newly named Milkthorn, the names of her siblings comes confident out of the mouth of Sootstar. Then her own. Sunlitkit can barely breathe.

Rivekit is handed to Snakehiss, and dread sits heavy in Sunlitkit's stomach. What a horribly tempered tom to have for a mentor. Featherkit was assigned to Bluepool, a respectable mentor to have, and Sunlitkit hopes beyond hope she's given someone with such an even disposition in comparison to Snakehiss. Finchkit passes, Downykit she pays quick attention to sweep her gaze and try to spot the fluffy now-apprentice, before being swiftly drawn back by Pearlykit. Bearkit has Brightshine, and while Sunlitkit didn't mind Brightshine herself all that much she didn't care for her kits all that much. Heathkit, Sunlitkit wondered how she would learn. Heathkit seemed nice, but Sunlitkit was entirely unsure how to communicate with her. Singedkit was the only of her siblings to be named a tunneller so far, wincing slightly at the idea of being stuck beneath the earth.

Her own name is called next, and Sunlitkit's paws go cold. She rises from her sit slowly, trying to stabilize herself against her nearest family member to keep her trembling from being overly apparent. Sunlitpaw is assigned to Thornrunner. She swallows nervously - he wasn't the kind face of Bluepool she would've preferred to be assigned to. But... she has to, doesn't she? "Train Sunlitpaw to be a fierce and honored warrior of WindClan." She knew it. Sunlitpaw knew it.

This is going to hurt.

Sunlitpaw searches the crowd for @THORNRUNNER, a nervous smile on her muzzle as she pads over.

I don't want to bleed. I don't want to hurt.

The newly made apprentice reaches her nose out to Thornrunner in greeting, her breath shaking as she puffs out a sigh. This was the biggest step in her life yet, overshadowing even the rogues in her mind. Because now, she would be part of the battle too. She wasn't ready. She felt as though she'd never be ready.

I don't want to die.

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  • Sad
Reactions: SOOTSTAR

As the cheers die down and all new mentor and apprentice pairs have touched noses, Sootstar stands onto her paws. ”That is all I have for you today. Mentors spend the day acclimating your apprentices to their roles and get to know each other. I’ll be having Sunstride check into the progress of all the apprentice in the next moons to come, don’t disappoint him.” Her tail flicks, ”Meeting dismissed.”
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
Gathering himself into a standing position, Fogbound made his way towards Tallrock with a curl of a smokey tail, settling lengths away from the gathering felines. His nose crinkled, glancing idly at the journeying cats with a crinkled gaze. Hmph. Turning away, the moor runner tuned out for the rest of the announcement, barely acknowledging Milkthorn, offering a quick, elegant curl of his tail in congratulations.

He supposed with another warrior, although Fogbound couldn’t recall if he was a moor runner or a tunneler. Blinking languidly, the bulky tom shifted into a suitable position, draping a well-groomed tail over massive paws. His helm lifted just right to watch Sootstar with peculiar interest. So many apprentices. He mused. Fogbound couldn’t help but wonder if he would be gifted one to teach, as annoying as it would be, he enjoyed some of it.

To teach the next generation. Oh, how peculiar that would be. His dark lips curled mischievously, ruby orbs crinkling with mirth. Spending more time with them than their mothers. He breathed, blinking languidly. Such a shame. He pursed his lips, pulling at puffy flesh still healing from the badger attack.

A wonder that Fogbound remained to bear witness to Sootstar’s reign, dodging death yet again. It seemed even StarClan wished his good graces, even if he couldn’t help but turn his nose up at the funny idea. Worshiping a bunch of sparkly dead cats? He huffed.

Sootstar called his name, letting a ruby gaze focus on the molly with sudden interest, dipping his helm. “Of course, my queen.” He rumbled, tone silky smooth, dripping like fresh honey.

The meeting ended just as quickly, peeling a mischievous gaze to his new apprentice with a rumbling hum. “Of course.” He grinned, observing the newly made apprentice with a calculative squint. “I wouldn’t fare well as a tunneler, don’t you agree? Neither will you. Perhaps you’ll grow just as big. Wouldn’t that be fascinating?” He rumbled, pulling himself onto his paws with a quiet huff, tail flickering high above his shoulders.

An excited one, aren’t you? Fogbound glanced away from the apprentice. “We will catch rabbits in due time.” He mused. “I would be a poor mentor if I didn’t teach you that.” He grinned devilishly. “I suppose we could leave today, to observe the moor.” He tapped his claws idly against the upturned dirt. To see if any rogues still linger. His facial wound crinkled, pulling at healing flesh. “Some wise words, my dear. It is best to keep quiet when hunting. Did you know rabbits have a peculiar sense of hearing?” He glanced at Rabbitclaw with a crinkled gaze.
thought speech
Brightshine quickly joins her kits outside the nursery, licking down any stray hairs that have shifted out of place after a morning full of grooming. Of course she's beaming. Who wouldn't be excited to watch their kits become apprentices, earning new names and being able to see the outside world? She still remembers taking Echolight and Mallowlark out for their first hunts with her sisters and Heavy Snow and oh how fun it had been! But WindClan is a different environment than the one her first litter grew up in. There are cats here that frighten her. Cats here that are perfectly capable of twisting her sweet, curious, loud kits into something unrecognizable, or push them too hard trying. So the knot in her stomach remains despite her bright smile, hardly evident on her otherwise glowing face. "Sit tall, it's almost your turn!" She whispers to them, tail flicking excitedly.

And then they're called up and the queen holds her breath, emerald gaze shining as she listens for who will be her kits' mentors. Finchkit becomes Finchpaw first, and is assigned to Fogbound. A moor-runner, thank goodness! She beams, though she does not know the tom well she is too relieved to know her first daughter will not be a tunneler to care. All that cheer is shattered when Downypaw is assigned to Sootspot, not only a tunneler, but child of Sootstar. She tries her best to keep her face from falling, forcing an even bigger grin though her face noticeably tenses with nerves.

Before Heathkit and Pink-kit are called forward, her own name is called, causing her ears to prick with confusion. Her? A mentor? Isn't she hated? But she dares not argue, instead pushing herself to her paws and quickly hopping to the front of the crowd to meet with Bearpaw, son of their very own deputy and medicine cat. Wow...this is an honor! She thinks, bewildered, but she doesn't let it dampen her excitement. "We're gonna have so much fun, you and I!" She trills to him, pressing her nose against his for a moment. She beams and steps back into the crowd, refocusing on the rest of the ceremonies.

Her ivory-furred daughter is called forward, and though she cannot hear her name, she knows she is paying attention to the leader's mouth to read what she can. They've been working at it, long and hard! She is assigned to Rabbitclaw....another tunneler. Brightshine swallows hard, and keeps listening. Pinkpaw is assigned to Scorchstreak, a clan lead warrior...and tunneler. Brightshine's heart all but shatters with terror for three of her four kits. Tunneling is famous for its danger, and now Downypaw, Heathpaw, and Pinkpaw would all be thrown into it. StarClan, be with them, She thinks, already worried about telling Pollenfur next time they visit with each other.

Pinkpaw (of course, for what else would she expect?) interrupts her thoughts to loudly complain about her new role and the calico stiffens in fear. Many chastise her, and she herself is about to approach to shush her with a nervous glance up at Sootstar, but she seems to have calmed down before needing it. She heaves a sigh, trying to let her nerves leave her, before turning her attention to her new apprentice. "How does a territory tour sound?" She chirps, knowing she must prove herself if she can be of any help to her kits.
Redpaw had holed himself up since their return. Hiding away in the apprentice den as confused warriors sought him out. Despite the lingering depression Redpaw knew it wasn't good to stay cooped up. Slowly, the small tom pulled himself from the den and out into camp. Gaze squinting as his pale eyes adjusted. They felt like a blight in the world as heavy paws drug him forth to the call of Sootstar.

He couldn't stand to look at the moor queen without feeling his stomach tremble with worry. Instead he tried to focus on the good things mentioned. Flopping onto his rear the moor runner apprentice listened on. Venomstrike should be well on his way to recovery now. It had felt like forever since he last saw the kind gaze of the Warrior. The thought was enough to bring his gaze upward.

Finally taking in the gray pelt of his leader as she proudly touted on. No smiles would grace his features today but a small shout would escape him. "Milkthorn!" Would be called out in minimal vigor. They didn't have the heart to try more. Not when his injuries ached, Sootstar's strange demands grew heavier, friends laid dead and their mentor continued to be ill. Not having said guidance around left him feeling open and exposed like a wound.

In his maelstrom of confusing emotions and over-slept brain the Apprentice felt dizzy from the long-winded ceremonies. Unable to comprehend much less feel a sense of pride in the upcoming paws'. Head a blur with just how vast it was. Shaking off the nausea his exhausted frame soon stood to all fours as he joined the chants. At dismissal Redpaw didn't hesitate to leave. Feathery tail solemnly drug behind as he went.