- Jun 6, 2022
- 162
- 108
- 43
original adoption link can be found here !!

⋆ ⁺ ₊ ⋆ tw for brief mention of pregnancy termination. they are born of a love too tumultuous, too bull - headed and clashing that they'd driven eachother to ruin. they are born the kin of riverclan''s notorious founding leader and his scar-laden succesor, raised in the remnants of love that held them close to eachother still. they were bound by teeth and fire, by starlight and lovestricken loyalty ; leashed and forever bound by fate, despite everything that happens in the rocky weeks of smokestar's pregnancy. cicadastar grows snappish, hunch - spined and paranoid . . he paces smokethroat like a shark in water, to the point where he confides in ravensong for a secret, impulsive wish — for an herb to end his pregnancy. cicadastar has ears everywhere, however, and lightningstone is quick to inform him of these quiet, frightened wants. he never forgives him.
they are born royalty, born with reed - woven crowns settled at their ears — the same one that drives their father further into darkness. they are born with the scent of fear and blood reeking their nostrils, beneath the drip of the riverclan founder's claws and his warrior mudpelt's newly scarred cheek and smokestar's pained wails. he looses too much blood of his own, and stays behind willow den walls in lieu of the nursery ; their first den, nestled away with ice chip eyes gleaming protectively from the dark towards anyone who draws near. some say having children had worsened him — locked riverclan's borders further inward, driven him further into territorial madness. despite it, their litter knows nothing but kindness and support, in their fathers own ways. they are shielded from the world, from the horrors, until a day at three months old when yellowplagued riverclan is run from its borders by rogues.
beepaw, cicadapaw and starlightpaw watch as their father is torn life from life.
smokestar takes control of riverclan, reclaims their wetlands in wake of the great journey's end. on his way to the highstones, he is sticken down by windclan and nearly killed — a poor omen that only worsens with time. though he survives, the land is plagued once again by roguesblood. betrayed by those in his own clan and betrayed by those out of it, failure upon failure, seeing the clan through the deaths of many clanmates as a result of red water's violence. in the midst of it, he decides that starlightpaw's name no longer suits them — in cicadastar's death, he changes the name and destiny he'd sought for them . . he renames them, in chaos and tragedy. once rogues no longer terrorize his territory, his medicine cat goes missing, leaving his apprentice to fend for herself amidst the lingering waves of yellowcough. with only bloodshed and loss between their deaths, after a night alone at the gorge with his deputy lichentail, smokestar meets his death by the maw of riverclan's gorge. it is said to be an accident. the body is never found.
throughout their life, this litter knows little of their fathers strife — only in passing, in stories of riverclan's beginning, soon to become tall tales to frighten unruly kits. the only litter of two starwoven leaders, hearts entertained despite their hauntings. they never know that smokestar is the one to ultimately kill cicadastar. they do not know that somewhere in the deep, voidlike darkness . . one of them still lingers.
† application is a free-for-all, please include the basics (name, appearance, personality etc…) and whatever else you'd like!
† this kit was born as starlightkit, and trained under starlightpaw. their warrior name may be chosen from any in the following tab, as they were renamed by smokestar shortly before their warrior ceremony. they may also keep the name cricketchirp if preferred.
† please follow the genetics supplied by the lovely blitz if not using their original design!
† these kits will have be born and raised into true, loyal riverclanners, and must stay in riverclan at least until they hit adulthood — only if plot dictates they end up elsewhere. please run this by @antlers first!
† these kits beyond loved for the first few months of their life, even a little obsessively on cicadastar's part. despite the turmoil of their later life — but their parents would not have been abusive or neglectful. distant, held to excessive standards, but not neglectful.
choosing date is 8 / 12, a week from now.
DAM: sh black w/ vitiligo
kits can be black or black smoke
— will be shorthaired
— will have no white or low white
— kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
— kits can have straight fur or curly laperm fur
— kits may or may not have vitiligo as adults
— kits will be 25% lapeerm and may show some breed traits; kits will be 25% oriental shorthair and may show some breed traits
— kits may or may not carry longhair; curly-furred kits will carry straight fur; smoke kits will carry non-silver
— both carry and pass on albino -
special names - river (birth mother/clan)
river related names - (after both his clan & mother) murmur, stream, rush, bubble, minnow, scale, shimmer etc…
river plants & flowers - reed, mint, lotus, iris, hazel, laurel, betony, lily, marigold, blossom, flower, etc…
insect related names - bug, beetle, scarab, dragonfly, butterfly, moth, bumble, mantis, etc…
cicadastar themed names - ghost, phantom, mottled, storm, patch, long, nimble, night, dusk, moon…
ice related names - (after his first apprentice iciclefang) - snow, frost, ice, icy, frigid, chill, cold etc…
names that inspire loyalty- bravekit, boldkit, proudkit etc...
literal names - blackkit, whitekit, spottedkit, spotkit, splotchkit, roundkit, softkit... etc, dm @ANTLERS if you have a different characteristic they could be named after!
would not use fire-related names due to personal feelings regarding his old name, but can be talked into it by cicadastar possibly. (So only those on cada's list)
special names - river, loch.
himself / his family - locust, scarab, dragonfly, flowerfly, damselfly.
after starclan - faith, hope, moonlit, wraith, spirit, ghost, omen, dream, harbinger, waning.
after smokethroat - love, char / charred, smolder, promise.
after houndstride - hound, sunlit, dog, radiant.
after things or people he likes / misses - viper, eel, lamprey, swirl, mire, murk, gloom salt, meadow, dragonfly, maelstrom, daybreak, marble, crystal, crystalline, iridescent, pearl / pearly..
† CICADAFLIGHT, penned by dejavu.
† you, maybe?