May 12, 2024
you remember its namesake in another state,

fled from some outer dark, gliding above
the diamond, from left field to center,
where it made its home up in the stadium lights,
a crown of wooden swords for its nest,
hovering in the swampy air like forethought
as the crack of a bat sent a tiny moon
into orbit, a wave rippling through
the crowd, the lights on their tall stems
powered on, day powered down,
and you had no team, you did not know
whom to root for, home or away.

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↳ Penned by Meghan | Heartchart | Pinterest | Playlist
—— OSPREY. Noun. A large fish-eating bird of prey with long, narrow wings and a white underside and crown, found throughout the world; An aspirational name to give her strength. | PAW. The apprentice suffix.
*✶。 Unlabeled gender [⚥] | She / he / they pronouns
*✶。 10 moons old | Ages every 20th | Created May 13th, 2024
*✶。 Apprentice of RiverClan | No former allegiances

    ↳ SH Blue silver mackerel tabby with low white; Carries longhair, cinnamon, solid, non-silver
    *✶。 Scent: Lilies, soil, musk, smoke. A sunset on the river.
    *✶。 Voiceclaim: Tashi Duncan

    Lithe and sleek as shadow, Ospreypaw cuts a slim figure — but this should not be mistaken for weakness. While he is not a broad-shouldered, barrel-chested tank of a cat, what the apprentice lacks in brute muscle they make up for in general athleticism. She's agile; she's beautiful; her oil-slicked coat seems to allow her graceful passage through water and air alike. Though she's smaller than many of her clanmates, her confidence makes up for her height tenfold. Ospreypaw carries himself as though wading through high water: head held tall, chin raised, chest forward and shoulders squared. Impeccable posture combines with a close-cropped coat to give an impression of regality. Perhaps it's funny, then, that Ospreypaw's parents are nobody special.

    Their pink-sand pelt is cut through with deep agate lace; large blue clouds blotch their sides like bruises. The apprentice likes to think this gives them better camouflage in the water — a dappled light sort of look. Whether it's true or not, they don't actually care too much. What Ospreypaw does care about is keeping their fur in line. She can often be seen grooming, and though she feels fortunate to not have long fur like her mother's to deal with, having a short pelt doesn't necessarily mean having less work to do in the grooming department. Between her hard work and her pescatarian diet, her pelt glitters in the sun and happily repels water (to a small degree).

    Her skin is berry-red and her eyes are the same zesty chartreuse as sweet potato vine. A near-green yellow; two dazzlingly bright pools of intensity; it is difficult to escape Ospreypaw's vicious stare. He will often stare down the slope of his nose at his fellow RiverClanners despite being shorter than a majority of them.

    —— Scars: Has a nick in her ear from when she was first learning to swim underwater & tore it on a stray sunken branch.
    —— Accessories: N/A
    —— Photo references: X, X


    ( + ): dedicated, efficient, passionate, confident
    ( / ): stubborn, opinionated, workaholic, individualistic
    ( - ): fierce, selfish, duplicitous, authoritarian

    If there is a job that can be done, Ospreypaw will do it without complaint. While other cats his age work hard at their own training, perhaps very few apprentices (and maybe even few warriors) take themselves as seriously as the blue-blotched feline. But this type of dedication is to be expected of a cat whose passion is the river: swimming in it, hunting in it, caring for it as it cares for their Clan so that it won't ravage them completely. She trains hard at all things related to the water — so hard she often forgets to have a life outside of that training. Friendship with Ospreypaw is hard-fought, but once won, can be one of the most rewarding things a cat can know.

    Not that friendship won't be hard work, too. When in the company of her superiors, Ospreypaw keeps her tongue on a leash. She's opinionated, though — she often thinks there is a right way and a wrong way to do things, and will look down on others who don't match her idea of right. Among her peers, she will rarely hold back on doling out advice to cats she thinks ought to shape up. And if her friends are foolish enough to take her up on any of her coaching, Ospreypaw will watch them like a hawk to make sure they're following through. It's not like he does it because he's charitable, though. Really, Ospreypaw wants nothing more than a worthy opponent, and if it means whipping his clanmates into shape to get there, he will.

    —— Other notes: Cares little for religion, but acknowledges StarClan when necessary. Graceful loser on the surface, but will simmer in a loss for weeks. Will absolutely subvert Clan rules / in severe cases, the warrior code for the sake of advancing her own goals, if necessary. Gets more pleasure / satisfaction from doing well in swimming than she gets from interacting with others; she is an extrovert (albeit a mean one) and will talk to others for fun, she just doesn't get the same kind of happiness from it as she does swimming.
    *✶。Driving forces: Strives to be the best swimmer in all of RiverClan. Loves to swim for the sake of swimming; enjoys the attention, but the attention is not necessarily his end goal.
    *✶。 Fears: The river (as a religious person fears their god), twolegs, severe injury
  • SANDSPRING xx MORNINGTWIST | Generation 1 | Sibling to none; an only child of her litter
    ↳ Mentored by Cindersong | Mentoring no one

    Ospreypaw was born to a very small family — while she herself is an only child, her parents also have few siblings, and her grandparents have long since passed. With their hopes and dreams riding on the heels of Ospreypaw alone, Sandspring and Morningtwist instilled several core values in their kit: serve RiverClan, respect the river, and be someone. Her parents are humble warriors themselves, but they hope that Ospreypaw can bring acclaim to their family tree by virtue of his loyalty, swimming ability, and hunting strengths. As for Ospreypaw's own aspirations, he has little desire to be RiverClan's finest warrior — all she truly loves is the river.

    *✶。 Loves the river, her family
    *✶。 Friends with Midnightpaw, Shellpaw
    *✶。 Likes Lichenstar, most (competent) RiverClanners
    *✶。 Dislikes Splashpaw, Claythorn, WindClan
    *✶。 Loathes drypaws, loners, rogues and kittypets

    All opinions are in-character and do not reflect that of the roleplayer.
    ↳ Speaks in #bdb1b4 | Thinks in italics

    Blurb about general interactions; are they easy to get along with among clanmates? what is their attitude towards other clans? towards cats outside the clans? towards romantic interests?

    Open to: injury ; Closed to: permanent maiming, death ; Reach out about anything else!

    —— Average in terms of strength, but especially skilled in the water. Fights better in the river than on land and will use their knowledge of swimming to their advantage as any good RiverClanner should. On land, she's stronger than she is fast, and he may struggle to keep up with agile opponents.

    *✶。 Fights to win. Aims to seriously injure; will aim to kill if adequately provoked. Won't go easy on the young, but will not aim to kill obviously young cats.
    *✶。 I like to roll for attacks but will adjust to keep in line with my character's strengths / weaknesses. I do always strive for fairness in battles & try to let most hits land, unless I'm avoiding certain injuries. Please feel free to reach out for battle plots, as I love plotted fights as well! I also tend to write battles aggressively, but don't take this to mean all attacks should be hitting — that is up to your discretion.
  • 𒊹𒊹𒊹𒊹𒊹𒊹𒊹 HUNTING: Very good. Specifically in water; land hunting is poor.
    𒊹𒊹𒊹𒊹𒊹𒊹𒊹𒊹𒊹𒊹 SWIMMING: Prodigy. Innately talented & trained very well.

    𒊹𒊹𒊹 TRACKING: Mediocre. Can scent prey, but much better in the water.
    𒊹𒊹𒊹𒊹 COMBAT: Decent. Holds up against similar opponents, but not great.
    ↳ Cindersong's teaching style.

    Description of training.

    *✶。 Strengths: Excels in swimming and other RiverClan-y traits (like vanity and grooming).
    *✶。 Weaknesses: Struggles on land to do the things she does well in the river (hunting, stalking, fighting). Not a good team player, as she will usually commit to actions that will benefit herself before anyone else. Struggles with teamwork, and with not taking her training so seriously.
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