As the weather warmed and the last of the chill fell away to breathe new life into the forest, Amberhaze felt that there was no better time to attempt to hone Lostpaw's skills in the ways of combat. Truthfully, it wasn't his favorite thing to teach- he wasn't the best at it himself- however it was a necessity, something that every warrior would need to know the basics of in order to stay alive. He had failed Talonstrike when it came to this, and it cost his apprentice his health- both externally and internally- he refused to allow the same thing to happen to his new apprentice. His fear for what he may be unable to do for her would drive him, push him to do more than he ever thought possible when it came to his first experience.

His brother had been kind enough to provide Puddlepaw for their upcoming spar, the two of them walking side by side in an almost uncanny synchronization. Despite them not being born from the same litter, it didn't take a genius to discern their relation to one another, in appearance and in mannerisms. Lostpaw was glued to his opposite side, as she always was... timid in her own right, but observant and disciplined. Her constant presence was a weight off Amberhaze's shoulders, he never needed to stress about where she may be in the way he may have with Talonstrike... he was obedient, however he had a habit of leaping into danger without a second thought. Lostpaw was not so reckless, and it was a welcome relief.

The brush would begin to thin out as the group reached a clearing, and Amberhaze would signal a halt with the flick of a spindly tail. "This'll be good." They would take up their respective positions across from one another, Wormwatcher with Puddlepaw, and Amberhaze with Lostpaw. "I j-just wanna cover the basics today. Defense maneuvers, w-weak points, stuff l-like that." He was nervous, admittedly- Puddlepaw was much older than Lostpaw- much larger, more skilled. He hoped that she would give the younger molly some grace, the reminder of what she had done in the recent battle with Thunderclan causing his stomach to flip. "W-Wormwatcher and I will d-demonstrate a set of m-moves first, and then you can t-try it out for yourself with P-Puddlepaw, okay?"

Amberhaze is a black oriental shorthair crossed with a cornish rex. He has a sickly looking build with a rat-like tail and unnaturally wide ocher eyes.

npc x npc / sibling to wormwatcher / other kin unknown
mentored by wormwatcher / mentoring lostpaw
21 moons old as of 02/21/2025
penned by sloane

lostpaw had been quietly hoping that her mentor would...somehow forget about half her training, and she wouldn't have to learn how to fight. not that she didn't want to learn how to defend her clan, of course, but also...the idea of violence still send a shiver down her spine. with the weather freezing and prey scarce, the focus of their lessons had been more on hunting and survival skills -- but now that the weather was warming up, her luck had changed, and today was the day of her first combat lesson.

the cream tabby was lost in thought as she anxiously and mindlessly trailed after amberhaze, tail flicking as her mind raced through possible scenarios, ranging from accidentally injuring someone to accidentally faceplanting and embarrassing her mentor in front of wormwatcher and puddlepaw.

"This'll be good."

she started as the undergrowth thinned out to reveal a clearing and they came to a halt, almost running straight into amberhaze's tail.

"I j-just wanna cover the basics today. Defense maneuvers, w-weak points, stuff l-like that."

she nodded quickly in response. some basic defense moves wouldn't be too bad, right? she couldn't be too bad at that. although, she did feel a little bad if puddlepaw was bored by the basic lesson -- her eyes flickered over to the older apprentice, but nervously flicked right back towards amberhaze as she nodded again in understanding. "alright!" she said, trying to infuse some enthusiasm into her voice though it still shook slightly with nervousness.

  • ooc.
  • LOSTPAW (she/her) is a six moon old shadowclan apprentice with shorthair cream tabby fur with low white and blue-green eyes. she is the gen1 daughter of two rogue npc's and is being mentored by amberhaze.

    TAGS. penned by riyue. dm me on discord (xriyue) for plots.

  • Love
Reactions: Sloane

Wormwatcher can't enjoy the warm touch of the Newleaf sun against his back, even after complaining all Leafbare about how he longed for an improvement in the weather. As they traverse deeper into the stirring marshland the chimera is preoccupied, his mind wanders to all the matters which keep him stirring at night; the most applicable being his apprentice. Wormwatcher is unable to say no to his brother, the word was on his tongue and yet he found himself agreeing to collaborate with Amberhaze in their apprentices' training. He is faintly aware of Amberhaze's perceived failure in his training of Talonstrike and recognizes the tom wishes to do better by Lostpaw— but he would have preferred his brother would go to any one else for help this once.

His stride slows to keep pace with Amberhaze, who he relies upon for guidance to the clearing they will train in as he distractedly frets. Through his peripheral vision he periodically checks that Puddlepaw as not wandered off. He turns his angular head to squint at her, a subtle cue for her to speed up. His apprentice is older than Lostpaw, and more experienced... stars, Puddlepaw has taken a life. To satiate her insistence for more combat training he takes her out more often to train privately, in a backwards way of trying to curb whatever had made her feel compelled to kill the Thunderclan apprentice. If he trains her right, how to use her strength correctly, then perhaps she will not feel compelled to take such drastic measures. Wormwatcher can only hope that Amberhaze coaching the two apprentices will teach her defense is just as important, more important he could argue.

The chimera stops when Amberhaze does and finally Wormwatcher releases his teeth from the inside of his cheek where he had been chewing on. Wormwatcher's spindly tail flips uneasily as he guides Puddlepaw to the opposite side of the clearing. "Tch..." His tongue draws across his muzzle before he mutters, "This is not a spar, got that...?" Tall ears tilt back and forth as his brother instructs him to come forward to demonstrate. "Hehm...?" He was under the impression they would just tell their apprentices what to do... "Right, that is right... Puddlepaw, watch closely." Wormwatcher strides forward and plants himself firmly in front of Amberhaze. Pale eyes squints at the tom as Wormwatcher feels a wave of nostalgia— moons ago he was would have been teaching Amberhaze these things, deathly afraid he would somehow hurt his frail brother by demonstrating.

  • yVgqDFf.png

    ☾ A tall, slender 50% oriental shorthair black/blue chimera with low white with pale blue eyes
    ☾ Introspective and observant. Wormwatcher will often keep his opinions entirely to himself unless instigated to express them. He is not a gossip but he is known to eavesdrop and watch his clanmates from the edges of camp. He keeps everyone but his found family at a distance and presents a front of indifference to anyone else. Wormwatcher can be hard to interact with because of coldness but beneath it is someone who cares for each and every clanmate. Occasionally he can have major mood swings, resulting in harmful remarks and unseemly behavior.
    ☾ shadowclan warrior | mentoring Puddlepaw
    ☾ he/him ⋆ homosexual (closeted)
    ☾ 33 moons ⋆ ages every 10th
  • Love
Reactions: Sloane
The marsh is alive today, it feels like it's breathing the longer the warmth of newleaf thaws it. She listens for a distant frog croak, the odd bird call, a rat squeak. Anything really, copper gaze flickers to the scenery around them as she walks, making a point to not look at Wormwatcher mainly to save her own ego. She knows she would glare at him, in tern she knows he would make some comment about it. Normally she's fine with it, today she doesn't want to deal with the headache since she's in much more pleasant company. At least in account of Amberhaze, she's unsure about Lostpaw but she seems fine enough, if not a little too well fitting for her name.

As she allows herself to be momentarily distracted by a lone grasshopper she can almost feel the exact moment her mentor notices. His icy gaze piercing the side of her skull, with a sigh she loses the fight against her will and flicks her gaze to glare into his own pelt in turn. Out of spite she decides to walk slow enough to be out of time with Wormwatcher but enough to be in step with the apprentice by her side. "Has Amberhaze taught you anything interesting?" She asks in a hushed tone, holding onto some semblance of conversation just as a counter measure to prevent any remark from her mentor. She supposes there's some genuine interest too, since she didn't really speak with Talonstrike she has no way of knowing if the ebony tom is that good of a mentor.

The fact that she's even being allowed to spar with someone else is a surprise, given his strong opinions of how she handled herself in the fight with ThunderClan. She didn't even bother to see him after her mishap with Lavenderpaw, already predicting how he would react before giving him the chance. She would happily just keep her sparring with Rainbowpaw if given the chance, at least he doesn't complain. Though she was interested to see what was planned for today, that's what kept her rooted here, her curiosity. As they reach the clearing she relents to Wormwatchers guidance, tail flicking idly as she makes a point of not waddling over to wherever it was satisfactory for him.

He claims this is not a spar "then what is the point?" she mumbles under her breathe, keeping it out of ear shot from their training partners from the day but at their proximity she's sure her mentor heard her. Suppressing the urge to roll her eyes she settles on her haunches next to Lostpaw. "Is this really your first time learning this?" She vies for a quiet conversation again in the interim between the demonstration taking place.

The song is loud and beautiful and I am so very afraid

: ̗̀➛ㅤfemale (she / her)ㅤ/ㅤunknown sexuality
: ̗̀➛ㅤ09 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 8th of the month
: ̗̀➛ㅤapprentice of ShadowClan for 03 moons
: ̗̀➛ㅤSister of Buzzardpawㅤ/ㅤApprentice of Wormwatcher
: ̗̀➛ㅤpenned by Juiceㅤ/ㅤmessage Ouijeejuice on discord for plots!

A slick rosette fawn tabby / rosette black tabby chimera. Quiet and calculating, struggles being able to describe or identify her own or others emotions. All opinions are IC as she can be quite harsh in her judgements.

If he were to be completely honest with himself, he wanted to demonstrate because he wanted to prove to himself that he still could. Wormwatcher had taught him well, he knew that he had- and yet every battle won and lost alike, he came out the other side doubting himself- it was one thing to be afraid, but another thing entirely being a bad fighter. One thing was a necessity, the other... just embarrassing. He wanted to know what he himself might stand to improve on as a means to mold Lostpaw into a warrior much more capable than himself. An easy feat, in theory, considering he was pretty bottom of the barrel.

He would turn to his brother, a nervous look upon his face that read; I don't know what I'm doing. But the only way out was through, and he found comfort in the knowledge that his sparring partner was Wormwatcher and not Screechstorm. He hoped his brother wouldn't go too easy on him, while simultaneously willing that he wouldn't give this all he had to muster. The only way out was through, and he couldn't afford to hype himself up any longer.

With a hesitant glance at Lostpaw and Puddlepaw, he would allow his body to dart forward, aiming to pummel Wormwatcher's sensitive ears and whiskers with a sheathed paw. If he was successful in dazing him, he would then grab the older oriental by the shoulders, using his own weight against him as a means to push him to the ground. It was a simple move, admittedly, but he figured it was okay to start out with considering Lostpaw was a beginner in every regard. Amberhaze would allow his paw's to remain against Wormwatcher's chest for a moment, his attention turning to his apprentice to make sure she had been watching. Satisfied that she had been, he would then remove himself from his position atop his brother, who he would proceed to nudge to his feet with an apologetic gaze.

"So um- that was a p-pretty basic one. The t-trick is to strike the most s-sensitive areas of the head. W-Whiskers, ears, nose, eyes... o-once you've gotten them to c-cower away enough, u-use the time they take to g-get their bearings again to- t-to your advantage. Bring them d-down before th-they're able to rebound. Try it." Moving from the center of the clearing as to allow the two younger mollies to take their places opposite one another, he would give Lostpaw an encouraging nod in an attempt to ease some of her nerves. "D-Do your best, okay? Puddlepaw w-wont hurt you." Although he didn't show it outwardly, the visual of Puddlepaw potentially spewing little Lostpaw's blood across the peaty earth- even by accident- was enough to make his stomach roil. He had to have faith in her, and yet it was challenging now... after what had happened.

Amberhaze is a black oriental shorthair crossed with a cornish rex. He has a sickly looking build with a rat-like tail and unnaturally wide ocher eyes.

npc x npc / sibling to wormwatcher / other kin unknown
mentored by wormwatcher / mentoring lostpaw
21 moons old as of 02/21/2025
penned by sloane

lostpaw blinks up at puddlepaw as the older apprentice falls in step with her, too lost in her own thoughts to really look at what the other pair was doing.

"Has Amberhaze taught you anything interesting?"

interesting, and wasn't that a word. lostpaw was, frankly, just thrilled to be an apprentice in the clan at all, but she doubts that's the answer the other apprentice is looking for. she weighs her answer for a beat, wanting to not look foolish in front of puddlepaw but also wanting to make amberhaze look good too.

"yeah! we --"

but before she can finish the thought, they've reached the clearing and lostpaw immediately closes her mouth, tuning into the two warriors' words with focused attention. the other pair is on the other side of the clearing and speaking too quietly for her to pick up on the words, but puddlepaw's souring expression clearly projects something unpleasant. not particularly what she wants to see on the face of someone she was going to learn how to fight with, soon, but...

"Is this really your first time learning this?"

she blinks as puddlepaw once again comes around to sit by her and nods in response, a bit unsure of herself. she knows that some apprentices started their combat training earlier, but surely a moon in wasn't considered late either. "i've been doing more hunting training, so this is my first time doing combat training," she answers honestly.

most of her attention is on amberhaze, though, and she leans forward with intense focus as her mentor moves forward in a blur. for how unsure he seems sometimes, he moves confidently in combat, and lostpaw takes note of the tactics he uses, going for the delicate parts to unbalance before using more force. her eyes spark with a quiet awe as amberhaze stands again and gives the rundown -- her mentor didn't project confidence with his words or usual demeanor, but there had never been a moment in her training that she had doubted his skills.

it's strangely inspiring of confidence in herself, and as she moves forward to face puddlepaw, she's less nervous than she was earlier.

"D-Do your best, okay? Puddlepaw w-wont hurt you."

lostpaw nods in response -- of course she would do her best. blue-green eyes look puddlepaw up and down carefully before flitting towards the two warriors to give her the go-ahead.

the apprentice moves with clear inexperience but still surprising swiftness, small body flying forwards towards the elder apprentice. a sheathed paw flew forwards, aiming to bat straight at puddlepaw's nose, though careful to come from above to make it more difficult for the other to snap forward with teeth instead. her momentum didn't stop, though, and even as she swiped forward, she was pivoting on her other leg, aiming to deliver a kick to puddlepaw's side to knock her off balance, hopefully using the apprentice's reaction to the swipe at her face against her.

  • ooc.
  • LOSTPAW (she/her) is a seven moon old shadowclan apprentice with shorthair cream tabby fur with low white and blue-green eyes. she is the gen1 daughter of two rogue npc's and is being mentored by amberhaze.

    TAGS. penned by riyue. dm me on discord (xriyue) for plots.