- Aug 22, 2022
- 752
- 254
- 63
key † Signifies character is deceased
♡ Neutral, acquaintances
♥ Crush, romantic feelings
♥ Love
♥ Trust, friendship
♥ Admiration, respect
♥ Family, related or adopted
♥ Cares about, protective of
♥ Would like to know more
♥ Intimidated by or afraid of
♥ Uncertain, wary, uncomfortable with
♥ Dislikes, distrusts, or is annoyed by
♥ Hates or resents
— All opinions are IC, this is meant to be in good fun & as a way to help me keep track of her feelings towards other characters.
— To request your an opinion from Figfeather please post in this thread. I will request a thread from you and once it is completed I will write Figfeather's opinion on Y/C. Opinions will be updated every time we have a new private if her opinion has changed. This is to encourage me to interact with as many different characters as possible!
— Opinions are kept straight to the point in order to keep this manageable!
— Mobile users are encouraged to use 'desktop mode'.
@Daisyflight † / ♥♥♥♥
FIGFEATHER'S OPINION: "Mom was- is one of the best cats I've ever known. I think a lot about her and my littermates that have joined her. I yearn for my days in the nursery, careless and without a worry, where I'd return to the den to nestle into her fur. I'd give anything for just one more day like that… then maybe I could finally tell her goodbye."— Last updated 09.25.2024
FIGFEATHER'S OPINION: "I should've never sought him out in the Twolegplace that night. My desire to know someone who didn't want to know me ended up changing my life forever- and I don't know if I can say even now that it was for the better… I do fine with my leg- but I'll never climb with my clan-mates again or know a day without pain. Still… despite what he's taken from be, albeit unknowingly, I- don't know why, its bird-brained, but I'm still curious about him. I'm at peace knowing I'll never know, but I can't help but wonder whose blood runs through my veins." — Last updated 09.25.2024
@butterflytuft / ♥♥♥♥
FIGFEATHER'S OPINION: "I love my sister more than life itself. We've always been close for as long as I can remember. Sometimes I swear she just… looks at me and knows what's on my mind. I use to think lowly of her lack of skill in hunting and battle, there were times during my life that despite our closeness her lack of enthusiasm for being a warrior made it difficult for me to relate to her. But I know now that being a warrior is not the only way a cat can contribute to their Clan. She does great as a permanent resident of the nursery, mothering her own kits alongside those who didn't have parents of their own. Caring for kits is something she's always been naturally good at… not me, though. StarClan must've intervened somewhere to make two cats this different get along so well, ha! I'll always be grateful for her though, both as a clanmate and sister." — Last updated 01.21.2025
FIGFEATHER'S OPINION: "I've never been as close with Greeneyes as I am with Butterflytuft—that really goes for all my littermates, though. It's strange because we have so much in common, knowing what it's like to be a lead warrior, enduring the journey, having shared blood… I think part of it is because I had been so jealous of him; he had gotten an apprentice before me, led his first patrol before me, and even was asked to become a lead warrior before me. I'm over it now—really, and he's my brother. Despite whatever comes between us I'll always love him. — Last updated 01.21.2025
@Snowpath † / ♥♥♥♥
FIGFEATHER'S OPINION: "Good StarClan, I miss him and our tree climbing competitions. I remember the time he had almost taken a plummet from the Tallpine… how birdbrained and reckless we both were in our youth! I was in the medicine cat's den when the 'incident' occurred… I know he had carried the guilt for it on top of his shoulders until the day he died. StarClan… he was taken way too soon from us. I hope he's found peace in StarClan." — Last updated 01.21.2025
FIGFEATHER'S OPINION: "You had so much energy, even as an apprentice I only seconded you in that. I still forget you're gone, sometimes. I find myself looking for you in the warriors den when I wake up, only to be reminded that you're not with us anymore. Your death shocked me, my heart still races thinking about it. You went so suddenly… I hope you weren't scared, I hope you weren't in pain. I hope you and Snowpath are making fun of me and Butterflytuft and Greeneyes from StarClan." — Last updated 01.21.2025
@Fantastream † / ♥♥♥♥♥
FIGFEATHER'S OPINION: "I should've appreciated you more. I'm sorry you weren't given the time in life to find someone new—someone deserving of you. I'll look after Sangriaflight—I'll try. I'm sorry. …I'm so sorry." — Last updated 01.21.2025
@COFFEEPAW † / ♥♥♥♥♥
FIGFEATHER'S OPINION: "I'm proud of you. I never told you that, had I? I should've. I should've a lot of times. I hope you know how sorry I am that I hadn't been a better parent to you. I didn't know how to be—I still don't but, why didn't I try harder? I don't know. I'm so sorry… I'm so sorry. I love you." — Last updated 01.21.2025
@SANGRIAFLIGHT / ♥♥♥♥♥FIGFEATHER'S OPINION: "I've noticed when we lock gazes you look the other way. It's never offended me, I've always thought our distance from each other to be for the best. Like Coffeesong, I've never told you how proud of you I am. I should've—and I promise going forward I will, I'll try to, at least. I'm going… to try and be better for you, though I know very well you don't need me to strive. You've proven that plenty. Still, I'm going to do my best to make sure nothing bad happens to you. I won't let you go through life walking alone." — Last updated 01.21.2025
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