Dec 17, 2022
  • FOREWARNING: This is not a happy story! Privetfrost is not a good cat and will most likely neglect and/or harm (physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.) his children in the name of making them stronger. He harbors no love towards Bristle nor Cinder and selfishly thinks of the kits as purely his own. This is a terrible situation and that will not be glossed over! Privetfrost is not meant to be sympathized with! The degree to which I delve into darker elements of this story will be 100% on how the roleplayers of his children feel about it. I will never intentionally make anyone uncomfortable, but please keep this in mind when considering to apply. Thank you!
    The first meeting between Privetfrost, the deputy of the ill-begotten Duskclan, and Bristle and Cinder, two rogue sisters, was purely by chance. In the throes of leaf-bare, all three cats were simply looking for fresh-kill. Privetfrost softened not out of adoration nor love-at-first-sight, but purely because he found it was the best option to survive. Privetfrost, a cat driven by his legacy and ambitions, looks not for a family out of love but for progeny to uphold his name. Bristle and Cinder, sisters both so alike and different at the same time, are both separately enamored by Privetfrost's false words and promises. The pair hardly knew anything about him, in the end, even the fact that he was part of a vicious rogue group. Shortly afterwards, both she-cats find themselves pregnant by the same sire. They had no clue that the cat they both courted were one and the same, not until they confronted each other about it. Angered by his betrayal to them, Bristle and Cinder reject Privetfrost as a father and raise the kits together. Of course, that has never stopped the tomcat from getting what he wants in the end...

    Privetfrost will secretly watch over the kittens until the day that they can survive wholly without their mother's milk. Then, he will steal them away to Duskclan, where they will be raised to fight and die for his cause. Whether he must rip their mothers' lives from them in order to get his way or not will only be seen as the clock ticks forwards...

    PLEASE NOTE: Although Duskclan is slated to dissolve within the coming months, there are still quite a lot of plans in store for the children and Privetfrost will still be heavily involved in their development. Wondering what will happen next? Well... then you should apply!



    • Want more information on the parents? Privetfrost's tags are HERE. Bristle's tags are HERE. Cinder's tags are HERE.
    • This adoption is not FCFS but the application style is FFA. In your application please include the original name given by Cinder/Bristle AND the name that Privetfrost will give, appearance, and personality. If you want to be ICly named by Cinder/Bristle and/or Privet, you may indicate that in your application. Please also indicate which dam that your kit will belong to, as they have different genetics!
    • Please follow the naming list and appropriate, realistic genetics. Physical and mental disorders are allowed, with the proper research.
    • This litter will close on April 1st at midnight EST. The kits will be selected on April 2nd and will be born shortly afterwards. The kits will start at 1 moon old and will age realistically every 4th.
    • There are 2 slots available - one for each dam. This is unlikely to change depending on interest.
    • Casual characters are allowed, but please at least be active enough to respond to important threads. Similarly, do not kill off your character until they reach 12 moons of age. Upon reaching 12 moons, characters will only be rehomed at the request of the roleplayer.
    • Tragic and angsty characters are allowed! This is a dysfunctional arrangement, and it absolutely should show in the kits.
    • If you have any questions whatsoever, please ask either me ( @tempest ) , @/Blitz Krieg , or @/thorny !
  • Privetfrost is Generation 2. Bristle and Cinder are both Generation 1. These kits will be Generation 3.
    • Grandchildren to Snakehiss and Berrysnap (through Privetfrost)
    • Niblings to Viperpaw, Wasprattle, Rowanheart and Laurelpaw (through Privetfrost)
    • Half-Niblings to Rainbowpaw and Cornflowerpaw (through Privetfrost)

    Sire: SH black w/ low white (carrying longhair, dilute)
    Dam: SH blue w/ low white
    Kits can be black or blue, kits will be shorthaired, kits can have no white, low white, or high white, kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color, kits may or may not carry longhair; non-dilute kits will carry dilute

    Sire: SH black w/ low white (carrying longhair, dilute)
    Dam: LH black w/ high white
    Kits will be black, kits can be shorthaired or longhaired, kits can have low white or high white, kits can have any realistic eye color, shorthaired kits will carry longhair; kits may or may not carry dilute
  • These kits will first be born with a name granted by Cinder or Bristle (depending on which dam they are born to). They will be renamed by Privetfrost after he takes them. Please also note that their original name will be one word, but Privetfrost will add a -kit to the end of their new name. The kits will then go through the "typical" name succession of the clans. If you have a prefix in mind that is not listed below, please ask us about it!

    Cinder would choose names that are warm and happy.

    Plants: Blossom, Fern, Tansy, Daisy, Poppy, Maple, Cherry, Clover, Rose, Lilac, Ivy, Marigold, Primrose, Pip
    These names reflect life and growth, matching Cinder's positive outlook.
    Bright: Sun, Sparkle, Frost, Ember, Glow, Shine, Glimmer, Flame, Twinkle, Star, Flicker
    She'd want her kits to have uplifting, hopeful names so they remain optimistic.
    Animals: Dove, Wren, Lark, Fawn, Bumblebee, Robin, Bunny
    Inspired by gentle creatures, Cinder admires the soft and playful side of animals.
    Cheery: Honey, Skip, Song, Joy, Wish, Mist, Breeze, Bliss, Glee, Twirl
    These names radiate happiness and represent the pure joy Cinder would want for her kits.

    Weather: Storm/y, Rain/y, Hail, Ice, Sleet, Thunder, Gale
    Strength: Stone, Hawk, Eagle, Lion, Dog, Hound, Wolf
    Dark: Dark, Shade, Night, Hollow, Pine, Bog, Crow, Raven, Rook, Mud[dy]

    Predators: Fox-, Badger-, Wolf-, Bear-, Lynx-, Leopard-, Lion-, Tiger-, Hound-, Dog-, Owl-, Eagle-, Hawk-, Falcon-, Merlin-, Osprey-, Buzzard-, Vulture-, Goshawk-, Harrier-
    Misc. Mammals: Bat-, Pipistrelle-, Marten-, Stoat-, Weasel-, Mink-, Kestrel-, Gyrfalcon-, Peregrine-, Mouse-, Rat-, Vole-, Dormouse-, Shrew-, Mole-
    Misc. Birds: Bird-, Nightjar-, Swift-, Pigeon-, Vireo-, Oriole-, Jay-, Magpie-, Chough-, Jackdaw-, Crow-, Raven-, Corvid-, Lark-, Martin-, Swallow-, Warbler-, Wren-, Nuthatch-, Junco-, Mockingbird-, Starling-, Thrush-, Blackbird-, Ouzel-, Robin-, Dunnock-, Sparrow-, Towhee-, Grosbeak-, Linnet-
    Misc. Reptiles/Amphibians: Lizard-, Frog-, Toad-, Salamander-, Newt-, Adder-, Serpent-, Turtle-, Terrapin-
    Misc. Insects/Arachnids: Fly-, Mayfly-, Beetle-, Hornet-, Ant-, Moth-, Weevil-, Spider-, Arachnid-, Harvestman-, Huntsman-
    Territory/Clan: Dusk-, Evening-, Sunset-, Sundown-, Twilight-, Shade-, Gloom-, Bush-, Stone-, Pebble-, Moon-, Murk[y]-, Stalk[ing]-, Hunt[ing]-, Cloud[y]-, Slate-, Dark-
    Scrubland Plants: Hawthorn-, Thorn-, Thistle-, Elderberry-, Blackberry-, Gorse-, Dogwood-, Spindle-, Bramble-, Bracken-, Beech-, Hazel-, Yew-, Ash- (tree), Sycamore-, Ivy-, Vine-
    Color: Black-, White-, Grey-, Sable-, Ebony-, Coal-, Charcoal-, Onyx-, Ash[en]- (color)

    Familial / Legacy: Snake-, Granite-, Rumble-, Soot-, Cinder-, Bristle-, Rowan-, Laurel-, Wasp-, Viper-
    Windclan: Wind[y]-, Running-, Rabbit-, Hare-, Sedge-, Wildgrass-, Moor-
    Misc. Clan Names: Shadow-, Thunder-, River-, Sky-, Star[light]-
    Any name/prefix shared by someone currently in Duskclan
    Any "aspirational" name (ex. Brave-, Joy-, Strong-)
    Any "beautiful" or "dainty" name (ex. Flower-, Petal-, Feather-)
    Any "insulting" name (ex. Ugly-, Weak-, Dumb-)

  • Love
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stares. hi

cinder names: primrose, glimmer, star, lark, fawn, bliss

bristle names: ice, hollow, bog, mud

privet names: gyrfalcon, jackdaw, blackbird, serpent, fly, huntsman, sundown, gloom, hunt, blackberry, dogwood, sable

star > sundown
glimmer > gloom
daisy > dogwood
grouse > gyrfalcon
honeybee > harvestman
fawn > fox

shorthair black w/ either low or high white so it can fit in either litter and i can apply for both :)

- a naturally cautious kitten, always watching and assessing before making a move
- struggles with trust. instinctively wary of others, even littermates
- desperate for approval, especially from authority figures, even if it means suppressing personal desires
- prone to internalizing emotions, rarely expressing fear or pain outwardly
- a perfectionist, harsh on themself for any perceived weakness or failure
- conflict between wanting to belong and an underlying feeling that something is wrong
- highly adaptable, able to adjust to harsh environments with unsettling ease
- occasionally shows glimpses of the kitten they could have been—playful, curious, intensely interested in things—but quickly smothers those glimpses out of fear to be what privet wants them to be
- will grow up believing that pain is synonymous with care, that harsh words are meant to be lessons rather than wounds, that love is given through sharp words and sharper claws
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Track w Notes;;
- Bliss or Sparkle or Bumblebee; clan name picked ICly by Privet
- sh blue w high white; nearly solid white with only a faint smattering of color. green eyes
- Extremely loud at birth; continues to be loud into adulthood. Rebellious, mouthy, stubborn, fierce. Intelligent and inquisitive. May or may not respect privet as a parent but likely idolizes him as a deputy. Fav word as a kitten is "Why?"
- oh my heart, little pistol, body of years, hayloft


" Get my foot in the door and my face on the page — "
" ... make my mark on the world with a bat and a blade. "
one moon

  • BLISS???KIT???PAW???
    'prefix-' for reason, '-kit' for their rank
    — bliss is used as a placeholder in this application, but fine with alternative names; would like clan name to be picked icly if possible

    01 moons • ages realtime on the 4th
    — born 04/??/25

    afab demi-girl ( she / they / it )
    — single • undecided
    — gender identity may fluctuate with age

    — born in the loner lands; taken to and raised in duskclan at one moon old

  • GENETICS • carries
    — census description

    In depth appearance here. Bold some terms.
    — injuries/scars:
    — accessories:

    designed by NAMERef.Toyhouse
    — speech
    — body language
    — scent

    faceclaim is N/A • voiceclaim is N/A
    — aesthetic:

    ─ bliss comes into the world with a shout, and she certainly seems determined to go out the same way. despite her mothers hope for her child to be warm and happy, bliss is a rambunctious thing full of anger and rebellion. with sharp words and even sharper claws and teeth, she is nothing if not stubborn - always arguing, always questioning, always determined to do things her own way (irregardless of whether its better or not). she's a very vocal thing, with a loud voice and personality to match, never afraid to make her own opinions known. steadfastly independent, the moment she can walk and talk she does everything she can to 'grow up' - trying to prove herself to be big, brave, and strong. she has awfully high opinions of herself, and often pushes herself above and beyond what she is actually capable of - trying to do too much, too fast, and too soon. she's a selfish creature by nature, putting herself first - never wanting to share what she has, and more then willing to kick, scream, bite, or otherwise fight to get her way. she is far from timid, full of boldness, and perhaps with a kinder parent her worst traits may have been tempered - instead, her brattiness only turns into cruelty upon joining duskclan and taking in their lifestyle.

    POSITIVE: bold, brave, strong, intelligent, inquisitive, fierce
    NEUTRAL: Independent, selfish, loud, devout, ambitious
    NEGATIVE: petulant, stubborn, vicious, cruel, narcissistic

    ─ leans very heavily into the ideal that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. the more injuries/scars she gets the more proof she has survived, will wear any she obtains with pride.
    • would love to possibly lean into this aspect in her interactions with privetfrost specifically!​
    ─ survival of the fittest mentality; is distant and competitive towards her siblings, viewing them as challenges she must overcome or even threats. believes herself to be the best, or to one day be so if she works hard enough, and her siblings are nothing but stepping stones and obstacles. her clanmates are treated similarly - spending time with those who are useful or boost her skills and status, ignoring those she feels are beneath her.
    ─ has a noted disdain and disgust of privetfrost as a parent; is often rebellious or spiteful towards any attempts he may makes at parenting (good, bad, or otherwise) on sheer principle. likes to think herself grown (even when she is most decidedly not). looks up to and idolizes him as a deputy however, and is more then willing to take his words and actions to heart as they pertain to her growth and future, or follow orders given in his leadership capacity. leads to a lot of hot-cold interactions and mixed feelings.
    ─ extremely spiritual; is aware of the dark forest (is unaware it is called that) and feels privileged to be visited by them. throws herself full heartedly into her devotion to the dark forest (may call it starclan?) in her pursuit to be the best; will not share the existence of her dreams or visits with others but will show her devotion in subtle ways such as making her own attempt at offerings, thanking them for her prey, etc.

    ─ in adulthood, would love to play around with the idea of her finding true, genuine love; but being too damaged to have a healthy relationship. possesive, controlling, abusive - views them as weak and inferior to herself and claims to 'love them in spite of that'.

    ─ food:
    ─ color:
    ─ season:
    ─ weather:
    ─ time of day:

    • item/thing
    • item/thing
    DIAGNOSIS; severity; shows the following symptoms:
    • symptom​

  • NAME xx NAMEgen 00
    ─ littermate to name
    ─ other siblings here

    ─ parent to name (adopted/with who)
    ─ grandparent to name (via who)

    ─ other relations here


    SINGLE/TAKEN • mates with/crushing on name
    ─ sexuality & orientation; monogamous/ambiamorous/polyamorous
    ─ previously mates with/interested in name

    ─ opinion of clan
    ─ opinion of outsiders
    ─ opinion of starclan
    ─ platonic preferences here

    mentored by NAME • mentoring NAME
    — battle difficulty
    — excels at thing • poor at thing
    will/wont start fights • will/wont end fights
    will/wont flee • will/wont kill

  • STATSHEALTH: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♡
    AGI: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    INT: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    CHA: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    STR: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    WIS: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    LCK: ●◐○○○○○○○○

    SKILLSTRAINING: ★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
    ATK: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    DEX: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    HUNT: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    SWIM: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    DEF: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    STA: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    TRACK: ●◐○○○○○○○○
    HEAL: ●◐○○○○○○○○

    thing for theme week

    PENNED BY KITTY-KAT- • @/account
    ─ created 00/00/00 at 00 moons
    ─ please message in discord channel ( #kittys-cats ) for plotting

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Primrose is initially christened by Cinder for the almost thistle-torn tufts of fur littering her otherwise sleek ebony pelt. There is no white to be found on Primrose; from the tips of her ears to the kinked point of her tail, she is dark as shadow. She will share both parent's middling height, though her proportions will be all her mother's, all tapered, elegant limbs built to run. There is a touch of the moors still whispering in her windblown fur, in the lightweight set of her shoulders and waist, but otherwise she is a jumbled mixture of affiliations and loyalties.

She wears the planes of careful, chiseled prudence on her face, a gift from her phantom father, and when the kitten-blue fades from her eyes, they will sour into the bitter green of unripe fruit. Her tail is long, but lacks the feathery plumage of Cinder's. She has white whiskers, clipped in places—a touch of imperfection, a gift from a mother she will know only in memory.
↪ genetically: sh black / carrying longhair, dilute

Given the opportunity to blossom under Cinder's optimism, Primrose would have turned out quite similar to her mother. Her foundation is corrupted early, though, and the whimsy in her life will wither on the vine like a neglected flower; once Primrose becomes Sablekit, her growth trajectory has been irreversibly set in stone. Sablekit quickly loses the luxury of innocence after she is smuggled into DuskClan, and the traits she has inherited from her father begin to emerge early.

Sablekit, like Privetfrost, is clever. Exposed to his self-important way of speech from early on, she will use her words as carefully as she will ever use her claws. Her tongue is barbed, with the potential to unleash brutal sarcasm, but she is choosy with how she bats her insults at her foes. Sablekit is, above all, incredibly self-serving. Her own survival and her own place in the Clan are more important to her than the well-being of a sibling or a parent. She does not afford herself the luxury of tenderness, or closeness with others, and like her father, it creates a deep well of loneliness inside of her that she will spend all her life trying to fulfill. In kithood, this will lead to superficial friendships and cliques; in adulthood, it will give way to empty romantic relationships, the pursuit of some ideal happiness. She will never find it. None of it will never satiate her.

Her mother's remnants are there; they have only been twisted, made into self-sufficing building blocks. Sablekit is social, charming, and flourishes under undivided attention. She has an unfortunate curious nature that forces her into trouble her brain could have seen coming a mile away, and like Cinder, she has a wanderer's heart, a desire to always seek the next best thing. Some of this is another layer of the facade her life is constructed by; some of it is in her blood, a ghost, the dregs of a past not even her father can erase.

Sablekit's loyalties will be fickle. She will follow Coyotecrown and, of course, Privetfrost without question, as long as her place in the Clan is seemingly secure. Once her father is no longer in charge, though, she will become vulturelike, seeking the path that leads to ultimate gain. She has the capacity to love others, but she cannot remain true to them, and this will go for sibling relationships, friendships, and, as an adult, romantic relationships.

One quirk Sablekit never gets rid of: she likes trinkets and interesting odds and ends. She will not care if they are Twoleg objects or if they came from a kitten's nest, some cherished treasure; even young, she will steal shamelessly from others and then make up stories about the origins of her prizes. (It's giving kindergartener whose friend let him "borrow" his Nintendo Switch joycons. It came from their cubby.)
  • Adult voiceclaim is Faye Valentine. Deconstructed femme fatale with a penchant for self-destruction that outweighs even her inherited survival instincts.
  • Unsure of where she will end up after DuskClan's demolition... but I'm along for the ride, if I'm picked! I could see her going a number of ways.
  • I'm seeing endless discarded friends, cheating plots, attempts at pulling Clan cats just to make them break their code... whew! The toxicity!
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Bunny -> stalking
AFAB she/they
Sh Blue w/ low or high white and blue eyes
The exact opposite of mumble
Thinks others are beneath them
Will probably butt heads with privet but at the same time wants to impress him.
Will attempt to be highly skilled in combat
Debating small size

note to self: add more to physical description after designing.



Sh Blue w/ (Low or High) white and yellow/blue heterochromia

A small slip of a thing, Bunny is every bit her mother's daughter. An excitable, happy child, Bunny takes pleasure in the small things in life. Always wanting more and wanting to see everything. She's a bouncy kit, seeming to move without ever touching the ground. She loves flowers and collecting and making herself pretty with them, begging her mother to help her weave them into her fur. A chatter box that could ramble on about anything and everything to anyone who will listen. Highly expressive, wears her heart on her sleeve so to speak.

Stalkingkit walks with purpose under his father's stare. Learning quickly to obey and takes to moving in such a way that it never wastes unnecessary energy. Short, to the point sentences, no breath wasted. He moves like his name suggested, prowling and stalking around, lurking in the background, waiting for the opportune time to attack. He uses his small size to his advantage, getting into places others can't, hitting people in places they may not be used to guarding. He will take to training like a fish to water. Keeps his emotions close, never letting them out, often leading to explosive bouts of anger.

The weapon becomes a stoic statue. Only moving when told, voice monotone and expressionless. All sense of it's own emotions gone. It is here to be used as Privetfrost commands. It has no time for petty emotions or pretty things. If it has no purpose then it will stay where it is, blind to the world. A shutdown robot. Moves almost mechanically, jerky movements as if it has lost all sense of how to be a cat.

Bunny is a carefree happy girl. She want's to make all the friends, see all the things, journey to the far flung reaches of the world. She want's it all and she want's to get it all. She is outgoing and a chatterbox to anyone who will listen. Will cry at the drop of a hat at any perceived slight or hurt. Overjoyed at the notion of a gift no matter how small. Her emotions are on display for everyone and she is so easy to read that it almost hurts. She has empathy for the little creatures in life and finds hunting difficult, after all why should she take the life of a happy little creature? How would she feel if someone did that to her after all?

Stalkingkit becomes hardened under his father's tutelage. Loosing that carefree attitude, at first out of fear and necessity. Later, out of wanting to impress his father. While he still feels emotions and empathy for his fellow creatures, unlike Bunny who expresses it all outside, he bottles it up instead, not letting anyone see it until it all explodes out in a bout of anger. No longer able to be contained. He doesn't talk near as much as Bunny did, keeping to himself and only speaking short and to the point. Every breath is measured and no step is out of line. He must obey his father for he is right and will lead them to salvation.

The Weapon does as it is told. No emotion, no hope, no empathy. It exists to kill and nothing else. It obeys orders to the T, does as Privetfrost commands with no hesitation. It will bloody it's claws if it makes Privetfrost happy. It exists for Privetfrost to wield and it will not question where it is pointed. If Privetfrost says to bring down the clans, The Weapon will do as commanded and destroy them. Everyone will fall beneath the claws of The Weapon and Privetfrost's orders.
  • She is her mothers daughter, He is his father's son, It is Privetfrost's weapon. Stalking will go through 3 stages (at least) of identity. She starts out being a happy carefree daughter of Cinder. When Privet takes them Stalking will be every bit the son his father expects. As time goes on and he is trained into a weapon Stalking will become the weapon. It is no longer a cat but instead a machine meant to kill. It could be interesting to see if Stalking stays in this state or if he can ever be brought out of it if that's something that would work out in the plot. I'm not fussed with it either way. I do want to preface this though that I am not trans or non-binary. So I will not be explicitly role-playing out this more than likely. It would just be a switch of pronouns when I feel it makes since. If this could be a problem please let me know.
  • Stalking takes a lot of notes from several of my other characters but flips them in reverse. Dayfern: Small size and poor combat. Stalking on the other hand utilizes his small size to his advantage and excels at combat. Mumblekit: Scared child of Duskclan. Stalking embraces Duskclan life, once he gets over his initial fear and settles into his role the Rouge life and Duskclan will excite him.
  • Playing with the idea of Stalking getting DF training. This could lead into The Weapon era of his identity. Or just something in general. It would be interesting to mess with.
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Tracking with big ol' eyes
Black LH with heterochromia, left green right amber
Shade/Raven -> Gloom/Dogwood/Hornet
is unfazed by tragedy/death/etc, manipulates to get what they want, follows orders but only to a certain degree, malicious compliance at it's finest
gender is largely unimportant to them but probably amab
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I am so tempted.
I have the perfect design in my storage.
Please ignore the accessories in the art…
Dam is Cinder . Named by Cinder
SH solid blue w/ amber eyes
SH blue with two white splotches on the back of his head and amber eyes.
Carries LH
AMAB . he/him
Pip -> Spiderkit - Spiderpaw - Spider??? Spiderdance.
Not the strongest, but has a lethal mind. Very manipulative to get what he wants. Will use every tool he has to his disposal to get what he wants. Hates the other Clans. Thinks they are weak with their codes and moral high ground.
"They're all arrogant prudes."
Possible Dark Forest training in his future?
Spindly. Gaunt. Harrowing. Tall and scrawny. Possibly the tallest of the siblings and the most awkward?
Fascination with dead things and overall violence. Fascination with the poisons of the world.
Poison might be his weapon of choice instead of brute strength?
"I can't kill you... But my buddy can! Say hi, buddy!"



Expand upon it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.
↪ genetically: shorthaired blue . carrying longhair

Personality. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vitae nibh eu diam condimentum fringilla. Etiam mollis laoreet lorem, quis sagittis est lacinia quis. Mauris a ligula enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam sem est, pellentesque vulputate volutpat sit amet, pulvinar vel augue. Ut nisl diam, feugiat at risus sed, consequat dignissim odio. Nunc consequat lorem id efficitur faucibus. Vestibulum consectetur tristique vulputate. Maecenas convallis feugiat est sit amet mattis. Pellentesque purus dui, vehicula non lectus nec, convallis suscipit lacus. Vestibulum est ex, porta sit amet gravida nec, lobortis vel nisi. Maecenas eu tellus sapien.
  • Notes
  • Notes
  • Notes
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₊ ˚ ⊹ DUSKKIT.

  • --------- DUSK ( n. ) the darkest stage of twilight, a bruised sky of deep blues & blacks ; he is named duskkit for the way his coat resembles the bleeding sky over his newfound home. his birth name will be lost to time, just as the cat he would have been under it.
    m. afab, he / him only. born loner, future duskclan kitten. 00 months old.
    BRISTLE x PRIVETFROST. half - sibling to to dovekit, tbd.
    ๋࣭ ⭑ born to bristle, he will be initially named by her for his likeness ( icly ). after his arrival in duskclan, his name will be changed to duskkit, quickly - sprung expectations growing too a heavy crown to bear. he will not adjust well, having grown quickly used to being his mother's focus of attention, preening beneath her attention in the same way he will attempt to do under privetfrost's watch. upon realizing his teary eyes and wailing will not get him any closer to his father's heart, duskkit will begin to shape himself into anything it takes to weasel his way into his favor.​

    a coy, precocious child of well practiced grins and batted eyes ; a natural performer, and the self proclaimed life of the party, duskkit exhibits a natural charm hard to ignore . . he speaks with a casual ease, drawing people in with a playful, open demeanor rarely found in the scrublands. yet beneath this warmth lies a wry cunning, his emotional immaturity surfacing to reveal a fragile sense of self that makes his charm unpredictable, and incredibly volatile.​


  • a slim, scruffy alabaster tom with messy blue black patches and sapphire eyes . . smells of floral blackberry and petrichor. a phantom of love that never was, tinged in the pearlescent of teeth and ruby bloodlust to come . . duskkit is born a small, thickly - coated mimic of his mother. down to his unkempt and thistling fur, wispy ends jutting up in unruly waves of long alabaster fur where abyssal dark splotchings interweave in the heady blues that cloak his body. he takes after bristle from the moment he takes his first, shuddering breath . . if only in appearance. baby fat gives way to a sloped face, long in the way his fathers is, he will grow to a height just below average, reminiscent of his tainted windclan heritage, figure sloping to something small, compact and athletic.


    longhaired blue / black chimera.

  • energetic. flamboyant. sociable. pleasure-seeking. impulsive. immature. vain. dishonest. unempathetic. whiny. self-centered.

    MOTIFS : broken mirrors, gold rings, velvet, roses and thorns, dark - winged birds, pomegranate and blood mixing to something tacky sweet. college of eloquence bard / thief rogue dhampyr.
    ๋࣭ ⭑ stands too close to others when speaking, presenting a compulsive habit of pushing boundaries.

  • plots, notes, playlist . . duskkit will not be so steeled in will as his other sibling, inheriting little of privetfrost's cool, apathetic demeanor. a whiny, tantrum - prone boy at first, unused to a cold and unforgiving treatment as his mother's only kit, he will acclimate quickly into yearning for approval in order to avoid punishment that eventually becomes entirely genuine. duskkit is the "lesser" of his siblings, a risk of impulse, emotional and prone to childish outbursts that will only get worse with time. when duskclan dissolves, plots allowing, he will find his way to the twolegplace where he becomes a kittypet and maybe, later on, a daylight skyclan warrior for a time. with a drama mongering personality and an addiction to the limelight, he will never stay anywhere long, save for his housefolk's nest.


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ok ok so the development idea… assimilating into duskclan and going along with privetfrost, being gradually shaped into something cruel and vicious through apprenticeship, with maybe some cool Snakehiss dreams, then in adulthood having the wool ripped off his eyes and maybe taking a stand against Privetfrost / Snakehiss in the end when the wrong character is threatened? would not stay "evil" forever. maybe makes a friend in the clans and grows close with them, but eventually that friend gets in the way? or maybe snakehiss lies to him about something big and when he finds out he fights back and gets his ass kicked in cat hell

(alt: Gloomkit, Shadekit, Magpiekit)



  • kid who looks evil straight outta the womb
  • 80687552_fIj1Ed5HMOm6qpo.png
    SH black w/ low white (carrying LH, dilute)

    yeah, im reusing Blackstrike's design bc it RULES
  • [+] TRAIT, TRAIT
    [/] TRAIT, TRAIT
    [-] TRAIT, TRAIT

    KIT — enthusiastic, energetic, affectionate, trusting, self-doubting, adventurous, sweet, curious, adaptable

    APPRENTICE — charismatic, egotistical, arrogant, judgmental, clever, ambitious, self-doubting, antisocial, loyal, trusting

    ADULT — antisocial, lonely, stubborn, disloyal, observant, proud, impulsive, reckless

    He is adaptable, often going so far as to act as a mirror to those around him. He tends to take on the traits and opinions of those surrounding him; how much of this is him and how much is a ruse is virtually unknown even to him.
  • PLOT TITLE: here

    PLOT TITLE: here
  • BIRTH MOTHER: His genetics should fit with either mother. I used Cinder because I like her naming list better and have an easier time picturing his development starting with her as a mother, but it doesn't matter to me which litter he ends up in.

    SKILLS: here

    INFLUENCES: The evil family boulder continues to roll downhill. Snakehiss to Privetfrost to Serpentkit… what comes next?

    PLAYLIST: The Watch — Kyle Stibbs
    The Dread Templar — Kyle Stibbs
    Countless — Kyle Stibbs (potential future plot inspiration)
    The Good Poet — Kyle Stibbs
    The Ugly Judge — Kyle Stibbs (potential future plot inspiration)
    Blade With No Name — JT Music
    Driver's Seat — Madds Buckley
    BOW TO THE PRINCE — Cam Steady
    Born to be a Killer — Chase Noseworthy (potential future plot inspiration)
    Throne — Saint Mesa

    AESTHETIC: here
    █ #000000
    █ #2b5ca7
    █ #41bddf
    █ #d24942
    █ #8c241c

    ALIGNMENT: (as an adult) True Neutral, but in the sense that he holds distrust in all the extremes. Law is too rigid, too unyielding, uncompromising. Chaos is too self-centered, too free-flowing. Good is naivety and trusting too readily. Evil is a step too far, something one can never come back from. Highly pragmatic, he is a hermit of his own volition and finds himself burnt out and at a dead end with his life.

    DND CLASS: Pact of the Fiend Warlock. I feel like his pact would obviously be with a Snakehiss-equivalent figure, and his patron's goals would ultimately be evil. It would start out as a pact of mutual gain, where Serpent is being manipulated but wholly believes that his patron is looking out for him. Of course, his patron wants power and is only using Serpent to get that power… what happens when it finally grows to a head, and Serpent finds out just how much he's been manipulated and misled?
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Track and notes!

- born dreamer, wants to make the world a better place and truly believes in his fathers teachings.
- vain and vapid, wants to be the best and while he does care for his siblings he sees them as competition.
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jail me please i don't need another cat



An imperfect mirror of his father. Though they share the same pelt and eyes, Hawthornkit is an ugly little creature of a kitten, a sharp contrast to Privetfrost's sleek elegance. His eyes are too large, his ears too big, his legs just a bit too long and thin for his body. A wasp-like waist and a rat-thin tail only add to his unnerving appearance. In short, he's hard to look at. He never grows out of his unsightly gawkiness, either.

WIP. originally takes after bristle in personality, being resourceful, observant and insensitive, but privetfrost warps his resourcefulness into selfishness, and takes his insensitivity to extremes. he will eat just about anything resembling meat that he can get his jaws around.
  • he/him butch lesbian, though he is tragically woo-less with a personality and face only a mother could love.
  • Notes
  • Notes
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