✢*.✧ 𝒄𝒓𝒖𝒆𝒍 and 𝒖𝒏𝒖𝒔𝒖𝒂𝒍 β€” RIVER/WIND PLOT LITTER

Aug 1, 2022

  • β—žβ”β”β”β‹†βœ¦β‹†β”β”β”β—Ÿβ€‹

    moons ago, in the time before the Great Battle, the wild rogue LYNX met the young kittypet ADELAIDE.

    he was so charming and so brutalβ€”and oh, how she fell for him. he took her out into the open moors and made her his own; there they built a life together.

    but all was not so charming as she'd first hoped. lynx was a cruel and controlling man, and their love crumbled in his claws. by the time she had fallen pregnant with his kits, he was outright abusive. the entire litter was stillborn, and adelaide was distraught, certain that the stress and lynx's violence must have been what took her children's lives.

    moons passed, and adelaide fell pregnant once again. this time, fearing for her little ones, she fled.

    she met the pretty loner silverfoot near the river, and new love blossomed. silverfoot doted on adelaide, caring for her and helping to birth the kittens. three lovely little babies were born, though the stress had taken its toll on this litter as well: each was born with an ashen-grey fever coat.




    adelaide and silverfoot were gentle, loving mothers: adelaide soft and kind, silverfoot viciously protective. no harm would come to the kittens for their first eight weeks of life. but lynx was a vindictive man, and soon after the kittens reached two moons of age, he tracked down the new family's nest.

    lynx found two of the kits nursing from adelaide. the third kit, a little she-cat named ash, was out on a walk with silverfoot at the time.

    lynx flew into a rage at adelaide for "stealing" his children, and he murdered her. then, teeth still dripping with her blood, he stole the two kittens backβ€”threatening a similar fate if they did not come with him. he took these two children back to the moors with him, where they'd join lynx's family in the newly formed WINDCLAN.

    when silverfoot returned with ash, finding adelaide dead and the kittens gone, the scene reeking of moor-scent, she fledβ€”taking ash to RIVERCLAN, where the little girl would presumably be safe. silverfoot would then embark on a journey to find the missing kittens, only to be captured by twolegs...

    leaving the children separated, with no parent in the world but their father.



  • β—žβ”β”β”β‹†βœ¦β‹†β”β”β”β—Ÿ


    this child thrives in windclan. they shine under the militaristic training; they excel in combat. they are traumatized but may not see themself as such. they probably take after their father in many ways, and just like him, believe they will grow up to become another of sootstar's "soldiers."

    they have no desire to leave windclan, and likely see no error in sootstar's or lynxtooth's ways. the "golden child" of this family.


    (optional, but all information below should be provided)​

    [b][outline=black][font=times]APPLYING FOR SLOT 1 β€” THE LOYALIST[/font][/outline][/b] 
    AGE: 6 moons 
    PERSONALITY β€” current: 
    PERSONALITY β€” adult: (not binding or anything, just how you see them growing up) 
    how do you imagine them getting along with lynxtooth? 
    how do you imagine them getting along with the "runaway" sibling? 
    how active do you expect to be with this character β€” casual, semi-active, very active? (this won't immediately disqualify any applications but may be taken into account)


    SLOT 2 β€” THE RUNAWAY ​

    raised under sootstar's ruthless regime and apprenticed to their own father, this second child ... struggles. lynxtooth's training tactics are unforgiving, sometimes cruelβ€”seen by some clans as abusive, but by windclan as efficient. thus this apprentice may find some sympathy, but no rescue among their clanmates.

    as their father's treatment worsens, they will seek solace elsewhere, soon meeting their timid yet energetic sister ashpaw at a gathering and eventually (should all go according to plan) fleeing with her to riverclan.

    once the two siblings recognize one another, their relationship will develop from thereβ€”ideally, this applicant is one who would get along very well with ashpaw, but the plot will be allowed to develop naturally. this is just an outline.

    if you're applying for this one you should probably, like, not detest talking to me because i play lynx and ash so we're gonna be talking a LOT


    (optional, but all information below should be provided)​

    [b][outline=black][font=times]APPLYING FOR SLOT 2 β€” THE RUNAWAY[/font][/outline][/b] 
    AGE: 6 moons 
    PERSONALITY β€” current: 
    PERSONALITY β€” adult: (not binding or anything, just how you see them growing up) 
    how do you imagine them getting along with ashpaw? 
    how do you imagine them getting along with the "loyalist" sibling? 
    how active do you expect to be with this character β€” casual, semi-active, very active? (this won't immediately disqualify any applications but may be taken into account)


  • β—žβ”β”β”β‹†βœ¦β‹†β”β”β”β—Ÿβ€‹

    Sire: LH red ticked tabby w/ low white (masking black tabby; carrying solid, dilute)
    Dam: SH tortoiseshell w/ low white & polydactyly (carrying longhaired, dilute)

    Toms will be black, black tabby, blue, blue tabby, red tabby, or cream tabby
    Mollies will be tortoiseshell, torbie, blue tortoiseshell, blue torbie, red tabby, or cream tabby
    - kits may be longhaired or shorthaired
    - kits may have any amount of white or lack thereof
    - kits with white may have any realistic eye color; kits without white may have any realistic eye color barring blue
    - kits may or may not have polydactyly
    - tabbies will display the ticked tabby pattern
    - shorthaired kits will carry longhaired; non-dilute kits may or may not carry dilute
    - red tabbies will mask black or black tabby; cream tabbies will mask blue or blue tabby


  • β—žβ”β”β”β‹†βœ¦β‹†β”β”β”β—Ÿβ€‹

    the kits will be gen 2, with a family that spans riverclan, windclan, and skyclan.

    LYNXTOOTH β€” biological father, windclan warrior, played by @tinyleafs
    ADELAIDE β€” biological mother, deceased, npc
    SILVERFOOT β€” (former) adoptive mother, riverclan warrior, played by @Lokisaurus
    @ashpaw! β€” sister, riverclan apprentice, played by @tinyleafs

    @Juniperfrost β€” paternal uncle, windclan warrior, played by @Rai
    @applebite β€” paternal aunt, windclan warrior, played by @ANTLERS
    TBD X 2 β€” paternal aunts/uncles, windclan warriors, see litter adopts

    @Coyotepaw β€” cousin, windclan apprentice, played by @Nazali
    @squirrelpaw β€” cousin, skyclan apprentice, played by @Wormwoodland



  • - the kits will start at 6 moons old, born 6/06/2022
    - not FCFS

    - there are two slots available: the loyalist and the runaway. both will start in windclan; the runaway will likely flee to riverclan in ~spring 2023 as part of the litter plot
    - you can apply for both, either with different characters or different "versions" of the same character; only one per roleplayer can be selected

    - the kits can be played immediately after the selection date of 12/26/2022 (may be extended upon request or if there aren't many applicants)

    - NAMING CONVENTION: trad rules apply; no restrictions otherwise. kits may optionally be named for the grey fever coats that they were born with, to match ashpaw's name. they may also be named for their "real" coat colors, with the story that lynxtooth changed their names upon taking them to windclan.



Vulturepaw -- Vulturestorm
AGE: 6 moons
ASSIGNED SEX, GENDER, PRONOUNS: afab female, she/they
APPEARANCE: sh blue ticked torbie (lh). doesn't quite fit in among the skinnier windclan cats, with her build being reserved for strength rather than speed, and was ruled out as a tunneler immediately. fur has more of a grey tone, and has sparse orange. yellow eyes, white mittens and locket.
PERSONALITY β€” current: the short version is that she's a hardass perfectionist. she strains under expectations as the golden child but excels under pressure, leading her down a slippery slope to burnout that she doesn't know she's on yet. she's decently respectful to windclanners, especially those with rank above her head, and is likely to hold her own tongue if she sees a situation turning pear-shaped if she thinks that someone with more experience will notice. she's also quite honest, and "knows better than to lie" because of the consequences she's faced for that in the past.
PERSONALITY β€” adult: (singsong) sheee's gonna break<3 her sibling leaving will instil the belief that life is inherently cruel, though she'll still find beauty in it in bits and pieces. she'll crack under the pressures of being a warrior in sootstar's clan, hitting burnout in spectacular fashion, and may find herself wishing that she was still an apprentice because she doesn't feel ready for this. she'll learn to cope as she grows up, probably leaning more into sympathetic clanmates or maybe even befriending / falling in love with another clanner - which brings with it their own issues of loyalty.

STRENGTHS: efficient fighter - she's starting to home her skills to eliminate unnecessary movements in combat. impressive jumping height.
WEAKNESSES: bottles up her emotions something shocking (she doesn't realise this is a weakness yet). a lot of her skills-based ones are based in skills that windclan doesn't use, but compared to some of her clanmates she's a surprisingly slow runner.

how do you imagine them getting along with lynxtooth? β€” strained, but respectful. secretly thinks he's a bit harsh, but "understands" why he is so. this doesn't, however, explain the faintly ill feeling that settles whenever he's around. the truth is, vulturepaw has completely repressed the event where lynxtooth stole them away to windclan.
how do you imagine them getting along with the "runaway" sibling? β€” I'd like them to have a decent relationship, or at least an amicable one even if it's one sided, to the point where the runaway leaving will break vulturepaw's heart. she sees it as a betrayal, and will disbelieve them at first when ashpaw is revealed. if the runaway leaves before their warrior ceremony, they'll get up on a high horse about their sibling running away from "adult responsibility".
how active do you expect to be with this character β€” casual, but i might be more active with her depending on my muse!​
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NAME: ravenpaw -> ravenstone. (raven- for his black coat, stone- for his perseverance and guard)
AGE: 6 moons
APPEARANCE: black with low white, short-hair and green eyes. light smoke due to fever coat
PERSONALITY β€” current: under his clan's high expectations and his father's ruthless training, ravenpaw will be in a constant state of near breaking point. while usually quiet and reclusive, he has a hair-trigger temper as pressure gradually builds, and will often appear snippy or cold, even if he never intends to. ravenpaw battles with constant paranoia and, while he doesn't interact with his clanmates much if at all, you will never find him completely alone - he lingers around groups of cats and never leaves camp by himself. ravenpaw is fearful and untrusting of the cats around him, especially his father.

because of his potent distrust, ravenpaw will have very little, if at any, real friends in the clan. a lot of cats will be considered strangers to him. he feels that the clan's view on his father's training as efficient is enough to deter him from socializing, as he feels his clanmates don't care for his wellbeing, or even actively encourage the abuse. however, he goes back-and-forth on believing that his clanmates and father are against him, and believing that they are doing what's best for him by ensuring that he'll one day be amongst the clan's strongest warriors. because of this, he will never speak out against his father's training methods and instead bottle it up, heavily contributing to his personality as a whole as described in the former paragraph; cold, reserved, and paranoid.

very little good comes out of his unhealthy mindset, but what can be taken from it is high observance and perseverance. ravenpaw is very calculative and observant of who he meets and is very unlikely to stick around a cat he deems as unhealthy or dangerous to be around, with the exception of his father. a downside to this is, again, his reclusiveness and distrust. another 'positive' trait is his perseverance; while he teeters on the edge, he won't allow himself to ever fully hit rock bottom, both because this would be a disservice to his clan and his own hard work, and because he still has a sliver of hope that things can get better.
PERSONALITY β€” adult: once ravenpaw meets his sister and escapes windclan's gruesome grasp on him, he'll notice a huge weight lifted off his shoulders. depending on how accepting riverclan is of him, his recovery may be rapid or slow- but regardless, he will recover. ashpaw's energetic personality will work to get him out of his shell, and he'll slowly loosen up, may even gain some more energy himself. ravenpaw will eventually begin to feel at home in riverclan, though the culture shock will be great; he will remain tense and on edge amongst this new caring and protective environment well into his adulthood.

ravenpaw will opt to take the suffix -stone, as a tribute to his perseverance through his hard upbringing. he may speak out in his warrior ceremony to achieve this instead of whatever suffix his leader chooses for him. as he adjusts to riverclan, his end-goal personality will be a lot more open, albeit introverted. if he ever gets an apprentice, he'll be treading on eggshells around them, striving not to be the mentor his father was. similarly, if he ever has a mate or kits, the same applies. ravenstone will suffer from the long-lasting effects from his upbringing; frequent flashbacks to his mothers' death, a blatant resentment towards windclan, and he may have a wall around his heart for many moons.

STRENGTHS: guarded, calculated, observant
WEAKNESSES: paranoid, distrusting, seen as cold and ungrateful

how do you imagine them getting along with ashpaw?: ravenpaw will see ashpaw as the light at the end of a dark tunnel. a small ray of sunlight breaking through heavy clouds. his savior. his magnum opus. once he joins riverclan with his sister, he'll be inseparable from her and grow a strong attachment. he'll want to include ashpaw in any life events, big or small, and will view ashpaw as his only real family.
how do you imagine them getting along with the "loyalist" sibling?: depending on their personality, ravenpaw might be very fearful of his windclan sibling. he might try to connect with them, but ultimately fail. he may loathe his sibling for their likeness to lynxtooth and see their ignorance to the family situation as a betrayal to himself. when he meets ashpaw, he might try to convince his "loyalist" sibling to run away with him- upon failing, he may cut contact with them entirely and disown them as a sibling. any interactions thereafter will be stiff and awkward, and while he may try to reconcile later on, he'll decide that their relationship will be anything but healthy and lose interest entirely.
how active do you expect to be with this character β€” casual, semi-active, very active? (this won't immediately disqualify any applications but may be taken into account): very active, as i might not have a huge roster of characters
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NAME: Wheatpaw -> Wheatmoon
AGE: 6 moons
ASSIGNED SEX, GENDER, PRONOUNS: afab nonbinary, she/they/he. no gendered term preference, however
APPEARANCE: long-haired tortoiseshell with white and typically narrowed orange eyes. Their fur sticks up on the base of his tail & looks like little devil horns. Heart splotch somewhere idk where tho…
PERSONALITY β€” current: a bit quiet & tends to not speak, just observes with wide eyes. sometimes gauged as creepy by some of his clanmates with the way she sits in shadows and just stares at people. Really likes to people-watch and means well, just very socially awkward. Tends not to speak up about the harshness of Windclan & wont make it obvious but deep down it does kind of suck. Currently, due to the pressure, little Wheat is not great at anything right now and their frustration within the clan only grows each day.
PERSONALITY β€” adult: doesn’t quite grow out of the weird staring phase but she becomes a bit more friendly and welcoming. wheat works hard to learn how to open up to others and not bottle his emotions up.
STRENGTHS: stays outwardly calm under pressure & is able to turn off emotions, which has helped separate them from their trauma. wheat is a good ear if someone ever needed to talk, they may not give advice but they’ll listen. because of this wheat ALSO tends to know names because they accidentally eavesdrop….. or maybe they do it on purpose.
WEAKNESSES: due to the ubringing, wheat is emotionally stunted and this will take a long time to unravel. wheat is ALSO not good at anything rn, sloppy at battle training and still has yet to catch a rabbit that wasn’t chased in to his paws.
ETC NOTES: if not accepted i think i’ll throw her in riverclan regardless!! u can Never get rid of the Wheat Paw …… (obv will be disconnected from family :3c) - also planning on wheat eventually becoming a good hunter!!

how do you imagine them getting along with ashpaw? &&&&& wheat would take on a big older sister kind of vibe to her. fiercely protective but also a little Eccentric. Will take bones to Ashpaw bc Wheat thinks theyre cool. Will follow Ashpaw around like a lost puppy. Will beat people up for Ashpaw.
how do you imagine them getting along with the "loyalist" sibling? &&&&& wheat doesn't exactly care for violence and loyalty to windclan but they do care about their sibling in a sibling-like way. they pity their sibling and does his best to love them but doesn’t exactly push to help them when wheat is drowning in their own emotions.
how active do you expect to be with this character β€” casual, semi-active, very active? (this won't immediately disqualify any applications but may be taken into account) &&&&& i usually gauge activity first but i have a good feeling for her, semi-active!! typically my muse flourishes in an active family-based plot & when i have a good design/arc for them

ngl even if i don’t get chosen i might intro this dude in wind anyway bc i’m attached to adult gravel now


NAME: gravelpaw gravelsnap
AGE: 6 moons
ASSIGNED SEX, GENDER, PRONOUNS: amab, nonbinary, he/they
APPEARANCE: shorthaired black cat with high white and hazel eyes (here)
PERSONALITY β€” current: gravelpaw is a somewhat lonesome child, showing disinterest in the games of other young cats. they keep to themself, but can work well alongside others if need be. he acts fearless in the face of danger, but is terrified of almost everything. he is an overthinker and tends to jump to conclusions for seemingly no reason.
PERSONALITY β€” adult: growing up in windclan, they would be very loyal to their clan and obedient to their father. they grow more and more disinterested in the politics and dramatics of the other clans, and will avoid conflict until the conflict grows too large to ignore or avoid. they are calm and levelheaded for the most part, though they occasionally experience episodes of intense anxiety. he is a workaholic and refuses to rest until even the smallest tasks have been attended to, and has trouble falling asleep while there are still possibly things to be done. he has a very dry sense of humor, based mostly on flat punchlines and observations that are usually only funny to him. he grows a bit snappy, if not downright cruel, as he gets older; he feels a bit adrift, helpless, and lashes out at others for his internal struggles.
STRENGTHS: light and quick on their feet, strategic, stealthy
WEAKNESSES: emotionally distant, doesn’t often think for themself
ETC NOTES: the β€œgifted kid with undiagnosed anxiety disorder” to β€œtraumatized adult” pipeline

how do you imagine them getting along with lynxtooth? i imagine they’d get along well with lynxtooth! they’d likely look up to him as their role model, and would follow his lead in situations they’re unsure about. their relationship with him would probably be soured by the memory of their kidnapping, but they would come to understand why lynxtooth did what he did, and after a while, when their youngest memories faded, they might even think he was justified in doing it.
how do you imagine them getting along with the "runaway" sibling? he would likely get along well with that sibling and do his best to hype them up! he’d be their #1 supporter up until the runaway leaves tbh. but he believes in loyalty to his clan over loyalty to his family, so he would shun them immediately. their supposed abandonment would weigh heavily on him, but he would do his best to turn his back on them in turn.
how active do you expect to be with this character β€” it depends on the activity of windclan, but i’d be aiming for at least 1-2 posts per day
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this was a very difficult choice because all of these applications are so, so good!! i mulled over them forever and ever but the final choices are:

@foxlore with gravelpaw / gravelsnap as the LOYALIST
@ixora with ravenpaw / ravenstone as the RUNAWAY

thank you guys for your interest, and i look forward to meeting your characters <333
i'll be messaging those chosen for further plotting !!!!! currently have family in town, so things might be a bit slow for the next week or so, but then i'll be back in business 😎