Newtbelly [♂] - Warrior - A bulky long-haired orange tabby tom with bright green eyes and a crooked smile. @newtbelly
The census has been updated! If anyone notices any mistakes, please let me know either in this thread or in my discord channel!

Newtbelly [♂] - Warrior - A bulky long-haired orange tabby tom with bright green eyes and a crooked smile. @newtbelly
3 IC posts are required to be put on the census, but once Newtbwlly reaches that, feel free to let me know and I'll add him on!
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Saltstone [♂] - Warrior ; Tunneller ; A small, wiry charcoal seal lynx point with pale blue eyes. @SALTSTONE

( also sidenote, me and vesper have backwritten that saltstone is and has been laurelpaw's mentor :} )