SORRY, THIS ISN'T PRETTY AT ALL BUT </3! With WindClan officially up, it's time to begin the search for WindClan's very first deputy!

Forewarned, I AM going to take my time with picking but wistfully not obnoxiously long. This is both for the ic reason that Soot is a very confident gal and will want to establish her own dominance before putting a successor in place. Then ofc for the ooc reason to watch and get familiar with everyone's IC and OOC activity ^^

Some very sucky things to keep in mind due to Soot;
- Never say never and please do take the chance and apply for the slim chance, but it's HIGHLY unlikely if not impossible Soot would icly pick someone with a kittypet background. After kittypets, the second less likely would be a Pine cat... though a prophecy or her trust being earned could sway her mind. Loners and former Marsh cats have equal opportunity in this. I apologize for the inconvenience but IC realism is very important to me

- Demotions over ic disagreements are possible. Soot will want someone who reinforces her rules and she will not tolerate a deputy who undermines her. I will give you an ooc heads up if I get a feeling this may occur, but if you apply with someone who you know won't agree with Soot/won't enforce it this is a pre-warning that a demotion due to ic reasons is possible!


Onto the OOC side, here is what I'm looking for;
- Someone who is oocly active and engaging within WindClan's community. This person needs to be a friendly face and someone who is willing to plot with others outside of any friend-groups

- Someone who does not have a leadership position in any of the other clans (against the rules anyway). If you happen to run for deputy in multiple places please note if you get picked in another clan you will be eliminated from being picked in Wind !

- Someone with good IC activity and engages in opens often. While high activity is nice I'm looking for someone whose posting level isn't intimidating/overwhelming to others ^^

- Character consistency, I get it, we all have character creation itches! But the character you're running with should be intended to possibly be your main, they may lead WindClan one day and running a clan is no small responsibility icly and oocly.

But... with that stuff out of the way...

State your interest by filling out the form below! None of the responses you give will immediately affect your chances of being picked, I just want to see your self-reflection and then watch myself for a few weeks. So PLEASE don't hesitate to be honest, it'll arguably make your odds higher ^^

Character Name:
Are you in the WC discord?:
On a scale of 1-10, how active do you think you'd be in this position?:
Why do you think your character would be an interesting choice?:
Do you agree to the ic demotion risks under Soot? Would you be upset if a plot like that arose?:
Any other notes?:

Character Name: Echo (Echolight)
Are you in the WC discord?: Yes!
On a scale of 1-10, how active do you think you'd be in this position?: 7-8
Why do you think your character would be an interesting choice?: I think generally it would just be a cool opportunity! Echo has lived on the moors her whole life + will be extremely devoted to her clan, so I'd love to write the character development that would come with the position and how her and Soots personalities may clash/mesh along the way
Do you agree to the ic demotion risks under Soot? Would you be upset if a plot like that arose?: I do, and nope! As long as all parties involved are oocly okay with said plot + it's kept IC opinions only
Any other notes?: nope! <3
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Character Name: Lavender
Are you in the WC discord?: Yes
On a scale of 1-10, how active do you think you'd be in this position?: 5-6, I know I've been Going Through It as of late, but on average I am a consistently active person and though I may not say much sometimes, I am always lurking in the Discords.
Why do you think your character would be an interesting choice?: Lavender is a marsh cat, born and raised, who followed Soot out of admiration for her specifically. That sort of loyalty and obedience to an admitted morally...... eh..... person is really fun to play, especially in a right-hand man type relationship. The tension.... the drama.... the possible fall-out when her loyalty to friends like "Traveler" (a stinky loner man who may or may not be exiled depending on Future Plots) and her loyalty to her leader are pitted against each other... Also, Lavender is just little and I think it would be funny to have short-legged Lavender bossing around her Tall clan-mates like they couldn't just punt her across the moors.
Do you agree to the ic demotion risks under Soot? Would you be upset if a plot like that arose?: Full agree! That sounds super fun actually!
Any other notes?: yes i know i just went inactive for two weeks shhhhhhhhhh let me offer anyways
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Character Name:

Are you in the WC discord?:
Yes I am!

On a scale of 1-10, how active do you think you'd be in this position?:
probably a 9 or 10

Why do you think your character would be an interesting choice?:
Because of how different Inky is from Soot. He is more level headed, kinder and could be a sort of voice behind Soot- a gentler soul for those afraid to approach Soot or something. Inky isn't very authorative so I think it would be fun for him to grow a back bone in that regard, or grow in general as a character to not be so soft for the most part.

Do you agree to the ic demotion risks under Soot? Would you be upset if a plot like that arose?:
I do, I expect as such from Soot ngl

Any other notes?:
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Character Name: Hyacinthbreath / Hyacinth
Are you in the WC discord?: Yes
On a scale of 1-10, how active do you think you'd be in this position?: 8 (Only bc I work a full time job)
Why do you think your character would be an interesting choice?: With her militaristic view on how groups should be ran, she would fall in line with Soot's demands quite easily. She is easily influenced under a powerful individual with convincing means of words, and is not known to be merciful to those outside of the group or people she devotes her loyalty to. This, however, will obviously cause plenty of moral contradictions in her path in the future- leading her to question what is truly the right thing to do.
Do you agree to the ic demotion risks under Soot? Would you be upset if a plot like that arose?: Yep! It makes plenty sense, wouldn't be upset over it since it's IC opinions. c:
Any other notes?: funky lesbian
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Character Name: Duskfire
Are you in the WC discord?: Yes
On a scale of 1-10, how active do you think you'd be in this position?:7-8 (I'm on on the sight and discord pretty much daily and do my best to post and plot with everyone I can. I'm probably not the most active person in th clan, but I'm consistent and try to post my characters wherever I can so that other cats have the chance to actually interact with them and develop Ic opinions.
Why do you think your character would be an interesting choice?: I think Dusk would be a super interesting choice. For one he's an underdog that would constantly have to be proving himself to Soot due to his background (he's an escapee from a backyard breeding situation), but aside from that he's in this weird headspace right now where he's still trying to figure out who he is and what he wants, which means a lot of his personality and beliefs are still in-development. Right now he's all for following Soot and supporting her cause because that's the only thing he knows, but there's always the chance for plot oppurtunities to arise in the future where maybe they don't always see eye-to-eye. Or perhaps, in the opposite direction, there could be drama in the clan about jut how easy it is for Soot to control Dusk, with many of the cats in the clan believing h was only chosen because he's easy for their leader to puppet. There's lots of plotting oppurtunities :)
Do you agree to the ic demotion risks under Soot? Would you be upset if a plot like that arose?: OOCly I'm totally down for this and would not be upset! Its totally reasonable that a character would have preferences for things according to their personality, and if Soots the kind of cat who would demote another for disagreeign then that's total fine with me, no hard feelings! ICly, I'm sure Dusk would have his confusion or spite depending on what the circumstances were. If he felt he was wrongly stripped of his rank there's always the chance to plot some tension/animosity around that. Otherwise, he'd respect her decision if he agreed it was over something he should be help accoutnable for.

Any other notes?:
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