[box=60%; text-align: justify; color: white; font-family: georgia; ][table][tr][td][center][color=crimson][outline=black][size=16px][b]☆ ─── LIVIDSMOKE x SWALLOWFLUTTER [/b][/size][/outline][/color]
❝ A SHADOWCLAN "[I]LOVE[/I]" LITTER ❞[/center][/td][/tr][/table]
[TABS][SLIDE_HEADER][color=crimson]─── the story [/color][/slide_header][slide][box=99%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px;][fleft][bimg width=125px]https://tabbytales.net/attachments/ezgif-com-crop-png.1594/[/bimg][/fleft][quote][b][color=#656c8d]LIVIDSMOKE[/color][/b] Lividsmoke was born and raised by their single father Crawlingheart alongside their brother Basilkit. From a young age Lividkit has always been a rather withdrawn cat with a indifferent viewpoint of the world who was forced on the path to become a proper warrior by their father himself as an act of spiteful revenge against their mate who cheated and left them. Lividkit constantly lived under their fathers spiteful heart to the point his influence on them started to make them withdrawn from the relationship they had with their brother Basilkit, who was neglected and hated by their father. As result Lividpaw developed to become more cold and calculated who wished to cut ties with both their father and Basilpaw. So when Swallowkit entered the picture offering service in return of training tips Lividpaw didn't hesitant to take this opportunity to use Swallowkit to keep a distance between themself and Basilpaw. Although the two started to spend more time together, the interactions between them were often brief and one-sided. Despite this Lividpaw continued to allow Swallowpaw to remain beside them as she had become a tolerable company to have around in case of usefulness. Once warriorhood had arrived for both of them and with leafbare nearly behind them, as newleaf was on the horizon, Lividsmoke started to think it was about time to find a mate to give new future warriors to the clan as part of their duty as a warrior. It just happened to be convenient for them that the mate they choose would be Swallowflutter, who already had boldly stated interest in them. [/quote]
[fright][bimg width=155px]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/91992891_U9aopjnzzmQGCJ3.png[/bimg][/fright][quote] [b][color=#fd8584]SWALLOWFLUTTER[/color][/b] has always been a strange creature - born to a single mom who wasn't entirely ready for motherhood, Swallowkit and siblings were a trio of teeth and fangs and chaos - only Sneezekit tempered by any sort of gentleness. Naturally lacking in empathy, she struggled to get along with and understand her clanmates - leading to high tensions between her and Snowpaw from the very moment she was apprenticed. The ensuing rivalry caused her to feel left out from the already bonded apprentices den, adrift without understanding why, and feeling like an outsider she quickly clung to the only 'kindness' shown her way ─ Lividpaw, who treated their interactions more like a transaction and a grudging burden then anything, much to Swallowpaw's utter obliviousness. After exchanging battle tips and agreeing to play defence between Basilpaw and Lividpaw, Swallowpaw quickly grew possesive - putting other cats 'in their place' for showing interest in Lividpaw, be it romantic or platonic. It isn't until warriorhood however that it really clicks for her - a sudden realization that Swallowflutter isn't just worried about her only friend being taken from her, but that she is in [i]love[/i] with them. With Duckshimmers pregnancy on the horizon, Swallowflutter comes up with a terrible idea - to announce her feelings to Lividsmoke. [/quote]
[fleft][bimg width=125px]https://tabbytales.net/attachments/ezgif-com-crop-png.1594/[/bimg][/fleft] [center][size=14px][b][color=crimson]THE LITTER[/color][/b][/size][/center]
[color=transparent]───[/color] With her feelings acknowledged, a conversation ensues - as Swallowflutter lists all the reasons that "having kits together would be a good idea." What should be an act of love is more of an item being checked off a bucket list - between the two of them, near every factor is accounted for ─ from planning out [i]when[/i] they want to have their kittens and what season they'd be apprenticed, to how many Swallowflutter [i]hopes[/i] to have, and what to name them when the time comes. It isn't long before it becomes obvious that she's expecting their kits as planned - but instead of following the rest of their perfectly laid out path, the unexpected happens. Lividsmoke dies rather suddenly - leaving Swallowflutter unusually shaken, faced with the fact she will now have to raise them without Lividsmoke at her side.
[/box][/slide][SLIDE_HEADER][color=crimson]─── rules[/color][/slide_header][slide][box=99%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px;][table][tr][td] [color=crimson][outline=black][b]☆ RULES[/b][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
─ This litter is [b]not FCFS[/b]. Applications will close on 03/29 and kittens will be chosen on 03/30.
─ This is a [b]worm litter[/b]. Kits will be born on 03/31 and will start out being played as newborns, aging realtime each month.
─ We expect you to maintain at least casual activity with these kittens - enough to stay on the census. Swallowflutter is a causal character, but these kittens are a major plot and development point for her! Disappearing or falling inactive, especially without clear OOC communication, will result in the slot being rehomed if we feel necessary.
─ Kits must stay in shadowclan until adulthood, and cannot be killed off until having received their warrior names.
─ Quality over quantity! We'll be picking kits who we think will fit best into this family dynamic within the parameters given.
─ There are some hypos available to claim, but using one will [b]not[/b] affect your chances of being chosen.
[table][tr][td] [color=crimson][outline=black][b]☆ WHAT TO EXPECT[/b][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
─ While extremely affectionate and doting, Swallowflutter will also be very extremely controlling of these kits until apprenticeship. Very few morals/ethics will be enforced beyond the needed to avoid 'embarrassing' situations in public and idolizing Lividsmoke's memory and goals, but she will give and expect utter [b]honesty[/b] in return from her kits - to Swallowflutter, an ugly truth is better then a sweet lie. With that said, we are fine with kits who might not live up to their parents standards, or who might not be super happy with their parents treatment, as long as you keep in mind the IC ramifications.
─ While there is no intent to cross the line of outright physically abusive, Swallowflutter believes in using [b]physical punishments[/b] to deal with misbehavior when necessary. Things like cuffs over the ears and head, and forcibly picking stubborn kittens up by the scruff to move them about will be commonplace.
─ These kits will be raised alongside many of their family members due to the closeness of the litter ages. Swallowflutter will often be seen babysitting Duckshimmers kits, and will be nursing [abbr=not yet adopted]tbdkit[/abbr] for [ispoiler]its a secret[/ispoiler] alongside this litter. Close ties are encouraged but not required.
[subquote=crimson] Please keep in mind that this is a [b]dysfunctional family[/b] . Both parents ideas of 'love' and 'family' were unhealthy in their own ways, and Swallowflutter's already questionable sanity has been warped by her grief. These parents are not by any means an example of a healthy relationship, nor is Swallowflutter a kind mother. Please be sure to keep your own comfort levels and triggers in mind when applying.[/subquote]
[/box][/slide][SLIDE_HEADER][color=crimson]─── genetics[/color][/slide_header][slide][box=99%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px;][table][tr][td] [color=crimson][outline=black][b]☆ GENETICS[/b][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
[center] [abbr=carrying longhair, chocolate, point]SH BLUE w LOW WHITE[/abbr] x [abbr=masking chocolate tabby; carrying solid, dilute]LH FLAME POINT w HIGH WHITE[/abbr] [/center]
• [b]DMAB[/b] kits can be red tabby, cream tabby, flame point, or cream point
• [b]DFAB[/b] kits can be tortoiseshell, blue tortoiseshell, chocolate tortoiseshell, lilac tortoiseshell, torbie, blue torbie, chocolate torbie, lilac torbie, tortoiseshell point, blue tortoiseshell point, chocolate tortoiseshell point, lilac tortoiseshell point, torbie point, blue torbie point, chocolate torbie point, or lilac torbie point [indent]─ kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
─ kits can have low white or high white
─ points will have blue eyes; non-point kits can have any realistic eye color
─ red-based kits will mask black, chocolate, black tabby, or chocolate tabby
─ shorthaired kits will carry longhair; black-based kits will carry chocolate; tabbies will carry solid; non-point kits will carry point; non-dilute kits will carry dilute [/indent]
─ flame point with high white
─ tortoiseshell with low white
─ blue tortoiseshell point with low white
─ lilac tortoiseshell tabby with low white [/spoiler]
[subquote=crimson] Non-genetic mutations and disabilities are allowed but [b]highly discouraged[/b]. If you make a kit with any visible disability, please be aware that Swallowflutter will not know how to handle a kit with any 'oddities' as this is not part of their 'perfect plan'. Any disabilities should still be thoroughly researched and respectfully played. [/subquote]
[b]THE PARENTS[/b] (for look alikes)
─ Lividsmoke is a shorthaired black / blue chimera with low white and dark blue eyes. They have a tall but slender build, and often have a blank, hollow look on their face. [indent] • [url=wip]biography[/url] [/indent]
─ Swallowflutter is a medium-haired flame point / chocolate lynx point chimera with low white and mismatched bright blue eyes. She is small, short-limbed, and round faced compared to her clanmates; and has a notable curl to parts of her long fur. Her design has scattered heart motifs throughout. [indent] • [url=wip]biography[/url] [/indent]
[table][tr][td] [color=crimson][outline=black][b]☆ RELATIONS[/b][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
[color=#656c8d][s]LIVIDSMOKE[/s][/color] x [color=#fd8584]SWALLOWFLUTTER[/color] | gen 03
─ grandchildren to [b]duckshimmer[/b]
─ nieces/nephews to [b]basilshower, singeglare, sneezeduck, tbdkit, tbdkit[/b]
─ (adopted) cousins to [b] tbdkit [/b]
[/box][/slide][SLIDE_HEADER][color=crimson]─── names[/color][/slide_header][slide][box=99%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12px;][table][tr][td] [color=crimson][outline=black][b]☆ NAMES[/b][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
Naming will be left fully to Swallowflutter, who will be picking [b]bird themed[/b] names based on [i]appearances at birth[/i], with a few specific exceptions. These one-off names have very strict requirements to be used. There is very minor brownie points for names that start with 's' but Swallowflutter [i]will[/i] choose names that don't.
bird, crane, crow, dove, duck☆, eagle, egret, feather, finch, flicker, goose, grouse, gull, hawk, heron, hoot, jay, kestrel, kinglet, kite, mockingbird, osprey, peregrine, pheasant, pigeon, quail, raven, robin, rush, song, swift, thrush, warbler, waxwing, wing, woodpecker, wren,
[indent]─ any bird names not listed above are also allowed, just check with staff for legality first
─ names [b]can not[/b] be currently in use in shadowclan (other clans are fine); this includes but is not limited to swallow, tern, loon, owl, talon, swan, vulture, buzzard, sparrow, hawk, bittern,
[indent]☆ [b]duck[/b] is a purposeful exception to this rule, as Swallowflutter [i]would[/i] name a kit after her mother [/indent]─ [b]lark[/b] is off limits specifically because Swallowflutter is petty and would hate having a reminder of Snowlark [/indent]
☆ cone, pinecone, bristle, prickle,
[indent]─ dmab kittens only (named after lividsmoke)[/indent]
☆ starlit, moonlit, sunlit, gooseberry
[indent]─ point kittens only (aka appear all white at birth)[/indent]
[table][tr][td] [color=crimson][outline=black][b]☆ SLOTS[/b][/outline][/color][/TD][/TR][/table]
─ one
─ two
─ three
[subquote=crimson][i]The slots listed above is Swallowflutters "ideal" litter - we may pick more or less depending on applications and interest![/i][/subquote][/box][/slide][/TABS][/box]