**✿❀ Antii's Offspring's Opinions ❀✿**


Boy(wonder) crazy!
Aug 28, 2023
Made this it's own seperate thread because yah girl did not consider how cramped her Hub would end up becoming and she's a idiot who wants to be ✧・゚ Detailed ・゚✧

Updated 1/13/23

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Currently Active ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

@SINGEKIT || Shadowclan || Chart
@Asphodelpaw || Chart
@Ebonylight. || Windclan || Chart
@Orchidpaw! || Skyclan || Chart

@Silverbreath || Riverclan || info
@Bonekit. || Shadowclan || info
@PRICKLES || Redwater Rogue || Chart

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚  Inactive  ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

Pants || Kitty-pet || Chart
Cheerio || Skyclan || Chart
Starwortpaw || Thunderclan || Chart
Ducksnap || Shadowclan || Chart

⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Deceased ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

  • Haven't properly met yet

    Fearful of
    Suspicious of
    Jealous of
    Distrustful of
    Annoyed by
    Weirded out by
    Confused / Unsure of
    Complicated Feelings
    Wishes to know better
    Shy towards
    Comfortable with
    Friends with
    Close friends with
    Safe around
    Like family
    Protective of
    Platonic Love
    Crushing on
    Head-over-heels for
    Romantic Love

  • Code:
    [COLOR=white][abbr="Haven't met"]♡[/abbr][/color]
    [COLOR=black][abbr='Loathes']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Loathes
    [COLOR=#222830][abbr='Fearful of']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Fearful of
    [COLOR=#505864][abbr='Dislikes']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Dislikes
    [COLOR=#576B89][abbr='Suspicious']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Suspicious of
    [COLOR=#5C7DAF][abbr='Rival']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Rivalry
    [COLOR=#5C9CAF][abbr='Jealous']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Jealous of
    [COLOR=#53BDB8][abbr='Distrusts']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Distrustful of
    [COLOR=#32D1B9][abbr='Annoyance']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Annoyed by
    [COLOR=#32D187][abbr='Weird']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Weirded out by
    [COLOR=#47E34A][abbr='Confused / Unsure']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Confused / Unsure of
    [COLOR=#83ED85][abbr='Complicated Feelings']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Complicated Feelings
    [COLOR=#AEED83][abbr='Wants to know better']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Wishes to know better
    [COLOR=#DAF09E][abbr='Shy']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Shy towards
    [COLOR=#BBDF5B][abbr='Respects']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Respects
    [COLOR=#C3CD27][abbr='Comfortable']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Comfortable with
    [COLOR=#C4AF14][abbr='Friend']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Friends with
    [COLOR=#BB980E][abbr='Close friend']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] Close friends with
    [COLOR=#BC660E][abbr='Like family']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] 
    [COLOR=#900B1F][abbr='Platonic Love']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] 
    [COLOR=#B32548][abbr='Puppy crush']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] 
    [COLOR=#D13A86][abbr='Crushing on']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] 
    [COLOR=#E353C1][abbr='Head over heels']♡[/abbr][/COLOR] 
    [COLOR=#D54AE3][abbr='Romantic love']♡[/abbr][/COLOR]
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  • Code:
    [size=5][color=#9fc3fc]Name[/color] || <3 || ☆[/size]
    [fleft][IMG width="150px"]HERE[/IMG][/fleft]
    [quote][color=#9fc3fc] "IC opinions" [/color][/quote]
    [color=#9fc3fc]↳[/color] [i]Unconscious thoughts/Predictions[/i]

  • ASPENHAZE || ||

    "They saved my life, I owe them a massive debt of gratitude for it. I haven't had the opportunity to thank them properly for what they'd done for me, I feel as though I really should have but, well, I can't quite think of a way to broach the subject. Admittedly, I don't like thinking about it. And between you and me? They're erm...quite frightening. I wouldn't ever want to be on the receiving end of those fangs of theirs."
    Asphodelpaw is immensely grateful for what Aspenhaze did for him during the rogue invasion! Unfortunately he did see a side to them he wasn't expecting, and their bloodthirsty nature coupled with the traumatic events has left Asp a bit timid in approaching them. Can you fear and admire someone at the same time? Aspenhaze is someone Asphodelpaw will jump at every moment to please - hopefully they won't abuse that power over him!

    BEEPAW || ||

    "Beepaw is a failure of a leader's daughter! I can't believe I ever respected her. She's foul-mouthed, hot-tempered, and couldn't hold a reasonable conversation to save her life. Starclan bless anyone who foolishly believes she's a proper representative of out clan!"
    Not a lot of interactions between them save for the few where they've butted heads. He's not a fan of her, though he also never really had a proper opinion of her since he views all the CicadaSmoke kids as royalty with a long way down should they fall from their pedestal.

    CARP-PAW || ||

    "IC opinions"
    Unconscious thoughts/Predictions

    DAWNSTORM || ||

    "I won't forget his service with the beavers and the rogues, but that doesn't mean he should be so readily trusted! He was there when Deacon and Sasha betrayed us, who's to say he isn't a spy? Isn't just biding his time?!"
    Asphodelpaw can't separate the Dawnstorm he's respected as a clanmate from the Dawnstorm dripping with Smokestar's blood. Unfortunately for Dawn, Asp's trauma with rogues has directed itself towards Dawnstorm with a vengeance. It'll take a lot for him to be comfortable around Dawnstorm again.

    FERNGILL || ||

    "Ferngill is...he's cool. He's nice. I believe I've irked him a few times, but he oddly enough never reprimands me. Or he does but like...kindly? Can you scold someone kindly? Anyway, I would like to get to know him better, it feels like forever since we were apprentices, and even then I never really took the time to get to know him. A shame - he's a very cool...nice guy...Starclan how many times have I said that?"
    Listen, I love Ferngill so very reasonably and I'm allowed to headcannon that Asp may or may not think he's very cute and sweet thank you <3. It does help though that Ferngill is very often a steady, comforting presence and someone Asp could see himself having a genuine conversation with, maybe even someone he could ask advice from! I just want them to be friends, your honor!!!

    FOXTAIL || || ☆

    "Haven't met the guy. He seems nice though. Maybe Ill try and make small talk the next time we're on patrol."
    Not a lot of interactions between them I'm afraid, but Asp respects his elders and at one point they may have shared the apprentices' den as fellow 'paws! Potential for back-written stuff?

    NETTLEPAW || ||

    "He seems prickly, in my opinion. But let it be known that I don't see many cats who work nearly as hard as he does, especially at his age. He's...not a bad kid. I don't mind patrolling with him. I can't quite seem to avoid pissing him off though."
    Probably the closest Asphodelpaw has to a friend in the apprentice's den, he is quickly growing to admire the boy although the tension between them makes him nervous to approach the younger boy. Tentatively, he hopes for a closer friendship with him.

    PETALNOSE || ||

    "She's lead warrior, one of the coolest cats in Riverclan and...and I already failed her."
    Unconscious thoughts/Predictions


    "Starlightpaw is...fine, I guess. I don't know them very well, I think I'd like to. I expect a lot from the child of a former and current leader...erm, rest in peace Cicadastar. Losing a parent can't have been easy, I wonder if they're alright...feels a bit too late to offer support but...anyway, they better keep their mouth shut about...whatever, I'm sure they will."
    Asphodelpaw doesn't have a particularly strong opinion one way or another about Starlightpaw, though he is nervous about the fact that Star knows about his...situation. A part of him hopes maybe to find a friendship with the other 'paw, especially since they have more than just dry paws in common.

    VALEPAW || ||

    "Little monster. He's not even truly a riverclanner, either! I bet he'll follow "
    Unconscious thoughts/Predictions

    WAVEPAW || ||

    "Wavepaw may have been raised a Riverclanner, but he doesn't have our waters in his blood! I don't trust him. No one acts that innocent! I bet he's just waiting for his chance to strike, just like Deacon and Sasha! I mean, he lets me practically walk all over him! Is it to lull me into a false sense of security!? Jokes on him I'm NEVER secure!"
    Asphodelpaw's ire towards Wavepaw is generated entirely because of his history (or association) with the Ripple Colony cats. But since Wavepaw is such a genuine sweetie, it's hard for Asp to actually hate the kid. It's like - seeing a bunny with a knife. Yeah that knife in it's lil paws is scary but like...c'mon, it's a bunny. At this point Asp is just forcing it he couldn't be scared of Wavepaw even if he tried.

  • POLYNESIA || ||

    "IC opinions"
    Unconscious thoughts/Predictions

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  • Code:
    [size=5][color=#b8312f][abbr=penned by]Name[/abbr][/color] || <3 || ☄[/size]
    [fleft][IMG width="150px"]HERE[/IMG][/fleft]
    [quote][color=#b8312f] "IC opinions" [/color][/quote]
    [color=#b8312f]↳[/color] [i]Unconscious thoughts/Predictions[/i]

  • Name || <3 || ☄

    "IC opinions"
    Unconscious thoughts/Predictions

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  • Code:
    [size=5][glow=silver][COLOR=#1b1e21][abbr=penned by]Name[/abbr][/color][/glow] || <3 || ☾[/size]
    " Speech "
    [fleft][IMG width="150px"]HERE[/IMG][/fleft]
    [quote][glow=silver][COLOR=#1b1e21] "IC opinions" [/color][/glow][/quote]
    [glow=silver][COLOR=#1b1e21]↳[/glow][/color] [i]Unconscious thoughts/Predictions[/i]

  • Name || <3 || ☾
    " Speech "

    "IC opinions"
    Unconscious thoughts/Predictions