๐†๐ˆ๐•๐„ ๐‹๐ˆ๐…๐„ ๐“๐Ž ๐€ ๐–๐Ž๐‘๐‹๐ƒ โ•ฑ ๐Œ๐„๐„๐“๐ˆ๐๐† 06.2024

From atop the Tallrock, Sunstar gleams like tattered gold. The late night sun casts a dark orange glow across all of WindClan camp. It is as if the flames have returned, but only for the gentlest of kisses upon their land. What remains of their home is cast in beautiful light. He knows, then, that there is no purpose in hiding within the shadows. With his practice at the gathering behind him, his ascent is surefooted, if slower than it once had been, and he stands as the tom who had first declared himself WindClan's leader. Star-blessed, ready to lead them through anything. His stance is proud right to the stump of his leg.

"Let all cats old enough to race the moor gather beneath the Tallrock for a clan meeting!" Though it is late, he knows that the clan will come. If only to stare upon him with bewilderment for the time of his shadowed absence. Standing before them, there is a lance of feeling not unlike what he felt standing before them for the first time. Without the pleasantries of adrenaline and new beginnings to carry him, Sunstar languishes only in the fear that brands his very heart. Had he become too distant? Did he belong here at all? Or had he simply allowed himself to hide behind the curtain of hope all these moons? That one day, they would see him as more than a rogue.

Perhaps they already had, and his absence simply reminded them. Whatever storm rages behind his eyes, none of it shows across Sunstar's face. He will not allow himself to waver before his clan. Deep, steadying breaths as a breeze ripples his fur, and he speaks loudly, plainly: "We begin first with a celebration. @DIMMINGSUN. You have been a key part of this clan's recovery, both through the fire and in the days following. Your judgement has been a welcome one amidst my council, and so I ask formally that you would join us as a lead warrior of WindClan." The weight of what he asks lingers on the air, unrushed, as the clan awaits his reply.

  • OOC. thank you guys SO much for your continued activity in my / sun's absence! big shoutouts this month to MY ENTIRE HP TEAM, as well as @DIMMINGSUN @SCORCHSTORM @BLUEFROST @GRAVELSNAP @slateheart @gracklestep @SNOWGLARE @SOOTSPOT @PINKPAW @Brackenpaw @CELANDINEPAW aaaand @Frightkit !! all of you guys had an awesome month fr <3

    - this is set almost directly before slateheart's return! (sorry ixora)
    - mouseflight is either still buried or recently unburied (that is up to you tikki)
    - PLS JOIN ME IN CELEBRATING KARMEN AND DIMMING BOTH!! they've been an amazing part of wc's community ic and ooc for several months now, and this promotion is highly deserved.
  • Iw56kmg.png
    SUNSTAR. WINDCLAN LEADER. โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹†
    โ€”โ€”โ€“ AMAB HE - HIM - HIS โ•ฑโ•ฑ 4+ YEARS OLD.


Sunstar's appearance on the Tallrock never fails to give WindClan a moment of peace. It's natural, his presence up there; expected, even, because if their leader can get up after any struggle, then so can the Clan he leads. It is especially important now after the disaster that has seemingly culled the very life from sea-glass eyes. There would be amusement in comparing Sunstar to some sort of hibernating bear โ€” dangerous but docile for the time being โ€” if the notion alone wasn't so alarming. The sun has already dipped in the horizon and lost its brightness, but Dimmingsun almost squints nevertheless when he peers up.

WindClan gathers. Dimmingsun lets his attention be taken by them first, watching them emerge and join him under the shadow Sunstar casts. He wastes no further time; already his maw opens to address them, and it drives the breath right out of Dimmingsun.

A celebration, he says- Dimmingsun, he says. Sunstar watches, he expects, and what more could Dimmingsun possibly do than say yes? He had watched lead warriors come and go, idly wondering what it would be like to be amongst them, seldom allowing himself to dwell too much in such fantasies. He is no stranger to his own ambitious nature, both a blessing and a curse. Greed has always had its way with him.

And yet, Sunstar doesn't hesitate when he offers it to him. Paternal glares appear behind Dimmingsun's eyelids, grim mutterings hit his ears, like the wind itself is carrying ghosts of the past. Would his father be proud of him now, if he was here? Or would this, too, be far beneath mountainous expectations? Perhaps he would beg for Dimmingsun's forgiveness, or not even eight more lives would prove to be satisfactory.

It doesn't matter. This is his moment โ€” he earned this, proved he would die for each and every member of WindClan. The lion has always called the moors to be his, and that will now take on an entirely new meaning.

"It'd be my honor, Sunstar." The organ that keeps him alive, pumps blood into his veins, keeps his pulse going- it shifts, grows wings within his chest. "I accept."

And his heart soars.
  • Love
Reactions: revelations
เผ„เผ„ The sun begins to sink below the horizon, and Scorchstreak settles down to eat at last. The calico's stomach rumbles its displeasure, but her attention shifts to the clan's leader as he ascends the Tallrock. Upon three legs he stands just as tall and proud as he had with four. Sunstar calls for a clan meeting, and as his deputy she must be presentโ€”but more than that, she wants to show her support for the tom. He is more than simply a leader, star-chosen and blessed. He is a friend, and one whom she owes her loyalty to. With a slow, pleased blink, the calico picks up her meal and moves to sit beneath Sunstar's perch, gazing up at him expectantly.

The leader's announcements begin with one that is both pleasant and somewhat expected. Dimmingsun is invited to be a lead warrior of WindClan, and she turns a reserved smile to the tom as she awaits his answer. He accepts, of courseโ€”he would be a fool not toโ€”and without hesitation her voice rises in congratulations. "Dimmingsun!" She cheers the new lead warrior's name, golden gaze settling on his dappled pelt. This is a deserved promotion, and one that Scorchstreak approves of. She trusts the moor runner, even if she does not know him well.

  • ooc: โ€”
  • 77176203_fqHtotZWqpHc9RA.png
    SCORCHSTREAK โฏโฏ she/they, deputy (tunneler) of windclan
    เผ„ small, slim flame-streaked calico with fiery golden eyes. stoic and shrewd, but clearly cares deeply for her clan.
    เผ„ mate to bluepool ; sibling to rattleheart & rabbitclaw
    เผ„ mentor to pinkpaw
    เผ„ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    เผ„ penned by foxlore
  • Love
Reactions: revelations
periwinklebreeze โ€ 22 moons โ€ demi-boy โ€ windclan queen โ€‹
Sunstars call to attention is one the queen easily heeds, paws carrying him forwards and into the throng - though, the lead warrior cannot help but note with amusement, doing so is far harder when one has kittens under paw. The setting sun bathes the camp in it's glow, shades of red and gold far kinder than those of the flames had ever been to them. And then he speaks, and blue eyes find themselves settling upon a familiar form - he'd dipping as he nods in silent agreement. Dimmingsun has been of great help these moons, and with both he and Rattleheart focusing themselves on their kits, Sunstar surely needs the extra paws. " D-Dimming-sun! " he echoes, voice warm as he cheers.

โ” actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes' โ”
Don't you think it's funny how they tell us how to live?โ€‹
Don't you think it's funny how we're all delinquent kids?โ€‹
speaking color is #BBE8EFโ€‹

๐–ค“ โœŸโ€”- as the sun makes its departure, so desires kitepaw. the young cat finds his belly filled and a yawn escaping his lips. today has been long, and he cannot wait to welcome the comfort of his nest and a good night's rest. it seems however that his desire must wait as sunstar's voice rings across the clearing. a familiar meeting call that draws him away further from his nest and returning back into the clearing. tired does not mean annoyed, however, as he settles down and casts his eyes towards sunstar. it seems there is nothing that can drag him down... though the thought quickly departs as the meeting starts and their leader announces dimmingsun, inviting him to step up as a lead warrior. "dimmingsun!" his voice joins the chorus, thrilled for the moor-runner. he felt it was well deserved it for all that he did for windclan. kitepaw takes a seat once more from where he has since risen during his call and settles down, waiting for the meeting to progress further.

  • KITEPAW โœฉ he/him, moor-runner apprentice of windclan, 8 moons old
    average sized tomcat with light cream tabby markings. he has a white chest and half face. his fur is a medium length and he has large whiskers. his eyes are a light blue.
    โญƒ highly religious, stubborn and hard-working, kindhearted and charismatic, honest, diligent, foolish and impulsive when frustrated, will speak out when something feels unjust.
    โญƒ open to minor and minor powerplay / / underline and tag when attacking โ‡Œ see his bio here
    โญƒ penned by @DOFFERZ! โ‡Œ doffloppa on discord, feel free to dm for plots. template credit to vayle.


Though he had not known to expect any other result, Dimmingsun's agreement is met with a gust of relief and a slow, burning grin. "Yes. Good! You will help steer this clan towards greatness alongside my council." He nods briefly to the tom, and swiftly pushes forward. There is more surety to how he stands now, pride returned, but his gaze does not linger with the warriors for long.

He finds the small shapes held to the front of the crowd, groomed and prepared for what they know must come. Though he does what he can to steady himself, there is no hiding the contemplation as he looks upon the first of them in particular. A split pelt, ragged red and black pieces melding together. She looks far too like his father for him to ignore it, butโ€“ the ghost of his accusations are long gone. Fluttered away beneath the truth that blows through these moors. Snakehiss had always been too weak to stand in the face of it, yet this one: "Rowankit," he calls, and waits only briefly for the youngster's attention to be upon him. "You have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day forward, until you earn your warrior name, you will be known as Rowanpaw. Your mentor will be Webthorn. Though you are to be their first apprentice, I trust that they will pass on their work ethic and love for this clan."

The next and last of their apprentices this moon does not cause him such grief. Gravekit is the child of Cygnetstare. Though strange, the she-cat was one of their most trusted warriors. Someone who was willing to do what must be done for the clan, and for StarClan. The kitten's own sociable nature may smooth out any speedbumps, and he may only hope that their attitude does as well. "Gravekit: you are also old enough now to be named an apprentice. From now forward, until you have earned your warrior name, you will be known as Gravepaw. Your mentor will be Owlface. He has trained many tunnelers before you, and will share his experience and steadfast confidence to you."

It is good to see them greet one another. Many apprentices wait new cats to share their ranks, and their tunnelers will need all the paws that they may find in the moons to come. At that thought, Sunstar seems to stutter. "Though this moon has been a difficult one, know this: our moorland is healing, and so too will we." A bold statement from a cat still missing a limb, but for a moment he is not the wounded creature he had been made into. His toes edging over the drop of the tallrock, Sunstar leans into the crowd. "Greenleaf is a time of prosperity for all of us, and we must fight for it now. We must catch what we can. There are still many mouths to feed." There is a grim undercurrent to what he says. An expectation unspoken. They are not hungry, not yet. But they also cannot stockpile easy strength for the moons to come. Whatever WindClan needed. . . he had never been able to deny them that, no matter what it took to get it.

  • ooc: โ€”
  • โ†Ÿ ๐’๐”๐๐’๐“๐€๐‘. โ•ฑ AMAB HE - HIM - HIS. LEADER OF WINDCLAN. โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹†ฬถอฬ€ฬฌ
    โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” a rogue brought to windclan in a search for greatness, one of sootstar's most loyal warriors turned into her downfall. with a mate and kits to worry about, and now nine lives from starclan with a missing limb, windclan's leader has a lot to prove.

    a large chocolate and white rosette tom with seaglass eyes. the first thing many see when looking at sunstar now is not his proud posture or un-windclan build, but the scarred stump that remains of his front left leg. a wound that would have killed most other cats took one of his lives; not even starclan could repair it.
  • Like
Reactions: BLUEFROST

When Bluepool lays golden eyes upon tortoiseshell fur, a smile lights up her whole face. In the whole crowd of cats, there is only her mate. Silver paws lead her to her side instantly and she settles herself close enough so that their fur mixes together. Red in blue. Momentarily, she presses her cheek against her mate's and closes her eyes, a warm greeting that Scorchstreak must be used to by now, and then she turns her attention to their leader perched upon the tallrock. A new lead warrior would be joining their council, he declares, and for a second Bluepool holds her breath, wondering who it would be. She does not have to wonder for very long. "DIMMINGSUN!" She joins the chorus with the rest of her clan, cheering the new lead warriors name and sending an approving smile in the toms direction. The moor-runner was a fine warrior, and he would be a wonderful addition to the council, she's certain.

Once everyone has settled, the announcements continue. Sunstar goes on to name the new apprentices and for them too, she calls their new names. "Rowankit! Gravekit!" she chants, thinking of how her mate must be pleased that there will be another tunneler joining the ranks.

And then the mood turns grim. Sunstar is right. Green-leaf is meant to be a time where they fill their bellies until they can't eat anymore, a way to get their strength up for the coming leaf-bare that was always guaranteed to be hard. Her eyes shift so that she peeks at the cat next to her. There was more at stake this year for her, someone who she loved that she didn't want to watch suffer... Her expression more serious than it has ever been, her gaze once again finds her leader, her friend, and if he were to meet her eyes, she would nod once in his direction.

She knows what must be done in order to ensure their survival...

  • xiikDkk.jpeg

  • d8xs4yJ.jpeg
    A small framed moor runner with a blue toned pelt and black stripes. Her tail is cropped and her eyes are golden in color. On her chest, she sports a large 'X' shaped scar.
    โœฆ Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + isn't above using dirty tricks in order to win
The young black smoke lets a yawn escape his maw. Today had been long and tiring for Sheeppaw, he was ready to tuck in and sleep away into dreamland. He was about to drag himself to his nest in the apprentice's den, however Sunstar summons for a meeting. A meeting NOW?! I'M SLEEPY! He lets out a groan, as he turns his messy-furred figure towards Tallrock.

He drags his paws toward Tallrock and then sits next to his denmate, Kitepaw. He greets the older apprentice with an ear flick, before turning his attention up at where his leader is perched upon. A celebration? For who? He tilts his head slightly to the side as he gets his answer. Dimmingsun? Ohhh.

Sheeppaw cheers for the unfamiliar-not close-not spoken to warrior, he hasn't had a conversation with the moor-runner. Oh, well. He congratulates the new lead warrior with a cheer of his own. "Dimmingsun! um... yayyy!" His paws tap against the ground, with an extra long 'yay' falling from his lips. After the chorus dies down, he lets his gaze glance briefly toward the small shapes sitting near the queens. Ooo, new denmates! He leans forward, then back in his excitement. The moor - runner apprentice's ear twitches when the name Rowankit falls from Sunstar's maw. He raises a brow, he wasn't close to the kit when he was a kitten in the nursery.

After the whole apprentice gets a new mentor shtick for Rowanpaw, he blinks as the next name is called forth. Gravekit! He wasn't close to the odd chimera, but he was happy all the same! Though, she was going to be a tunneler- bummer! "Rowanpaw! GRAVEPAW!" He chants with the rest of the crowd, even if he was louder chanting out Gravepaw's name. Because, he gets another friend? Friend joining him and the others in the apprentice's den! When the chorus of chants died down, the mood turns a bit... grim. Ew, no happy vibes. He cringes a bit, as Sunstar says words, words annnd more words.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( HEY! WHATCHA GOT? ) หšโ‚Šโ€ง๊’ฐแƒ โ˜† เป’๊’ฑ โ€งโ‚Šหš SHEEPPAW. โ•ฑ windclan apprentice.
    โœถ amab ; HE / HIM ; 7 MOONS & AGES EVERY 29TH.
    โœถ undecided / not looking / open to puppy-crushes
    โœถ a lanky, longhaired black smoke with high white and blue eyes
    โœถ thoughts ; "Speech, 8E7F7F" ; attacks only
    โœถ may powerplay minor harm โ•ฑ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    โœถ smells like early morning dew & windblown heather
    โ€” all opinions are ic

    โ†’ biography / @ on discord for plots
    โ€” penned by calzone

Hay-hued eyes glowed at hearing her mentor's name among the fray of the announcements, twin fervid suns scorching through the crowd to meet the golden-pelted tom, though warm gaze spoke of nothing but adoration. The apprentice couldn't deny how big of a help Dimmingsun had been to the clan, from aiding the clans through the blazing wildfire to sitting with her to sort her wits out afterwards. If anyone were to be a lead warrior, it would certainly be him. "Dimmingsun! Dimmingsun!" The spotted tabby shouted through the din of applause, and though her voice was a mere lambent flame sparked amongst the light, she would still carry her tone high and proudly. Adoration was clear as it poured from the mouths of her peers, like honey flowing and fostered. During these meetings, there was little to rival the sense of community that brought Windclan together. Celandinepaw wondered briefly if she would ever hold such an esteemed title, with crown aglow and blooming upon her head, though she shook away such nebulous, wistful thinking away. She never had the biggest aspirations in life - all she wished to do was to help her kin and to be the best cat she could be.

"Gravepaw! Rowanpaw!" Celandinepaw continued to cheer.

  • OOC:
  • ( NOTE: Reference is a placeholder until a drawn reference can be supplied. Credit HERE )โ€‹
  • โ€”โ€” CELANDINEPAW / She/They/He / 9 Moons
    โ€”โ€” Moor Runner Apprentice of Windclan / Mentored by Dimmingsun
    โ€”โ€” A shorthaired golden spotted tabby with yellowish-green eyes. Somewhat pudgy, though lean and able to hold her ground in the wild.
    โ€”โ€” Extroverted and unafraid to speak their mind, she is a friendly and affable face in Windclan. Though ditzy and somewhat cowardly, she tries her best to help her clan.
    โ€”โ€” Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.

ใ€”โœฆใ€•It is a big day for them and they know this. Their nerves prick and nip at their pads like a cool leafbare chill, much to their dismay. They are to remain calm and composed, as a true warrior should be. That was what Gorseptal had told them. What Snakehiss had told them. He wouldn't be watching his own children receive their apprentice names... and Rowankit had come to terms with that. They had to, for their own sake.

Their ceremony is preceded by a new promotion to Sunstar's council โ€” Dimmingsun. He was a constant presence in the clan, helpful and upbeat and whatnot. Rowankit couldn't say they knew him too well ( though they do distinctly remember when he had aided in heckling their father ).

Next, they are asked to step forth along with Gravekit. There is something intimidating about looking Sunstar in the eyes; he is their leader, yes, but he had also been the subject of their father's mad tirade. She remembers the ferocity in his eyes that day, the anger that shook his voice. Does he think less of her and her littermates because of him? I will make you and WindClan proud. They vow internally before moving to touch noses with her new mentor, Webthorn.

It seems there is work to be done. Though life is slowly but surely returning to the scorched moorland, there is still an entire clan to hunt for. Rowanpaw would have to begin their training promptly.

  • ooc.
  • ROWANPAW โ€”โ€” apprentice of windclan , mentored by webthorn โœฆ penned by beatles
    โœฆ afab demigirl / they/she pronouns / 7 moons & ages every 17th
    โœฆ single / graysexual & monogamous
    โœฆ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    โ€”โ€” easy combat difficulty / may start fights, won't kill

    โœฆ "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    โœฆ biography โ€” msg on discord for plots โ€” toyhouse

  • a shorthaired black/tortoiseshell chimera with heterochromia. a lithe, slightly muscular cat with a smaller-than-average build. a direct line splits their face, as if mirroring an inner battle of identity and belonging. a serious expression usually graces their face, and their amber and blue gaze is always sharpened.