๐ˆ ๐–๐Ž๐'๐“ ๐‹๐„๐“ ๐˜๐Ž๐” ๐ƒ๐Ž๐–๐ โ•ฑ ๐Œ๐„๐„๐“๐ˆ๐๐† 02.11

It was time. Venomstrike had come to collect him at the call of Sunstar, and the ruddy youth was a mess of nerves. There was so much happening at once, and even with the calm of the Medicine Den, he didn't feel quite prepared. Having an eyelid torn was no walk in the hills, but the uncomfortable pain had waned within a pawful of days. His eye had recovered spectacularly under the watchful care of Wolfsong and, of course, the company of Rivepaw. Now all that's left is a thinly trailed duo of scars across his face. Filtering in through the gathering crowd, he spotted the frame of Rattleheart and squeezed in beside her.

With little time to chat, his ears perked up as Sunstar took control of the crowd, his voice echoing loudly as Redpaw's emerald gaze brightened with attention. Hearing the names listed off, pride swelled in his pale chest, and he flashed a beaming grin to the black and white cat. He knew no other feline more deserving of this promotion. Eagerly, he purred up a storm and called in a rapturous bravado. "RATTLEHEART! SCORCHSTREAK! BLUEPOOL! PERIWINKLEBREEZE!" His cheeks ached from the size of his grin, but the tabby began to settle down as the golden-weaved tom continued.

This time, a name he is not so fond of fell from pale lips, and his smile dampened. He did not acknowledge her or the other traitor; instead, his eyes fell downcast. They did not believe either of them deserved to stand among them, but for the sake of his adoptive parents, he would hold his tongue. Thankfully, Sunstar wasted no time and started on name changes. Redpaw's gaze flickered out into the crowd, and it seemed the earlier joy had returned. Albeit not as eagerly as before, he still cried out their names. "Slateheart! Irispath!" A part of him ached knowing another cat could've been a part of this. Could have been named more lovingly under their Moor King.

No. Today isn't about him..He made his choice. Exhaling softly, he pushed the depressing thoughts away, choosing to sink into the happy waves of emotions blooming about him. His face shot up within the crowd as Sunstar called him forth, and his earlier nerves returned with a vengeance. Already? Awkwardly, he sat in the crowd with his jaw practically hanging, frozen with disbelief. Blinking away the surprise he hurried after his peers. Paws gracelessly scampering over the earth as he weaved through bodies. Once he stepped into the clearing, all eyes seemed to bore into him, and the pressure felt immeasurable.

Swallowing harshly, he filed in beside his fellow apprentices and looked to the leader with shaky breaths. "I-I do." Piercing blues soon met his own expressive greens, and Redpaw's heart did a summersault at the pride held within them. The words wrapped around him soothingly, and his nerves unraveled as their name became reality. Redheart. He couldn't help but feel complete elation knowing whom he shared it with. How much love was placed into all of it. The cat that had taken on the role of his parent when others had turned their backs to him. That hadn't berated him for harboring kittypet blood and loved him just as much as Venomstrike.

When a soft muzzle nudged between his ears, he bowed and accepted the notion gratefully. There were no words to be spared as Sunstar moved off and anointed the other soon-to-be warriors. Redheart could only sit and bask in the knowledge his warriorhood had finally begun. After moons of doubt and hatred, there was at last a light at the end of the long, hard road of growing up in Windclan. Chants of his new name made them feel as though they were prancing among the clouds. Once the rosette'd pelt stood back on the rock, he joyously turns and trots to his family's side. Earlier purrs amped up tenfold as he listens to the paws' gain new mentors.

His stomach flips at the sound of Rivepaw's name, and his eyes shyly seek her out through the throng of cats. It seemed Sunstar would be taking her on as his own apprentice now, and their concern dissipated. Just as brightly as before, he chanted the former barn cat's new name to the heavens. "Lavenderpaw!" Never once taking his eyes off Rivepaw despite the eager chorus of mews around him. Until Wolfsong's unmistakeable tone adds in beside the rock. Their change to the she-cats name is a welcome one and Redheart nods in silent agreement. Cottonpaw was deserving of a kinder name that reflected on them as an individual. Not one given by a dead and deluded monster.

Mobile post! Will be editing <3
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When it came to her name, Whitepaw had never truly given it much thought. She knew simply that more aggressive names like Whitefang or Whiteclaw were far from suited to her. Yet, even when she knew she'd have to earn her name eventually, it was a thought far from her mind. Perhaps she should've thought about it, the name she'd receive and likely carry for most if not all her life as a warrior.
Whitedawn, for kindness and optimism
The words rang in her ears as she acknowledged her new name amongst the others who came forward. Whitedawn, so ironically suiting especially to be amongst the first named by Sunstar. In a new era of Windclan. She ducked her head as her new name was cried out and considered a simple thought amongst the cheering and further ceremonies.
I've come so far now, are you proud of me Ambertail?
โ–ฒ Sunstride's voice pulled the fluffy molly from her earlier task of grooming. She had only been let in a day or so ago and felt completely out of place. So much sadness and misery had taken place here, it was hard to believe how quickly the WindClanners had begun to rebuild themselves. Wolfsong and Cottonfang's impressive clockwork action to healing the injured was, in short, a miracle, and the swiftness of the moor runners to build the prey pile was as awe-inspiring as her own kin back at the barn. There was a variety to the pile, but she had been warned not to eat first and to wait for the sickly, elderly, and young to take advantage of the meals. Puff could understand the logic behind this, even if her tummy rumbled with protest. Despite the many tales that had been shared about clan life, her mind was completely unprepared for the sheer weight of a real meeting.

Sitting closer to the back of the crowd, she fumbled to keep up with every exuberant cheer or hushed moment of attention garnered by the sun-kissed leader. Her stout neck strained to peer through the taller crowd as a pawful of familiar names were called out. Puff wasn't so sure how to feel about the "StarClan" business, and personally, she found it difficult to believe in. Sure, it was an awfully cool concept, but maybe with more time, her curled head would absorb their beliefs. Her bouncing eyes steadied as Scorchpaw's ceremony began, and Puff practically whined her frustration. Dang it! Move! Pushing through the crowd, she fought her way to the front through the throng of legs just in time to see her calico friend earn their new name. A smile brightened her gray complexion as she witnessed the apprentices turn to warriors, and the leader dubbed them each respectively. This time she was prepared, and the boxy feline proudly cried out. "Scorchstorm! Redheart! Heathermoon! Whitedawn!" Her tail nub twiddled excitedly as she whooped and hollered loudly, only settling down once she caught the growing silence befalling the clearing.

Her own name was soon mentioned, and her body froze with shock. Owlface? Awkwardly, she whipped her rounded head side to side, trying to pinpoint her assigned mentor. Noting their polite tail wave in the distance, her eyes glimmered with delight. It seemed she would be given the chance to show off her mettle as a newcomer, and Owlface would be her guide. Softly, she murmured to herself as the gathered cats erupted around her. "Lavenderpaw..." Curiously, she rolled the peculiar word across her tongue as a gentler smile bloomed across her muzzle. I like it. The approaching form of the Medicine Cat cut her musing short, her pale blue gaze following along closely as the scarred cat mentioned a name she had come to know. Oh? The newly dubbed Lavenderpaw hadn't been aware that clan cats could give and take names in the same breath. Though if Sootstar's treachery was anything to go by, she couldn't blame them.

  • bun.png
  • โ–ณ SH cream tabby/seal point w/low white and blue eyes
    โ–ณ child of npc x npc ; sibling to cherry and jelly
    โ–ณ apprentice of windclan ; ex-kittypet ; ex-barncat
    โ–ณ 9 moons old ; birthday 08/22 ; ages realistically
    โ–ณ AMAB ; trans fem ; she/her
    โ–ณ lesbian ; homoromantic ; single
    โ–ณ "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    โ–ณ peaceful powerplay allowed
    โ–ณ penned by tasmagoric
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โ‹†๏ฝก๏พŸโ˜๏ธŽ๏ฝกโ‹†๏ฝก ๏พŸโ˜พ ๏พŸ๏ฝกโ‹† Slatetooth remembers his warrior ceremony. How quickly a right of passage became sour, met only with apathy from the young tom. A day that every apprentice feels excitement over, and yet Slatetooth felt nothing but another chain tightening around him when he earned his warrior name. He was meant to honor his father that day, to live up to the name Sootstar gave him in hopes that he could one day be as strong as his brother.

You can't change the past; he knew this much. Every cat longs to go back to some meaningful event, to change it, to right their wrongs or finally stand up against someone they couldn't. While he could never re-write his past or spat in his father's face on the day of his warrior ceremony, he could pave way for a better future. Today was the mark of change.

Slatetooth steps forward with a raised chin when his name was called, alongside the newly returned Yewberry. The moment is small compared to the other announcements; council members, warriors, and more. But the moment was his, and he was as giddy as an apprentice finally receiving their warrior name.

Slateheart is the name given to him, and he wears it with pride. He feels accomplished as his name is chanted with the others; is this what a true warrior ceremony should feel like? After a dip of his head towards Irispath, he steps back into the crowd to congratulate the others, all the while his heart sings and his mind wanders.

With this name, he feels the final string snap. No longer does he honor his treacherous father, or resemble Sootstar's expectations. He honors his own heart, and the strength it took to prevail against the hand he's been dealt. Somewhere, wherever they are, he hopes that his mothers Adelaide and Silverfoot are looking upon him with pride - and that Lynxtooth is rolling in his grave, knowing all control is finally lost.
  • SLATEHEART โœฉ he/him, moor-runner of windclan, 19 moons.
    โญƒ a short-furred black tom with low white markings and green eyes.
    โญƒ son of LYNXTOOTH xx ADELAIDE // brother to GRAVELSNAP, ASHPAW
    โญƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    โญƒ penned by ixora โ†› @.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
