private πŠπˆππ†πƒπŽπŒ'𝐒 𝐄𝐃𝐆𝐄 [ FLUFFYPAW ]

Mar 4, 2024
He was aware that Fluffypaw wasn't quite... at the same level as the rest of the peers. Candorpaw would not speak as if he knew the how or whyβ€” surely, kittish fear of killing, extending even to prey of all things, has left her by now... Candorpaw struggles to believe that she is simply... afraid. He had been fine enough to leave her to her own whims before... Greeneyes seemed a capable warrior; a former lead. There was just some... lesson to learn. Some code to break. Candorpaw would allot her all the time in the world to find that thingβ€” ( Well, not as if that were in his jurisdiction, really ) but with a suddenness, he finds himself... significantly less alright, taking the meandering stance he had.

Unpredictable things could happen. Would happen, now he knew, as blood over the backs of his clanmates is fresh in his mind. Was it too wistful to think he could be wherever Fluffypaw needed him to be? Though his mentor may be deputy, Candorpaw played no hand in the doling of patrols... If nothing else, Candorpaw could see where she lies in the midst of it all... Perhaps his eyes did not shine the absolute brightest that they could, as he seeks out that pale tortoiseshell form.

" My friend, " he greets, his grin little more than a ghost itself. " I wished to... to check in on you, " he explains. He would not claim to be worrying. Worrying often led to bad things. With a curiousness does he incline his head. He does hope she would not find the question insulting... " Have you... caught anything yet? " with a hint of cautiousness, he questions. " Prey, " he adds, as if Fluffypaw may be more keen to whitecough than a mouse.

  • Crying
Reactions: Marquette
Dawnglare is gone. Mallowlark, too. Fluffypaw hadn't even had the chance to say goodbye to them before they'd stalked away from camp, before their lives were stolen from them forever. Dawnglare had helped deliver her into the world, had nestled her at Butterflytuft's stomach; he had been there for all the kittings she'd attended, had tended her wounds, had watched her failures, her little successes. Mallowlark, too, and so how... how is she supposed to reconcile that with the fact that they're just gone?

But she knows very well what lurks beyond SkyClan's camp, has always known. Adders, sleek and fanged. Foxes, long-nosed and fierce and cackling. Whatever had killed Dawnglare and Mallowlark had left little behind to mourn.

She'd never survive in the forest alone. She'd been defended by her mother the first time, by Candorpaw the second time, and now β€” now she reaches her eleventh moon, now she stares down impending warriorhood, and what has she to say for herself? Her claws are as tender as they'd been collecting moss for the nursery. Her teeth have never crunched into a freshly-caught bit of prey, the pelt of another cat, a predator who wished to feast on her flesh.

It's her instinct to smile as Candorpaw approaches. He's grown so big, it's almost dizzying; when did he begin to look down on her, rather than the other way around? Fluffypaw offers him a soft smile, though she can tell by his hesitance that this isn't just a chance meeting between two friends.

"Have you... caught anything yet?" Fluffypaw's smile trembles. She cocks her head. "Is this because Weedpaw made his first catch the other day? You know, I was happy for him, but it kinda..." Her ears droop, just a touch. "It hurts, too. You already know the answer, huh?"

Fluffypaw lets silence sit between them for a moment. It's well-worn silence; it has weathered moons of her chirping laughter and her excessive tears, his extravagant shouts and his flare for dramatics. After a few heartbeats, Fluffypaw tilts her face toward Candorpaw's. She meets his eyes solemnly. "I should have caught something by now, huh? I know Greeneyes is disappointed... I know Butterflytuft must be, too." She sighs and scuffles the dust with her forepaw. "... Are you?"

  • ooc: β€”
  • imfwvC1.jpg
  • Fluffykit . Fluffypaw, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    β€” β€œspeech”, thoughts, attack
    β€” 11 moons old, ages realistically on the 8th.
    β€” mentored by Greeneyes ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    β€” skyclan apprentice. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    β€” penned by Marquette.
    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

  • Sad
Reactions: Floppie