border π”ππ…π”π‘π‹πˆππ† β•± π–πˆππƒπ‚π‹π€π ππ€π“π‘πŽπ‹

He feels more at ease here than he has in many moons, yet that is not the praise it might have been. There's still some tension in his shoulders as he approaches the twoleg bridge. Without the protection of the gorge, WindClan veers close to a place that had many meanings between the two clans. He can still recall the violence here, even if it was covered by the splashing of a softened leader. Newleaf was good for them. New beginnings would blossom. That does not mean Sunstar would not mutter a cautious, "On your guard," to his patrol when the rustling of pawsteps becomes more unavoidable. Of the two warriors he has brought with him, both of them were proven success stories. Capable cats who provided for their clan. Who grew, in the case of one. He ensures that Firefang does not leave his line of sight.

"Rivepaw, Quietpaw, why don't you tell me more about RiverClan?" the leader quizzes with a quirk of his mouth. His shoulder rubs along the dry wood that marks the beginning of this bridge. A stretch, and silvery claws rake down a section of it. "What have you heard of this clan? What do you know?"

  • OOC. @Firefang @GRAVELSNAP @Quietpaw @rivepaw
  • sun_icon_new2.png
    SUNSTAR. LEADER OF WINDCLAN.   ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS β•±β•± 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.


The roar of the gorge always set her on edge, it was immense and powerful no matter how much distance she put between herself and the edge. She remembered when it was flooding this Greenleaf it doesn’t look as dangerous but that didn’t mean she was going to tempt to walk anywhere near that edge. She tries to ignore her nerves, staring ahead only occasionally flicking a glance over towards where the fat-fisheaters dwelled. She’s sure they’d show up, would be far to peaceful if they didn’t. She really doesn’t know nor care where her clan stands with them, all she can understand is they weren’t at war with them but that doesn’t mean she herself has forgiven them for their transgressions. Their leader was dead but his lackeys still survived.

Still she’s glad she never has to hear another one of his tirades at a gathering.

She listens to her leader as he speaks to his apprentice - his kit really - and Quietpaw she’s curious what the two cats would respond. They’d grown up differently then she did, they may not even see them as the threat that she sees them as. She says nothing just listens between flicking glares across the bridge.


The patrol has been peaceful so far, except for the waves that crashed into the gorge. The water below was shiny and loud, perfectly hiding anything watching below. Quietpaw didn't understand the appeal of swimming in the river. Do Riverclan cats hide under the water or swim on top of it? He had never personally met one before, so he didn't know. His ears stood straight, trying to listen for cats like he was trained to in the moors. Staring down the gorge seemed more effective. Quietpaw had been so focused that he was spooked when Sunstar spoke.

'Pay attention pay attention he's talking!!' Mentally freaking out.

Looking back and forth from Sunstar to Rivepaw. Is this something he's supposed to answer, or is he supposed to wait? "They umm hunt,, in the water,, catch fish" Quitepaw felt a little weird answering. Maybe he should have waited for the other apprentice to answer. Maybe it would be good for a Riverclan cat to show up so they didn't have to think about his obvious answer. Or him at all, preferably.

➴➴ RiverClan is certainly the black-patched warrior’s least favorite clan. Their hatred had begun with Lynxtooth’s poisoning, the blocking out of their first home amongst reeds and riverbanks. Then it had only festered under Sootstar, and with the venomous spittle that had always flown from the former RiverClan leader’s mouth at gatherings. Still, even after the deaths of both leaders, Gravelsnap does not trust the neighboring clanβ€”Smokestar does not like WindClan and is clearly against their recovery. He is a threat. Sunstar tells them to be on their guard, and they nod solemnly, a grim expression crossing their face.

They don’t speak as they trail along behind Sunstar, hazel eyes narrowed in Firefang’s direction. They may have changed since Sootstar’s fall, but she has not. She is still unpredictable and rude, all in all a loose cannonβ€”though she seems to respect Peri’s authority even if she still hates him, Gravelsnap cannot bring themself to place their trust in her again. But they can remain civil, if guarded, around her. Their attention shifts to RiverClan’s side of the gorge as they make their decision, listening to Quietpaw respond to the leader’s questions. The apprentice doesn’t seem to know much about their neighboring clan, but such a fault can be forgiven considering Quietpaw’s youth. He will find out in time how dangerous Smokestar’s clan is. And until then, Gravelsnap will keep an eye out for Quietpaw and the other naΓ―ve apprentices of the clan.
βΈ™ΝŽο½‘Λšβ‹† ⍋ Ρ§Ρ¦ ѧ⍋ βΈ™ΝŽο½‘Λšβ‹†

He isn't particularly fond of border patrols, really... if only because they seem like excuses for petty banter and terrifying threat. Valepaw still struggles to understand why it matters what territory you come from as long as you follow the rules... but it appears not everyone is capable of doing that. Hence the problems... stories of WindClan raiding RiverClan in the night and murdering their warriors. Tales of ThunderClan thieving away territory when they couldn't reasonably have defended themselves. SkyClan is the only one he doesn't constant hear horrors about... and he wishes sorely to be removed from the equation by some divine grace.

But he's here... for better or worse... watching with saucer-sized eyes as a thin-boned patrol wanders along the opposite side with murmurs of discussion shared between them. The boy doesn't want trouble, clinging closer to his clan-mates to be sure he can't be framed with trespassing... doesn't even think to speak a word to them for fear it may be misconstrued intentionally. There are some there he suspects are his age... but it offers very little reassurance knowing they had been exposed to Sootstar's insane antics at some point or another.​
Green eyes watched The WindClan patrol from the bushes on RiverClan's side of the border. Her gaze narrowing slightly, Coyotestrike emerged from the bushes, running her tail along Valepaw's spine comfortingly as she did. ''Sunstar,'' The RiverClanner meowed, dipping her head to the WindClan Leader, nodding respectfully to the rest of the WindClan patrol. ''I assume WindClan is doing well?'' The she-cat glanced back at Valepaw, a whisk of her tail a signal for the apprentice to follow her. ''In case you do not know who I am, my name is Coyotestrike, and this is Valepaw.''
Claypaw knew the history between the two clans- long-winded and strife filled angst and war. Her ears twitched briefly as the opposing clan's patrol murmured to one another, and given the colonist had never been to a gathering, she couldn't only assume who lead the patrol. Golden mismatched eyes swept their numbers as she moved, giving a glance towards Valepaw. She had her own issues with him, though then again, Claypaw had issues with just about every other apprentice in the clan.

Coyotestrike's words nearly freeze her in place. Eyes shifted back towards Valepaw- as she had just let him drop out of her sight- cringing inwardly as the warrior touched Valepaw with her tail. That's too much for 'friendly'. Her voice becomes grating to Claypaw's ears- at this age, the warrior should have known what Windclan and Riverclan had done to one another.

Claypaw's mouth parts, her sharp voice striking into the air, a hiss placed directly towards Coyotestrike- "Are you daft? Do you really think they care about your name?" Her nose flared, ears laying flat as she turned towards the border. These clanners are going to get themselves killed. Her thoughts were rough as her flank brushed against the other edge of the bridge, marking it for their patrol. Her gaze didn't linger on the other Drypaw apprentice any longer then she had to.
βœ§γ€€Β°γ€€. ♦ .γ€€Β°γ€€βœ§
  • ooc: β€”

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.

Rivepaw had been to each border a number of times- despite the gap in training, Snakehiss and Sunstar alike had both set her on a good path. Sunlitpaw's words buzzed in her mind as she followed her father to the border, whipping winds pulling her pelt in different directions. But it felt good, the way the wind lifted her spirits. She inhaled deeply, eyes tracing the border as they approached. Rivepaw hadn't been present for any battles, but the scarring in the wood, the blood that had been shed here....

Ears twitched as she listened to her father. Firefang's gaze lingered- owl sharp eyes were swift to pick that up- but soon switched back to Sunstar. She let Quietpaw answer first, before her answer was prompted. "Riverclan is a clan nestled in a water-born territory. They mainly eat fish, though some hunt on dry land." Her gaze shifted towards the opposing patrol. "Not so fast on their paws, but dangerous in the waters. I've heard they're all full of themselves-"

Blue eyes cut towards a brave, brave cat, who decides to introduce not only herself, but a meek looking apprentice too. Another snaps at the warrior, though her size makes it difficult to tell her age. Rivepaw's ears twitched. "Okay. Maybe I know that part now." She looked back towards her father with a tiny cheeky grin, moving to rub against the ground near the foot of the bridge. She lets her father take over any communication that would be necessary to stay... diplomatic.
Coyotestrike's head whipped around to glare at Claypaw. ''Control your attitude, Claypaw, or I'll have Smokestar control it for you,'' She growled, voice dripping with venom. ''You realize that by acting out, you are putting RiverClan to shame in front of WindClan cats. - in front of their leader -'' The she-cat gestured towards Sunstar with a lash of her tail. '' - and I know for a fact that Smokestar and Lichentail won't be very happy to hear that one of our apprentices humiliated their Clan by acting a fool.''

The RiverClanner's glare lingered on Claypaw for a moment longer before she turned back to the WindClan patrol, sitting back on her haunches and giving her chest fur a couple of embarrassed licks. Mouse-brained apprentice! The brawny molly's pelt rippled along her spine with irritation. Not only Claypaw had now annoyed Coyotestrike, and now the warrior's tail tip was twitching to-and-fro. If Claypaw tried to say one more thing to her, her ears would be cuffed by Coyotestrike's paws faster than she could say mouse!
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Both the apprentices answer well enough, though the smile he offers to Quietpaw is one of gentle amusement, while Rivepaw faces the full brunt of his pride. "Well done. They are a clan to be cautious around." The admission is as low as the rest of his speech, though his gaze flickers to the warriors that accompany him. Young, and troubled in their own ways. They are still cats he knows he can trust as the rest of RiverClan bounds forward to. . . greet them, he supposes. One of Smokestar's warriors calls out in a manner friendly enough to tilt Sunstar's head. The apprentice's question and her own subsequent answer β€” they are most certainly to receive a show with this patrol, it would seem. Rivepaw notes the same and earns herself a gentle nudge of amusement.

"Save your names for a gathering!" he calls, though with a grin that is not unkind. "Smokestar parades his most successful as if they are mossballs in a kitten's hoard, it will be only a matter of time before you join them. Until then, I fear we have little time to chat." He cannot imagine any of his acting so brazenly in front of Smokestar, or any of the leaders that they border. And certainly any cat that led such a patrol would return to him with ample complaints. If Coyotestrike expects Smokestar to follow her demand of punishment. . . perhaps she would have better luck commanding the river to leave its banks. The tom has only ever done as he sees fit. Even beneath Cicadastar's rule, it became clear he was there only by his own choice. Strength in obedience. He admires the strength of his leadership in some ways. "Our clan thrives, for a time. I worry that your clan does not feel the same, if you are given to bickering with one another at a border." Sunstar arches a brow in curious worry, though it is merely a courtesy.

  • OOC. β€”
  • sun_icon_new2.png
    SUNSTAR. LEADER OF WINDCLAN.   ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
    ——– HE – HIM – HIS β•±β•± 48+ MOONS OLD, ADULT.


"You'll have Smokestar do what now?" His tone is calm but his expression is hardened and unamused as he narrows his single orange eye at the warrior speaking out of turn. While he expected his clanmates to mind themselves at the border that did not mean to introduce themselves like this was some kind of kitten playdate. "Last I checked it was you who does as I say and not the other way around. That being said, kindly make your way back to camp, Coyotestrike, and clean out some dens while you're there. I'm pulling you from patrols until you can act right." Picking a fight with an apprentice so blatantly before WindClan of all clans, it was embarrassing to see his grown warriors act in such a way. Claypaw was to be a warrior next moon, but that hardly changed anything. The older apprentice was given a sharp stare, a quiet reminder to respect the older warriors even if they were acting like mouse-brained idiots at the border, it should be reported to one of his leads or Lichentail to reprimant instead but he could hardly hold it against her.

Sunstar's remark has his nose wrinkle and he barks a laugh that is more sound than merriment, "If I have the nicer mossballs why would I not show them off, perhaps you too may have a collection as broad as mine one day." So long as he was not usurped from his throne as his predecessor had been but so far Sunstar had proven to be much more tolerable - gatherings were easier to stomach without Sootstar's slathering insanity spilling over the leader rock.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    β€”βŠ°β‹… Leader of RiverClan
    β€”βŠ°β‹… He/Him
    β€”βŠ°β‹… Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


( ☾ ) one of her first patrols back out of the medicine den, and of course it has to be windclan's border. as slender paws tap gently over newly revealed grasses, willowroot silently wonders if lichentail just maybe doesn't like her. for the amount of windclan's border she sees, it's almost like the deputy is out to aggravate her as much as possible. (obviously, this isn't true. but starclan, when will she get to see thunderclan or skyclan again?) the former lead warrior finds little joy in this particular patch of territory.

coyotestrike and the apprentices reach the border sooner, so the smoke feline takes their time marking the edges of the stream before joining their clanmates. exhaustion reflects in their gaze as they arrive to bitter words being exchanged, claypaw and valepaw glaring balefully up at coyotestrike, who's voice soars with superiority. "coyotestrike, that's enough please. good day, windclan," willowroot will offer a respectful nod to sunstar, green gaze annoyed, although clearly not at the other clan. "i apologize for my clanmate's brash behavior. they should know better." their tail tip twitches as they move their sights along the rest of the rival patrol, noting cats she recognizes, and ones they don't.

movement in the brush behind her notifies her of salmonshade's arrival, and the slender feline will turn their head, eyes flashing for a moment in an upwards direction as if to say we should leave soon. it's embarrassing to be accompanying clanmates who have forgotten their etiquette. with a soft cough, the former lead warrior turns back to the border, addressing valepaw, claypaw, and minkpaw. "spread out and mark the border, okay? then we'll head home."

and... smokestar arrives, on time and with unamused words on his tongue. the smoke feline will step back, brushing gently against her friend in a silent show of support as she moves to aid the apprentices in marking. great starclan, will she ever have a good interaction at this border? it's cursed, she's sure of it.

  • // @Minkpaw! apprentice mention <3 " speak "

  • 70579232_8S53CwfR3WpaY1R.png

    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smokey long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, with friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape. her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.

  • Like
Reactions: salmonshade

Robinheart is not all too fond of border patrols, though she knows she shall miss them once she finds herself in the nursery for six moons. The tortie will get in a final few while she has the chance, and this particular patrol yielded time with Valepaw. Robinheart was quite fond of the younger chimera - he had aided her in times of need against other apprentices moons ago. He wished her a fond farewell when she moved into the warrior's den. Valepaw was a dear friend in her eyes, and she hopes he sees her as much the same. Robinheart was in need of a few good friends now more than ever.

While being one of the final patrols she attends, this one turns out to be rather… interesting. But not in a good way. While others chime in their thoughts and commands, the tortoiseshell drifts to Valepaw’s side and offers him a supportive smile. "Maybe after we mark the border we can hunt on the way back? Get our minds off of… all this," Robinheart offers quietly. She doesn’t appreciate how Coyotestrike had embarrassed her friend (and RiverClan as a whole, though Smokestar had that under control) so proposing an activity he may enjoy in the depths of their own territory felt like a meaningful offer.
[ penned by kerms ]
Shes just trying to mark the border. Shes just trying to get this done so she can go back to camp and eat, because she had skipped breakfast by accident, rising when the sun was just above the horizon. That meant she was late to her duties, especially when she normally rose before it even broke dawn. And marking the borders and going home is the only thing on her mind, and it was the only thing she wanted to do. She steps out in to the open, where she can be seen, perceived by the enemy, away from a spot further back that she had been marking. She wants to go home. She wants to go eat.

Her clanmates had other ideas, because Coyotestrike personally introduces herself and Valepaw, which shocks Salmon in to a momentary stupor. Why?! Is all her mind is screaming, because these moorland cats don't care, and she would have only done that if she were on their border for an emergency. Claypaw speaks up. Coyotestrike growls back.

Can anyone ever behave?!

Sunstar makes a quip. Salmon inwardly groans as her ear-tips heat up in unease. I'm not with them! I don't know these guys!

She wants to go home. She wants to curl up in her nest and never leave at this point. Oh my Stars, this is so, so embarrassing... The skin beneath her fur feels red hot with the awkwardness thats warming her cheeks- I would rather be caught dead than be caught with unruly apprentices and warriors again. Claypaw isn't anyones apprentice here. Shes not hers to punish and certainly not Coyotestrikes to punish for something like speaking back to a warrior. The effort it takes to keep a poker face is immense and shes sure shes about to crumble if she cant go.

Smokestar is on the scene and is quick to reprimand Coyotestrike and silence Claypaw, but she is already too far gone in the sheer embarrassment of it all to truly pay attention to what is being spoken. I need a way out. Like a Starclan angel, Willowroot manifests in all their glory. They offer an escape, and as she meets their eyes (in which she immediately recognizes the look in the others eyes), she offers a look to say I am about ready to crawl in a hole and disappear. Millions of thank you's are repeated over and over in her head as she turns to leave and pad away, leave this... mess all behind. She never wants to be caught in something like that again... Shes going to go mark the border further upstream, just like Willowroot recommended.

  • // quick in & out
  • 70831649_t0YE8lpgGiTPlyS.png
    β₯ salmon ,, salmonshade
    β₯ cis female ,, she/her ,, 37 months
    β₯ warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    β₯ fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    β₯ "speech, ff91a4" ,, thoughts
    β₯ lesbian ,, single
    β₯ smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    β₯ chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff
βΈ™ΝŽο½‘Λšβ‹† ⍋ Ρ§Ρ¦ ѧ⍋ βΈ™ΝŽο½‘Λšβ‹†

I hope I burst into flames, he thinks the moment every set of eyes falls on him and the warrior that pressed against him like they were friends. Sharp eyes snap towards Coyotestrike as a tail slides against him, his skin writhing uncomfortably under locks of swirl-marked fur. It is humiliating... and uncomfortable.. and the complete opposite of what should be done. WindClan are not their friends... and he doesn't want Sunstar to know his name. Doesn't want to be outed as a silly 'paw, labeled a prime target for retaliation if things went south... if they were scheming some nefarious plot. Sunstar's response is about what he expects, if not a little friendlier- but it is a willful, intentional distance maintained and one that Valepaw wished he hadn't been thrust through breaking. His name!!! It doesn't belong to WindClan... it doesn't belong to this warrior either- it didn't need to be said, it shouldn't have been said-

He turns to look at his den-mate with eyes so round with gratitude that he's certain he may as well just grovel with its lack of subtlety and soon he is swathed in the familiar smell of a she-cat he actually trusts... Robinheart offers him a very expedient escape and silently, he nods his agreement, nipping her gently with his teeth in a soundless plea that they go and go as quickly as possible.

"Did you see... there are frogs now? I'd like to try to catch one," he murmurs to her, scampering towards a growth of reeds to rub against it hurriedly (he was doing his job, marking the border like he was told).​
As expected, there was the sharp and sudden snap-back from their own warrior. Eyes narrowed sharply towards Coyotestrike, ignoring the gazes and murmurs of Windclan. Her nose flared, chin lifting in disrespect towards the warrior just as Smokestar emerged from the woodwork to wrangle the warrior of this forsaken clan. Seriously, Claypaw would love a break one of these days. Narrowed eyes stared towards the warrior, before a snort left her.

"Acting out." She uttered in disbelief. Coyotestrike's outburst made her miss the gaze of appreciation from Valepaw as he shuffled to stand closer to Robinheart. Ears twitched, and her gaze finally shifted towards Smokestar. Piercing eyes of the King settled against hers- and her gaze bowed away. She understood the message quite clearly, but the simple statement and action of staying on her side in this 'disagreement' was noted, heavily so.

Willowroot defends her too, Robinheart was taking care of Valeheart, and... Salmonshade looked like she could die on the spot. A soft sigh left her, ears twitching at the directed comment from the warrior. One that Claypaw already had more respect for then Coyotestrike. With a dip of her head, she turned to continue marking the border.
βœ§γ€€Β°γ€€. ♦ .γ€€Β°γ€€βœ§
  • ooc: β€”

  • a large, lh chocolate torbie towering, nine moons old, she/her. well-build and muscled. a drypaw. former river colony cat.