π’•π’“π’šπ’Šπ’π’ˆ 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒕 π’Žπ’š π’†π’ˆπ’. β™‘ ebonyfall's tags





β€” female, she/her
β€” demisexual, panromantic, can be polyamorous
β€” 21 moons, ages every 1st
β€” warrior of shadowclan

β€” sister to pixie, half-sister to circus, babylon, and eloise
✧ MATE TO...?
β€” no one
β€” lavenderpaw

✧ a sleek, black and brown chimera with low white and apple green eyes
β€” ebonyfall is often described as in some way attractive by her clanmates; she's slightly shorter than average with long fur which has a wispy appearance due to its thinness. her black fur is splotched in odd places with browns and white, and her skin is mostly pink with a few black speckles in equally-random locations. she does enjoy accessorizing, and will occasionally be seen wearing flowers, twigs, or feathers behind her ears and near the base of her tail.
β€” akin to her perfectionist nature, ebonyfall is rarely ever seen less than pristine, despite being a shadowclan native. most of her day is spent grooming her appearance, which is what gives her fur its quality shine that she takes quite a bit of pride in.
β€” four small puncture scars on her neck, which are hidden completely by her fur
β€” no current illnesses or injuries

✧ POSITIVE TRAITS: observant, composed, intelligent, graceful, reliable
✧ NEUTRAL TRAITS: cunning, sarcastic, perfectionist, introverted
✧ NEGATIVE TRAITS: closed-off, internalized, untrusting, tormented, angry
— upon first glance, ebonyfall reads as your average overachieving, elitist, pristine 'princess' type, and to a certain extent one wouldn't be entirely wrong for making such an assumption. she prefers to be seen by others as unapproachable, and even cruel at times, despite the loneliness that her isolation brings her—she's much more used to being alone, and when in a situation where social interaction is a must, she struggles to maintain her footing in her unbothered and perfect façade.
β€” in reality, ebonyfall shies away from putting herself out there and protects herself underneath many layers of pride and ego to avoid any uncomfortable thoughts or conversations on her own vulnerability. she isn't good at making friends, but she doesn't have to worry about letting others see her fail at such an activity if she doesn't participate in the first place. her mentality of viewing other cats and activities as 'beneath her' is a flimsy ruse to hide a crippling fear of perceived failure.
β€” ebonyfall's soft spot is revealed only in the form of her attitude towards kits. while she isn't emotionally ready for having kits of her own, she treats those younger than her with a sense of gentleness, responsibility, and intimate care that she absolutely refuses to show to anyone else. towards anyone under her mentorship she balances this natural willingness to act as a caretaker with her strict, almost dictatorial sense of perfectionism, unaware of the fact that just because she holds herself to impossible standards, that doesn't mean it's a good idea to treat her apprentice the same way.
✧ poor mental health, but no specific mental illness

✧ exceeds at learning and strategizing
✧ fails at sociability and taking breaks
✧ accepts all peaceful and healing powerplay
✧ smells like jasmine flowers and fresh rain
✧ sounds like sonakbyul
β€” penned by @cuzn
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