π™Žπ™π™π™Šπ™‰π™‚ π™π™€π™π™‡π™€π˜Ύπ™π™„π™Šπ™‰ β†· [ AUG. '24 MEETING ]

The stone under his paws glows with the sun's gentle heat. Its coarse exterior is textured by worn grooves and creases, marks left behind by those who'd stood upon this same rock and addressed their kin - clan or colony - in ages past. Alternatively, the boulder's ruggedness stems simply from the weather's harsh and continuous effects. It's probably that. But the weight imbued in this rock, histories and tales that it carries, lends gravity to his presence. For this is his clan. Clanrock, his seat of power.

He'd given it a moon to finally tackle this task. Having convened the clan multiple times over following Chilledstar's final death, and in rapid succession as well, Smogstar sensed another meeting so soon could very well overextend their patience. He hadn't wanted to come across as frantic; or too preoccupied with administrative chores / too pushy in his efforts to fill the vacuum, for that matter. Instead he sought to let his clanmates acclimate to his leadership, and in turn, let this change settle upon his and their shoulders both.

But the noise of the change has quieted well enough. If anyone's ears yet ring from the ordeal, the burden falls on them alone. ShadowClan must press forward, else they'll succumb to their inertia and choke on their indecision. And the new leader shall not permit his clan to wilt, will not permit them to suffocate under his watch.

Thus far there's been no call to assemble the clan. The tom's vigil atop Clanrock has lasted so long this sunrise, clanmates have began trickling from camp's fringes into the clearing's centre in anticipation. Still, for those who linger in dens and mull in the shadows, they'll not have to wait for long; a summons echoes throughout camp. "May all ShadowClan cats gather before the Clanrock, it's high time for a meeting!"

Ears prick, heads emerge, and pelts bleed into the sundrenched glade. Smogstar's heart beats strong and true as the clan organises themselves and peers up at him. Outwardly he's the picture perfect portrait: a firm expression, back straight and rigid, chin raised with assertive authority. Inside, his innards have rolled into a knotβ€”crowds continue to unnerve himβ€”but he keeps it locked behind his jaws.

In a loud, carrying voice, the leader delivers his address. "Greenleaf enters its final moon, and we approach the end to these warm and gentle nights. A new chill will sweep the land, and hunger will follow. We must prepare for our struggles ahead in every way that we can, and our ability to endure the worst depends solely upon the strength we've stored up."

The anticipation is palpable. The sun has been inching across the sky for what seems an eternity. "So, as we look beyond the turn to Leaf-fall and march forward to meet its challenges, it falls to me as leader to appoint a deputy," Smogstar continues. His eyes glint in satisfaction as murmurs spark and flit throughout his clan. "And I'm pleased to tell you all," he meows louder, tail swishing idly, "the cat I have chosen is not a stranger to anyone here. They've been fighting beside you, training with you, and making wise counsel for moons."

A twinge wriggles within his gut. It's far too late for misgivings, but perhaps Smogstar had underestimated the sheer psychological force behind this choice. The implications, ramifications, and expectations this decree would yield. But, he stands firm in his choice, wholly assured. "Mirepurr. Come forward." Amber eyes drift from their contemplation directly onto the tortoiseshell where they stood. "If you are ready to take the duties and responsibilities on as ShadowClan's deputy, as well as my right-paw cat, then all I must hear is your vow. Do you accept?"

Should there be an affirmative answer, it's only a matter of time before the chants begin.


Now is the time to get the clan informed on some recent developments. His broad form faces the multitude, his figure radiating poise. No nervous ticks, no flighty gaze. He's had a moon to rid himself from his apprehensions, or at least train them to the point where they won't interfere with his image. Crafting a proper representation is a key aspect to a leader's success, and that includes the narratives they relay to their subjects.

"Some amount'a days ago," commences the leader, "a patrol led by Forestshade encountered a few twolegs out past the Burnt Sycamore." Whispers travel about the group, eyes widening at the revelation. He, too, had been taken aback by the fact. "I cannot remember the last time we've seen twolegs on our lands. From what I've heard, they were small in size, possibly young ones. All the same, I'm expecting everyone to employ extreme caution when headed out in that direction, as twolegs are highly unpredictable and may try to snatch you. We will be conducting a couple of extra patrols here 'n there to observe the situation further."

His lips are pursed somewhat by the time he's finished. Unease may show, but only a touch. Just enough to give a legitimate impression. But it does not disappear from his bearing as he delves into the next topic. "Moving on, ShadowClan will not be welcoming in any loners or unfamiliar cats who show up at our border. No family, no wounded, no exceptions, barring the off-occasion where we find a kit in need."

His eyes inadvertantly skim over Shrike and the other littermates of the clan's former leader. This isn't about them, nor does he mean to imply they are unwanted. Times are simply too tumultuous for a charity drive, and if ShadowClan intends to thrive, they'll have to do so without handouts, especially since... "I am very displeased with the selfish display put on by a former member of our group. Valleysong had implored Chilledstar to take in an unfamiliar cat named Cygnet's Cry, who was severely wounded. ShadowClan listenedβ€”and after draining our medicine cat's much-needed herbs, the two of them ran off without so much as a 'thank-you'."

With disgust tugging at his lips, the tom waves his tail curtly. "ShadowClan does not owe outsiders anything, and this just goes to show how eager they are to take advantage. This will not be repeated, and I will pound the fact into your skulls: we do not need outside mouths to eat our fresh-kill and take our medicine. Especially so close to the colder seasons."

// that's part one of the meeting post! deputy announcement + news. congrats to karmen & mirepurr for obtaining the position of deputy! apprentice/warrior promos in the next one!!!


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ShadowClan waits with bated breath for the inevitable; Smogstar might have shown just how capable he is solo, but code and culture demand a successor nevertheless. Back when Chilledstar had risen to the occasion, there was little reason to doubt their decision, declaring the politically-inclined tom with confidence instead of hesitation. The Clan still remains strong and with plenty of candidates... but that's just the thing. Smogmaw had been the obvious choice; how will he manage to pick out the perfect deputy amongst the crowd now that it's his turn to control the wheel of fate?

Smogstar climbs the Clanrock β€” how many paws have traversed its surface already? β€” with self-assured steps. Those orange eyes are like two suns, the former radiating competence instead of the natural, warm rays of the latter. Mirepurr thinks the two concepts are not too far removed from each other: the knowledge that their leader knows what he's doing is akin to a sunbathing session.

In the blank space of pause, Mirepurr turns to find Snowpaw. Would Smogstar begin with the ceremonies instead? The pride they feel for their apprentice is grand enough to outdo the apprehension regarding ShadowClan's newest deputy. When Snowpaw feels eyes digging into his side, Mirepurr nods, eyes telling him everything he needs to know. I'm proud of you.

That's when Smogstar answers their question.

He speaks, and in the same turn, ignites the low-crackling fire within the Clan. Some eyes are eager for their name to be called, while others remain more curious than anything β€” Mirepurr included. They imagine someone equally as skilled with words to accompany him on his journey of leadership... someone willing to bleed for the cats of the marshes. Such position bestows glory upon the individual, yes, but it is not for the faint of heart.

Wise counsel. Does that mean Smogstar has chosen from amongst those within his immediate circle? It would make sense, considering he's been working alongside them for a while. Perhaps Forestshade would be a good candidate... Lilacfur too, but they doubt she would want such a rank.

The very air itself stops when Smogstar calls Mirepurr forward, of all cats.


Tentative pawsteps bring them forward. Not for the first time in their life, Mirepurr feels out of place. There's no chance Smogstar has slipped up and called for the incorrect cat by accident... but even with that in mind, it feels surreal to meet him head-on like this- almost like it's wrong. So many capable warriors, almost all of them more ready to jump headfirst into a vicious battle, and yet. And yet.

There is a beat of silence, a pregnant pause; Mirepurr forgets to blink as they hold Smogstar's gaze, his every dour word climbing into the hollow valleys of their bones. His deputy. His right-paw cat. Smogstar asks of the impossible, and perhaps they've all been carried off into a fantasy land, because despite everything- Mirepurr cannot say no.

"It's... it's an honor, Smogstar. I'd love nothing more than to serve this Clan beside you."

There. No taksies backsies. Mirepurr's agreement stamps them, seals their fate, freezes this moment so they can visit it time and time again in the future.

And if they fail to say anything more of substance to the meeting, nobody can fault them for it. Blue eyes glitter with equal amounts of excitement, pride and fear β€” the combination is not something they will manage to sleep off tonight.

This meeting felt strange, Shriketalon just assumed it was because they had only ever known Chilledstar there in their usual monotone voice… was it monotone? They frown as they realise that time seems to be doing it's job, it won't be long before they entirely forget how they sound. With a sharp exhale they shift their footing, finding a different thing to focus on then to spiral like that. Right. It was weird to see Smogstar up there. He seemed to be holding his on on the Clanrock though, it was better for the next leader to be competent then some kind of bumbling mess.

There is mention of a deputy, while Shriketalon hadn't been a part of the clan long enough to really have a stake in this hot topic they were curious all the same. So when Mirepurr's name is called their first instinct is to look around at their clan mates, to gauge what everyone else thought. The new deputy was a place of neutrality for them, they've had bad interactions but they've had decent ones. They figured that didn't really matter, all that mattered was that they did their job… Whatever a deputy's job is anyways. β€œMirepurr! Mirepurr!” They cry out in chant, this was a clean slate in their mind. While Mirepurr the lead warrior and Mirepurr the deputy were one in the same they wanted to set aside any preconceived notions. New beginnings or something like that,

The meeting continues onwards, the mention of twolegs draws concern, they've spent more than enough time around them in their time as a loner. It seems like ShadowClan as a whole has as well, there's talk about keeping caution while patrolling and that much should go unspoken. Then Smogstar talks about not welcoming anymore unfamiliar cats, closing it's borders to loners, no injured and no family. No family? The new leader is given nothing but a cold stare as Shriketalon straightens up from where they gathered. He actually had the audacity to look at them after saying that? From where they stood it seemed less like an inadvertent glance and more akin to sending some kind of message.

They understand the reasoning to why, Cygnet's Cry and Valleysong's behaviour had soured even their mood. While they agreed with that decision they can't help but feel left over anger roll at their paws. Do they still count as an outsider even now? Do their littermates? Maybe they were reading too into his words but they couldn’t help the gut instinct to sit on the defensive side of things. There's a tension in their body that they don't know how to deal with, so instead they shift where they stand. Tail whipping at the ground beside them, Chilledstar would probably have said the same thing but hearing it come from him felt like a worse insult.

  • SHRIKETALON || They/them, Warrior of ShadowClan, 30 moons
    ✧ A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes. A small tear marks their right ear.
    ✧ Mentored by Nectarsong | Mentoring N/A
    ✧ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted β­ƒ underline and tag when attacking.
    ✧ penned by Juice β­ƒ Ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Smogstar ascends Clanrock, his voice booming over the clearing as he calls his first meeting as Clan leader. Marblepaw slinks from Starlingheart's den, her eyes adjusting to the sunlight with a few slow blinks. Perhaps he will name a deputy today, she thinks. She stays close to her mentor's flank as cats begin to gather before the gray tabby on his perch.

"Greenleaf enters its final moon, and we approach the end to these warm and gentle nights. A new chill will sweep the land, and hunger will follow," Smogstar intones. Marblepaw's pelt begins to prickle with dismay. She remembers the cold, perhaps better than any of her denmates that share an age with her. She seeks Sycamorepaw's eyes in the crowd, wondering if he is thinking about concrete sapped of warmth, of gritty, textured Twoleg earth under fragile bones, of days without milk or prey meat.

And now I have something new to worry about... The herbs would stop growing, too. She gives Starlingheart a look full of misgivings, but she says nothing. She knows they will do everything they can to prepare for the cold seasons to come.

Smogstar transitions, and indeed names his new deputy: Mirepurr. Marblepaw seeks the earth-pelted warrior warrior in the crowd, her smile lighting her dull green eyes. There is a fierce cry that comes first from Shriketalon; she takes it up with gusto. "Mirepurr! Mirepurr!" Mirepurr is level-headed and kind; they've always been attentive to the Clan's needs, she thinks. She's sure they'll make an excellent Clan deputy.

Marblepaw shuffles her paws beneath her tail, waiting for the ceremonies Smogstar promises to begin.

  • ooc: β€”
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit . Marblepaw, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    β€” β€œspeech”, thoughts, attack
    β€” 7 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    β€” mentored by Starlingheart ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    β€” shadowclan medicine cat apprentice, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    β€” currently mated to n/a.
    β€” penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.


Mirepurr steps into the deputy position without a trace of resistance, and a new piece of Smogstar's envisioned future finds its place in reality. Where youthful vigour and eagerness resides, an inherent flexibility - room to mould and model and shape - follows closely behind. He sees that in Mirepurr. He sees a feline who can pivot, whose claws can spread and dig into whatever angle the tom offers, and adapt. He sees an open mind, an open heart, and he sees a devoted ally who'll cling to him, unflinchingly.

"Then," he breathes, while capturing the tortoiseshell alone in an acute stare, "until the day my final life is lost, I, Smogstar, call upon my ancestors to look down upon this warrior. They have served their clan well, and they shall serve us faithfully as our deputy, from this day forth." He pauses then, inhaling deeply and shutting his eyelids briefly. In the clearing below, Mirepurr's name carries on waves of raucous chants. The clan is elated, energised. He must seize the moment and ride its momentum.

Next, the tom gestures his muzzle to a certain crowd gathered nearer to the back. Kits, cloistered among the paws of queens at the nursery's lip. He sweeps across their faces, seeking five in particular. "Branchkit, Gigglekit, Plumkit, Stonepaw, and Morelkit. All of you, step forward before me."

His mouth curls into a smile and he straightens his posture, beckoning the group. As they separate and make to cross the camp towards him, his smile spreads wider. It is good practice to honour kits, to instill pride in the youngest. It is a reciprocal thing, as today, they will instill pride within ShadowClan itself. A new batch of apprentices. Five shining beacons to raise up and celebrate; come Leaf-bare, they should be halfway through their training, and ready to emerge in the greener seasons as fine and capable warriors.

"From hereon, you will begin your apprenticeships. In all of you I see potentialβ€”potential for growth, potential for strength, potential to bring hope to ShadowClan as it enters a new age." Smogstar's amber irises flicker back to those in attendance as his head cocks ever-so-slightly. "Are you ready to move forward with us?" He asks, voice raised. "Ready to learn? Ready to be guided in our ways, and fight for your clan alongside your fellow warriors?"

The 'I do's' are hardly audible to him above above, squeaky mewls coming in a burst. But they are resounding all the same. "Good. Starting today and onward, I name you Branchpaw, Gigglepaw, Plumpaw, Stonepaw, and Morelpaw. Branchpaw, I assign you to train under Flintwish. Gigglepaw, it'll be Forestshade training you. Stonepaw, Frogwatcher will be your mentor. Plumpaw, you will be mentored by Mirepurr. And Morelpaw, you will be trained by Briarthorn.""

He has to catch his breath, having spoken with measured haste. When he refocuses on the assembled group, he studies their reactions, then beams down at them with fondness. "Branchpaw! Gigglepaw! Plumpaw! Stonepaw! And Morelpaw! Six new apprentices for ShadowClan!"

Calls from the clan erupt instantly, chanting the names he'd listed aloud. It is good to hear the chants. Smogstar lets their cheers carry on for a few heartbeats longer before raising a paw and setting it atop Clanrock, once again, assuming his composed veneer. "Basilpaw, I see it fit to find you a new mentor. You stand at the cusp of warriorhood, and I want Jitterbug to prepare you accordingly."" With Chilledstar passing on, Basilpaw's training unfortunately came to a halt. That final moon of training is perhaps the most crucial, a gap left behind in need for filling.

Finally. His attention turns to the prospective warriors in the sea of clanmates. Apprentices who've completed their training and have reached their maturity. One by one, he makes eye contact with each cat and holds it firmly in his grasp; softening when it is his own kits he gazes upon amongst them. "Snowpaw, Lividpaw, Halfpaw, and Laurelpaw. Step forward."

Four forms slink out, slow and fluid, until all four stood near the bottom edge, a pace away from the Clanrock. Four young faces staring up expectantly.

Smogstar observes them as apprentices one last time. He knows the answer before he even asks, but he still wants to hear it. "Do you all vow to uphold the warrior code and defend your clan with all your mind and strength, no matter the cost?"

The chorus responds, out-of-sync but in earnest.

"Very well then," the tom rumbles. He tilts his chin upwards as he relishes in the finality and power behind his words. "Snowpaw. You are attentive and alert, as the finest ShadowClan cat must be. I name you Snowlark, in honour of the clarity and vision with which you approach every problem."

"Lividpaw." The black mackerel tabby who stands at Snowlark's side, watching up through those fierce blue eyes; Smogstar points his focus onto him next. "Your instincts are claw-sharp, and you saved your mentor's life with on-the-spot precision. Only a cat of ShadowClan's cunning could outsmart a fox as you have, and for that reason, I give you the name Lividsmoke. Smoke is evasive and subtle, yet it signifies danger if it is noticed. Wear it proudly."

"Halfpaw." His daughter. "You are an echo of your mother your so many aspects. But whereas she may have concealed a sharp mind under her charm, you reveal yours freely. You glow bright with ambition, Halfpawβ€”and so it is only fair I name you Halfsun. You burn brightly. One look, and you cannot be missed. I know you'll light the way for our clan."

"And Laurelpaw." A doppelgΓ€nger. Ashen fur with brilliant black markings, and the same calculating, hawklike gaze. He is, in all the ways which matter, a carbon copy. Where his sister gets a name opposite to her mother's, his son will find similarity. "You, too, have a sharp mind. I see it. I know it. I name you Laurelgrin. Not because I see you as a mischief-maker, and neither to suggest dishonesty. But you are full of hidden meanings and intentions, and there is much more to you than meets the eye. Do not forget it."

His chest swells as the cries begin, and his nostrils flare as he inhales deeply. "Snowlark! Lividsmoke! Halfsun! Laurelgrin!"

Camp is a symphonic buzz, their new names ringing out in congratulations. "Come sundown, you four will sit vigil for the night's entirety. Sit in silent observance, and do not sleep, or eat, or stray from your post. There is a dignity to be found in the work you will do as warriors, and you will reflect on it overnight before assuming your first duties."

There. Successfully achieved. Finally, finally, he has a deputy. A collection's worth in apprentices. Four new warriors to preside over. Hope for the new dawn. It has been so long since this many freshened the clan's ranks, and an air hangs over the newly-named warriors and apprentices. A breath from a better tomorrow. This isn't a naive optimism, but a tentative confidence, steadied by his experience. The clan walks into the future with their paws firmly on the ground.

It is exhilarating.

"Okay. Meeting adjourned. Let's all have a good day."

He waves his tail and slides off Clanrock.

Last edited:

Smogstar starts the meeting by adressing how greenleaf was getting close to its end and with that once more a challenging period would befall them all. Food would become more difficult to find. Lividpaw remember how last leafbare had been, although young he rememberd clearly the hunger that constantly bite at him from the inside. This leafbare would become even worse since now he would no longer be a kit who gets to feed first before the rest of the clan. So it's was importand to prepare early on, as much they could prepare anyway. Picking a new deputy was one of them. A wise decision and one that was necessary to be made. He would wait patiently to hear who the leader had decided to pick and the name he heard called out was -


It was a reasonable decision. She was hardworking and one who was eager to please without complains. It was a good decision for sure. Smogstar had made a wise choice, at least in this present time. Lividpaw approved of this decision not finding a reason why he wouldn't. Hopefully she will serve Smogstar well for months to come. He would give a polite bow of his head to the new deputy to show his approval instead of loudly cheering out her name like most in the clan did.

Once the cheerings had quiet down different matters were to be discussed. Firstly, it was the problems at the burnt sycamore with twolegs. This news was one he hadn't heard about until now. That was quite worrisome. Lividpaw would have to make sure to be extra careful if he would find himself close to that part of the territory. The second matter was outsiders. Smogstar did the right call to forbid any new blood to enter thier land. It was about time a decision like this to be made, especially after Valleysong's bedrayal. He stood wholeheartedly behind their leader over this matter. Outsiders did not belong in shadowclan. It should always have been like that. From today on it would finally become a reality.

Next up was new apprentices to be made which only meant bad news to him. The apprentice den would become even more crowded with this ones entering and he already find the den to be far too crowded. Next was Basilpaw to recieve a new mentor but he barely paid attention to that. He was not interested to hear the matters of his kin.

Lastly it comes down to the warrior ceremonies which brought along an unexpected twist. He find himself suprised when he heard his own name got called up alongside the other apprentices who was ready to become warriors. That was not something he had expected today. Lividpaw would stand up as he stepped forward to join the others as he felt this whole situation to be surreal. This was what he had wanted all along, All this months of hardwork and pushing himself beyond his own limits had been for this very day. " I do." To think that day finally had arrived. One month earlier as well.

To think he finally would become a warrior.

Lividpaw barely paid attention to the apprentices who received their warrior names before him. For once, he was unfocused and not paying attention. This was a very importand moment for him. This was everything he had ever wanted and now it would become his at final last.

And then it was his turn. It become clear to why he had earned his name early. Attacking that fox had really paid off in the end. That injure he had suffered through had been worth it. His name. Lividpaw was waiting patiently for what his name would be, and when it fall out from their leaders mouth it was like a clarity had washed over him. Lividsmoke. Ah, that name fitted him perfectly. Instantly he grow fond of it, and he was pleased with the name that Smogstar had picked out for him. He was not disappointed. It was the first time the slightest glimpse of a smile was ever present across this cold maw, as he took in his new well deserved name in silence.

Once he turned around to face the clan alongside the other new made warriors he would look across the whole camp as he took in this special moment. He had done it. All on his own. Another step had just been claimed to get closer to his freedom. It was even better to know that Crawlingheart was not here to watch this day, although, there was a small part of him that wished they had been so he could have thrown it all in their face. He had become Lividsmoke all on his own without them clenching their claws around his throat. He had proven he did not need them, and he never would. He was fine on his own and away from them.

Lividsmoke had control over his own fate.


Gigglekit practically skids into place beneath the rock when Smogstar calls together the Clan, excitement brimming in her chest as her brothers join her side. Today's the day! Today's the day that the three of them become apprentices, real, actual apprentices, just like Marblepaw and Sycamorepaw before them - or, well, not exactly like Marblepaw, in her case, but close enough, right? They would all have 'paw at the end of their names, and that counted for something!

It can't be said that Gigglekit isn't patient as she waits for the announcement that changes her life, but her excitement is palpable in the way she calls out Mirepurr's name when the lead warrior is promoted to be ShadowClan's new deputy. And then, it happens- Starting today and onward, I name you Gigglepaw. The girl, newly christened, bounces on her paws as Forestshade is named her mentor. A bit disappointing... Gigglepaw had had the hope that she might be able to train under Smogstar, but she knew that was a far-fetch'd dream. Forestshade was a lead warrior - she would have plenty of knowledge to share. She'd overcome more challenges than the average cat, after all.

"Snowlark! Lividsmoke! Halfsun! Laurelgrin!" Gigglepaw cheers exuberantly as the meeting draws to a close, and as excited as she is for the new warriors, she'd more proud of the fact that she, now, is an apprentice - this is her first meeting as an apprentice, so she better not go forgetting it. Straight off, Gigglepaw seeks out Forestshade in the crowd.

"Forestshade! Forestshade," Gigglekit clears her throat, wanting to sound more mature in front of her new mentor. "It's so nice to be your apprentice now! What's the first thing we're going to learn?"


Today was the day.

His spine shivered as he heard the raspy voice call across camp. He had taken a little extra care to groom out any mud in his fur and looked quite handsome, which was important, the whole of camps eyes would be on him today. What a terrifying notion.

He took his place among his peers, eyes focused to Smogstar as he started the meeting. He wouldn't say he had paid his full attention to everything said, well he got the idea, but a quiet anxiety was eating away at him, which made it hard to focus. He was a little bit late when it comes to calling out Mirepurr's name, in fact it's the chanting that brings him out of his stupor. Rules are stated and Smogstar's authority is flexed. Kits are called forward, being made apprentices. He can remember getting apprenticed. He had felt like an alien, a creature that did not belong in the clan being told they did. Worst thing was, even now, he wasn't sure he could confidently say that it was true. His cry sounded just like all the other's though, so maybe his alienation was just in his head.

Then it finally happens, one by one Smogstar met his peer's eyes. Something happens though when he reaches him. The matching burning gazes meet and it is no longer Smogstar and Laurelpaw looking at each other but instead father and son. The tabby can't tell if that is relieving or worse. Then the question is asked, the question he heard asked six times before to other cats.

"I do."

His voice is clear and strong. He wasn't quite sure where it came from, maybe the fear of weakness in front of the entire clan. First Snowlark is named, a fitting name for the cat. He wouldn't come up with anything better. Then Lividsmoke, in all honesty Laurelpaw was a little jealous of the suffix, it was cool. Then Halfpaw, the last time she would be Halfpaw. He kept his eyes on her as Smogstar recounted the reasoning behind the name, then he finally said it. Halfsun, a divergence from the shadow of their mother, a name of her own.

His eyes travel off his sister and onto his father. Never had he felt more like a reflection of the tom, and he was no stranger to the feeling. He stood below like a water ripple on a pool's edge, staring up into his own eyes. Although they were his father's first, so it was more like looking at the reflection of something stolen. A boy looking up to his father. A cat that not only needed fatherly authority over him but also the authority of a leader, it was almost suffocating.

Words finally leave the original's maw. He is named quickly, with explanation given after. Praise of his sharp mind, that unlike his sister's, is kept quiet. A smile crawls across his maw, and once again he can't understand why, he can hardly take the information in besides the name itself Laurelgrin. He is on autopilot as it finally happens. He is now grown, he is to be an authority on occasion, he is to be trusted. His current reaction is almost there just to taunt him with the fact that he doesn't have a sharp mind. That his father was mistaken in his assumption, maybe he should take the name back away from him.

But, no. He is now Laurelgrin.


[ ༻❄༺ ] The truth was Snowpaw never thought this day would come. The tom had always thought he would end up as another lost face in the crowd, dying a moon before his warriorship just as many others had before him but, here he stood with nervous breath as his gaze drift to his mentor while a slight smile played on his lips. Of course, there wasn't much to worry about it would not be like all eyes would be on him, until well, Mirepurr would be named deputy. That right there made him look to the other while a look of pride swelling in his gaze. His mentor, well former now, deputy of Shadowclan.

Yet, the meeting must continue and it was his turn now. He stood with the others, his chin lifted up as he was the first to be called, yellow eyes on their leader before the burning question popped up, and he nodded his head towards Smogstar, "I do" Snowpaw said, and before he knew it, he was no longer Snowpaw, but Snowlark and the name repeated itself in his head like a song. Soon enough Lividsmoke got his name, well suited for someone who only cared for himself. Halfsun was a befitting name for Smogstar's daughter and he glanced over to the tortoiseshell with a slight smile before Laurelgrin was last to gain his name, something also befitting for the newly named warrior.

It was a shame Basilpaw would not be named this month, but he hoped the other would soon enough join them next moon with his full name, but Snowlark would for sure be the one to chant his friend, and his brother's name the loudest when the time comes. Yet as fast as the meeting had begun, it was also swiftly ajourn and he knew he must prep for the vigil, but afterwords he would for sure congratulate his former mentor properly on their promotion.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowlark ❄ He/Him, warrior of Shadowclan, 12 moons.
    β­ƒ Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    β­ƒ Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    β­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    ↛ see battle info here
    β­ƒ penned by Ryn ↛ @/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Plumpaw. The name feels like it's been hanging in the air for moons, a quiet whisper at the edge of her thoughts, growing louder with each passing day. She’d been anticipating this moment, counting down the days ever since the first thought of her ceremony occurred to her, despite it truly being only a moon ago. But now, as Smogstar's voice rings out across the camp, announcing her new name to the Clan, it feels like something heavy is finally lifting from her chest. There's a swell of satisfaction that blooms within her, a warmth that spreads through her body as the weight of her new name settles comfortably on her shoulders.

And then, her heart skips a beat. Mirepurrβ€”Mirepurrβ€”is to be her mentor. The name resonates with her, and for a moment, she can hardly believe her luck. Mirepurr, who was just announced as the new deputy under Smogstar's leadership, would be guiding her through her apprenticeship. It’s an honor, and the realization brings a rare smile to her muzzle, one that lights up her usually overcast features. Her mentor, the deputyβ€”her mentor. If Mirepurr is skilled enough to be chosen as deputy, then surely, she’ll be learning from one of the best.

Without hesitation, the newly named apprentice begins to move. She hops toward Mirepurr, her heart hammering in her chest with a mix of anticipation and nerves. As she reaches the deputy, she stops just short, her gaze lifting to meet theirs. With a soft but purposeful movement, she stretches upward, her nose gently touching Mirepurr’s in the traditional gesture of respect and acknowledgment. "I look forward to learning from you, Mirepurr," she murmurs, her voice quiet yet brimming with sincerity.​
Jitterbug is caught off guard when they hear Smogstar call out their name, a sudden rush of surprise making them stiffen. They’ve never been one to stick closely to the rules, always preferring their own unpredictable path over the structured one expected of them. The idea of being entrusted with an apprentice is nothing short of a shock, and they can’t help but wonder if this is Smogstar’s way of nudging them toward more responsibility. Maybe the leader sees potential in them that they haven’t quite recognized in themselfβ€”or maybe it’s just a way to keep them grounded. Whatever the reason, the task now lies before them, and Jitterbug feels a sudden, intense determination to prove their worth. If they’re going to be the one to guide Basilpaw toward becoming a warrior, they’ll have to show everyone, including themselves, that they are more than capable. The challenge is one they can’t refuse, and the more they think about it, the more the idea of having an apprentice excites them.

Jitterbug’s eyes scan the gathered crowd until they finally spot Basilpaw. Jitterbug’s mind races as they take in the sight of their new responsibility. Their teeth click together a few times as they take a deep breath, steadying themselves before stepping forward to close the distance between them. Standing before Basilpaw, Jitterbug’s usually erratic energy seems to coalesce into a focused resolve. "I'll be sure to teach you everything you need to know to be ready to become a warrior," they say, their voice firm and brimming with conviction. Each word is infused with a promiseβ€”not just to Basilpaw, but to themself as well.​
𓆱 Today’s the day! He's finally going to get to leave the nursery, and he can sleep in the same den as his big siblings now! And then, in a couple seasons, he’ll get to be a warrior! Branchkit’s pale face wears a broad grin, expression bright as he purrs at his littermates’ side. In his excitement, he steps directly onto Needledrift’s tail, but shooting the queen a sheepish glance and chirping out an apology fixes that right up. Once he’s recovered, the boy puffs out his chest with prideβ€”he’s gonna be an apprentice. He wonders who’ll be his mentor. He hopes it’ll be Smogstar, or Forestshade. But first, the leader starts talking about the cold and how the clan will be hungry not too long from now. It makes the boy frown, because… what? Struggles? He doesn’t want to be hungry! And how is he supposed to be strong when he’s only just becoming an apprentice? He looks to his sister, hoping to find some reassurance in Gigglekit’s face, as a weak laugh escapes his mouth unprompted.

The next announcement doesn’t matter that much to him, and neither does the one after that. Mirepurr is the deputy, but Branchkit doesn’t really know Mirepurr, and no more outsiders being allowed in just means no more new faces that he has to memorize. But the new warriors? Now, that’s exciting! "Snowlark! Lividsmoke! Halfsun! Laurelgrin!" He calls out their names one by one, amber eyes lighting with joy. Then Smogstar smiles down at him, and Gigglekit, and Morelkit, and the other kits who are graduating today. He talks about the potential that he sees in them, and then asks whether they’re prepared to embark on the next stage of their lives. "Yes!" He chirps out, and then the older tom starts listing off names.

His sister is apprenticed to Forestshade, and he’s apprenticed to… Flintwish? The gray and white warrior isn’t his first choice, but maybe they could have fun together. His fluffy tail flutters behind him, and Branchpaw trots up to his new mentor to touch noses with him. "Hi, Flintwish… I’m Branchpaw," he greets the warrior, "and I’ll be the best apprentice ever." Of course, being the best apprentice ever is a hefty weight for such a young tom to bear, but he’s determined to do the most he can. If he wants to find Snowypaw someday, then he’ll have to.

  • ooc: β€”
  • 84108833_AyhxsTbXx9x82mS.png
  • BRANCHPAW ❯❯ he/him, apprentice of shadowclan
    π– ° fluffy lilac tabby with white spotting and amber eyes. quiet but cheerful, very naΓ―ve.
    π– ° son of ferndance and needledrift ; brother to bonepaw, bloodpaw, shadepaw, snowypaw, gigglepaw, morelpaw
    π– ° mentored by flintwish
    π– ° peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    π– ° penned by foxlore
It is Smogstar's first meeting. He had spoken to them all before, but this is the first real one, the first one that he calls all of ShadowClan beneath the Clanrock for. Flintwish dreads it like he dreads every other thing that brings him face to face with the blue-bruised tom. He hates answering to him. He hates being perpetually beneath him. Even the one time Flintwish had been physically above Smogmaw, it was like getting his face shoved into dirt. What makes it all the more intolerable is that really, Smogstar is good at his job.

Or, at least, decent enough to seem that way. Flintwish has only known one other leader in her lifetime, and they had spent much of their tenure plagued by illness or injury. She settles amidst the rest of the Clan with Ashenfall inevitably at her side. White-tufted ears twitch as the beginning announcements roll off of Smogstar's tongue. A new deputy is to be named β€” Flintwish thinks back to her conversation with Ferndance, cycling through the viable names for one that felt right. The one he announces, though, is different from any Flintwish had guessed. It's not an unpleasant surprise. Mirepurr has been with the Clan since they were young, and has always been a steadfast face in ShadowClan's ranks. She isn't close with them, but she isn't close with many of her clanmates. Despite the distance, she offers a single cheer: "Mirepurr!"

More news continues. Smogstar speaks of the twolegs that Flintwish had seen on his patrol with Forestshade and encourages caution; he closes the borders of ShadowClan in the wake of the escaped Cygnet's Cry. He doesn't think of these things as particularly disagreeable, but his ribcage itches with curiosity and discomfort. There would be no return for Siltcloud or Granitepelt now β€” and it is only after that thought that Flintwish realizes his error. Of course there would be no return for them. They are both dead in the ground.

His shoulder brushes Ashenfall's as he adjusts his seat with a frown. The apprentice ceremonies are coming up. Needledrift and Ferndance's younger brood require teachers, as do a handful of ShadowClan's other kittens. Normally Flintwish would zone out for these segments β€” after all, he has never been old enough to have an apprentice of his own before. But even now, he expects no apprentice of his own. Smogstar hates him; thinks him incapable; knows he is aimless; Flintwish believes all of these things and more tenfold.

As a kit, expectation had been piled upon him like concrete, and repeatedly he had failed to claw his way out of it. He had been expected to outperform his littermates. When he could not do that, sick and nest-bound in the medicine den, he had been expected to die. When he failed again, he had been expected to answer for the deaths he had indirectly wrought. And guess what? He has failed even that, spending moons and moons buckled with repentance and still having nothing to show for it. He has no great skill with which to make up for the loss of Heavy Branch and Halfshade; he has no great lust for life, to continue in their places. He has no great honor, a small animal killed and further brutalized by Granitepelt's black hole madness. It is difficult to be confident in the wake of it all.

But Smogstar has saddled him with new responsibility anyway. Branchkit becomes Branchpaw, and suddenly Flintwish has an apprentice.

He grips his alarm by the throat and threatens it to swing. Branchpaw is looking at him, and he would hate to be caught grimacing, but he cannot help but question Smogstar's decision. Me? he thinks, desperate. He won't learn anything. Maybe Smogstar is eager to punish another apprentice for something they cannot understand. Flintwish shoots Ashenfall a heavy glance, but eventually he finds his brave face and steps towards his apprentice, head hunched between his shoulders.

"Um, hi," he greets Branchpaw then, touching noses. He wills himself not to recoil. It is supposed to be a special moment. I'll be the best apprentice ever, he says, and Flintwish exhales something like a laugh. "Right. I'll do my best too." Despite it all, beads of pride trickle in through dread-filled veins. The warring emotions turn his stomach, but he is at least sincere in his assessment. He'd do his damndest to be a mentor worth having. Whether he can achieve it or not... he'll just have to see.

  • ooc.
  • FLINTWISH β€”β€” warrior of shadowclan, mentored by forestshade & scalejaw . granitepelt x starlingheart . littermate to nettlepaw, ghostmask ✦ penned by meghan

    ✦ a small, slate-blue tom with mismatched blue and green eyes. hard to approach and harder to enjoy, but beneath his spines he seems to have a good heart, and cares for his clanmates
    ✦ unlabeled gender / he, she, they pronouns / 14 moons & ages every 12th
    ✦ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    β€”β€” will start fights / may flee / may show mercy. tends to fight dirty on account of granitepelt's teachings. will fight tooth and nail to win, as this is one of the few ways flintwish can prove his worth to himself

    ✦ "speech", thoughts, all opinions are in character
    ✦ full biography β€” msg on discord for plots β€” toyhouse

Stonekit practically vibrated with excitement. It was finally the day! He would become an apprentice and be able to prove his worth to his clan! He could hardly sit still. He'd refused being groomed, he could do it himself. Probably better than anyone else. Mirepurr was named deputy. Someone of note, he thought, though didn't think much else of it.

Then finally... Smogstar called his name. Albeit not with as much fanfare as he'd been expecting, but he didn't mind too much. He was assigned to Frogwatcher, whatever. A mentor was better than no mentor. But Plumkit got Mirepurr? His sibling got the new deputy? He got a complete nobody! How was he supposed to get the respect he deserved if Smogstar didn't even see him fit to have a high ranking mentor? Not even a lead. He didn't care about the warriors being named. He barely knew any of them anyway, so who was he to care if they ascended the rank. The lilac tom seethed under his fur as he touched noses with his mentor. What a joke.

It's genuine now, Smogstar's call from highrock. No thing in Chilledstar's stead, no proximity for the sake of patrols only... It's real and genuine, a permission you only got when the rest of you was ripped out to make room for the star by your name. Sharpshadow lifts his head. How could he do anything else?

Smogmaw feels the need to explain what Leaf-fall is. He plays up his decision of deputy in the most Smogmaw way he could, swinging his head and coughing up hairballs of nothing all for the same of suspense, dramatics, something like that... The cat I have chosen is not a stranger to anyone here. Obviously β€” That'd be impossible. They've been fighting beside you, he'd certainly hope so. Training with you, it's only Smogmaw himself that makes him now question if this was true. and making wise counsel for moons. And... What did that mean? He likes to pick out his words, doesn't he? And so, her gaze searches for Lilacfur. But would it really be her, who's kits were of more-than-dubious origin, who'd just been cooped in Starlingheart's den for so long?

It's stupid really, that her mind comes back to some nonsense comment Gigglekit had made. Sharpshadow had ignored it, of course. She hadn't even given it a chance to let it fester. As gossiping had spread through the camp and clogged her damn ears, she'd been pretty good at not thinking about it in the wrong way. Who had been vauge, a nebulous thing that promised all - seeing - eyes to rival Smogstar's, a new, nagging voice, someone that'd be her superior, officially so. And this someone was just... that. Sharpshadow had not looked to any one of their clanmates to consider them in those footsteps.

It's only for a second, a tiny, split second, that she allows an impossible possibility to ruffle her fur.

And then, her shoulders slacken. Dull eyes fall upon Mirepurr. Smogmaw would like someone like them, wouldn't he? He's sure that Smogstar would even more. It made... sense. But in a clan so lacking of it, that on it's own felt... weird. His nod is tired. " Good luck, " she offers them.

There's more. There always is. A reported twoleg sighting has her pricking her ears. For whatever reason, she finds herself looking for Forestshade. Obviously if it was reported, she had returned alive... Smogstar is quick denounce Chilledstar yet again, indirectly this time, with a glance cast toward their kin and affirming of the rules set in stone. Valleysong's mention is perhaps more than he deserved, having taken off in the midle of the night. Sharpshadow's tail gives a rare, solitary lash.

The new apprentices come next. She wishes them all: Branchkit, Gigglekit, Plumkit, Stonepaw, and Morelkit good luck. ( Too many. Could they afford to be bringing all these kits into the world? No, not really he thinks, but when would that ever stop anyone? ) The new warriors follow too, and Sharpshadow is struck with the realization that the day is today all at once. It's not as if she's said much. It's not as if she planned on saying much of anything at all, but suddenly, her throat is dry and her paws are restless and his eyes are stretching wide. You don't really notice day by day the growth of your apprentices, but here β€” now, against the same backdrop, a different leader at the helm, its easier to compare. She can see the worthwhile warrior that stood in the place of a bratty apprentice, not - quite - right and still filling out. In a few short moments, she would go from nuisance to peer... and it wasn't as if those were mutually exclusive at all, but now she'd be both. Springy, hot - headed, annoying, useful. capable, strongwilled... Halfpaw. That was her apprentice. Part of her was still convinced it was a mistake, but she was her apprentice. Sharpshadow breathes in, and she feels...

Relief. Jagged shoulders sag beside her, and for the first time in a long time, she's aware of her tenseness. She's not sure that she even deserves to feel this really. Relaxation, the threat of thinking she could ever finish an unending job... It probably wouldn't do the Clan any good. Oh, it's rich, from a cat that still had another apprentice to train, one infinitely more... soggy and unwilling and dispassionate than Halfpaw was... but she's done it once. Maybe it wouldn't be delusion to hope she can do it again.

Of course, perhaps the second that Halfpaw strides out of camp with a new name, she'll embarass the both of them horrifically... or may just get herself killed. Is that what Smogstar had thought when it had been her?

It's a future that she's done everything in her power to avoid. A revelation that she did not need to happen today of all days... So maybe she can just be glad, for once. He's sorry that he can't muster a smile for her, but he conjures a breath, and his voice crackles when he parts his jaws to make room for her name, " Halfsun. "


Halfpaw pracitcally glows today as she takes her last steps from the apprentice den. This day had come upon them faster than expected, like the changing of the seasons. One moment where something is just inexplicably different without her really noticing. She had fully filled out now. Where once she was too long limbs tangled up with one another, she was grace and power. She felt it when she sparred, the muscles that had formed thanks to moons of dedication and putting in the work, even if it meant overtime, dragging whatever poor soul was her willing victim for that day into a spar. She had been determined to become the best, a cat that ShadowClan could be proud of, and today she stands before her father as a testament to that.

Other announcements come first and she finds herself impatient, tail flicking back and forth and occasionally hitting Laurelpaw's blue-toned pelt in the process. She is glad that he is here, that they would step into this new chapter of their lives the same as they had every one before. Together. "Are you nervous?" she whispers to him, her mismatched eyes following his gaze to their father standing in the place Chilledstar once did. Where many leaders before him had stood before. How Singepaw must feel, she wonders. Quickly, she tries to not think about it. Today was hers. It was okay to be a little selfish, wasn't it? She barely hears what her father has to say over the low humm of thoughts buzzing in her head. Something about colder moons ahead... And then, oh- wasn't this expected? Her father is naming a deputy. Part of her expects it to be kin, hasnt that usually been the normal in ShadowClan? Her gaze finds its way lazily to where Marblepaw sits by Starlingheart's side. Her aunt, her blood. Granddaughter to Briarstar and niece to Pitchstar. Nepotism is no stranger in the swamps. Immediately she seeks out her siblings in the crowd, but then, also, her mentor. Sharpshadow had been Smogstar's apprentice, after all.

She is surprised then, that it's Mirepurr's name is called and not Swansong's or Ashenfall's but Mirepurr. A slight frown crosses her features but only for a moment. She's certain her father had his reasons. He moves on to something else, something that doesn't affect her in the slightest. No more joiners despite their relations. It makes sense, she thinks. Chilledstar had been a fool for inviting more mouths to feed into their camp when they barely had enough for the cats who lived here already.

And then the apprentice ceremonies. Stars she thinks when will we ever get to the warrior ceremonies? she can hardly sit still with the amount of excitement making her blood boil. Mercifully, they pass quickly and then - finally - it is the warriors turn. "Do you all vow to uphold the warrior code and defend your clan with all your mind and strength, no matter the cost?" "I do." comes the echoed answer, firm and sure in her case.

Snowlark, Lividsmoke, the two cats are named before her and then it is mercifully her turn at last. She squares her shoulder a little bit more, stands a little bit straighter as she looks over her shoulder to shoot her mentor a wide grin. There is a part of her, under the excitement for independence and respect that will miss her training, that will miss Sharpshadow. She hadn't expected it. The first couple of moons had been... tumultuous to say the least. But some undeniable bond had formed between them over the seasons together. She is thankful for the warriors steady presence, is looking forward to being a warrior alongside her.

"You are an echo of your mother your so many aspects. But whereas she may have concealed a sharp mind under her charm, you reveal yours freely. You glow bright with ambition, Halfpawβ€”and so it is only fair I name you Halfsun. You burn brightly. One look, and you cannot be missed. I know you'll light the way for our clan." She could fall apart on the spot for how much this means to her. "Halfsun" she whispers softly to herself, trying the name out and finding no flaw. She is fire incarnate, a wild thing meant to destroy but also to bring light and warmth. There is so much promise in this name, and she finds tears slipping out of her eyes as a wide smile takes over her features.

And then she steps back, lets her brother have his moment in the light. Laurelgrin her father names him, an echo of his own name where Halfsun had gotten the opposite. But it fits. Stars, it fits so well. "Laurelgrin!" she calls is name the loudest, bumping him with her shoulder, her mismatched eyes full of pride.

  • UnubgZp.jpeg

  • 71463519_wfdQr8qW6maoeay.png
    A tall and well-toned she cat with a long half-and half pelt, one side being a dark blue tabby and the other a bright cream, split by a pool of white at her center and travelling up her face like flames she is fire and ice simultaneously swirling into one. Her eyes are a mismatched shade of blue, with one being bright like the daytime sky and the other dark like the depths of the river.
    ✦ Difficult in battle + a skilled fighter

Forestshade listens intently as Smogstar speaks from Clanrock. Her blind gaze remains fixed on the ground, her expression inscrutable as ears flick to pick up every word. It still feels wrong that is isn’t Chilledstar up there, but it’s a reality she is slowly becoming used to. As Smogstar calls Mirepurr forward, Forestshade's ears perk with interest and surprise. Mirepurr? Deputy? ShadowClan has never had a deputy like them. They’re kinder than most that dwell in these marshes; this clan has only ever known leaders that are as cold as the water in leaf-bare. That thought alone is enough to make the torbie wince. She doesn’t like change much. But she’ll remain neutral for now…who knows? Maybe that kind of deputy is exactly what the clan needs right now. Well, she can at least try to stay optimistic.

The lead warrior continues to listen to the news with a furrowed brow. His words about the twolegs and the warning to exercise caution resonate with her; she had been the one to encounter them, after all. His emphasis on the potential danger aligns with her own concerns - they can agree on that at least. She nods slightly, a gesture of solidarity with the leader's prudent caution. Smogstar’s next topic, the ban on accepting loners and the recent incident with Valleysong, stirs a mix of emotions within her. Forestshade's expression tightens as Smogstar recounts the betrayal. The leader's displeasure is clear, and she shares it, but she can’t help but think of Blackstrike. She understands the decision behind Smogstar's policy; survival comes first, especially with leaf-fall approaching. But the loner she had brought in those moons ago continues to serve the clan loyally and well; what if there are more like him?

But it’s time to move on, so Forestshade does. More ceremonies, as there are every moon. A vivid reminder of the cyclical nature of their lives. The kits grow into apprentices, the apprentices become warriors, and the cycle continues anew. She listens attentively, her ears rotating to follow the kits as they step forward. She is surprised to hear her own name called among other mentors. Gigglepaw. Against her will, her chest puffs with pride. Well, at least Smogstar still sees the value in her mentoring! She moves to meet her brand new apprentice, whiskers twitching as she hears Gigglepaw's eager call. The excitement in the young apprentice's voice is unmistakable, and it brings a rare warmth to the lead warrior's heart. She swivels her ears towards the sound of her approaching paws, her smile evident in her tone. β€œHey, Gigglepaw. We'll start by getting familiar with our territory. I’ll meet you bright and early tomorrow, got it?” She huffs, mouth working into a smirk.

Forestshade then sits back to listen with respect as Snowpaw, Lividpaw, Halfpaw, and Laurelpaw receive their new names. Each warrior's name fits them perfectly, and she can only imagine how much it means to them. It is a significant milestone, one that Forestshade knows will only strengthen the clan. More warriors are always better. Another reason she doubts the new policy…

When the meeting concludes, Forestshade stands tall and flicks her new apprentice with her tail before moving to grab some grub from the fresh-kill pile.

swallowpaw ❀ 10 moons ❀ polygender ❀ any pronouns ❀ shadowclan apprentice

Smogstar calls a meeting, and at last Shadowclan receives the answers they've all been seeking. Mirepurr is made the new deputy - and Swallowpaw simply takes the news in stride, not particularily aring either way. It's not like he'd had a favored pick - and honestly, he hardly knows anything about the older warrior, far more focused on getting to know those his own age. Still, he offers perfunctory cheer anyways, because that's what he's supposed to do in situations like this.

Promotions quickly follow - Swallowpaw sticks her tongue out at Basilpaw, uncaring that his change in mentorship isn't his fault. It's still satisfying, seeing him held back. Muzzle wrinkles when Snowpaw is called - not to be shifted mentors again, but to become a warrior. Snowlark - eugh, what an awful name.

He ignores the fact it reminds him of his own.

It's the next name that really catches the point's attention, mismatched eyes aglow as he beams. " Lividsmoke! Lividsmoke! " he cheers happily, content to celebrate ehis friends achievements. It won't occur to him until much later what it means for him - that now, he will be alone in the apprentices den.

━ actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes' ━

T E L L - M E - N O T H I N G - L A S T S ━ ( - L I K E - I - D O N ' T - K N O W ?- )

*+:q.q Singepaw isn't sure he'll ever feel comfortable finding Smogmaw standing in Chilledstar's place. Even so, as stubborn as his grief may be, there's no denying that Smogmaw suits his new role well. Sitting amongst his peers, Singepaw perks his sharply pointed ears to catch all that the blue tabby warrior has to share. If his mentor is still open to notes, Singepaw might loudly snap next time for him to cut to the chase - or perhaps Smogmaw has a bit of mischief in him, making everyone wait with bated breath for who'll be taking his former position.

Although Singepaw had never had a notable experience with the chocolate-hued feline, he finds a smile still twitches the corners of his maw. They're a good cat, always at the helm of every patrol and task. Although perhaps they take too closely after Smogmaw as tey wait an excruciating hour before relaying their answer. "LETS GO MIREPURR!!" the tom shouts, to allow his pent-up energy to finally explode. They'll make a great second-in-command, that's inarguable.

The meeting continues; as usual, it's a snore's fest. Be careful around two-legs wow, great advice Dad, don't allow strangers into the clan, honestly, great rule! Screw outsiders! and, of course, Valleysong's betrayal. Singepaw's lip curls at the reminder. As Smogmaw continues, Singepaw sweeps his boiling blue gaze over the mass of cats. He wonders where Forestshade's little pet has gone if the former loner will remain loyal to the clan

Then, like the changing of the seasons, bad news shifts to good. Kits becoming apprentices is always a welcome celebration, although Singepaw isn't particularly familiar with any newbies. He recalls fondly his apprenticeship, though marred by the embarrassment of what came after. Watching each kitten touch noses with their new mentor under the watchful gaze of Smogmaw, Singepaw feels a twinge in his chest. A new generation of future warriors without Chilledstar to guide them...damn. He shakes the feelings away, huffing through a swing of his head.

Briarthorn earning an apprentice does catch Singepaw's attention, however. He watches the ebony molly, struck suddenly by the fact that she herself is no longer an apprentice, and hasn't been for quite some time now. He's sure she'll make a good mentor, although he now finds himself wondering what he'd be like as a mentor. Awesome, probably, though he couldn't see himself holding much patience for a sniveling little child.

When Basilpaw receives a mentor change, Singepaw can't help but cringe, especially when Smogmaw later announces Lividpaw will be receiving his warrior name without his twin. Feels rather cruel, especially considering the tension between the brothers...still, perhaps Basilpaw could do with living his life solely for himself without his cruel darker-coated sibling cramping his style. And Basilpaw could seriously use a new style.

Singepaw refocuses on the next batch of ceremonies, feeling a spark of competitive envy that Snowpaw is the first to earn his warrior name. Starclan, he can't believe the snotty introverted brat of a tom has reached warriorhood. Singepaw's kittenhood had been tumultuous thanks to the stubborn sun-bleached feline refusing to play the way Singepaw wanted him to. But perhaps that was one of his better qualities - Snowpaw was never the type to cave to pressure, always sure-footed and, as Smogmaw put it, clear-sighted. Very few cats could claim to be more loyal and attentive to Shadowclan's needs than the ever-eager to hunt, battle, and assist than his former denmate. Snowlark was a very fitting name. Although Singepaw would've picked Snowbat but, oh well!

Sharp blue eyes aglow as the next to be named is Halfpaw. He watches the molly step forth and accept her new name with a restrained passion - Halfsun. It's a great name and one that suits her well. Although he sits a ways off from where she stands, he can see the fiery smile on her face and finds himself matching it.

"Snowlark! Lividsmoke! Halfsun! Laurelgrin!"

  • // IC opinions, also sorry for any mistakes I reeeeeeeeeally don't wanna read over this monster of a post so ,,, bear with me aaghguyvjh

    β˜„ Singepaw
    β˜„ Cismale β€” He/him β€” Questioning sexuality
    β˜„ 11 moons β€” Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    β˜„ NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowpaw, Sneezepaw)
    β˜„ Shadowclan β€” apprentice
    β˜„ Apprenticed to Smogstar

    β˜„ Physically medium | mentally somewhat easy
    β˜„ Attack inbold #b8312f
    injuries: none