periwinklekit | 02 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
Peri feels unusually energized today, a bounce in his step that has been lacking for days now suddenly returned. Pale gaze narrows contemplating, long-limbs dropping into his best attempt at a 'hunting crouch' as he watches his 'prey' - his rump wriggling as his weight settles upon his haunches, eyes blown wide in focus. A deep breath and he's pouncing, a quiet exclamation of joy slipping out unbidden as he lands squarely upon the ball of moss, eyes alight at his success. Soft inky black paws batt at the toy, sending it flying across camp with him swiftly following. Thoughts of the events of the past few days are far from his mind, and he enjoys just being a kit for a little longer.