Welcome to my humble character storage! You can always contact me on Discord, either through DMs or my channels, for plots or anything else!

・All my characters are open for peaceful powerplay.
・I like to preplan combat to at least some degree.
・Character opinions are always IC.

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Lead Warrior
He / Him​
Marsh Colony
Sunstride's Refugees​
Biographical Information
Ages Every
39 Moons
03.04.24 at 32 ☾​
Colony Member
Lead Warrior
As Lead Warrior

Roleplay Information
Penned By
Last Updated

  • Brief summary of character. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut. Nam ullamcorper velit eget interdum semper. In nisl odio, faucibus in interdum sed, ultricies quis nulla. Sed lobortis mattis elit, id venenatis nisi posuere nec. Donec sagittis sodales orci, eget mollis dui semper vel. Integer vehicula a dui a aliquam. Maecenas vel faucibus libero, tincidunt commodo turpis. Quisque ut turpis magna.

    He stares at the golden warrior with a look bewildered and wild with a newfound paranoia. His friend, his best friend even.. he looks different now, after what Slateheart had just witnessed. Suddenly, all the plush softness and beauty he saw in Dimmingsun seems to have taken a new form. Slateheart sees now the sharpness of his features, the curl of his lips, the broadness of his shoulders. He sees not his friend, but a brute.

    Slateheart on Dimmingsun during the aftermath of Bluepool's death.​
    Dimmingsun is a large golden-brown tom with one green eye.

    Dimmingsun is a lead warrior of WindClan. He was born during the era of Colonies, participated in the Great Battle, and has served under both Sootstar and Sunstar. From a young age, he has been surrounded by violence — and while this has defined him in numerous ways, it has also gifted him with a certain toughness that he wields effectively within WindClan. As Sootstar started to go down a hellish path, Dimmingsun chose Sunstride at the time, and has never stopped fighting for his Clan ever since. He is known for his love of battle and intimidation tactics.

    After moons of loyalty and resilience, Sunstar has picked him to be part of his council. The ever-ambitious Dimmingsun decided to wear the title with pride, and while he does not regret this decision in the slightest, he has been down-trodden by the woes of life — sharpened edges don't always amount to positives while possessing an air of authority. He indirectly took part in Bluepool's death by deciding to steal prey from RiverClan to keep WindClan well-fed, something he will never let go of for as long as he lives. Currently, he is happy to serve as Sunstar's guard dog while his leader deteriorates under pressure.

    1. Description
    1.1 Scars
    1.2 Body Language
    1.3 Inventory​
    2. Personality
    2.1 Faith
    2.2 Quirks​
    3. Interaction
    3.1 Skills
    3.2 Combat​
    4. Relationships
    4.1 Kin
    4. Friends
    4.3 Other Cats​
    5. History
    5.1 Backwritten
    5.2 2024​
    6. Trivia
    6.1 Playlist
    6.2 Theme Weeks
    6.3 Ceremonies​

    — [outline=black][color=#DC8683][b]""[/b][/color][/outline]
  • Main Article: DIMMINGSUN/Toyhouse


    Dimmingsun depicted by Maplesyruq
    PREFIXSUFFIX is a LONGER DESCRIPTION HERE! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut. Nam ullamcorper velit eget interdum semper. In nisl odio, faucibus in interdum sed, ultricies quis nulla. Sed lobortis mattis elit, id venenatis nisi posuere nec. Donec sagittis sodales orci, eget mollis dui semper vel. Integer vehicula a dui a aliquam. Maecenas vel faucibus libero, tincidunt commodo turpis. Quisque ut turpis magna.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ultrices, arcu ut facilisis dapibus, libero nisl convallis ex, a blandit neque arcu vel tortor. Donec vestibulum libero erat, semper pulvinar leo molestie vitae. Vestibulum cursus ornare enim, in varius elit fermentum eget. Cras at elit diam. Mauris venenatis scelerisque quam gravida sollicitudin. Cras facilisis, ligula non pretium interdum, risus sapien sollicitudin turpis, vitae suscipit ipsum quam sed velit. Morbi sed fermentum nibh. Proin vel sapien pulvinar, blandit felis nec, pharetra metus. Proin tincidunt massa faucibus arcu mollis, nec ornare nulla ornare. Cras molestie id mauris non dignissim.


    Scars gained:
    • Hollowcreek took Dimmingsun's left eye during a DuskClan invasion. This eye is sealed shut, and has a longer slash going across that side of his face.
    • Smaller scratches on his flank received while he confronted Thriftfeather in hopes of revenge. Mostly hidden under fur.
    • While not visible, Dimmingsun has developed asthma after a heroic rescue of Slateheart, who had gotten stuck in the fire that ravaged through WindClan's land. On worse flare-up days, he has to stop and regain his breath more often than before.
    Body Language

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam rutrum purus et felis porta, a mattis nulla pretium. Donec lacinia neque et enim accumsan, quis viverra sem venenatis. Duis feugiat ante eget arcu feugiat faucibus. Mauris ornare turpis vitae ipsum malesuada, sed porttitor nunc pretium. Donec a tincidunt dolor. Cras dictum vestibulum libero id feugiat. Donec eleifend mi non velit gravida, nec vehicula justo sagittis. Morbi tempor ultricies tincidunt. Nunc pharetra sem et nisl vulputate, vitae pellentesque massa finibus. Ut viverra ultricies mi eget feugiat. Ut quis neque in est viverra luctus. Etiam lacinia justo feugiat, porta arcu ut, efficitur diam.

    Suspendisse feugiat venenatis lectus, at feugiat quam interdum et. Curabitur efficitur placerat tellus nec molestie. Sed elementum sapien et quam efficitur, in varius libero convallis. Nam mollis nunc erat. Curabitur lobortis dolor mi, et viverra enim porttitor sit amet. Mauris eu libero id dui laoreet sagittis. Nulla eget venenatis leo. Morbi dolor mauris, pellentesque nec nulla eget, vehicula bibendum erat.​

    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut. Nam ullamcorper velit eget interdum semper.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut. Nam ullamcorper velit eget interdum semper.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut. Nam ullamcorper velit eget interdum semper.
  • PREFIXSUFFIX is trait, trait, and trait. They trait, trait, traits all over the place and trait, trait, traited even more. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​

    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut. Nam ullamcorper velit eget interdum semper. In nisl odio, faucibus in interdum sed, ultricies quis nulla. Sed lobortis mattis elit, id venenatis nisi posuere nec. Donec sagittis sodales orci, eget mollis dui semper vel.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut. Nam ullamcorper velit eget interdum semper. In nisl odio, faucibus in interdum sed, ultricies quis nulla. Sed lobortis mattis elit, id venenatis nisi posuere nec. Donec sagittis sodales orci, eget mollis dui semper vel.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut. Nam ullamcorper velit eget interdum semper. In nisl odio, faucibus in interdum sed, ultricies quis nulla. Sed lobortis mattis elit, id venenatis nisi posuere nec. Donec sagittis sodales orci, eget mollis dui semper vel.
  • Dimmingsun is homosexual, without knowing whether he might be mono- or polyamorus. He's never been in a proper relationship before, and has not pursued it either; he has found himself in a few flings here and there however.
    • Easy to interact with and befriend on a surface level. Always keeps layers of himself hidden.
    • Unfriendly of other Clans, always expects the worst out of them.
    Open to healing and peaceful powerplay, interaction, cameos, friends, enemies, romantic flings. Ask first for mutual romance and injuries. Closed to maiming and death.

    Sounds like Voice description, be as detailed as you want! What does their laugh sound like, what are their voice quirks? Voice Claim is VOICE CLAIM

    Smells of description of scent.

    Current speech is #DC8683. Thoughts are italicatized.

    • Poor skill. Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Excels in skills, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


    Combat difficulty is hard; is able to tank a lot of damage and is a heavy hitter himself.

    PREFIX SUFFIX will/will not start fights. PREFIXSUFFIX will/will not flee. PREFIXSUFFIX will/will not show mercy. be as descriptive about these as you'd like! Aliquam ut auctor odio. Nunc in auctor felis. In eget nisl at velit semper molestie. Suspendisse augue magna, placerat sed cursus at, mollis interdum velit. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent hendrerit euismod diam ac interdum. Quisque maximus ligula sed est ultricies rutrum et sit amet neque. Donec tempus ultrices leo, eget cursus neque sollicitudin sed.​
  • NPC x NPC • Generation 1 • Mated to None
    ⤷ No siblings.
    ⤷ . . .

    Close to Character
    Admires Character
    Friends with Character
    Likes Character
    Dislikes Character
    Loathes Character

    Kin ✎

    Parents ✎

    Dimmingsun feels no particular way about his parents. He is glad to be freed from what he imagines to be shackles bestowed upon him by their expectations.​

    Friends ✎

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​

    Other Cats ✎

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​
  • Backwritten

    Colony Member

    Born during a tumultuous time for the Marsh Colony, the concept of what is fair and what's not was bestowed upon Bengt early on. He only knew the other, freshly settled in group of cats as intruders, their greedy paws encroaching on the territories that have been first Hare Whiskers' and now Briar's. Many of young Bengt's play-fighting with other kits consisted of play-pretend, one stealing prey from another, forced to defend what each thought to be rightfully theirs. It was only natural; he listened intently to what the adults had to say around him, even if they tried to keep it at bay and lower their voices.

    They all thought it to be too important for little kits like Bengt to hear, but he heard it all anyway.

    Bengt had felt like he had much to live up to - with himself being the only kitten his parents ever managed to get, his father was particularly picky. He had already imagined his son to be a variety of different things, none of which seemed too close to what Bengt was at the time. It only made sense that Bengt was already trying to copy the grown-ups' battle moves, dreaming of the day he could join in and fight for what belonged to him.

    Bengt would soon rue the day his paws actually entered a battlefield for the first time. Barely over his first year in life and he was at the front lines when Briar called for a war; enthusiastic, loyal, and striving to prove himself. No amount of wisdom from elders could prepare him for the feeling of someone else's blood settling between your claws and the fur of your paws, nor the sudden pain that came from unrelenting enemies.

    There was little time to recover from the shock - cats who fell in battle rose again, though their flanks did not heave with stolen breaths. He witnessed the birth of StarClan, their own friends and enemies coming back to put an end to this bloodshed. They spoke of their fate and what must be done... and when Rain and Briar led their respective cats to the place later known as Fourtrees, the Clans were born.

    Bengt's mother, bless her heart, begged for him to come with his parents and follow after Briar, just like before, but Bengt had little patience left for her. He loved her like she loved him- but evidently, that motherly love had not been enough for her to step in when his father insulted him time after time... so, in an effort to find his own place, Bengt decided to follow after Soot into the moors.


    Adjusting to a wholly different lifestyle, and especially away from paternal judgmental eyes, was not as easy as Bengt, now named Dimmingsun, might have hoped. With Soot being blessed by StarClan's nine lives and a name change, her word is law; and Dimmingsun takes it seriously. He often sparred with his Clanmates to let out some steam, claws unsheathed as per Sootstar's encouragements.

    He followed her example in believing StarClan favors them, and to remain unfriendly towards the other Clans now that they're all separate.

    The Clan settled into the moors; they found and claimed new landmarks, Sootstar named the newest deputy and medicine cat, tunnels discovered, cats grew into warriors. It was only the arrival of hawks that put an end to a seemingly peaceful time with the intitial burst of plump rabbits that kept hungry bellies fed, attacking full-grown adults and causing a panic.

    Once the danger was over with WindClan safe again, Sootstar worked on an alliance with Pitchstar in preparation for leaf-bare. The two groups shared a feast in an attempt to be friendly with one another.

    Sootstar's offer to let rogues into the Clan threw Dimmingsun for a loop. She hadn't been welcoming towards outsiders in a hot minute, but now she saw potential in a bunch of ragtags? Dimmingsun remained hopeful yet hesitant; perhaps new numbers and fresh faces will help the Clan thrive.

    With the arrival of leaf-bare, Dimmingsun managed to get sick with what Dandelionwish later called whitecough, much to his own dismay. It didn't take long for him to recover at least, keeping himself active enough not to let it get worse and turn into greencough.

    Dimmingsun found his footing as a few moons passed with relative calm; it was only the rival Clans that caused them trouble, and he rose to Sootstar's call for battle with triumph.​


    Leaf-bare with all its cruelty (some due to the season, but mostly cat-made) finally lets WindClan go; the moors are in full bloom, and they can finally take a breather. It's time to sit back and relax for once. Dimmingsun takes the time to look after his Clanmates, now with a newfound glint of appreciation in his eyes... they all stuck together even in the face of Sootstar's road to madness. They are all he has and he does not plan on letting them down.

    Even despite Dimmingsun's distaste for Gathering, he decides to indulge in the Clan's newest shenanigans and pretties himself up for the next full moon. It is essential for all of them to appear strong and united, now more than ever.

    WindClan's peace does not last for as long as it should; Howlingstar's request to chase their wolves into the moorland pales in comparison for what's to come. Twoleg activity can be found all over the territory, and not even Dimmingsun's first time as a mentor can stop the onslaught of worry in his belly.

    All questions get answered soon enough when a group of apprentices report fire heading their way. Dimmingsun saves Slateheart from a burning doom, but suffers quite a hit to his lungs and is forced to remain in the medicine cat's den.

    Scorchstreak calls for an evacuation in Sunstar's stead, their leader out of commission for the time being. Smokestar allows WindClan to take refugee in the wetlands, safe from the fire... and all they can do is wait for it to die down. Dimmingsun struggles with feelings of uselessness, knowing the able-bodied moor-runners are sacrificing their safety to keep the fire from their camp.

    Lead Warrior

    . . .​
  • Trivia
    • Silly fun facts! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.

    ▶ MEREDITH BROOKS - BITCH Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.

    ▶ BRING ME THE HORIZON - DARKSIDE Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.

    ▶ EYES WITHOUT A FACE - BILLY IDOL Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
    Theme Weeks

    Cryptids: Water Lion (Cryptozoology)
    Pokemon: Arcanine (Pokemon)​


    Dimmingsun's Lead Warrior Ceremony

    Sunstar: We begin first with a celebration. Dimmingsun. You have been a key part of this clan's recovery, both through the fire and in the days following. Your judgement has been a welcome one amidst my council, and so I ask formally that you would join us as a lead warrior of WindClan.
    Dimmingsun: It'd be my honor, Sunstar. I accept.
    Sunstar: Yes. Good! You will help steer this clan towards greatness alongside my council.

    Reference: GIVE LIFE TO A WORLD, June Meeting
Last edited:




They / Them​
Marsh Colony​
Biographical Information
Ages Every
28 Moons
12.01.23 at 18 ☾​
Lead Warrior

As Lead Warrior


As Deputy
Preceded By
As Leader
Preceded By
Roleplay Information
Penned By
Last Updated

  • Kind-hearted and sweet, Mirepurr is often viewed as an enigma due to the Clan they reside in… although they deem themself to be quite the simple individual. Thrust into a caretaker role again and again throughout their life — Mirepurr has been asked to grow up too fast, to be responsible for others, to lead when all else fails. It is a destiny entirely fitting for them, but one day, they are bound to be crushed under so much pressure.

    Hell, she probably couldn't even live up to Mirepurr's, weird mimicry that it was. For all they lacked in experience, they almost sort-of made up for with that glimmer of sincerity in their eyes.

    Sharpshadow about Mirepurr during patrol assigments.​
    Mirepurr is a small, fluffy, lilac tortoiseshell with light blue eyes.

    Mirepurr is the current deputy of ShadowClan. Having been born right at the cusp of the Great Battle, and thus the dawn of all five Clans, they are perfectly ingrained within the culture. Their care for others started when their mother became too ill to take care of her new litter; with Mirepurr's father having succumbed to injuries during the Battle, they took it upon themself to play the caretaker role... even going as far as to neglect their apprentice duties in order to do so. Today, Mirepurr is a loyal and dedicated warrior. Their commitment to every single member of ShadowClan remains unshaken.

    Mirepurr has been fortunate enough to ascend the ranks of lead warrior and deputy within a short time frame, but unfortunate enough to be forced into replacing Smogstar after his sickness and mysterious disappearance. These too-fast changes and the unsaid expectations that come with them terrify Mirepurr to the core as they attempt to traverse their new leadership...

    1. Description
    1.1 Scars
    1.2 Body Language
    1.3 Inventory​
    2. Personality
    2.1 Faith
    2.2 Quirks​
    3. Interaction
    3.1 Skills
    3.2 Combat​
    4. Relationships
    4.1 Kin
    4.2 Friends
    4.3 Other Cats​
    5. History
    5.1 Backwritten
    5.2 2023
    5.3 2024​
    6. Trivia
    6.1 Playlist
    6.2 Theme Weeks
    6.3 Ceremonies
    6.4 Leader Info​

    — [outline=black][color=#f9765d][b]""[/b][/color][/outline]
  • Main Article: MIREPURR/Toyhouse


    Mirepurr's design by weremars
    Shades of beige, umber and chocolate all bleed into one another to create the plush fur that wraps around bone and muscle like a halo — the muted colors all coming together to help them blend into the marshes that ShadowClan call home. Their body is plump, sitting atop stout, fade-striped limbs to create a shorter than average frame. It is most fitting; they tend to look up at their peers with adoration, rather than tower over them. There is no shred of intimidation in Mirepurr's physical stance. Round, pale blue eyes are ever-expressive in their nature.

    Perhaps their most prominent trait is the vaguely star-shaped marking found right on their forehead.


    Scars gained:
    Body Language

    Just like their name would suggest, Mirepurr exhibits a friendly and approachable disposition. Their face almost always molds into a smile, whether they do it with just sparkling eyes or their maw — usually accompanied by a low rumble of purrs. Seldom in a hurry, they appear to do everything with specific intent: eating slowly and elegantly, merely padding from one place to another, near-meticulous care put into every single action. Mirepurr's entrance into a location or scene is punctuated by the swerving of their head and the angling of their ears, perceptive gaze seeking out details from the get-go.

    Mirepurr is no stranger to physical contact. They seek it and provide it on a daily basis, with the only exception being those who would rather shred their ears than accept the brushing of flanks... but with others, Mirepurr gravitates towards closeness without a second thought.​

    • None. Does not hold onto things for long enough to matter; not materialistic.
  • Mirepurr is an exceptionally caring and empathetic individual, and often leaves a lasting impression thanks to their soft heart — whether said impression is positive or negative though depends entirely on others' tolerance for that sort of placidness. There is an almost kittish naivety about them as they go through every-day struggles in life; except their positive outlook against all adversity seems to be used more as a shield, granting them a sense of wisdom and maturity. They seek out the company of others like clockwork, unwilling to isolate themself from their peers for too long due to a gregarious attitude and desire to share their own moments.


    They are somewhat of a self-made individual. While Mirepurr greatly appreciates those who helped shape them into who they are today, it is an undisputed fact: they know how to be alone and how to take care of themself, even if they would rather avoid it. Mirepurr is entirely capable of figuring things out on their own and has managed to overcome their own personal limitations in the past. When push comes to shove, they show up; obvious in the way they often volunteer for patrols, busy themself with Clan life, and takes matters into their own paws when nobody else can. Despite all this, they much prefer to stick with the company of others, and base their decisions off advice from those they trust — independence does not necessarily equal confidence, after all.


    Mirepurr possesses quite a strong moral code — they wish they could whole-heartedly feel pride upon the admission of it, but it is not that simple. Thanks to their good nature and lack of a mean bone in their body, they've picked up and enforced a few "rules" for themself over the years: sensible ones, like no unnecessary rudeness and killing. They believe the warrior code to be law, as it all comes from the trial and error of the Clans, so they base their own priorities upon that... with a few exceptions, when heart ultimately wins over logic.

    They are wholly against many of the crimes that the more villainous cats have committed, such as WindClan stealing their kits, or Granitepelt secretly culling ShadowClan from the inside out. Mirepurr judges such acts with silent disgust and knows they would never stoop down to such levels. This has not given them a heightened sense of ego; in fact, they occasionally believe these to be limitations that their Clanmates wish Mirepurr could overcome instead of nurturing them further.


    It is decisively difficult to please everybody around you, but Mirepurr certainly tries... even if that sometimes means going back on their word, or dancing on the delicate line that is decision-making. With enough judgment from a crowd, they are easy to sway into a different direction than what they initially settled upon. This had not been much of an issue as a warrior, but now as a deputy and thus an authority figure, it will surely lead to complications.


    Mirepurr is an avid believer of StarClan, having been taught of their way by their mother ever since they were born. They've seen the many miracles of their starry ancestors in the shape of many leaders receiving nine lines — but in the same vein, they are keenly aware of the misfortune that seems to continually befall ShadowClan. Many of their peers believe that StarClan has cursed them... and while Mirepurr sometimes inches towards believing that conspiracy, they remain hesitantly optimistic. All the pain and grief must one day accumulate in something worthy.

    Oftentimes, their eyes will climb towards the starry sky, mind reciting a silent prayer. They believe that StarClan is ultimately here to protect all the Clan cats, and hopes to join their ranks whenever their time comes.​

    • Mirepurr is a slow and particular eater, savoring every bite and making sure they do not make a mess. If they invite you to a meal, you can expect to stick around for a bit...
    • They have the ability to fall asleep as soon as their body hits their nest.
  • Mirepurr is pansexual and monogamous / polycurious. Their attraction towards Lilacfur has been fully realized, and they have been actively pursuing her and making advances; not currently interested in anyone else.
    • Very quick to trust their own Clanmates, sometimes to a fault. They simply see the best in them and refuse to believe their fellow ShadowClanners would harbor ill-intent unless proven otherwise.
    • Apprehensive towards other Clan cats, but still cautiously optimistic. Likes to keep interactions at Gatherings to polite business.
    Open to healing and peaceful powerplay, interaction, cameos, friends, enemies. Ask first for injuries. Closed to maiming, death, mutual romance.

    Sounds like a gentleman with a generally charming voice. Uses a lot of "big" words and articulates clearly when talking, especially when addressing a crowd. Very sincere; easy to gauge mood based off tone alone, because they tend to speak at a lower volume when they feel troubled. Sometimes stutters or stumbles over words when nervous — causing them to shorten their sentences in thoe times—, and their pitch can rise to a surprising level when alarmed or overwhelmed. Voice Claim is Steven Grant from Moon Knight.

    Smells of misty marshes and minty pines, and vaguely of sun-kissed, warm stones. Overall pleasant, not overbearing.

    Current speech color is #f9765d. Thoughts are italicatized.

    • Poor combat. Never quite managed to master it, and avoids it at all costs.
    • Excels in tracking. Has a sensitive nose that turns them into quite a bloodhound.
    • Has never tried to swim against strong current, but can confidently wade through thick marsh-water without losing their balance.


    Combat difficulty is easy to intermediate, depending on the intensitiy of the situation. Mirepurr detests battles and would rather end them as soon as they begin. They can get overwhelmed fast and thus uses defensive moves, and has not been known to greatly injure or kill another. So far, they've been incapable of murder and always shows mercy.​
  • UNKNOWN x PARENT • Generation 1 • Crushing on Lilacfur
    ⤷ No littermates.
    ⤷ Sibling to Thrasherthroat, Fenblossom and one other.
    ⤷ Grew close to Mapletuft, who helped nurse their siblings.

    Kin ✎

    Mother ✎

    Mirepurr has unintentionally put some distance between themself and their mother ever since her sickness. The moons dragged and her health did not seem to get better, but all the while, the Mirepaw at the time had plenty of things to do... chronic illness has made it impossible for her to stay in their life like a parent should, and unsurprisingly, Mirepurr has learned not to remain dependent on her.​

    Thrasherthroat ✎

    Thrasherthroat is Mirepurr's younger sibling. Despite being a full-fledged warrior and only a couple moons younger than them, Mirepurr will never look at Thrasherthroat as anything other than their baby brother.​

    Friends ✎

    Lilacfur ✎

    Lilacfur is one of Mirepurr's closest friends, and if all goes well, their future mate. The two has been friends from a very young age, and it had been easy for them to bond over similar attitudes and shared ideals. After Granitepelt's betrayal and the family's reputation becoming tarnished as a result, Mirepurr has only grown closer to Lilacfur... and in time, realized they posess more romantic feelings for ther than initially anticipated. Her Ghostmask-induced coma has taught Mirepurr not to wait any longer, and after Lilacfur miracously wakes up, they decide to pursue her with intent.​

    Other Cats ✎

    Character ✎

    . . .​
  • Backwritten


    Onwards, to a better future; that is the mantra of Mirepurr's mother as she follows Briarstar into the marshes, leaving behind the bloodied fields where the Great Battle took place, silent now in contrast to the pained screeches. Her fur is matted with dried blood, eyes blank as they stare ahead, mind repeating the image of her mate's death. There are better days to come — she has to trust in that, even without the father of Mirekit and the others still in her belly. With the promise of better days to come under the new law of five, she couldn't possibly crumble. She has things to do.

    Tension, unease and grief lingers in the newly formed ShadowClan's camp. Mirekit is aptly aware of it, never quite managing to escape it, only ever trying to ease it. It's no small task for a kitten so young.


    At least not a lot changes when they reach their fourth moon and becomes Mirepaw- not initially. Scalejaw is a strict mentor, but it's just what they need; she never goes too far and manages to train Mirepaw well in terms of combat, despite their more withdrawn and soft nature. They often peer towards the nursery still, missing the warmth and safety of their mother's side, especially now that their baby siblings have been born... it feels like a division line has been drawn, not giving them the chance to ever go back.

    With Briarstar's expectations high, Mirepaw struggles with feeling up to par. There is so much to do and so much to learn, paws and brain working tirelessly to never fall behind... it's exhausting, and it's easy to start second-guessing yourself.

    There's not much time they get to spend alongside Briarstar however: following the storm that sets fire to the sycamore and drives the Clan out temporarily, she is stripped of all her lives after saving her kittens. Mirepaw is horrified to have experienced something so drastic, but finds that it instills something important within them, something that might not have been so easy to grasp under a mentor's watchful gaze; risking your life for family, giving them your all... it doesn't sound so bad. If they have to leave this world and join StarClan, they decide they'd like it to happen in exchange for someone they hold dear. ShadowClan tries their best to recover now under the leadership of Pitchstar, even if his first life has already been taken preemptively.

    Mirepaw continues training hard and strives to become a great warrior, trying their best to not fail at the goals that they set for themself.

    Much like the Clan's own series of misfortune, it finds Mirepaw as well — or rather their mother. She falls sick enough that she cannot continue taking care of her second litter, confined to the medicine cat den for an indefinite amount of time. With Bonejaw refusing to treat patients, her fate seems dire... and Mirepaw takes it upon themself to be there for their little siblings. Even with the amount of work on their list, Mirepaw understands their mother has little to no energy left to look after all of them as she tries to hang on to dear life. Their focus shifts from simply being a good warrior to being a good caretaker too.

    Even after so much tragedy, Pitchstar manages to strengthen the council with fresh additions — and with a newly formed allience with WindClan, Mirepaw tentatively gets comfortable.

    It's not until leaf-bare sets in that they must reconsider. All their bellies grow empty as the fresh-kill pile pitifully dwindles... and with the many skirmishes that Mirepaw feels they cannot reasonably help with, things feel dire.

    After much turmoil within all the Clans, Pitchstar loses his last lives. Mirepaw can barely focus on their own training as they are forced to traverse such abrupt changes time and time again, overwhelmed by it all. Even as Chilledstar rises to the leader position, Mirepaw cannot feel soothed. They spend more time with their little siblings than train, and ultimately their warrior ceremony gets post-poned. Their daily life is further disrupted as black bears invade ShadowClan's camp and drives them all out in a frenzy.


    Mirepaw finally receives their warrior name, Mirepurr, after their efforts to rebuild camp.
    Miraculously, Mirepurr manages to evade the sickness that ravages through the Clans. They do their very best to provide for the Clan until yellowcough finally releases its iron grip. It is the least they can do, for when rogues invade all the Clans, their uncertain claws do little damage against such cruel savages.​


    The previously missing kits are finally returned to their rightful home, much to Mirepurr's mirth. It is a short-lived point of joy, as Granitepelt's crimes are soon revealed to all... even after Chilledstar's attempts at a recoup, Mirepurr remains paranoid after the exile.


    ShadowClan regains their strength, slowly but surely. After moons of Siltcloud antagonizing them, she is finally put to rest — and although Granitepelt is still out there somewhere, the Clan can rest a little bit easier.

    Tension thick enough to cut through stays, however. Mirepurr protects poor Marblekit and Sycamorekit from Betonyfrost, who is adamant about spilling the truth about their mother. Chilledstar soon reinforces the rules about keeping the youth safe.

    Unbeknownst to the Clan, the frequent rains lead to an overpopulation of frogs, and in time, they "attack" the camp. Mirepurr joins in on the effort to keep their numbers at bay. They are also assigned to a predator check patrol.

    Mirepurr becomes a mentor for the first time; they receive not one, but two apprentices in one fell swoop. They join in on the search for Snowypaw, who disappeared shortly after that full moon. It is evident, how much ShadowClan struggles — first a badger, and then an owl attack. Mirepurr tries to care for Chilledstar the best way they know how.

    At last, they can feel at ease as greenleaf sets in.

    Lead Warrior

    Mirepurr becomes ShadowClan's newest lead warrior, and Sharpshadow is quick to confront them in the wake of it, while Smogmaw would rather congratulate them instead.

    Chilledstar's last meeting is bittersweet, when one considers what follows... they lose their last lives after succumbing to injuries from a dog attack. Upon Smogmaw's orders, Mirepurr returns to camp with the news, and the Clan soon holds a vigil in their honor. At least in the midst of such tragey, Mirepurr can find solace in the fact that Lilacfur wakes up from her coma. Mirepurr is there to support her as she attends Smogmaw's council meeting — and they accept his invitation to further work with him. When he leaves to the Moonstone to receive his nine lives, Mirepurr is tasked with defending the borders.

    Come dawn, Mirepurr is ready to greet the new Smogstar. In the wake of a sudden change in leadership, Mirepurr busies themself; aids Lilacfur in her recovery, trains Snowpaw one last time before he becomes a warrior, ultimately requests his assignment from Smogstar. All their efforts are rewarded with the opportunity to assign patrols in the absence of a new deputy.

    Soon after their realization of fondness towards Lilacfur, they are scarred by her during a night terror, branding Mirepurr with their first ever scar.


    The time comes for Smogstar to choose a successor — and much to Mirepurr's surprise, he chooses them out of all the other, very capable candidates. They accept despite how much this scares them.

    After Smogstar falls ill enough to be unable to carry out his duties, Mirepurr attends the Gathering in his stead, announcing the latest news.

    Lilacfur returns alongside a heavily injured Poppyglow, and reveals what she's been keeping a secret from everyone all this time: Ghostmask is alive and is out for blood. Her verdict for concealing something this important in an attempt to keep her niece safe is put on hold... In the meantime, Mirepurr sympathizes with Ferndance about Snowypaw's unknown fate. A fox attacks, and although Mirepurr tries to fend it off with the others, Hemlocknose ends up with a broken leg.

    The change of seasons does not bring good news with it. Smogstar disappears and leaves ShadowClan hanging — whether that's intentional or not is up to debate, as none of the many search patrols conducted end up successful. Somehow, he is gone.

    Mirepurr struggles with coming to terms with this new development and feels abandoned; a case not helped by the decision to isolate themself from their peers. It is the care of fellow Clanmates and Starlingheart's gentle push that ultimately gives them a wake-up call. Just as Mirepurr picks up from where they've left off and confronts Ferndance about her secret, the Clan is plagued with another mysterious murder...​
  • Trivia
    • Initially I wanted to start in ShadowClan with a different character. It is entirely by chance that my muse decided that I should actively play them instead!
    • So far, Mirepurr has had the shortest run out of all the deputies, with a whooping one moon of service before being forced to become leader.

    ▶ MAGIC MOMENT - GLOCKENBACH & CHRIS DE SARANDY Somehow, they always manage to remain optimistic and upbeat... even if Mirepurr stumbles on the zig-zagging path that is life, they never cease to get up and continue on with a new, more experienced outlook on both past and future.

    ▶ NEVER FELT SO ALONE - LABRINTH Rarely does Mirepurr succumb to the depths of negative emotions, but when they do, it hits them hard. Losing Smogstar in such unfortunate circumstances has left them feeling terribly alone.

    ▶ KETAMINOTAUR - EZ BASIC One could argue Mirepurr is far from the typical ShadowClan warrior with that soft heart of theirs. While empathy and the general care towards others is their biggest asset, it has also given them quite a lot of turmoil... especially while growing up and realizing that others simply view them as too different, pushing them to change into somebody completely different. It has never worked; but sometimes, they feel haunted even in their own home by what they should have been.
    Theme Weeks

    Video Games: Quirrel (Hollow Knight)​


    Mirepurr's Lead Warrior Ceremony

    Chilledstar: And speaking of being proud... Mirepurr. You are a great cat. You're diligent and kind and strong minded. You're the type of cat that I want on my counsel. So. What say you? Would you like to be a lead warrior?
    Mirepurr: I... yes! It's my honor to serve in your council. Thank you, Chilledstar.
    Chilledstar: Good. If that's everything then... meeting dismissed.

    Reference: AND DO YOU KNOW WHY?, June Meeting

    Mirepurr's Deputy Ceremony

    Smogstar: Mirepurr. Come forward. If you are ready to take the duties and responsibilities on as ShadowClan's deputy, as well as my right-paw cat, then all I must hear is your vow. Do you accept?
    Mirepurr: It's... it's an honor, Smogstar. I'd love nothing more than to serve this Clan beside you.
    Smogstar: Then, until the day my final life is lost, I, Smogstar, call upon my ancestors to look down upon this warrior. They have served their clan well, and they shall serve us faithfully as our deputy, from this day forth.

    Reference: STRONG REFLECTION, August Meeting

    Leader Info

    Mirestar's Nine Eight Lives

    Given By
    Leaping Toad
    Never received

    Reference: HEAVY IS THE CROWN, Lives Ceremony

    Mirestar's Deputies


    Mirestar's Medicine Cats

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EVENINGPAW 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
A prefix that is one of Hazecloud's favorite things; it is fitting for someone this pretty, but aren't evenings supposed to be quiet...?

Born to royalty, as far as she's concerned, Eveningpaw is a true RiverClanner through and through. She is happiest amongst the babbling brooks and the quickly-exchanged hushed (or yelled) words of her family; she acts as an ever-present in their lives, always ready to lend a paw... or an ear for some gossip. There is nothing that could possibly stop her, except for her own self.
Female, she/her
7 moons​







Gladefrost xxxxxxx
  • YnWCkmN.png


    Eveningpaw is slowly but surely growing into a typical RiverClanner; it serves her well, considering her unquestionable love for the wetlands. A feathery fur sits atop her physical structure, with intermediate length, and a beautiful gloss to it whenever the sun hits it just right. It is evident she cares quite a lot about her appearance, and she never fails to make herself proper and presentable for any occasion.

    If one is (somehow) not aware of Eveningpaw's parents, they will certainly see her two mothers in any and all features on her body. It is still a tad too early to tell whether she will remain on the shorter side like Hazecloud or grow tall and lanky like Lichenstar, though she appears to possess slender legs that might one day elevate her above the average. Upon first glance though, it is easy to tell: Eveningpaw has received Lichenstar's coloring but Hazecloud's more prim appearance overall.

    Her stark white pelt is adorned by streaming grays, faded at the edges or bleeding into something bolder in color. The variety of grays give her the impression of something airbrushed, soft and particular; and where the stripes grow darker — especially around her dainty paws and above her billowing cheek fur — they adorn her physicality with intent, drawing attention to the parts that matter. Love her or hate her, Eveningpaw is no doubt growing into a pretty she-cat.


    None, perfectly healthy despite her recklessness.

    Very expressive, especially her face.
    Although she is well-groomed, she surprisingly doesn't mind getting dirty. It is vital for her pelt to look pristine though, especially at meetings and Gatherings.
    Started out as white at her birth, due to being a point. Her colors started showing soon after.

  • QtZX1VF.png
    Eveningpaw's presence is always known thanks to her incessant need to talk, and much to everybody's dismay, the volume of her voice is seldom kept in check. She is a boundless ball of energy and joy, always on the move and somehow never too tired for another adventure. Embarrassment or shame are not familiar companions; she intends to live her life to the fullest, not allowing herself to get bogged down by the sour parts of life.

    While such a mindset can be an asset, it doubles as Eveningpaw's biggest hindrance. In an effort to make this world into her oyster, she forgets to allow herself time to think before acting, often ending up in trouble... or even pulling others into it as well with a simple, convincing argument. The lesson of respecting rules has yet to instill itself within her mind long enough for it to remind her of consequences.

    Eveningpaw means well. She is young, excitable and ambitious; compassion comes first-hand and empathy is clinging onto her fast. All of this will surely make her a formidable warrior, so long as she learns to keep herself in check sometimes too... an ego heightened by illusions of grandeur needs time to smooth itself out however, and in the meantime, recklessness is her shadow.

    + x ──────── x -
    + x ──────── x -
    + x ──────── x -

    Little to no traits have been shed yet from her kit-self.
    Currently battling guilt in the wake of a fox attack on Magpiepaw; she is the only one to blame for it.

    Origin of urgeBeing the daughter of the deputy (now leader, and another deputy) is a privilege in and of itself, and has only ever made her more elusive during kithood.

    Core urgeIn order to meet the unsaid expectations, Eveningpaw makes herself be seen, heard, present — always. She makes herself hard to ignore, so nobody has the chance to really think about what she amounts to if you strip away her parents' achievements.

    Stated beliefSelf-proclaimed queen of the riverlands. Eveningpaw is perfect, and disappointment is not an option.

  • STR
    STRENGTHS SwimmingAdapting
    WEAKNESSES ObediencePatience

    BATTLE Still inexperienced and grappling with the basics; there's potential in her though.

    TRAINING Eager and determined to do good, but she is a 'paw who requires a lot of patience.

    + x ──────── x -
    KILL xxxxxxx SHOW MERCY
    ANTAGONIZE xxxxxxxx FLEE

    + x ─────── x -

    Very easy to get to know; Eveningpaw presents herself on a silver platter, and is always eager for new friends.
    Quite judgmental towards other Clans, but still curious enough to interact with them, especially at Gatherings.

    Undetermined sexuality. Bicurious.
    Single, but not ready to mingle. She has more important stuff to worry about!
    Has a puppy crush on Moonbeam, though it is fading.

    FRIENDS Horizonpaw, Twinklepaw, Shellpaw, Pebblepaw, Graypaw, Riverpaw
    ENEMIES Valepaw

    LIKES Rookfang, Pinepaw, Cragpaw, Crabpaw, Robinheart, Moonbeam, Ferngill, Foxtail
    ADMIRES Lichenstar, Hazecloud, Iciclefang, Gladefrost, Smokestar
    NEUTRAL Splashpaw, Rivuletkit, Foxkit
    WARY OF Midnightash, Magpiepaw
    DISLIKES Otterbite
    • DECEMBER, 2023 — APRIL, 2024
      Under leadership of Smokestar.

      Eveningkit is born.
      Smokestar receives his nine lives, despite WindClan attempting to murder him before he can get to Highstones.
      Ripple Colonists terrorize the Clan, forcing a successful attack in retaliation.

      Within the confines of leaf-bare's deathly grip, Eveningkit is born into a litter of four. Such a blessing comes with consequence; there is certain irresponsibility in bearing offspring during a time of cold and potential lack of prey. Snowflakekit passes away shortly after birth, leaving only three behind. Lichentail and Hazecloud find it difficult to come to terms with the loss, but they eventually name the remaining kittens. The remaining trio remains healthy, and their parents can rejoice when Eveningkit and her siblings' ears and eyes open, and especially when they embark on their first swim.

      Confidence is not what would best describe the pair's first time as parents however. After discussing their evident regret of a specific name for their offspring, they change Howlkit's name to Horizonkit, much to the dismay of the kittens. Eveningkit rebels, but it is a short-lived endeavor. Her attention is grabbed by other things after all, like experiencing her first vigil, or befriending Graykit and Rookfang... and even getting her first enemy.

      In near-tandem to the total eclipse, Shellkit falls sick enough for concern. Eveningkit takes it upon herself to visit her sister, even if it is unwise due to the risk of infection. At the very least, she makes sure to keep Lichentail on her toes by participating in their game of grading the latest fresh-kill.

      APRIL, 2024 — JULY, 2024
      Under leadership of Lichenstar.

      RiverClan aids WindClan by offering them shelter from the fire.
      Smokestar falls to his death at the Gorge, leaving Lichentail to succeed him.
      Moonbeam finishes her training and becomes a full-fledged medicine cat.
      Twoleg invasion; the Clan fights them off and rescues their kidnapped Clanmates.

      Lichentail returns with grave news; disaster has fallen upon them, taken Smokestar away from them. Eveningkit struggles with processing this, unable to come to terms with the sadness that has graced everyone's faces in the wake of such a change. Amongst the tragedy, Eveningkit can rejoice when Shellkit finally becomes an apprentice... though it is soon switched for the uncertain grief that comes with Riverpaw's disappearance.

      Even after Lichentail takes the mantle of leader, Eveningkit cannot enjoy the pride for long. Hazecloud vanishes in much the same fashion as Riverpaw; Eveningkit decides to take matters into her own paws and look for her, getting trapped and taken by Twolegs in the process. It is thanks to RiverClan working alongside the campsite kittypets and using a bear to scare the Twolegs away that Eveningkit and her other Clanmates get rescued. A lesson is surely in order though, and Lichenstar gives it.

      One of her last projects as a kitten includes working together with her family, the other kits and the queens under Hazecloud's order. They remake the leaders' den in hopes of making it more inviting for Lichenstar, since they refused to enter it while it still reeks of the late king... their efforts prove to be fruitful, and Eveningkit couldn't be happier.
    • JULY, 2024 — AUGUST, 2024
      Under leadership of Lichenstar.

      Eveningpaw is apprenticed to Gladefrost.
      Hazecloud is appointed deputy under Lichenstar.

      Finally, the time comes: Eveningkit becomes an apprentice and quickly familiarizes herself with her mentor. Her friend Graykit has a hard time with this change, and the two encounter a misunderstanding between them, though with Cloudpaw's help, the pair is able to reconcile soon after.

      forgetting the code
      first gathering
      attends moonbeam's lesson
      talking about snowflakekit
      catching skyclan stealing

      Gladefrost encounters a bump in the road, and finds it difficult to devote enough time for both Eveningpaw and Twinklepaw. As a result, Eveningpaw feels bored and unproductive, so she convinces Magiepaw to go on a late-night hunt. They are attacked by a fox, and Magiepaw urges Eveningpaw to get help. Though he lives, he must remain in the medicine cat's den to recover... and Eveningpaw has to battle the newfound guilt she feels in the wake of this. To make matters worse, Gladefrost appears to get sick.
  • Code:
    — [outline=black][color=#8fbac2][b]""[/b][/color][/outline]
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DOESPRING ᨒ↟ ⋆。° ᨒ↟↟⋆°。
A name given to her in honor of her more positive qualities instead of negative, though it remains wholly undeserving.

After a tumultuous life, Doespring has found some sort of respite amongst ThunderClan's ranks. Her past as a rogue is never too far behind, making it difficult for her to view her Clanmates as anything other than means to an end... they provide safety, food, and sometimes the chance for gaining some honor. That, at least, has to be good for something.

Female, she/her
63 moons​

Pine Colony​


Doe's Cry


Rookfang, Valepaw
3 Unnameds​

  • QNnAdHA.png

    Doespring is an intimidating presence right from the get-go; she towers over most of her peers, scrutinizing green eyes staring down at anyone who might've been unfortunate enough to cross paths with her. She is unapologetic in the way she carries herself — after all, with how used she is to throwing her weight around, it would be impossible not to bump into others as she shoulders past them.

    Her thick, coarse fur is often tangled at the ends, knots scattered throughout her body. Doespring refuses to waste her time "prettying" herself up when life in the forest would always bring everything back to square one; there are more important things than appearances to care about. The only place her pelt lets up is around her face — the sunken-in hollows of her cheekbones give her an older and more vulnerable look than what the rest of her might suggest. Uneven whiskers, narrowed eyes, and a scarred, ever-frowning face do little to make approaching her inviting, though.

    The dark grays of her pelt are broken up by brown splotches in wayward fashion, adorning her like blurred lines. They only become less random at the tips of her tail and on her muzzle; it streaks between the almonds of her eyes, breaking up the monotony. A paler undercoat lights up the rest of her frame, namely the softer gradients of her belly and chest.


    ・Long slash across left eye.
    ・Smaller scratch just under her chin on the left side.
    ・Little scattered scratches over body, all hidden under thick fur.

    The tufts at the end of her ears often "flop" down when she moves them, causing an itchy annoyance.
    Her display of frustration always begins with her tail; lashes with it relentlessly.

  • KmxQQSW.png
    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

    It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.



    + x ─────────── x -

    + x ──────────── x -

    Doespring is quite difficult to get to know, courtesy of her avoidance and no-nonsense attitude. Most interactions with her are surface level and only out of necessity.
    Equally as distrustful towards her Clanmates as outsiders. Aggressive along borders, though she does not discriminate between warriors and non-Clan cats.


    BATTLE Difficult opponent. Uses her weight to her advantage and utilizes brute force instead of any flourish or grace.

    MENTORING Strict and unwilling to compromise, she is only interested in training apprentices to be their best self.

    Open to . . .
    Closed to . . .

    ・Past romances.

    FRIENDS ...
    ENEMIES ...

    LIKES ...
    ADMIRES ...
    NEUTRAL ...
    WARY OF ...
    DISLIKES ...


    mates with riverclan tom. learned the fishing technique and that's how they bonded
    rook(fang) is her oldest (born november of 2020); she had three other offspring from another litter. leaves them in what she thinks to be an abandoned fox den for riverclan to find, but the kits end up being killed by the fox and rook flees
    has vale(paw) later on, who she abandons once again in the same spot. she meets rook for a second, but unbeknownst to her, rook finds vale and fights the fox off just barely in order to save him and bring him to river​


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