a downpour to drown me alive - meeting 11/20

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own pray gather around the high rock for a clan meeting!" Emberstar called eagerly, her voice ringing out before she even made it atop highrock. She bounded onto her perch, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she turned to watch her clanmates gather beneath her. Her excitement was visible, it took everything she had to force herself to wait until everyone was ready to begin her announcements.

It felt like too often her meetings were a dour affair. Whether it was Cinderfrost, the wildfire, or Shadowclan it felt like there was always something unconformable she had to talk about. Not this time though. There was no terrible news for this meeting, just promotions and celebrations.

Once enough of the clan had sat down, her words spilled forth from her mouth. She just couldn't hold it in anymore. "Today I want to reward a warrior for her consistent dedication to Thunderclan by promoting her to lead warrior!" Emberstar exclaimed, brimming with pride. "Flamewhisker, please step forward!"

/congrats to @Flamewhisker for the promotion to lead warrior!
//Special shoutout to the activity of @Sunnyday @nightbird @WOLFWIND @. Roepaw . @LIGHTPAW . @Howlkit @Fireflykit
( ) It was time for another meeting. Curiosity sparked in her chest as she wondered if the kits were becoming apprentices today. Surely they were! The red tabby trotted over to her usual spot among her clanmates, glancing around for Flycatcher. As her clanmates settled down to listen to Emberstar, Flamewhisker curled her fluffy tail over her paws and listened with interest to what the pale tabby had to say. Was this about the gathering? She had missed the latest one due to her former shoulder injury.

Emberstar didn't keep them waiting long. However, the words that spilled from the leader's mouth were not the words she was expecting. As her name was called for the promotion of a lead warrior, her eyes widened noticeably. Me?! Her heart started to race, and she slowly lifted herself up onto her nervous paws. Carefully, she would pad her way forward, hoping not to step on any tails. Once she made it to the front, she would dip her head in thanks to her leader. "Thank you Emberstar...I promise I will do my best."
The leader nodded down at Flamewhisker, her eyes filled with pride. She was certain that the other molly would make a wonderful lead warrior, and it filled her heart with joy to hear the whole clan congratulating her. Part of her wanted to take in this moment for a bit longer, but there was still more to do.

Other cats were in need of their own celebrations, and quite a few of them too.

"Now, we have a new member among our ranks who needs to take on a warrior name. Bird of Paradise, can you step forward?"

Emberstar gave the other molly a reassuring glance.

"Do you promise to do everything in your power to keep your clanmates safe, keep their bellies full, and to keep them close as friends?" A pause for confirmation. Then by the power of Starclan, I give you your new name! Bird of Paradise, for your grace you shall be known as Orchidbird!"[/color] The leader dipped her head in acknowledgement of her newest warrior.

"Next, we have A WHOLE LOT of kits who have reached the age of apprenticehood this meeting. Fireflykit, Spicekit, Morningkit, Howlkit, Crescentkit, Patchkit, Cherrykit, Shallow, Sparkkit, Dewkit, and Burnkit please step forward." Emberstar paused, giving them all time to step forward. She also took the time to give each and every one of them a reassuring smile. They would all do great, she was sure of it. "Do you promise to do everything in your power to keep your clanmates safe, keep their bellies full, and to keep them close as friends?"

Once they had all nodded, she beamed down at them proudly.

"Then by the power of Starclan, I give you your new names! Morningkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Morningpaw. Your mentor will be Wolfwind. I hope she will pass down all she knows to you. Howlkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Howlpaw. Your mentor will be Little Wolf. I hope she will pass down all she knows to you. Crescentkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Crescentpaw. Your mentor will be Luckystrike. I hope he will pass down all he knows to you. Patchkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Patchpaw. Your mentor will be Rabbitnose. I hope he will pass down all he knows to you."

Emberstar paused for a moment, if only to take a breath. There really were a lot of new apprentices this meeting. It struck her that she had been around for two of the litters that were now becoming apprentices, Blazestar and Little Wolf's and Rabbitnose and Sunfeckle's. It was a strange thought. She was torn between joy and an odd sadness. Not wanting to dwell on it, she continued on. This was supposed to be a happy moment, after all!

"Fireflykit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Fireflypaw. Your mentor will be Rowanbelly. I hope he will pass down all he knows to you. Spicekit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Spicepaw. Your mentor will be Orchidbird. I hope she will pass down all she knows to you. Cherrykit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Cherrypaw. Your mentor will be Stagstrike. I hope he will pass down all he knows to you. Shallow, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Shallowpaw. Your mentor will be Leafshade. I hope he will pass down all he knows to you. Sparkkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Sparkpaw. Your mentor will be Trufflepelt. I hope he will pass down all he knows to you. Dewkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Dewpaw. Your mentor will be Blackmoon. I hope he will pass down all he knows to you. Burnkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Burnpaw. Your mentor will be Emberstar. I hope she will pass down all she knows to you. "

// @BIRD OF PARADISE @Fireflypaw @rowanbelly. @spicekit @BIRD OF PARADISE @MORNINGKIT @WOLFWIND @Howlkit @HOWLING WIND @CRESCENTKIT @luckystrike. @Patchkit @Rabbitnose @Cherrykit @Tybalt [Stagstrike] @SHALLOW @Leafshade @Sparkkit @TRUFFLEPELT @DEWKIT ! @BLACKMOON @BURNKIT !
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Ah-ha! This time he isn't gonna be super late, he's going to be front and center with everybody else. Jaypaw comes bounding to the meeting spot with a light sneeze, able to ignore the cold once he's surrounded by all his fluffy clanmates. The assembly radiates heat and he sighs with relief, weaving through until he's at Flamewhisker's side. His little dorito ears prick up far to listen even thoug he's got the routine down by now. Promotions, any important news, new names and all that stuff. Regardless, it's still exciting for the young cat now and it becomes even more so when he hears Emberstar's first announcement. Jaypaw audibly gasps. He's not really sure what it means but he knows that Flame certainly deserves it! Even better, that's his mentor stepping up there for the honor. He's got like, like bragging rights now! Oh yeahhh. The young apprentice grins and dances in celebration in place, and whisper-yells, "Congratulations, Flame!" It takes him a good few seconds to refocus on the rest of the annoucements and at first what is excitement is wittled down in a minor horror. He was just about to move in the apprentice's den and now... now all these kits that he was trying to escape are going there too? Jaypaw bites back a groan and hangs his head back briefly. This majorly sucks. "Yayyy..."

As he took his seat below the highrock, Flycatcher already knew that they were all in for a long meeting. Whilst he was sure there was more than just the apprentice ceremonies to attend to the lead warrior was well aware that would take up the majority of the time today what with the sheer number of them at the right age to receive mentors. Flycatcher was content with his own apprentice but he knew it wasn't out of the realm of possibilities that he might get assigned another. A potentially scary thought in truth but if he did get assigned a second apprentice he would handle it with grace and try his best to manage their training around Roepaws.

He expects the new apprentices might be named first but to his surprise, it's actually the announcement of a new lead warrior. That catches his interest and his eye sweeps over some of the warriors present, wondering who was about to be named. And to his shock and delight, Flamewhisker is called forward. Flycatcher is among the first to start cheering her name, watching with a look of pride as she walked up to thank the leader. In his totally unbiased opinion she would make a great lead warrior.

After she walks away it is finally time for the new apprentices to be named. Flycatcher chuckled to himself as he watched the nine youngsters be called forward and receive their new names and mentors. There sure were a lot of them seeing them all together like this.

He was going to cry, he was absolutely going to cry. Sunfreckle had spent most the morning somewhat obsessively grooming each kit, Spark-kit's troublesome tail twice, and waiting for the call for the meeting almost anxiously. It wasn't like he was leaving the nursery just yet, with Flickerkit being held back, but having all of the kits apprentice-aged and leaving his side now was causing a sudden influx of loneliness he hadn't quite been prepared to handle. Once Flickerkit was given a mentor next moon he could go back to the warrior's den to the nest he shared with Rabbitnose, but even that thought did little to ease off his fretting and anxious fidgeting in place. The three-legged tabby sat at the edge of the nursery, watching his kits carefully as they wiggled in place waiting for their names to be called, his feathery tail curled around him and Flickerkit at his side. No doubt she was taking this badly, but with hope it would be the lesson she needed to start obeying the rules a little more rigorously.

The red tom sucked in a deep breath through his nose as the names rang out, Flamewhisker's promotion earning a bright smile of approval as a burst of good news among the dread he felt at his kittens growing up. She was such a good cat, she'd do so well in the role and a better choice could not have been made if the leader tried. While he called out her name good-naturedly along with his clanmates he found he could not do so with the kits as they were given their new names because the risk of opening his mouth might lead to him blubbering like a complete fool and he wanted to save face and not embarrass them on their special day. Even his mate had been given an apprentice, another monumentous occasion that felt like the final push into ThunderClan they needed. It already felt like home, but to be trusted to train their cats now...well, it was nice.

Sunfreckle couldn't have asked for a better day, his own stupid feelings aside.

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What a big day, so many things about to happen. He gave Flamewhisker a bright smile. " Congratulations!!" He cheered.

And then, his first apprentice! He was so excited. He stepped forward to meet Patchpaw and smiled at her, leaning down to touch noses with her. "You're gonna do great, emotional support buddy!" He said. Patchpaw was now his adopted daughter.

Rabbitnose was already about to burst from this momentous occasion. He and Sunfreckle made sure the kits all looked their best for their ceremony, and he was so, so proud of them. He gave each of them a big smile.


You will be known as Patchpaw. At hearing those words, the thrill of excitement ran through her whole body and down to her dancing paws, too enthusiastic to stand still for the meeting. At last, she would be made an apprentice along with so many other kits, and she was ready for it! Her mentor was Rabbitnose! Her father was nearby, cheering her on, and she gave him the biggest smile she could over her shoulder. She was finally growing up! Sort of, anyway.
She stepped up to Rabbitnose, her limbs and tricolored tail trembling with joy, but when she almost barrels into Rabbitnose, she quickly corrects herself and stands up straight, embarrassed. She clears her throat and leans up to press noses with him, brimming with happiness.

"I can't believe I'm actually an apprentice now! I get to leave camp now, right? And see the world! I can't wait to learn all that I can!"

One day, Patchpaw was going to be a great warrior, maybe even the greatest the clan's ever seen. At least she hoped so.

It was THE DAY.


He had been groomed so much he was surprised he still had fur. But at least he looked nice for once. He was hardly able to sit still. Who was going to be his mentor????


You'd think his voice would give out with all the yelling he does.


Shakily he stepped forward and promised to serve Thunderclan. They were the BEST clan. Skyclan was okay though. And so was Riverclan, but they were a little.....a little fishy. What are they doing in the water. Why do they do that. Stop getting WET.

And then there it was. He was Sparkpaw now. His mentor was Trufflepelt. He looked up at the older warrior with wide eyes, still visibly shaking with excitement. If Rabbitnose didn't burst, Sprarkpaw sure would.

Howling Wind seats herself at the base of Highrock, spine straight and head held high. Today's the day her grandchildren become apprentices, and she's swelling with pride and curiosity wondering who their mentors will be. She has faith that Emberstar selected well for them. The first announcement, however, takes her by surprise. She blinks, taken aback, as a new cat is called to join Emberstar's council as a lead warrior. A smile quickly replaces her look of confusion and she yowls out, "Flamewhisker! Flamewhisker!" It's well-deserved! She recalls the day the molly was first brought to camp. She wasn't too keen on ThunderClan taking her in at the time, but she's more than earned her place here.

Next, the large group of kits is called forward. It's satisfying to watch their little bodies line off at the front of the clan. All new little future warriors, learning to serve their clan. And among them, her own kin! She listens closely. Morningpaw is assigned to her cousin, Wolfwind. Howlpaw is assigned to her own mother, Little Wolf. Crescentpaw is assigned to Luckystrike, a capable warrior. Burnpaw is assigned to Emberstar, what an honor! Howling Wind is beaming, clearly pleased with the assignments. Alongside her clanmates, she lifts her voice in celebration, notably yowling her grandkids' names a little louder.

Today was the day! Today she would be an apprentice!

Howlkit had been waiting eagerly for the next meeting for the past few days, each day waking up and asking Little Wolf if today would be the day or not and each day she was met with disappointment. But today was different. They knew the gathering was coming and Howlkit had been thoroughly groomed by her mother in preparation alongside her siblings. Usually, she didn't really like to sit still and get groomed but she forced herself to remain still wanting to look her best for whoever her new mentor would be.

And then, at last, the time was upon them. As the meeting began Howlkit waited with the other kits until it was their turn. Firstly, Flamewhisker was made a new lead warrior, joining Flycatcher. Howlkit didn't really know Flamewhisker too well but she seemed like a nice cat to her and Emberstar and Howling Wind wouldn't have promoted a bad cat. Once the ginger she-cat stepped away, the gaggle of kits were called forward, and Howlkit was practically bouncing as she walked forward. Coming to a stop below the highrock she looked up expectantly at Emberstar and awaited the news. She was dimly aware of who was named as her siblings mentors and those of Rabbitnose and Sunfreckle's children but only truly listened to her own announcement. Howlkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Howlpaw. Your mentor will be Little Wolf. I hope she will pass down all she knows to you.

At the mention of her mother's name, Howlkit - now Howlpaw - eyes widened in delighted surprise. She practically barreled into her mother as soon as was able, bumping he head against her mother's affectionately. "You're my mentor, mom!" Howlpaw trilled in an excited tone. "Don't you think that's cool? I can't wait to train with you!"


He wasn't used to all of this commotion surrounding him. Their father Spotflare was so indignant on making sure he and his sister were ready, constantly asking if they were able to handle the attention and that they could go back to Spotflare if he became too overwhelmed. Patchpaw had already shook her dad off and ran to join the rest of the newly-made apprentices, but Cherrypaw was much more hesitant, taking his time as he strode forwards to join her. His ears flattened at the loud commotion. It's so loud, with everyone cheering for Flamewhisker... He took one last look back at his father, standing near Sunfreckle with a warm, bittersweet smile on his face. And--were those tears? He hopes his dad doesn't start crying. That was certainly the last thing Cherrypaw needed right about now.

He stepped up to accept his apprentice name with a polite smile, as the calls and commotion ring in the chilly fall air. He supposed it was normal, though; they had done this at the last meeting, too, chanting everyone's names. Cherrypaw slipped past most of the apprentices to touch noses with Stagstrike, giving him a shy, polite smile. Spotflare had taken the time to explain to them how meetings worked and what was going to happen at their apprenticeship, but apparently, he had seemingly forgotten to mention that it would be so... tumultous. He was itching to get away from everyone for a while.
Even so, he couldn't be too rashful about it. They had all congegrated here for Cherrypaw, his sister, and the other apprentices.

"I'm glad to meet you, Stagstrike."

This was the beginning of something new, not just for Cherrypaw but for all of them, and it was going to be brilliant.
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Morningkit stands with her littermates, with Sunfreckle's kits, with Cherrykit and Patchkit and Shallow, quivering in plush white fur as though Emberstar is preparing to execute her. This should be a happy day for her -- it certainly is for Howlkit, whose eyes are shining. For Spark-kit, who looks like he can barely contain himself. For Patchkit, who shuffles her paws in excitement.

But Morningkit finds herself turning to find Little Wolf in the cluster of ThunderClanners behind them, desperately attempting to pick out her shadowy pelt. She wants her mother, she wants Little Wolf to call out, "No, wait! Not Morningkit! She'll stay in the nursery with me."

But Little Wolf does not interrupt, and Emberstar begins to change everything. She's trembling so hard she almost misses Flamewhisker's promotion entirely, and of course, her name is the first one called. "Morningkit, from this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Morningpaw."

Morningpaw. She gives Emberstar a worried look, but the flame point continues from Highrock without missing a beat. "Your mentor will be Wolfwind."

She snaps her head up, the worry shining in rain-colored eyes morphing into terror. Wolfwind! Her kin, her beloved cousin, but the loudest and brashest cat in the Clan! Wolfwind would expect her to fight immediately, and Morningpaw never wants to fight.

She goes to touch noses with her cousin, obviously horrified by the pairing. She hears that Howlpaw gets Little Wolf and her jealousy is immediate and fierce. She's going to be pulled away from her Mama a little more, a little further... but Morningpaw is almost immediately ashamed of her envy. Howlpaw deserves to be close to Little Wolf, too, and besides... Wolfwind is still her favorite cousin.

She sighs and tries to straighten herself with a smile. "I'm ready," she says with a tremor in her chirpy voice. "I'll train very hard, Wolfwind. I promise."

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Little Wolf is glad her kits are being apprenticed. That's what she keeps telling herself at least. How could it be that four moons have passed already? It feels too soon. She had wished every day to be out of the nursery, watched warriors go on patrols with envious green eyes. Now that it was actually happening, however, it was a different story. She had licked her kits almost raw with worry, Burnkit in particular had been extra vocal in his protests. "Ma 'm not gunna have fur when you're done with me!" he had complained but she couldn't help it. She was so worried about them. "You guys are going to be wonderful apprentices I just know it" she murmurs to them all, pride shining in her gaze as she watches them go to the front of the clan, all wearing different expressions.

She tries to pay attention to the meeting but it is difficult with the pit of concern gnawing at her stomach, threatening to bring her lunch back up. She does, however, manage to cheer for Flamewhisker when it is announced she had been made a lead warrior. She liked the red she-cat quite a but she would make a wonderful lead warrior. As her kits are called up one by one, Little Wolf holds her breath. She lets it out as they all say their collective 'I do's but she is still tense. She is glad Morningkit is getting Wolfwind as a mentor, perhaps the high-spirited she-cat could teach Morningpaw how to be a little tougher. She gives her more timid kit an encouraging smile before she steps forward to touch noses with her other daughter, Howlpaw. She is happy that Emberstar had given her one of her own kits to apprentice, she is even happier when Emberstar decides to mentor one of them herself. Perhaps the flame-pointed leader could whip one of her more troublesome kits into shape.

A bright smile on her face, she joins in with the rest of her clanmates in calling the names of her kits and the others who were apprenticed with them.

Shallow had never been on a meeting before so wasn't exactly sure what to expect. But he had placed himself at the back to observe everything that was going on. His attention would get drawn up to the ember sunny she-cat on that tall rock. Oh, he recognized her. The leader. The one who shine just as brightly like Sunnyday did. He would perk his ears up to listen, having no clue who Flamewhisker even was. All this cats really had strange names. What was the point of having double names?. He thought about this puzzling matter while everyone cheerd for thier new...lead warrior. But he stayed quiet not joining in. After that the meeting contunied on and...

Shallow would blink when his name got called up. Obidently he would stand up but took a look around to see who the other cats who had been called up to was reacting. All of them were walking to the front of the rock, and so he would follow along the crowd like the rest. He would glance up at their leader again, giving them a nod when she asked him and the others for thier vows. He was not sure he could do the last one, not interested to make friends with anyone but the rest. Yeah. He could do that. Put them first. He would do anything to become a warrior Sunnyday could be proud over, to prove he could be just like them, a warrior too.

He would stay put until it was his turn. Shallow now Shallowpaw...he could get used to the paw added to his name, he guess. Now turning his gaze to face his so-called mentor, Leafshade. Not feeling comfortable with touching nose with them and failed to see the point with it he just gave them a dip of his head. That was polite enough, wasn't it?. It would have to do.