Howlingstar stands upon the peak of the Highrock, much stronger than when she last called a meeting. With her throat fully healed thanks to her son's treatments, she can now call out clearly, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here beneath the Highrock for a clan meeting!" Her tail curls at her heels as she proudly watches her clanmates gather and find their seats. She can spot the three apprentices earning their names today and can't help but smile. It's an exciting day for them, she'd be squirming, too! Today, they find their place in ThunderClan as full warriors and she stands a little taller with that thought in mind. But first, other news. "Many of you have already heard, but I must make sure every ThunderClanner is aware that at the Gathering, the five leaders agreed on a new addition to the Warrior Code: do not hunt or trespass on another clan's territory. ThunderClan lives by the Warrior Code; therefore, if any intruder is caught on our territory, you are to make them leave. If they don't go willingly, drive them out. This is our forest and we must protect it for the safety of every clanmate. What's more, no ThunderClanner should cross boundary lines onto another clan's territory. We don't break the Code here." A quick scan of the crowd is followed by a clearing of her throat.

"Now, moving on, three ThunderClan apprentices have passed their warrior assessments and have earned their full names. Today, they join us as warriors. Wildpaw, Shiningpaw, Mothpaw, please step forward." With eyes shining, she watches the three apprentices step towards the Highrock. Her whiskers twitch with glee, eyes creasing as she smiles. "I, Howlingstar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of the Warrior Code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Wildpaw, Shiningpaw, Mothpaw - do you three promise to uphold the Warrior Code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?" She stares down at them, awaiting their vows.

// Warrior Ceremonies: @WILDPAW @SHININGPAW @Mothpaw!
Activity shoutouts this month go to @Flycatcher @BERRYHEART @Flamewhisker @nightbird @RACCOONSTRIPE @Sunnyday @WOLFWIND @crowflower
Thank you for your activity! It does not go unnoticed!
WE'RE GETTING LOST! The stocky she-cat was just preparing for leaving camp when she noticed Howlingstar ascend the Highrock. Her golden stare follows her leader's form, going still as she awaited the words of a meeting. Killdeercry smiled as Howlingstar's call rang through the hollow.

She joined her Clanmates as a majority of the Clan appeared. She glanced around, noticing some faces absent were the same as those out on patrols. Hopefully there wasn't any major news to share, she would hate to have missed something major too.

Information of the recent code addition was not new to Killdeercry, but hearing it again certainly brought a prideful beam to her face. She would do her best to keep any slimy-pelted RiverClanners off their new land! She would be sure to do ThunderClan and StarClan proud by upholding their new code to its fullest extent.

Of course then followed some warrior ceremonies. Killdeercry's vivid imaginations of glory and victory were quickly scattered as the names of the apprentices were spoken. She turned her head to find them in the crowd, already excitedly muttering their names under her breath. She wondered what their warrior names would be, surely Howlingstar would pick beautiful titles that fit them all perfectly. — tags

Little Wolf gathers at the familiar call of her mother, shadowed paws bringing her to stand underneath the high rock with the rest of her clanmates as her eyes peer up at the brown pelted tabby. She is glad the code that was created as a direct result of her daughters death was now not the only one in existence. It had been a painful reminder of what Little Wolf had lost and it still would, but it gave others something else to focus on, a different thing to channel their energy into. Still, she cannot help but keep her eyes downcast as Howlingstar's sweep across the gathered cats, her paws playing idly with a leaf that rests at her feet. She feels like a kit again, being scorned by her mother for doing something bad. Little Wolf had been a good cat all her life though. Or, at least, she had tried to be and she would continue that trend with this new code. She would prove she was a loyal ThunderClanner by staying true to herself, her clan. Her family.

Warrior Ceremonies. She looks up as a paw-full of cats are called to stand before them to receive their names and if any glances were cast her way she would offer an encouraging smile, though her mind was on her first litter, how they would be earning their own names in only a couple short moons. She is sure Howlingstar will choose great names for all of them, just like she would choose great names for the cats receiving their names now.


A step closer to a dream was about to occur, and Wildpaw was oh so ready to make that leap.
When the call came he wasted no time in hurrying to join the crowd beneath the Highstone as he cast his gaze up towards the imposing figure of Howlingstar. Today would be the day that became a true warrior! No longer would he be stuck running frivolous apprentice errands for Raccoonstripe. When Shiningpaw, Mothpaw and himself were called up he made a point of stepping further forward than that of his fellow peers. He wanted Howlingstar's attention to fall on him, along with the gaze of StarClan.

Holding his head high, he then spoke in a clear and confident voice. "I promise to uphold the Warrior Code! Let my claws defend this clan, even if may cost me my life! I make the vow here and now!" ThunderClan would see no greater warrior than him, that was a promise! He had faced the hounds, felt the pain of loss and experienced the taste of victory. He had someone who he longed to protect forever more, and a clan that he one day dreamed of leading. Everything. He would give ThunderClan everything he had.

Wow, it had been a long time coming but at last he would be finally free of his mentor. Maybe now he could officially flourish to the best of his ability and become a worthwhile warrior. Dream big, right? Though as he stepped forward after hearing Howlingstar's instruction he couldn't help but chuckle as he watched Wildpaw. "Talk about a show off, heh!" The other guy had spirit, that was for sure. Shiningpaw had no intention of getting in the way, he was quite content to keep things simple. "I do." Short and simple, a promise to his clan without all the theatrics that a certain other tom was making. Had Wildpaw even bothered absorbing the information relating to the rest of the meeting? Like the new addition to the warrior code? Only StarClan would know.

Squeak Squeak

Mothpaw admitted, she was glad she managed to pass her assessment, it was something to be proud of, yet she wondered to herself, unlike her peers such as Wildpaw, she was more meek and soft, so she wondered if she'd ever live up to being a good warrior as others. When her name was called she would step forward, noting how Wildpaw took a step further than that of her and Shiningpaw, and wondered to herself how one could stand so tall without wanting to shrink back into a hole...

Today was a day to be proud, she had worked hard to get here and yet, somehow she felt the need to cower away, afterall many eyes were on them...the three of them, while Howlingstar asks them to swear their life to the warrior code and to protect Thunderclan. "I-I do" she said softly while her gaze scanned the area for her mentor. Would Stumpybounce be proud that his own apprentice? Her gaze then drifted to the other two apprentice before focusing back onto their leader. All three of them...agreeing to uphold the code and to protect their clan.

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Roeflame sits idle in the gathered crowd, wide eyes alert as she listens on despite her sluggish posture, her muscles still aching from the fox chase.
She remembers the last gathering with a giant bitter taste in the back of her throat, the majority of the leaders still squabbled amongst each other, burying the news of Howlpaws death.
She shifts uncomfortably, grief still a feeling she couldn’t bring herself to properly face.
Still, though, there was lighter news when the tabby leader speaks again- new warrior.
good. Roeflame cannot help but think, their battle with their river-side neighbors was still far from over.
As the three apprentices would murmur their vows, Roeflame would lift her head to seek Burnpaw in the crowd, hoping to silently catch the ebony toms attention.
You’re next. She’d mouth to him from afar if his eyes would meet hers, a playful smile quirking on her maw before she’d return her attention to Howlingstar with a flick of her tail.

//briefly interacting with @BURNPAW !
❪ TAGS ❫ — Hawkshiver gathers below the Highrock, angling his ears and keeping his icy gaze on Howlingstar as she commenced her announcements. When the leader reminded the clan of the new addition to the Warrior Code, his paws began to itch for confrontation. How he'd love an excuse to tackle a RiverClanner to the ground; he knows in his heart that he doesn't wish for their enemy to trespass on their land, but part of him wants a means of releasing his pent-up frustrations and energy. He would remain vigilant for now; Cicadastar had "promised" that the hunting on Sunningrocks wouldn't cease, after all.

The tom's blue gaze flicked now to the trio of apprentices now, the bestowing of their new names now imminent. StarClan, witnessing the induction of these new warriors only made him feel old. Hopefully they wouldn't be too much of a headache to share a den with; Mothpaw and Shiningpaw seemed alright, but Wildpaw was brash and loud. Not that Hawkshiver expected anything different from Raccoonstripe's trainee, that is.

Powerful strides lead him to the gathering place beneath the Highrock. Near the front of the crowd he settles down and fixates his gaze on Howlingstar. He listens to the news about the code with a snort, unable to help but associate it with hypocrisy. The audacity ShadowClan has shown these past few moons was dangerous for his clan, but despite the clan who proposed the rule tainting it, he agrees with it. Hopefully its enough to protect them from future ShadowClan hunting patrols.

His neck cranes back to watch the three apprentices pad to the front of the crowd. If they face him for even a second he bears a hearty smile. He nods approvingly as they say their vows, though chuckles a bit at Wildpaw’s supplementary vow, ”Eager that one is.” He muses to whoever sat beside him, most likely a fellow warrior.

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————

Lilypad hurries into the clearing at her leader's call, eyes darting around for either Frogleg or Burninggaze as she finds herself a spot to sit. Should either of them catch her eye she would happily wave them over to sit beside her. Spotting Roeflame within the crowd, Lilypad would quickly make her way over to the molly and take a seat near her, giving her a smile of greeting before turning her attention to Howlingstar. Her face turned serious as she listened, eyes narrowing at the mention of the new Code and she would sit a little bit straighter. Of course, Thunderclan would follow the code! This clan was filled with honorable cats, unlike the others who were either cowards or thieves.

The tone shifts as Howlingstar calls up a trio of apprentices next and the light of excitement came back to her eyes. Her and Froglegs, and Burninggazes' ceremony was just over a moon ago, and she could still feel the adrenaline surge through her paws as she watched the three who were called step forward to take their oath. Lilypad felt like she would burst with pride, her clan was growing, and her clan was strong.

soft interaction with @Roeflame .
Looking for @FROGLEG and @Burninggaze

[penned by zaeya - ]
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
Silverlightning walks over within the midst of Howlingstar's announcements, large ears arched in the direction of the long furred molly. Quietly he picks his way among the crowd, beginning to lower his haunches to take a seat upon the ground. The length of his tail curls idly around his paws. It wouldn't be too long before it would be Mousepaw's turn to recite those very words and receive her warrior name. But for now he was fully content to continue training her until her time came.
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road

Finchcatcher rises at Howlingstar's call, the flame-furred tom padding over to sit beneath the High Rock. Settling among the crowd, he awaits yet another meeting to begin.

As she begins to speak of the gathering - of the new code set in place - Finchcatcher can't help the sinking feeling in his chest. Do not hunt or trespass on another clan's territory. Howlingstar speaks of not breaking the code, of its importance, and the scarred tom can only think of the squirrel he'd caught in the midst of leaf-bare, a border crossed in the process. He can only think of Morningpaw left in a pool of her own blood from the catch - what his preemptive breaking of the Warrior Code had caused, a moment of regret forever seared into his mind.

"We don't break the code here," Howlingpaw affirms, but Finchcatcher already has. He can only make sure he doesn't make the same mistake. Ever. The warrior nods his head in response, in agreement.

She moves on, calling out the names of a trio of apprentices. New warriors. That'll be good - happy news, something to celebrate, as ThunderClan continues to thrive. He watches on as the apprentices declare their promises to defend the clan, waiting to hear what their warrior names will be.

Burnpaw finds a spot near his mother, he knows Howlpaw's loss had been hard on her, on all of his family, him included, but he also knows he has to be strong. For her. For them. He keeps his head held high, watching his grandmother with shining yellow eyes. She speaks about the new code and Burnpaw nods his shadowy head. Their territory was theirs. ShadowClan were hypocrites and it remained to be seen if they could follow their own rule but he believes this new addition to be a fair one. One he agrees with. He would defend ThunderClan's territory with claws and teeth any day.

Then the older cats are called up, and though he feels happy for them, he also feels a little jealous. Soon, that would be him standing in front of the clan, receiving his warrior name. He can't help but feel his heart flutter in excitement and he also cant help but wonder what Howlingstar would deem a good name for him. Perhaps Burnclaw for how strong he was, or perhaps Burnhowl as a nod to his sister. He would be happy with just about anything, he decides.

He feels eyes watching him through some invisible tug and he turns his head ever so slightly, something inside of him making him search out his friend who had already graduated to the rank of warrior before him. He is surprised to find her already watching him. She mouths something to him 'you're next' her lips mime and he cannot help the smile that breaks out on his face. He hopes so!

In the back of his mind he also finds himself wondering what Tornadopaw's warrior name would be. Maybe they would be named something similar. That would be funny wouldn't it?

At the sound of Hownlingstar's call, Flycatcher gathers below the Highrock to hear what she has to say. He sits with his family, pressing close to Flamewhisker who had not been present at the last meeting due to recovering from her attack. In fact, many warriors, apprentices, and even Howlingstar herself had been recovering at the last meeting. It was nice to see everyone back healthy and strong, finally able to bask in their victories.

As expected, the first thing Howlingstar brings up is the new addition to the warrior code. It is a fine addition and a very apt one at that given recent issues ThunderClan has faced, though Flycatcher is admittedly curious whether all the clans would stick to that. It seemed like something that could easily get broken if past events that had been spoken of at gatherings were anything to go by. At least there's some more positive news in the wake of that announcement - Mothpaw, Shiningpaw, and Wildpaw were all to become warriors.
The three apprentices make their vows, two of them stating the ceremonial I do's while Wildpaw goes on with dramatics. Her ears prick in surprise as she waits for him to finish, whiskers twitching with amusement. That was...different, but at least the vow was made. She smiles and bellows loudly, "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names." Howlingstar bunches her muscles before leaping down the boulder's steep side, white paws thudding as they contact the ground.

She first strides towards Wildpaw, the most eager of the three. Green eyes meet amber as she announces, "Wildpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Wildheart." For his courage. "StarClan honors your dedication and desire to protect your clan, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." She moves to rest her muzzle on top of his head and awaits the traditional lick upon her shoulder before stepping away, eyes glittering with a smile. He had certainly been a handful as an apprentice, as she's heard from her son, but he has earned this.

Next, she moves to stand in front of Shiningpaw and levels the large tom with a proud look. "Shiningpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Shiningsun." For his friendliness. "StarClan honors your enthusiasm and optimism, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Like she had with Wildheart, she presses her chin against the top of his skull, awaits his lick, and pulls away with a bright smile. With his radiance, she knows he'll be a good addition to the warriors.

Lastly, she moves to the wallflower of the group, little Mothpaw. Part of Howlingstar wasn't sure when Stumpybounce told her she was ready to be a warrior, but she trusts her warrior's judgment. If he thinks she's ready, then she's ready. "Mothpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Mothsqueak." For her quiet and rather high-pitched voice. "StarClan honors your caring heart and gentleness, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan." Like before, she places her muzzle on her head, waits for the lick, and steps back. She gives her a reassuring nod, eyes crinkling with joy as she then begins to chant, "Wildheart! Shiningsun! Mothsqueak!"

Three new warriors to strengthen the clan. And in their place, a new apprentice. Once Howlingstar returns to her perch, she seeks out a certain kit, held back from being apprenticed with his littermates as punishment. Now, his moon of retribution is up and it is time he joins the apprentices in training. "Dovekit, it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Dovepaw. Your mentor will be Stumpybounce. I hope he will pass down all he knows on to you." Her emerald gaze seeks out the warrior in the crowd, her expression proud. "Stumpybounce, you have successfully trained Mothsqueak and I'd like you to take on another apprentice. You will be the mentor of Dovepaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to him." With a nod, she waits for the two to meet before the Highrock and touch noses.

// @DOVEKIT @Stumpybounce
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At the call for a meeting, Flamewhisker joined her family and clanmates beneath the Highrock. Today there would be three new warriors in their ranks. She glanced over at her own apprentice, and gave her a faint smile. Soon enough, Cloudypaw would be seated here waiting her own warrior name. Pride swelled in her chest at the thought...Cloudypaw would be her first apprentice that completed her training. Even though their pairing hadn't been from the start of her apprenticeship, Flamewhisker still had a strong connection with the fluffy Molly, and she couldn't wait to see her excitement when her full name got announced.

Howlingstar started out the meeting with a recap on the gathering. She listened to the new addition, and gave a small nod. It was no big deal to her, she wouldn't dream of trespassing over another clan's border anyways. There were scent markers for a reason, and what business would she gave that meant actually crossing it? The new rule seemed like common sense to her, but she would hold her tongue. Maybe...just maybe now Shadowclan would stay on their own side. If she would find out that it had actually been Chilledstar who recommended it, she would probably burst out in laughter.

She leaned her head against Flycatcher's shoulder as their leader continued onto the next part. Wildheart, Shiningsun, and Mothsqueak. All perfect names in her opinion! A small purr rumbled in her throat for the first time in the past couple weeks. After their ceremony was over, Dovekit was apprenticed to Stumpybounce. Thunderclan was growing stronger. "
Wildheart! Shiningsun! Mothsqueak! Dovepaw!" the fiery tabby would chant, feeling happy for the new warriors. Though, she wouldn't help but not feel excited about sharing a den with Wildheart. Perhaps now that he was a warrior, his temper would cool down a notch...maybe..just maybe.
Raccoonstripe has been waiting for this day eagerly. Wildpaw is leaving his care and joining the ThunderClan warriors' rank. Only one apprentice now, the easier-to-handle one, and he's looking forward to the little bit of free time this might give him. Of course, being a lead warrior now, he is expected to put in extra effort, and he does so happily -- but training two apprentices and ensuring they don't fail their Clan is hard work, and not work he relishes.

Howlingstar announces the warrior code's addendum. He adds his voice to the murmur of agreement that runs through the crowd. He still finds it hilarious that the ShadowClan leader of all cats had proposed the code, but he agrees with it. It is not unlawful for cats not ThunderClan to be scented on their territory, and he would give his pelt to chase them away.

The warrior ceremonies begin. Wildpaw, with enthusiasm, loudly vows to serve ThunderClan. Raccoonstripe rolls his eyes, but smiles. Blizzard Fang remarks that he's eager, and his mentor mutters, "Always." Still, there's an unmistakable glow of pride when Wildpaw receives his warrior name. Wildheart. Never had his mother chosen a more fitting name.

"Wildheart! Mothsqueak! Shiningsun!" He cheers with his Clanmates, but especially for Wildheart. He'd been a difficult apprentice, but Raccoonstripe is confident he'll be a loyal and fierce warrior.

Wrenflutter's remaining kit is apprenticed, as well. Raccoonstripe gives Stumpybounce a nudge. "Two apprentices back to back!" His voice is ringed with sympathy, though many warriors would have considered this an honor. He trains his eyes on the meek little kit. Nothing like Chickadeepaw. "Dovepaw! Dovepaw!" He hopes, as he does with Moonpaw, he will lose that veil of shyness and embrace the warrior's spirit.

Nothing would deter him in that moment, not even the cheeky remarks being made in response to his zealous actions thus far. The calico tom remained stood there with his chest puffed out and his head held high as he watched Howlingstar announce their new names. Wildheart. It suited him and he gave a grin of approval. He doesn't miss a beat as they conduct the necessary proceedings, and he ensures to lick the leader's shoulder before falling back in line with the rest of the clan, this time radiating a new found excitement as he started the next chapter of his life. Instinctively he turned to seek out Raccoonstripe within the crowd so he could give him a nod of appreciation. He might have been a tough bastard, cheeky and stern, but he had been a fine mentor all the same.

Shiningsun beamed a smile nearly as bright as the actual sun above as he was given his official warrior name. At last he could rub shoulders with the great pillars of the clan. Dipping his head down he waited for the touch of the nose before he shifted to lick Howlingstar's shoulder in respect to tradition. After that he moved to meld back into the crowd so he could listen to the rest of the meeting. At last little Dovekit is called up to become an apprentice. "Dovepaw! Dovepaw! Dovepaw!" He chanted with a grin and a wave of his fluffy tail.
Burninggaze was late to the meeting, the longhaired feline trotting towards the meeting. The large tabby looked around, hoping that no one would notice him as he approached. He came as soon as the former apprentices, now warriors, received their names. With a loud voice, he called their names in cheer as he took his place next to Lilypad. As he sat down, he regarded his friend with a swift nod of his head. He wondered where Froglegs was.

He looked through the crowd. So many faces surrounded them, something that Burninggaze was not a fan of....A crowd. With a swift motion, his ears pinned. His pupils widened. The tabby's feathery tail lashed behind him. The beating of his heart was thick in his ears. Why did they have to have this meeting? Why must it be the whole clan? He swallowed his discomfort and just focused on Howlingstar, wondering if there were any more announcements coming their way.